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CET6,短句问答,1.熟悉题型要求 2.清晰做题步骤 3.适应问题转换(8种) 4.掌握避错要诀(4点),Short-Answer Questions,Short-Answer Questions,题型介绍 短句问答要求考生在8分钟左右阅读一篇350词左右的短文,然后根据对文章的理解简洁地用少于10个词回答文后的问题或完成句子。 该题型设5道题,题型包括句子填空题或问答题。 体裁以说明文和议论文为主。 短句问答主要考查考生对文章的理解能力和对原文信息进行重组和表达的能力。,Short-Answer Questions,评分标准 回答不全者扣分 自相矛盾扣分 答非所问扣分 答多者扣分 正确回答里有语法错误部分扣分,做题步骤 第一步:浏览题目,弄清楚问题问的是什么 第二步:根据关键信息点,在文章中迅速定位问题出处 第三步:仔细对照题目与原文,根据题目需要给出答案 第四步:答题,语言要简练,准确,概括性强。可利用缩写,复合词,用词或短语代替句子,用简单句代替复合句 第五步:检查,语法和拼写错误。,Short-Answer Questions,做题注意事项 第一:注意提问方式。 提问方式有两种:回答问题和补充不完整的句子。 回答what, who的提问时,一般要用名词性短语或名词性从句来回答。 回答why的提问要用because (of) 之类的词引导的短语或句子来回答。 回答how的提问常用表达方式或状态的短语来回答。 在做不完整的句子时,就要去寻找特定的细节后再确定。,Short-Answer Questions,做题注意事项 第二:注意问题中的以下词汇: 以大写开头的词汇,带有“”的词汇,表时间(如年份等)、地点的信息和数字等。 解释性的句子(如使用冒号、括号或破折号)和举例的 句子(如使用e.g., such as, for instance, etc.) 第三:问题中的某些核心词汇在原文中以其近义词的形式出现。 第四:问题所在的段落: 问题出现的顺序一般和段落的顺序一致。,Short-Answer Questions,做题注意事项 第五:问题涉及到文章的topic,答案一定在第一段。 同时,请特别注意首段和末段的首句和末句。 第六:答案不是越“细”越好 求简:最好使用最短表达法。能用单词就不用词组,能用短语就不用句子。 第七:语言表述切忌不规范,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 一、同义词汇或词语之间的转换 这类转换是指将原文中某个单词转换成另外的词性或是 其近义词或近义短语,或是将某个短语转换成其同义词 或近义短语或词汇。如: 将success转换成successful, 将use转换成handle或take advantage of, 将play an important role 转换成vital。,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 一、同义词汇或词语之间的转换 例1:【原文】 09-06 There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to be considered beautiful. 【题目】 Where do girls get the notion that they need to be thin in order to be considered beautiful? 【解析】 题目中的get对应giving,notion对应ideas, notion后的同位语从句 内容与文中ideas about后的宾语从句相同,故giving前的动作发出 者即为这种观念的来源。由于问题是整句且疑问词为Where ,所以 答案也应为整句,句首需加介词from。 【答案】 From TV and fashion magazines.,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 二、短语和句子之间的转换 例2:【原文】 10-06 A teacher deserves wide latitude in selecting the method of grading that best promotes learning in her classroom; that is after all, the prime function of grades. 【题目】 According to the answer a teacher should have the freedom to to encourage learning. 【答案】 select the method of grading,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 三、将多个句子合并为一个句子 这类转换是指将原文中两个或两个以上的句子经过归纳 或简单推断,转换成题目中的一个句子,考生只有把握 原文中各个句子之间的内在关系,才能正确理解题目与 原文之间的转换。,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 三、将多个句子合并为一个句子 例3:【原文】 09-12 Punishing people for using hand-held gadgets while driving is difficult enough, even though they can be seen form outside the car. Persuading people to switch their phones off altogether when they behind the wheel might be the only answer. Who knows, they might even come to enjoy not having to take calls. 【题目】 The author believes persuasion,rather than , might be the only way to stop people form using mobile phones while driving. 【答案】 punishment,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 四、代词的转换 例4:【原文】 08-06 OHare thinks thats unfair. “This story has to be told to honor the passengers and crew for what they did.” she says, “But more than that, it raises awareness. Our ports are not secure. Our borders are not secure. Our airlines still arent secure, and this is what happens when youre not secure. Thats the message I want people to hear.” 【题目】 Carole OHare thinks that besides honoring the passengers and crew for what they did, the purpose of telling the story is to _ about security. 【答案】 raise the publics awareness,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 五、逻辑关系的转换 例5:【原文】 09-12 Many countries have made it illegal to chat into a band-held mobile phone while driving. But the latest research further confirms that the danger lies less in what a motorists hands do when he takes a call than in what the conversation does to his brain. Even using a “hands-free” device can divert a divers attention to an alarming extent. 【题目】 Carrying on a mobile phone conversation while one is driving is considered dangerous because it seriously distracts_. 【答案】 his attention,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 六、比较结构的转换 例6:【原文】 10-12 Second, mens emotional inexpressiveness can cause problems in their relationships with partners and children. For example, men who endorse traditional masculine norms report lower relationship satisfaction, as do their female partners. 【题目】 Men who observe traditional masculine norms are said to derive less satisfaction from_. 【答案】 their relationships with partners and children,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 七、肯定与否定的转换 例7:【原文】 08-12 The company did not have the money to hire “expert”, and there was no established athletic footwear industry in North America from which to recruit those knowledge in the field. 【题目】 Blue Ribbon Sports is unable to hire experts due to the absence of _in North America. 【答案】 established athletic footwear industry,Short-Answer Questions,适应问题转换 八、主动与被动之间的转换 例8:【原文】 07-12 Mind-sets(思维定势) are changing gradually. When Maring had a daughter, the company equipped him with a home office and allowed him to choose a job that could be performed form there. 【题目】 When Maring was on paternity leave, he was allowed by his company to work_. 【答案】 from home/ from a home office,Short-Answer Questions,掌握避错要诀 要诀一:注意提问方式 要诀二:用简短的语言回答 要诀三:谨慎照抄原文 要诀四、仔细检查句法和用词,Short-Answer Questions,五种题型 一、有关主题思想的问题 如果文章有标题的话,那么标题往往是中心思想和核心词或概括性的词。 另一种方法是找到主题句,对主题句进行“手术”,就能找到最佳的答案。有的文章是演绎法,那么主题句就在文章或段落的开始,有的文章采用归纳法,那么主题句就会在段末。主题句可以是疑问句,简单句,且具有语法上的独立性。 有关主题思想问题常见的题干: The statement that best relates the main idea of this passage is _ What is the passage mainly about? The passage is primarily concerned with _ The tone of this essay is _,Short-Answer Questions,五种题型 二、有关具体信息的问题 (70%) (1) 描述性题目。能直接从文中找到答案,此类细节题一般是句子谓语或宾语等主干成分。 (2) 因果性题目。短文中能直接找到原因或结果。通常表原因的关键词有:for that reason, for ,as, because, since, as a result of, owing to , thanks to等。表结果的关键词有as a result, therefore, consequently, thus, accordingly, so等。 (3) 范例性题目。需要概括答案的。表示举例的关键词有:for example, suchas, for instance, that is, as follow等,要注意这些词后面的内容。,Short-Answer Questions,五种题型 二、有关具体信息的问题 (70%) (4) 对照比较型的题目。对照比较目的是针对所涉及的两个事物之间的不同或相似之处,进而说明主题。表对照的关键词是:however, nevertheless, in contrast, on the other hand, but, yet, while等。表比较的词有: likewise, in the same way, as if, as等。 (5) 描写叙述性题目:需要变换记法或句型。此类题目句子内容和表达词在原文中能找到,关键是进行时态的变换,句型的转换。在替换的过程中勿粗心大意。,Short-Answer Questions,五种题型 三、有关作者的观点或态度的问题 主要测试对文章态度,语气及作者立场,观点的把握理解能力。注意文中能够表达作者观点态度的具有感情色彩的词语。尤其是一些表达与作者态度或观点相反的词和短语。切记自己的观点可能是错误的,要忠于原文内容作答。 题干如下: What is the opinion of? The authors attitude towardsis _ The author writes the passage with a tone/a feeling of _,Short-Answer Questions,五种题型 四、有关词汇和短语的问题 一般情况是需要知道或推断出被提问的近义词。留意文章中逻辑关系明显的句子,一词多义的单词,以及含有指示代词的句子。因为这些都可能成为设题点。 通过上下文推断提问处的含义,重述,同义,解释,举例,定义。等方法。 The word in line refers to _ Whats the meaning of The phrase refers to those who were,Short-Answer Questions,五种题型 五、有关推理和引申的问题 答案不会直接出现在文章中,要注意文中表转折,因果和评论处。 However, but,yet, in fact Unlike, until, however, but Because, since, for, as therefore, so consequently Cause, result in, result from, originate, lead to , bring about Base, basis, result, consequence 推断时,一定要紧紧抓住文章的中心, 切莫主观臆断或无根据地进行推断,也不可依据自己的常识而非文章进行推断,其次,要学会区分事实与观点,熟悉相关的表示观点的词汇。,Short-Answer Questions,


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