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高考基础写作指导, 正反观点对比,2013高考英语基础写作复习系列,Have a try !,Step 1 审题(体裁、 时态、人称) Step 2 理清要点, 整理成5个句子 Step 3 句子翻译 Step 4 润色 添加适当过渡词语 Step 5 检查,The steps of Basic Writing,正反观点写作模版 1 Different people have different views on . Some prefer the view that _for the reason that_ In contrast, some are not quite in favor of the opinion that_ because they think _In addition, There is no denying that _As for me, I agree with the second opinion because _.,模板2 We had a heated discussion about/ on . . Students views / ideas /opinions on it vary /differ from person to person. Some students say / think / believe that. . However, others hold the view that . As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the first /second view, for/ because .,Writing Practice,假如你是李华,作为一个高三学生,自习课的利用效率问题备受教师和学生的关注。上周你班召开了“教师是否应该在自习课讲课”的班级讨论会。请你用英语把下面的讨论结果写出来,并写出你的观点。,审,抄,列,四步,How to polish your Writing,润,润,本文属于_,基本时态是_,人称用_,议论文,一般现在时,第一和第三人称,审题,抓要点,列提纲-文章结构,正反观点对比类的文章,提出问题,不同观点对比,说明自己观点,构思-文章结构,Last week, our class held a discussion about whether teachers should teach in free class.Different people have different opinions 对自习课讲课有两种态度. (2) 态度一: .26%的学生赞同原因(1)原因(2) (3)态度二: 74%的学生反对。原因(1) 原因(2), (4)我的观点: 学生应该形成自己的学习习惯 ,提出问题,不同观点对比,说明自己观点,表达赞同观点 of them are in favor of the idea that People who are for the idea think Some people believe that ,表达不同的观点, .of them hold the opinion that .of them are in favor of the idea that People who are for / against the idea that Some people believe that, others argue that,不同观点之间的衔接, However, each coin has two sides. However,of them hold People who are against it dont think so. On the other hand,people object that different from those,people think,你的观点: ,In my view / opinion, I agree with, As for me, As far as Im concerned, 总结: in brief, in a word, in summary,构思-短语,watch over cant control themselves have no control over themselves dont know how to study be poor at schoolwork be weak in subjects,观点一(1)教师讲课能帮助监督自控能力较差的学生. (2)教师讲课对于不知怎么学习并且成绩差的学生是个帮助,构思-短语,观点二(1) 学生应该利用自习课复习,练习和预习 (2)教师占用时间讲课不公平。,make use of take advantage of go over their lessons / review do exercises preview / prepare ones lessons take up so much free class Its unfair for students,:,26% of the students _ the opinion. (赞同) They are _ weak in subjects _ they cant control themselves. (不但而且) * _, (与之相反) 74% of them _. (持有不同/相反的观点),小试牛刀:衔接词,are in favour of,are for,not only,but also,On the contrary,hold a different view.,hold the opposite opinion,_, (在我看来)students should form a good habit of studying by themselves _ (而不是) depending on teachers.,In my opinion,Personally speaking,As far as Im concerned,instead of,作为一个中学生, 你肯定经历过多次考试, 体验过成功, 也遭遇过失败. 请你根据提示内容, 简要概述中学生普遍存在的对考试失败的两种 态度, 并结合自身实际, 说明你的观点. 态度一: 当考试结果不尽人意时, 情绪低落, 丧失 信心, 不再继续努力. 态度二: 当考试失败时, 分析找出失败的原因, 鼓励 自己, 增强自信, 避免再犯同样的错。 你的观点: 失败乃成功之母, ,Practice:,审题,体裁: 时态: 人称: 要点:,议论文,一般现在时,第一、三人称,(1) 我们中学生经历过多次考试, 体验过成功, 也遭遇过失败. (2) 态度一: 当考试结果不尽人意时, 情绪低落, 丧失信心, 不再继续努力. (3)态度二: 当考试失败时, 分析找出失败的原因, 鼓励自己, 增强自信, 避免再犯同样的错。 (4)我的观点: 失败乃成功之母, ,文章结构,正反观点对比类的文章,提出问题,不同观点对比,说明自己观点,文章结构,我们中学生经历过多次考试, 体验过成功, 也遭遇过失败. 对考试失败大致有两种态度. (2) 态度一: 当考试结果不尽人意时, 情绪低落, 丧失信心, 不再继续努力. (3)态度二: 当考试失败时, 分析找出失败的原因, 鼓励自己, 增强自信, 避免再犯同样的错。 (4)我的观点: 失败乃成功之母, ,提出问题,不同观点对比,说明自己观点,经历过多次考试 体验过成功 遭遇过失败 有两种态度,(1) 我们中学生经历过多次考试, 体验过成功, 也遭遇过失败. 对考试失败大致有两种态度.,have/take many tests or exams,do well in the exams achieve success,suffer from failure, fail (in) the exams,take different attitudes towards there be different attitudes towards,句型短语,句型短语,(2) 态度一: 当考试结果不尽人意时, 情绪低落, 丧失信心, 不再继续努力.,be in low spirits have passive attitudes,no longer study hard ; no longer try ones best ,lose heart/confidence,情绪低落 丧失信心 不再继续努力,(3)态度二: 当考试失败时, 分析找出失败的原因, 鼓励自己, 增强自信, 避免再犯同样的错。,find out/ analyze the causes,encourage oneself have/take active attitudes,build up self-confidence,avoid making the same mistake,分析找出失败的原因,鼓励自己,增强自信,避免再犯同样的错,(4)你的观点: 失败乃成功之母, ,句型短语,in my view / opinion, As for me, As far as I am concerned, I agree with,Failure is the mother of success.,翻译以下句子,(1) 我们中学生经历过多次考试, 体验过成功, 也 遭遇过失败. 对考试失败大致有两种态度.,We middle school students have had many tests or exams and have both achieved success and suffered from failure, but different students take different attitudes to failure.,(2) 当考试结果不尽人意时, 有些人情绪低落, 丧失信心, 不再继续努力.,Some fall in low spirits when they dont do well in the exams, losing heart and no longer studying as hard as before.,(3)大多数学生以积极的态度看待失败。,Most students take an active attitude towards failure.,(4)当考试失败时, 他们分析找出失败的原因, 鼓励自己, 增强自信, 避免再犯同样的错。,By encouraging themselves to be self-confident, they find out and analyze the causes so that they will no longer make similar mistakes.,(5)依我看,失败乃成功之母, ,在达成我们的目标的过程中失败可以教会我们很多。只有品尝失败,我们才能享受成功的果实。,In my opinion, failure is the mother of success。,Failure can teach us a lot in the process of reaching our goals, and only by tasting failure can we enjoy the fruit of success.,把以上两句合并成一句。,连句成篇,We middle school students have had many tests or exams and have both achieved success and suffered from failure, but different students take different attitudes to failure. Some fall in low spirits when they dont do well in the exams, losing heart and no longer studying as hard as before. However, most students take an active attitude towards failure. By encouraging themselves to be self-confident, they find out and analyze the causes so that they will no longer make similar mistakes.,In my opinion, failure is the mother of success, which can teach us a lot in the process of reaching our goals, and only by tasting failure can we enjoy the fruit of success.,


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