山东省部分学校2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题精选汇编 完形填空专题

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山东省部分学校2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题精选汇编 完形填空专题_第1页
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山东省部分学校2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题精选汇编 完形填空专题_第2页
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山东省部分学校2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题精选汇编 完形填空专题_第3页
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山山山山山山山2020-2021山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山山东省淄博市沂源县第二中学 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期中考英语试题第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。This morning I was walking with my husband when I noticed an elderly man wasunstable( 不稳固的 ) on his feet. So he was trying to 2l himself by holding a tree,but then slowly 22 to the sidewalk. My husband and I ran to his side. 23 , hedidnt hit his head on the sidewalk. A few more of us gathered around, discussing the 24 . I gave my cellphone to my husband to call 911.It seemed to have happened 25 , but there were at least 4 people by the mans side.Someone took his pulse; another 26 his own coat under his headto make him more 27 .Several minutes later, his wife 28 she had been walking their dog in the pet area. But she was too 29 to do anything.Once the ambulance(救护车) got there, I talked to his wife. His medical 30 was veryrough. He had had a triple bypass heart operation(三重心脏搭桥手术 ) and 31 fromcancer. Their son had 32 in the army for many years. This was their last trip here to visit him, who always had no holidays to see them.Before we all 33 , one young man, who had been so helpful, asked if I was his family.“No.” I said, shrugging, “but then again, arent we all34 ?” He nodded and smiled in 35 .21. A. calm22. A. escaped23. A. Surprisingly24. A. accident25. A. all at once26. A. placed27. A. healthy28. A. rushed over29. A. bored30. A. bill31. A. learned32. A. joined33. A. parted34. A. partners35. A. excitementB. balanceB. turnedB. LuckilyB. storyB. on timeB. threwB. popularB. came roundB. embarrassedB. studyB. heardB. servedB. wavedB. familiesB. disappointmentC. helpC. fellC. FinallyC. situationC. in the endC. woreC. comfortableC. went aheadC. dissatisfiedC. licenceC. resultedC. grownC. exploredC. friendsC. agreementD. challengeD. pointedD. ActuallyD. newsD. as usualD. pressedD. importantD. set offD. worriedD. historyD. sufferedD. competedD. communicateD. strangersD. argument【答案】21. B 根据上文中的“an elderly man was unstable(不稳固的) on his feet”可知,这里是说老人想让自己保持平衡。calm“使平静”;balance“使保持平衡”;help“帮助”;challenge“向 (某人)挑战”。22. C 根据下文中的“he didnt hit his head on the sidewalk”可知,老人缓慢地倒在了(fell) 人行道上。escape“逃离”;turn“转动,转身”;point“指”。23. B 根据下文中的“he didnt hit his head on the sidewalk”可知,他倒在了人行道上,幸运的是(Luckily),他没有撞到头。surprisingly“使人吃惊地,出人意料地”;finally “最终”;actually“实 际上”。24. C 根据常识可知,我们中的一些人聚集在周围,讨论着老人的情况(situation)。 accident“事故”;story“故事”;news“消息”。25. A 根据下文中的“but there were at least 4 people by the mans side”可知,此处是说尽管事发突然(all at once),但是在老人旁边至少已有四个人。on time“准时”;in the end“最后”; as usual“照例”。26. A 根据语境可知,为了让他更舒服些,一个人把自己的外套放(placed)在他的头下面。 throw“扔”;wear“穿”;press“按”。27. C 参见上题解析。healthy“健康的”;popular“受欢迎的”;comfortable“舒服的”; important“重要的”。28. A 几分钟之后,他的妻子急促赶到。rush over“急促赶到”;come round“苏醒”;go ahead“走 在前面”;set off“动身”。29. D 根据语境可知,他的妻子太担心(worried)了,以至于什么都做不成。bored“厌倦 的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”;dissatisfied“不满意的”。30. D 根据下文中的“He had.cancer”可知,此处指老人的病史。31. D 根据语境可知,老人身患(suffered from)癌症。learn from“从学习”;hear from“收 到的来信”;result from“由造成”。32. B 根据下文中的“in the army”“had no holidays”可知,他们的儿子在服(served)军役。33. A 根据语境可知,在我们分开(parted)之前,一个伸出援手的年轻人询问他。wave“挥 手”;explore“探险”;communicate“沟通”。34. B 根据上下文可知,作者不是老人的家人。再根据“but then again”可知,作者此处是说难道我们不都是家人(families)吗?35. C 根据上文中的“He nodded”可知,年轻人笑了笑,表示赞同(agreement)。excitement“兴 奋”;disappointment“失望”;argument“争论”。济南市长清第一中学 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期中质量检测英语试卷第三部分英语知识运用(共三节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。第三部分:完形填空 (共 15 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分)A US bus driver is being praised for the way she helped a passenger get some neededassistance(帮助). In October, bus driver Natalie Barnes started talking with a passenger namedRichard. He told her he had been 41 for a week, since there was a big fire in the place where he had been living and his house was 42 .When he asked if he could 43 along for the night to stay out of the 44 , she agreed.“At some point in our lives, everybody needs help,” Barnes said, “I want to do what I could tohelp Richard in some way.” At one point during her shift, she took a45 , at the University ofWisconsin-Milwaukee and offered to get her passenger something to eat. Richard was 46 .“Now I dont know what to say but to say thank you,” he said to Barnes and promised to her back somehow.47She refused, saying, “I want to help you.” But one act of kindness wasnt48 for Barnes.During another break, she turned to a friend for help, who helped get Richard into temporary (临时的)49 .Barnes and Richard became 50 during that six-hour bus ride. Now he has her cellphone number, and they keep in 51 .Helping others comes second nature for Barnes, who has received lots of praise for 52service since she worked in the MCTS two years ago. She 53 takes peanut butter and jellysandwiches on the bus to share with people in 54 .In fact, Barnes did what we all need to do to 55 homelessness: to look out for each other, to care for each other and to work together.41. A. homelessB. careless C. hopeful D. helpful42. A. set upB. cleaned up C. broken intoD.burned down43. A. drive44. A. moon45. A. breakB. walkB. sunB. lookC. rideC. airC. riskD. workD. coldD. chance46. A. satisfied47. A. takeB. concerned C. confusedB. pay C. callD. movedD. turn48. A. suitableB. importantC. special D. enough49. A. schoolsB. spaceC. housingD. cars50. A. visitors51. A. touchB. classmates C. friendsB. mindD. co-workersC. checkD. line52. A. excellentB. interestingC. grateful D. peaceful53. A. gradually54. A. needB. usuallyB. publicC. finallyC. orderD. actuallyD. sight55. A. research B. challenge C. ignore D. fight【答案】 ADCDA DBDCC AABAD山东省济南德润高级中学 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期中考试英语第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Most people agree that a pet adds joy to a persons life. Scientists are now finding that having a pet may keep its owner 41 . And good health may add years to a persons life.Scientists have been looking at the link between pets and health for years. In 1990 ,a study was done with people aged 65 and older. It 42 that pet owners went to the doctor less than people without pets. Do pets make people 43 ? Are people able to handle their everyday lives better? Alan Beck,who is a researcher,says that 44 the answer to the questions is yes,then having pets may be a good idea.Can pets also help people live longer? Rebecca Johnson did a study to 45 . Johnson teaches nurses how to care for old people. Her study shows that having pets may cause people to46 more slowly.The human body makes many chemicals. Some of the chemicals make people feel 47 . Others make people feel bad. In Johnsons study ,levels of the “good” chemicals 48 when people were around pets while levels of the “bad” chemicals went down. The good 49 seemed to slow the aging of cells. If this is 50 ,maybe people should spend more time with their 51 . Then people might feel better and 52 longer.You might be allergic(过敏的) to pets. Or you may not want to 53 a pet. Never fear. A robotic, or computer pet may be just the thing for you.Scientists are testing computer pets, like the robotic dog AIBO. They want to see if 54 pets can help people the way real dogs do.Will a robotic pet 55 the real pet sitting with you on the sofa? Something tells us that it will probably become a reality.41A. healthy Bexcited Cmad Dhurried42A. warned Bshowed Creminded Dadvised43A. busier Bfunnier Chappier Dangrier44A. though Buntil Cif Dunless45A. find out Bput out Cturn out Dset out46A. age Bmove Cwalk Dgrow47A. bored Bsurprised Csleepy Dgood48A. changed Bvaried Cfell Drose49A. sides Bchemicals Cstudies Ddogs50A. important Bunusual Ctrue Dimpossible51A. children Bpets Cfriends Dneighbors52A. live Bwander Cstay Dtravel53A. head for Bsearch for Ccheer for Dcare for54A. family Bcomputer Cbaby Dtoy55A. destroy Breplace Cimprove Daccompany【答案】41-45 ABCCA 46-50 ADDBC 51-55 BADBB山东师范大学附属中学 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期中学分认定考试英语试题第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Austin is a 4-year-old boy with amazing acts of kindness. While most 4-year-olds are making mud pies or selling lemonade, Austin 41._ the hungry and homeless population throughout the city in an effort to “show love” to those who need “42._ and smiles”. “Show love”, according to Austin, has become his superhero 43._.Austins father, TJ Perine, told CNN that Austin has always been 44._, as he acts like a “little dad” for his brother, Taylor. Austins first 45._ about homelessness ca me after watching a nature documentary about a baby panda on television.“Austin and I were 46._ an animal show and there was a mother panda that was leaving her baby, ” TJ said. “Austin began to get 47._, and I told him that the baby panda would be homeless.”To better teach his son about homelessness, TJ took the young boy to the city shelter, at which point Austin asked, “Can we feed them?” In 48._, TJ took Austin to Burger King where he volunteered to pay for the chicken sandwiches using his weekly pocket money, 49._ giving up new toys that week.Austin and his father have plans to expand their community outreach efforts so they can also fight homelessness at its 50._. They have also started a GoFundMe as part of their Show Love Foundation.“Weve gotten a lot of 51._ from the country, and what we want to do is more than just 52._ sandwiches.” TJ told CNN, saying that, finally, he and Austin hope to build a service center that deals with many 53._ and symptoms of homelessness, such as mental illness, drug abuse, addiction. He 54._, “Austin and I want to invite some specialists to the service center that can actually help these people get back to 55._.”41. A. feeds B. watches C. joins D. finds42. A. care43. A. jobB. waterB. dreamC. home D. foodC. goal D. belief44. A. sympathetic B. generousC. humorous D. positive45. A. curiosityB. anxietyC. knowledge D. opinion46. A. observingB. staringC. glancingD. watching47. A. concerned B. shockedC. frightened D. embarrassed48. A. turn49. A. thusB. returnB. alsoC. rewardC. yetD. responseD. then50. A. reasonsB. effectsC. roots D. origins51. A. praise52. A. give outB. supportB. bring inC. focusC. work onD. commentD. take over53. A. effectsB. causesC. problems D. solutions54. A. requested55. A. lifeB. reportedB. workC. addedC. wealthD. answeredD. health【答案】41-45 ADDAC 46-50 DADAC51-55 BABCB山东省枣庄市第八中学 2020-2021 学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空内处的最佳选项。When Julie got back home from school that afternoon, she noticed a pigeon sitting very closelyto the front door of her _21_. It seemed the pigeon hadnt moved at all. Julie moved_22_.She noticed the pigeon had a wound on its wing. She was worried that a dog or a cat would eat the _23_ animal. Julie ran upstairs to tell her mom about the pigeon.We have to help it! Julie insisted. Julies mom made a disgusted face. I dont want to.Pigeons have diseases, she said. Julie began to cry. This made Julies mom feel bad. She_24_,but she gave Julie some _25_. The pigeon had to stay in the kitchen in a storage bin. Julies mom didnt want to touch the _26_ bird.While Julie tried to feed the bird bits of moist bread, Julies mom looked online for local animal_27_ organizations. She felt silly trying to save an injured pigeon though. Finally she found anorganization that would take the bird, but not until the next morning. Julie stayed up all night _28_ the bird.The next morning Julia and her mother took the _29_ to the bird rescue organization.Many people on the train gave Julie and her mother _30_ looks. Julies mother just shrugged.When they got to the destination, the worker smiled warmly, Its so kind of you to do this. Thismeans _31_ to the pigeon! _32_ goodbye to the worker, Julie looked so_33_ with aslight flush on her cheeks. On their way home, leaning on her mother shoulder. Julie said softly,Thank you, mom, for your _34_ and company. Julies mom patted her head, Im proud of you, sweetheart. Youve taught me _35_: Every life deserves to be respected and loved.21. A. school22. A. farther23. A. injured24. A. gave upB. classroomB. closerB. frightenedB. gave outC. flatC. furtherC. destroyedC. gave inD. campusD. deeperD. surprisedD. gaveaway25. A. rulesB. sourcesC. commentsD. lectures26. A. kind27. A. volunteerB. friendlyB. rescueC. lovelyC. fitnessD. dirtyD.emergency28. A. watching29. A. bus30. A. angry31. A. a few32. A. Exchanging33. A. curiousB. playingB. subwayB. concentratedB. a bitB. GreetingB. contentC. affectingC. taxiC. anxiousC. a lotC. SeeingC. calmD. cheatingD. flightD. strangeD. a littleD. WavingD.confident34. A. words35. A. everything【答案】21. C 22. B30. D 31. C 32. DB. touchB. something23. A 24. C33. B 34. CC. supportC. anything25. A 26. D35. BD. pityD. nothing27. B 28. A 29. B


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