七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Let’s play sports考点梳理无答案新版牛津版.doc

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本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!7A UNIT 2 考点梳理1.enjoy2.冠词3.fun4.介词5.Play+球类名词6.代词7.watch/look/read/see8.名词单复数9.spend10.Wake up 11.连词12.主谓一致13.close /closed /open14.lots of /a lot of /a lot 15.系动词16.good/well17.不定代词18.动词不定式19.一般现在时20.How long/how soon/how often /how much21.其他语言点考察22.情景交际23.单词拼写24.句型转换25.根据汉语意思完成句子。1.enjoy1. Do you enjoy _?Yes, very much.A.play footballB.to play footballC.playing footballD.playing the football2. Do you enjoy _with your classmates on the Internet?A. to talkingB. talk C. talkingD. to talk2.冠词1. - Can you play _ table tennis, Simon? - Yes, I often play it after class.A.a B. an C. the D. /2. Do you have _ computer?Yes. I often look for things on _ Internet.A.a; an B.a; the C.the; the D.the; an3. They_ at school.A. have lunch B. have a lunch C. have a breakfast D. have the breakfast4. There is interesting book on the desk.A. a B. an C. the D. /3.fun1. swimming in the sea is _.A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funny D. the great funy 2. Its not good _ TV or films for the students.A.watch too much B.see too muchC.to watch too muchD.to see too much4.介词1. , he studies English.A. At his free time B.In the free time C.In the free time D. In his free time2. We often play football _my friends in the football fields.A. with B. to C. for D.on3. Marie goes to work on foot, but Lily _ to work.A.by busB.takes a busC.catches bus D.sends4. Millies English teacher can speak English _ an Englishman.A.like B.is likeC.likes D.look like5. Millies English teacher can speak English _ an Englishman.A.like B.is likeC.likes D.look like6. Does your school start early _Monday?Yes. School starts _ 7:50 every day.A.on; atB.on; inC.in; atD.at; at7. Thanks _ me with my Chinese.Youre welcome.A.to help B.for helpC.to helping D.for helping8. Thank you for _our party.A. organizing B. organized C. organizes D. organize9. -What about _a rest? OK. Lets go out and have a walk.A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking10. We usually have a good time _ lunchtime.A. for B. in C. by D. at11. They often talk their favourite football star.A. on B. about C. in D. at12. What about ?A. go shopping B.going shopping C. go to shop D.going to shop5.Play+球类名词1. Tom with his friends often _ after school.A.plays volleyball B.play volleyballC.plays the volleyballD.play the volleyball2. Would you like _ with me?A.playing the badminton B.playing badmintonC.to play the badminton D.to play badminton3. _ Lucy good at volleyball?No. She _ play volleyball well.A.Does; doesnt B.Does; isnt C.Is; doesnt D.Is; isnt6.代词1. Who can help ? I think can.A.I, I B.me, I C.me, me D.I, my2. football is lost, he cant find .A.He, him B.He, it C.His, it D.His, him3. Hello, Sandy, Can I sit here? . A.Yes, you are B.Yes, I do. C.No, I cant D.Yes, you can4. Thats Jims bag .Give _,please.A. it him B. it to him C. them him D. him them7.watch/look/read/seeI like to TV, but my father likes to books.A.watch, read B.watch, look C.watch, see D.read, look at 8.名词单复数Please get some the China Space Museum.A、information of B.informations ofC.information aboutD.informations about9.spendJack spends two hours his homework.A.do B.does C.doing D.to do10.Wake up Mom, can you at 8:00tomorrow morning.A.wake up I B.wake I up C.wake up me D.wake me up11.连词1. I love reading I want to learn more about the world.A.because B.so C.and D.or2. Tony is a quiet student, he is active(活跃的) in class.A.so B. and C. butD. or12.主谓一致1. Each girl _a dress like yours.A. have B. has C. there D. own2. Are _of you from the same family, Jane and Ann?A. both B. none C. all D. no 3. Dont sit on the chair. There _ on it.A. is some water B. are some water C. is any water D. are any water4. After school ,Sandy _Simon and _ go home together.A. meets up; they B. meets up with; they C. meets up ; she D .meets up with;5. Jim, with his family, _ a bus to go home every day.A. takes B. take C. is taking D. are taking6. is my favorite sport. What about you? I love .A.Swim; to play football B.Swiming; playing football C. Swims; play football D. Swimming ; playing football7. Look! My glasses _ new.A.is B.are C.be D.have8. I think Daniel _ from _.A.F comes; English B.come; English C.comes; EnglandD.is; English13.close /closed /openIts too late now. I think the shop is _.A.open B. closed C. opens D. Close14.lots of /a lot of /a lot 1. There are _ things to do in the garden.A.much B. lots of C. a lot D. lot of2. My English teacher likes reading very much. She has books.A.lot of B. a lot of C. a lots of D. a lot 15.系动词He has a new computer. He looks today.A.sad B. happy C. happily D. sadly16.good/wellYao Ming is a basketball player. He plays very in the match.A. good,good B. good, well C.well, good D. well, well17.不定代词Is there_ in todays newspaper?A. anything else B. something else C. else something D. else anything18.动词不定式1. She wants _ the room. Would you like_ her?A. clean, help B. to clean, help C. clean, to help D. to clean, to help2. Amys mother always makes her _ English every morning.A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read3. Its not good _ TV or films for the students.A.watch too much B.see too muchC.to watch too much D.to see too much19.一般现在时1. We our trip next Monday.A.have B.will have C.has D.having2. _ your classmates all nice to you? Yes, _.A.Do, they do B. Are, theyre C.Are, they are D. Is, he is3. He _ Beijing now.A. dont live inB. doesnt live inC. dont lives inD. doesnt lives in4. Dont go _ today. There are too many people in the pool.A. shopping B. climbingC. swimmingD. running 5. Kitty enjoys playing volleyball. It her happy.A. makeB. makesC. takeD. takes6. My teacher has many books. Because he _ reading very much.A. wants B. would like C. loves D. wants to 7. _the woman like listening to music?_.A. Does; No, she does B. Do; No, she do C. Does; Yes, she does D. Do; Yes, she dont 8. The boy often _ a kite on Sundays in spring.A. fly B. flying C. flies D. flew9. _ you like _ to music?Yes, I do.A.Do; listen B.Are; listen C.Do; listening D.Are; listening10. We love _ in the reading room.A.read B.to reading C.reading D.reads11. He _Beijing now.A.doesnt live in B.dont live in C.dont lives in D.doesnt lives in12. your father often TV at home?No, he is too busy. A. Is; watch B. Do; watchC. Does; watchD. Do; watches13. . Yes, he does.A. Do you like apples? B. Does he like apples?C.What does he like? D. Does she like apples?14. Our English teacher makes us English every morning.A. to read B.read C. reads D. reading15. Dad lunch at home.A. isnt have B.doesnt has C. go to shop D. going to shop16. Amy usually from Monday to Friday. A.walking home B.walks to home C. walks home D. walk home17. your brother good at football?A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are18. My brother often _(have) lunch at school.19. Many girls _ (go) shopping at the weekend.20. Sam _(watch) TV at home on Sundays.20.How long/how soon/how often /how much _ do you visit your grandparents? -Once a month.A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often21.其他语言点考察Millie likes her school .A.very B.very much C.some D.little22.情景交际We will have a school trip next week. _.A. Have a good time B. We will C. Im happy to hear it D. Dont forget it 23.单词拼写根据句意和汉语提示,完成句中所缺单词1I often have dinner in a (餐馆)2What do you often do at the (周末)?3We often have (正餐) at my uncles home.4The boy is good at (绘画)5He has lots of (业余爱好)6My sister always (看) TV in the evening.7The girl in a red coat often (跑) on the playground.8He goes swimming for half an (小时) every day.9. We r_ want to study English well.10. I go to see my grandparents four t_ a month.11. You buy many things. What e_ do you want?12. Yao Ming is a great basketball player. He is my _(偶像).13. We have a lot of _(乐趣) playing sports.14. Can we watch the football _(比赛) this evening?15. Do you eat three _ (次数) a day?16. There are five _ (碗) on the table.17. There are two basketball_ (俱乐部) in Nanjing.18. Who can play very _(好)in the match?19. The man is s _ enough to carry that heavy box.20. My mother e_ watching TV at home at night.21. How many _ (play) are there in a football team?22. Is there anything (其他的)in the bag?23. There are 11 (运动员)in a football team.24. I (真正地)like walking very much.25. My parents dont work at (周末).26. I want to play table_(乒乓球) after class with my classmates.27. what _(别的) do you want to buy?28. There are lots of _(有趣的) things in todays newspaper.29. Daniel doesnt like _(运动) very much.24.句型转换A1She is good at dancing.(改为同义句)She _ _ _ dancing.2He likes watching_TV.(对画线部分提问)_ _ he like_?3They live in_Beijing.(对画线部分提问)_ _ they live?4Sandy has long hair.(改为同义句)Sandys hair _ _.5The teacher is from Japan.(改为同义句) _6. Do they like watching TV? (作肯定回答)_,_ _.7. She does her homework every night. (改为否定句)She_ _her homework every night.8. They play football on the football field. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _football on the football field?9. The students play football on_the_grass. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the students play football?10. We often play basketball after school. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you often _ after school?B1Amy walks home every day.(改为同义句)Amy goes every day.2She does her homework at home.(改为一般疑问句) she her homework at home?3I usually go running in the morning.(对画线部分提问) do you usually in the morning.4He wants to make a kite.(对画线部分提问) he to do?5I love dancing very much.(对画线部分提问) you love very much? C1Jack writes letters to his friends. (改为否定句)Jack _ _letters to his friends.2Millie does her homework at school every afternoon. (改为否定句)Millie_ _ her homework at school every afternoon.3My mother often listens to music at home. (改为一般疑问句)_your mother often _to music at home?4Do you listen to the radio after lunch? (作肯定回答)_, I_. 5. We should get up too early.(改为否定句)We _ get up too early.25.根据汉语意思完成句子。D1. 你妈妈经常打扫房间吗?Does your mother often the room?2. 放学后,我经常乘公共汽车回家。I often the bus after school.3. 这些学生学习都很认真。The all hard.4. 他周末总是在家吃饭。He dinner at home the weekend.5. 晚饭后,我爸爸通常带狗散步。After supper, my father usually his dog a .6. 我们经常在我祖父母家吃晚饭。We often at my home. 7. 你们放学后通常做什么?_ _ you often _ after class?8. 你别的还需要做什么?_ _ do you want to do?E用所给动词的适当形式填空Little Tom 1. (be) five years old. He 2. (not go) to school, He 3. (like) eating in a restaurant. He 4. (have) hamburgers and potato chips for breakfast. Many people in the restaurant 5. _ (know) him very well. They often 6. (ask) him, Why do you like eating here? Little Tom says, Because I 7. (like) the toys here. Why dont you go to the toy shop then? Little Tom 8. (say), They 9. (have) toys but they 10. (not have) hamburgers or potato chips.F1. 莉莉每天去图书馆三次。 Lily goes to the library _ _ _ _.2. 我们希望她的梦想能实现。 We hope her dream can _ _.3. 我的表弟是游泳俱乐部的一名新成员My cousin is a new _ _ Swimming Club.4. 有时我和我的朋友们观看比赛。 Sometimes I _ _ with my friends.5.他们经常谈论他们的朋友们。 They often _ _ their friends.6. Daniel wants to be a football star. I hope dream (实现).7. Sun Yan (是我最喜爱的运动员)8. We have PE lessons (一周三次).9. Daniel (不喜欢体育运动)very much.10. Playing basketball (使我快乐).11. Millie (和她朋友住在北京).G1. 我是校篮球队的一名成员。 2. 我们经常和朋友课后踢足球。 3.我们经常在电视上观看足球赛。 本文档来源于网络搜集整理上传,希望可以让更多的人阅读!


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