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淄博实验中学 冀维莉,词类使用中的9种常见 错误,1 错把形容词当名词,爱美之心人皆有之。 Everybody likes beauty.,2 错把动词当名词,随着科技的发展,我们的生活越来越好。 With the development of science and technology, we live better and better.,3 错把形容词,介词当动词,别害怕,你妈妈就在你身边。 Dont be afraid. Your mother is besides you. 张老师今天很忙,他不在办公室。 Mr Zhang is very busy. He is not in the office.,4 错把介词当连词,随着时间的推移,我们学的越来越多。 As time goes on, we have learned more and more. With time going on, we . .,5 错把数词当名词,操场上大约有700名学生。 There are about seven hundred students.,6 错把副词当连词,这女孩经常帮助我,尽管她很忙。 The girl often helps me, even if she is busy.,7 错把不可数名词当可数,不要在这种坏天气种树。 Dont plant trees in such bad weather. the information the news have great fun,8 错把及物动词当不及物动词,妈妈进来时, 我正坐在电视机前。 When Mother came in, I was seated/ was sitting in front of the TV set. 这支钢笔很好用。 This pen is very nice to write with.,9 错把系动词当助动词和行为动词,上课了,为什么不站起来? Class begins. Why not stand up? 张华经常打扫我们的教室 Zhang Hua often cleans our classroom.,9 错误使用系动词,助动词和行为动词,上课了,为什么不站起来? Class begins. Why not stand up? 张华经常打扫我们的教室 Zhang Hua often cleans our classroom. 注意:只有在进行时态和被动语态中,be才能和其他动词形式连用 The manager is speaking at the meeting. These coats are washed twice a month.,1 She looks angry today. 2 She looks angrily at us all. 句1中looks为系动词,是“看起来”的意思。后面要接形容词或名词作表语。不能接副词。常见系动词有: appear, seem, become, get, go, remain, look, feel, sound, taste, smell 等。 句2中look at 是短语动词。记住,修饰行为动词时要用副词或介词短语,不用形容词。,主谓宾补状,句中是骨架,一般来说,在一个句子中,主语,谓语,宾语,宾补和宾语补足语是句子的骨干成分。请看下面的例句 1 We often see them play badminton on the playground. 2 They find it helpful to take exercise in the afternoon. 3 Making a plane is more difficult than making a train. 4 To help you carry the case is my pleasure. 5 She likes playing basketball, but she doesnt like dancing.,定语多而杂,状语怎摆放?,My sister bought a sports car yesterday. She lived in the room above and couldnt find the way out. The smile on her face suggested that she was pleased. Is this the camera which you lost last week? Do you know the man asleep and something interesting about him?,I didnt know why he looked angrily at me. Naturally, we hope you can join us in the match. At the top of the hill we stopped to look at the view. Arriving at the station we learned that the train had already left. At the end of the film, I was in tears with my friends. We often meet at the school gate at five in the afternoon. When we go to the cinema the film had been on for minutes. He is often late and seldom says sorry to the teacher. Such places are seldom visited.,定语多而杂,状语怎摆放?,段落练笔,1 学英语并没有我们预料的那么难。如果专心致志学习的话,任何人都可以学好英语。每天练习英语很重要。如果我们每天坚持听说读写,我们一定能学好英语。,Learning English isnt so difficult as we expected. Anyone can learn English well if he puts his heart into it. Practising English every day is of vital importance. If we keep practising listening , speaking, reading and writing ,well learn it well sooner or later.,段落练笔,2 随着时间的推移,越来越多的人利用手机与他人沟通,而不是采用打固定电话的方式。 他们认为,使用手机要方便得多。然而,在中学,校园内手机是禁止使用的,因为中学生的自控能力还不够强。,With time going on, more and more people communicate with others by cellphones instead of using telephones. They think it much more convenient to use cellphones. However, using cellphones in middle schools is forbidden, for middle school students are not old enough to control themselves.,


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