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Lecture 2 翻译与语篇语境,一、 Translations to the exercise of last time,1. Su Shi, a well-known writer and calligrapher in the 11th century, believed in Buddhism and was well-versed in its doctrines. Once he was discussing some passages in the Buddhism Scripture(经文) with a Buddhist abbot(寺庙主持). Both seated cross-legged on a round cushion, they debated for a long time. “What am I in the eyes of other people, sir?” the senior monk asked. “No more than a small heap of cow dung(牲畜的粪便), my dear abbot.”,The monk responded with a gentle smile and said, “Sir, youre a beautiful flower in my eyes.” Su was quite pleased at the compliment. Back at home, he mentioned this to his kid sister. She commented, “According to Buddhist teachings, only a person whose heart is black and evil as hell will cherish evil ideas. Only when theres cow dung in your heart, will you regard other people as such filth.” these words flushed the brothers face with shame. All ideas and intentions exist in ones heart long before they materialize. The evil in ones heart will bias one while ones friendly and tolerant heart will bring joy to others and oneself. (居祖纯,2002:247),1.苏东坡是苏轼(1037-1101)的别号,翻译中选择正式名苏轼而不用别号“东坡”是为了减少英美人对中国姓名的误会。 2.根据辞海的解释,“苏小妹”是“文学故事人物。相传为苏老泉之女,东坡之妹。”可见,“小妹”并非人名,而指的是东坡之妹,所以译为“Sus kid sister”为好,不译为Su Xiaomei. 3. “对佛学很有造诣”。根据有关词典(如,吴光华的汉英词典),可以翻译成 of great attainments这一后置结构,用来修饰前边的名词。如,a scholar of great attainment。这里我们建议用well-versed(非常精通)为好。,翻译要点:,4、“两人坐于团垫之上,相论许久。” 该句颇有佛教风味,所以应该译成:Both seated cross-legged(盘腿而坐) on a round cushion(分词结构),they debated for a long time. 5、 为了表现方丈的谦恭有礼以及英美人的可接受习惯,在译完方丈的第一个对话后加上“sir”一词。 6、“方丈你在我眼里是一堆牛屎。”应译为“No more than a heap of cow dung”(表示蔑视,“只不过是”)而不是“not more than.”(表示数量,“不多于”)。另外,my dear abbot这种结构表示“亲热”,有时可以传达轻蔑对方的意思。,7、“施主”一词可以译成“alms giver”或“benefactor”。但是这里只是和尚或道士对一般的在家人的礼貌称呼,所以仅译为“sir”便可。 8. “心在地狱缘于恶念” ,这句话可以这样理解:“心在地狱并不是指人在人世,而心在阴曹地府,而是指心中有 “牛屎”的形象说法。因此可译为:Only a person whose heart is black and evil as hell will cherish evil ideas. 9、 “苏东坡听罢,满脸愧色。”也可以译为:Su heard these words, he felt ashamed.但是,这里these words指得是苏小妹的话,用作主语,译成:These words flushed the brothers face with shame. 可以使文章更加连贯,文字也显得精彩一些。,10、文章的最后一段,作者不再是叙述故事,而是在发表评论,所以翻译时要用现在时。其中,“任何善恶的念头,在未变为行动和事实之前,其实在心里早已存在了。”句中的“善恶”还是不译出为好,因为非善非恶的中性念头也是如此。如果将“变成行动和事实”译成“become /turn into facts and deeds”也可以,但显得太长,可用“materialize; become fact”来翻译。 “心中充满恶念的人,看别人的眼光就会变异” 。其中“心中的人”可译为a person whose heart is full of.”。但是结构太长,建议译成较为简练的短语:the evil in ones heart。另外,“眼光变异”中的“变异”是“偏见”的意思,可译为bias 而不是look with strange eyes or different eyes.,(2)译文 在项目审批、土地批租等方面,管委会和下属分局实行一个窗口对外,一栋楼办公,一条龙服务,简化手续,减少环节,提高效率。实现“海沧事在海沧办,海沧事马上办”。(陈小慰,2005:185) 译文采用符合英语表达和行文习惯的方式来传递主要信息。译文对一些意思重复或语用程度不够的表达进行了必要的删减、释义和增补信息处理。例如,译文没有简单地把“马上办”译为“handle immediately”,而是根据其真正涵义译出。另外在“一条龙服务”的翻译中,通过运用“package”一词把其比喻意义传达出来。这些都突出了沧海经济特区的正面形象,基本实现了功能对等。,二、语篇语境(discourse contexts),语篇语境是理解和传达语篇的必要条件,是认识原文 逻辑性、连贯性以及保证译文有效地传达原文信息的基础。 概括起来,语篇语境包括三个方面: 为了详细地讲解和论述语境对语篇理解和翻译的关系,我们将分为三部分进行讲解。,语言语境(linguistic context),社会文化语境(social-cultural context),情景语境(situational context),语言语境亦称上下文(co-text)。它所强调的是语篇通过词汇、句子、段落之间的语法关系、衔接关系以及逻辑关系所形成的语义连贯(semantic coherence)。 在翻译过程中,译者首先要把原文的词汇、句子以及各个段落之间语法关系、逻辑关系和语义关系融会贯通,在头脑中形成一个脉络清晰的整体。然后,在具体的翻译行文中确保选词的准确性,句子安排的逻辑性和得体性。做到句与句之间要文气贯通,上下文之间脉络清晰、衔接有序,段落之间要行文流畅、上下连贯。 2.2.1 词语的选择 在对原文进行理解和翻译过程中,对词语的选择是否准确、恰当是保证译文质量的第一关。对词语的选择并不是去生搬字典释义,不是去死译或硬译,而是把词义置于具体语境中加以思考和分析。翻译中要结合语篇的功能、目的和作者的意向,在确定词语本义的基础上,充分考虑词语的隐含意义(implicature),语体意义(stylistic meaning)和逻辑意义等,并在译文语境中注意所选词语的得体性。,2.1语言语境(linguistic context),如:(1)天安门广场旧址原是皇城的一个庭院,老百姓不得进入。1959年它被改造成现在的规模。这次改造是为了迎接今年10月1日中华人民共和国成立50周年。 该段落中出现了两次“改造”。如果我们结合上下文对它们进行分析,就会发现译文中的选词是不同的。第一个“改造”后跟的是“规模”;第二个“改造”是为外观修缮而进行的。显然,前者可选用expand 一词,后者应选用face-lift。这样就会显得用词准确得当,而且有生动形象。请看译文: The original site of Tiananmen Square was a courtyard of the Imperial Palace where the ordinary people were not allowed to enter. It was expanded into the exiting vast area in 1959 and the latest face-lift will enable it to proudly stage the grand Gala(festival) of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China on October 1. (陈小慰,2005:64),(2)无论乘坐何种交通工具都能迅速到达郑州,下榻此处会让你倍感舒适,这里的住宿条件能充分满足各种档次和品位的需要。 从语体意义上看,原文中“下榻”、“档次”、“品位”都是目前旅游业行业的规范说法。根据上下文的含义和译文的词汇要求,分别理解为“逗留”、“预算(消费标准)”和“口味”。因此,可译为“stay”, “budget”, “tastes”。 whichever way you choose to visit Zhengzhou, you will reach here quickly and enjoy a comfortable stay, because Zhengzhou has a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes. (同上),2.2.2主语和话题转换,英语句的结构多以SV(O)为框架,主谓一致是其基本要素,因此在理解和行文上要以“形合”(hypotaxis)为主。而汉语句子没有严格意义上的形态,它重内容、重语义、轻形式。所以在理解和行文上要充分考虑上下文关系、作者/说话人的意图以及相关文化背景等因素,要以“意合”(parataxis)为主。 因此,英汉互译就是“形合”与“意合”之间的双向转换。,形合,意合,英语中的主语和谓语的关系可以是动作者和动作的关系,而在汉语里可以把主语和谓语当做话题和说明来看待。可以说,英语的主谓关系主要体现在形式上,而汉语的主谓关系则体现于语义结合上。因此,在英译汉过程中有时要重新确立汉语的主语。如: (3)The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion picture. (4) We prattle about scientific discoveries, but we have made scant use of them for our benefit.,加利福尼亚南部阳光充足,气候宜人, 是拍摄影片的理想场所。(李运兴,2003:110),科学上的新发现我们谈了不少,但怎样利用它们 为我们服务却做得不够。(同上),(5) I do not pretend that the conversation I have recorded can be regarded as verbatim (逐字的)reports. I never kept notes of what was said on this or the other occasion, but I have a good memory for what concerns me, and though I have put this conversation in my own words they faithfully represent, I believe, what was said. 书中人的谈话,我并不愿冒充是逐字逐句的记载。在这或其他的场合下,人家的谈话我从不记录下来。可是,与我有关的事我记得很清楚。所以虽则是我写的,敢说能忠实地反映他们的谈话。(同上:111),解释:英语句中的宾语常常可以转换为汉语的话题,有时也可以将其他成分转换成话题,这需要根据上下文以及汉语的表达习惯而定。 另外,英语中通过形态变化所表达的语法意义也不容忽略,这包括名词的复数形式、动词的时态和虚拟式等。如: (6)No white person or persons shall be permitted to settle upon or occupy any portion of the territory, or without the consent of the Indians to pass through the same area. 凡白人,无论一人或多人,均不得在本地区内任何部分定居或将其占有,未经印地安人同意,亦不得穿越本地区。 (同上:113),(7)There is a housing project standing now where the house in which we grew up once stood, and one of those stunted city trees is snarling where our doorway used to be. This is on the rehabilitated side of the avenue. The other side of the avenuefor progress takes timehas not been rehabilitated yet and it looks exactly as it looked in the days when we sat with our noses pressed against the windowpanes, longing to be allowed to go across the street. The grocery store which gave us credit is still there, and there can be no doubt that is still giving credit. The people in the project certainly need itfar more, indeed, than they ever needed the project.,眼前是一片新建筑群,我们童年时代的老屋原来就在这儿。原来的屋门口,现在一棵矮墩墩的树长得枝盘叶绕。这是重建过的一侧。路的另一边发展总是需要时间的还没有重建,还跟从前一样。那时我们趴在窗前向外张望,鼻子都贴到玻璃上了,巴不得能获准到对面去玩。原来老赊帐给我们的杂货店如今还在,而且仍然在赊帐。住在这些新房子里的人现在一定需要这家店铺胜过他们当初对重建工程的需要。(同上:116),2.2.3 “四字词语”在英译汉中运用,四字词语(idiom; proverb; set phrase)是汉语表达和行文中一个重要的组成部分。 李运兴(2003:121)指出,四字词语在结构上常分为两段,两段结构的意思相互对称或平衡(symmetry or equilibrium)(如:欢天喜地;铜墙铁壁)。也有的前后不对称(如:轻松愉快),或前后不分段(如:锦上添花)。 四字词语的语法功能也非常灵活,既可以做谓语,也可以做宾语,还可以做状语等。如:,实际上,敌人的力量已土崩瓦解了。(谓语) 这件事一定要弄个水落石出。(宾语) 别信他的话,什么事他都吹得天花乱坠。(后置状语) 他长得很英俊浓眉大眼,虎背熊腰。(象形容词做补语) 因此,在汉语译文中恰当地运用四字词语会使句子结构紧凑,语义明晰;同时也可以使译文显得生动形象,富有文采。 下面让我们比较英语句子翻译的两种译文:,(8)I repair to the enchanted(使人心醉神往的) house, where there are lights, chattering, music, flower, officers (I am sorry to see) and the eldest Miss Larkins, a blaze of beauty. A. 我来到那迷人的住宅,那里有灯光,谈话、音乐、鲜花,军官们(看见使我难过),还有最大的拉京小姐,一个美丽的火焰。(李运兴,2003:122) B.现在我朝着那家令人神往的豪宅走去,那儿灯火辉煌、人语嘈杂、乐曲悠扬、花草缤纷、军官们接踵而至(这是我看见最为痛心不已的),还有拉钦大小姐,仪态万方,光辉照人。(参照上文作者改译),(9) She was a tall silent woman with a long nose and gray troubled eyes. (10) He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good features and thick waving dark hair only sufficiently graying to add to the distinction of his appearance.,A.她是一个沉默的高个子女人,有着长长的鼻子 和忧郁的神情。(李运兴,2003:124),B.她个子挺高,寡言少语,长长的鼻子,一双灰灰 的眼睛,流露出忧郁的神情。(参照上例作者改译),他这时已是年近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿, 眉清目秀,卷发又多又黑,略带花白, 恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。(李运兴,2003:125),练习: (1) I can still feel the agony of not being invited to a party that almost everyone was going to. But I also recall the ecstasy(狂喜) of being plucked from obscurity at another event to dance with a John Travolta look-alike. (注意时态表达) (2)She remembered how in Nascosta even the most beautiful fell quickly under the darkness of time, like flowers without care; how even the beautiful became bent and toothless, their dark clothes smelling, as the mammas did, of smoke and manure.,(3)It was a day as fresh as growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silences at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm. The land did not move, but moved. The sea was not still, yet was still. Paradox flowed into paradox, still mixed with stillness, sound with sound. The flower vibrated and the bees fell in separate and small showers of golden rain on the clover.,The seas of hill and the seas of ocean were divided, each from other motion, by a railroad track, empty, compounded of rust and iron marrow, a track on which, quite obviously, no train had run in many years. Thirty miles north it swirled on away to further mists of distance, thirty miles south it tunneled islands of cloud-shadow that changed their continental positions on the sides of far mountains as you watched.,


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