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.词汇过关 1_n美人;美_adj._ adv._v美化 2_vi. harvest3.festival4.autumn/fall,.短语自查 1另外三个_ 2take place_ 3中秋节_ 答案:1.three more/another three2.发生3.MidAutumn Festival,.句式翻译 Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of the year. _ 答案:节日就是庆祝一年中重要的日子。,.单词突破 1beauty(n.) 1)U美;美丽 He has no real feeling for beauty. 他并非真的爱美。 Such great beauty like this in all our landscape! 江山如此多娇!,2)C美人;美好的东西 She had been a beauty in her day. 她年轻时是个美人。 Many beauties attended the Miss Asian contest. 许多美女参加了这次亚洲选美比赛。 3)C极好的榜样;典型的例子 That last goal was a beauty! 最后进的一球真绝! 4)C好处;优点 One of the beauties of living here is that its so peaceful. 在这里生活的好处之一是安宁。,【知识拓展】 1)beautiful adj.美丽的 2)beautify vt.美化 It is our duty to beautify our environment. 美化环境是我们的职责。,【巧学助记】 beauty一般作抽象名词,指“美”;也可指具体的人或物,指“美好的东西或美人”,这时它已转化为可数名词,前面常加不定冠词。这类既可以作可数又可以作不可数的名词是高考考查的重点。此类名词还有:success, failure, disappointment, honour, pleasure, pity, surprise等。如:,Our nation has achieved remarkable success in space technology. 我国在宇航科技方面成绩显著。 She was a success as an actress. 她是一位成功的女演员。 He gets great pleasure in reading. 他从阅读中得到很多乐趣。 It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。,【牛刀小试】 请用beauty的适当形式填空: (1)The woods were designated an area of outstanding natural_. (2)Its said that there are many_in Hang Zhou. (3)To_life is to give it an object. (4)She has a _voice and sings_. 答案:(1)beauty(2)beauties(3)beautify(4)beautifulbeautifully,2harvest 1)n.收获;收成;结果。如: The farmer hired extra workers during the harvest. 农场主在收获季节增添了雇工。 It happened that the harvest was bad in 1988. 碰巧1988年的收成很糟。 The new medicine is the harvest of thirty years research. 这种新药是三十年研究的成果。 2)vt. the B/; a Cthe; a Dthe; the 答案:C本题主要考查冠词的用法。句意:在中国很多地方,自行车依然是流行的交通方式。the bicycle表特指或区别于其他交通工具,a means of.是泛指,指“一种方式”。,(3)(2007江西35)Ouch! You hurt me! I am sorry. But I_any harm. I_to drive a rat out. A. didnt mean; tried B. dont mean; am trying C. havent meant; tried D. didnt mean; was trying 答案:D根据前面的you hurt me,可以看出下面意思是:我刚才并不是有意的,当时只是在赶老鼠。,


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