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2015-2016英语完成句子练习姓名 班级 分数 1.不用匆匆忙忙的了,比赛已经取消了。 There was no rush,the game was 2.你空闲时间干什么? What do you do in your ?3别在做这样的事了,这是我最后一句话。 Dont do that again, this is my .4.他经常收到女儿的来信。 He often her daughter.5.我好几个月没有收到女儿的来信了。 I havent my daughter for months.6.他们互相微笑并握手。 They smiled at each other and .7.为保护野生大熊猫,政府正修建自然公园。The government is nature parks to protect pandas in the wild.8.他在一个离家很远的公司上班。 He works in a company his house.9.他告诉我说他妈妈会亲自来。 He tells me that his mother will come .10.昨天张老师指出了我家庭作业中的一些错误。Mr zhang some mistakes in my homework yesterday.11.虽然他很年轻,但他可以独自生活。Although he was young , he could live his .12.学生们正静静地听老师讲课。 The students are listening to the teacher .13.昨天,我从车子上摔了下来。 I my bike yesterday.14.踢球时要小心你的眼睛。 Be your glasses when you play football.15.上周老师和他们一起参加了训练。The teacher in the training with them last week.16.他喜欢编造荒诞不经的故事。She enjoys tall tales.17.妈妈正在打扫房间,收拾东西。 Mother is cleaning the house and things .18.上周日人们给运动员加油喝彩。 People the players last Sunday.19.汤姆认为太危险,我同意他的观点。Tom thinks its too dangerous and I him.20.我们要在下一站下车。 We will at the next stop.21.美国人遇见陌生人不总是握手。American people do not always when they meet strangers.22.我真的希望人类和动物能和平共处。I really hope humans and animals can live .23成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。 Success your effort and abilitty.24.举行派对的地方看来宾的人数来定。The place to hold the party the number of the guests.25.为了驱赶苍蝇,他们必须带着特殊的帽子。They must wear the special hats to the flies . 26.快点,露西在车站等你呢。Hurry up,Lucy is for you at the bus stop.27.我们有太多的作业要做。We have homework to do.28.托尼一直担心他的语文。Tony is away his Chinese.29.也许在空中会有交通堵塞。Maybe therell be in the air.30.中国人都为刘翔感到自豪。Chinese are all very Liu Xiang.31.这张桌子占据了很大的空间,所以我把它搬走了。This table too much room, so I moved it away.32.我们的校园真美鲜花遍地。Our school is so beautiful with flowers the schoolyard.33她乐于助人,难怪人人都喜欢她。 everyone likes her as she is very helpful.34.去年他在英国读书时交了很多朋友。He a lot of when he studied in England last year.35.想起大熊猫和其他濒危动物,真让人伤心。Its sad to think of pandas and animals .36.托尼很高兴,因为他终于登上了长城。Tony was very excided because he got to Great wall .37.我已经在字典里查过这个单词了。I have already the word in the dictionary.38.看。王老师正领着参观者参观我们的学校呢。Look ,Mr wang is the visitors Our school.39.坏人通常要为他们的行为付出代价。Bad people often their actions.40.昨天我发现我的玻璃杯碎了。Yesterday I found my glass was 41.听音乐可以让你放松,迅速入睡。Listenng to music may help you relax to .42.昨天因为交通繁忙,他们上学迟到了。They were late for school the heavy traffic yeaterday.43我刚看到他正在过马路。I him the road just know.44.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。Its not polite to others.45他刚睡着那时有人敲门。He was just when there was a loud knock at the door.46你的业余时间通常做什么。What do you usually do in your ?47每天早上爸爸都在家浏览报纸。Every morning my father newspapers at home.48.戒烟对你的身体有益。Its good for you to smoking.49 HAS 代表什么? What does HAS ?50.警察来时小偷已经跑了。The shief had when the policemen came.51如果你努力学习你将通过这次考试。If you work hard,you will the .52昨天我的新书出版了。My new book yeaterday.53到目前为止我已经学会了100个单词。 ,I have learnt 100 words.54.我们将在大约10分钟后开始广播。We will be in about 10 minutes.55.你的新房子和旧房子比起来怎样? How does your new house the old one?56.让我们先做运动热身一下。 Lets do some exercise to a bit.57我不知道他们怎么进入房间的。I have how they got into the room.58.我父亲已经戒烟了。My father has smoking.59.同学们正在为大明加油。The students are Daming loudly.60我们应该帮助处于困境中的人。We should help the persons .61.周末小丽打算在家复习功课。Xiaoli wants to her lessons at home this weekends. 62.我们决定尝试一下汤姆的游戏。We decided to Toms game.63.你试过这个设想了吗? Have you this idea?64.你要在母亲节给妈妈买什么? what are you going buy for your mather on ?65.周末他们通常在电视上看足球赛。They usually watch football on television .66.后来我们发现他是一个诚实的孩子。 Later we he was an honest boy.67.我们自己抬不起这张桌子。We cant this desk alone.68.她静静地看着我,什么也不说。She look at me and said nothing.69.如果你老是做这些事情而不是做功课,你就没时间学习了。If you do all these things your homework, you wont have time to study.70.据当地人说,这是一个奇特的地方。 the local people, its a special place.71摄影比赛的获奖者的名单将在学校网站上公布。The winners of the photo competition will be on the school webside.72.我参加了唱歌比赛并获得了一等奖。I entered a singing competition and won the .73感谢你为我们指出北京的景点。Thank you for the sights of Beijing for us.74所有这些花都是手工做的。 All the flowers are made .75.明信片在学校的商店有售。Postcards are at the shop in our school.76你们必须填一个表格。 You must a form.77莎士比亚的戏剧现在对我们来说很有意义。 Shakepears plays to us today.78.不要把那本旧杂志扔了。Dont the old magazine.79.在我离开的日子他替我照顾我的小狗。 He my dog for me when I was away.80.白求恩来到中国帮助中国人并为他们而牺牲。Norman Bethune came to China to help Chinese people and them.81.国庆节我们去香山游玩。We will go to the Fragrant Mount on .82他这样做的目的是不想让父母生气。He did it he didnt want his parents to be angry.83.你可以参加他们的日常活动。You can take part in their .84.托尼的妈妈想让他收拾房间。Tonys mum wants him to his room.85.确保他身上暖和,给他盖件外套。 hes warm,cover him with a coat.86.我过去曾经在这家工厂工作过。I work in the factory.87多亏了你的帮助,我赢得了比赛。 your help, I won the game.88.开会时请关手机。 Please turn off your at the meeting.89.我在下一站下车。 Im next stop.90.万物生长靠太阳。 All living things the sun for their growth.91.当我有困难的时候,他会站在我这边。She stood by me when I was .92他们都参加了祖国60周年庆典活动。All of them the celebration of Chinas 60th birthday.93我想知道怎样开暖气。I want to know how to the heating.94.请发短信到此号参加投票。 Send a to this number to vote.95我决定去隔壁那家要吃的。I decided to go to the next house and food.96他们担心自己晚年的生活保障问题。They how they will support themselves in their old age.97.他当医生的愿玩实现了。 His dream of being a doctor has .98.我的家乡以它的大学而闻名。My is famous for its university.99 我通常醒的很早。I usually early.100.今晚能来宣布本次摄影大赛的获奖名单我非常高兴。Tonight I am more than happy to the winners of the photo competitions.101.请按时交作业。 your homework in time.102.每年有几百只鸟飞到这里。 Birds fly here every year.103你在找什么? What are you ?104许多孩子因为吃不健康的食品而发胖。Many children beacause of the unhealthy food.105胡萝卜对眼睛有好处。 Carrots are your eyes.106我们可以在网上搜寻信息。We can information on the Internet.107因为天气原因我们决定取消比赛。We decided to the match because of the bad weather.108据天气预报说,明天有雨。 The weather report, it will rain tomorrow.109.这一地区正遭受水的短缺问题。The area is water shortages.110.我们在路上遇到了一场交通事故。We met a on the way.4


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