2013年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains(学生版) 译林牛津版

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2013年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains(学生版) 译林牛津版_第1页
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2013年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains(学生版) 译林牛津版_第2页
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2013年高考英语 新教材配套词汇检测系列 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains(学生版) 译林牛津版_第3页
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2013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1. starve A. a large open container that you fill with water and use for washing dishes2. garbage B. an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealt with immediately3. tolerate C. way of treating others; manners4. sink D. waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away5. behavior E. to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat6. fault F. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour7. upset G. to allow people to do, say, or believe something without criticizing or punishing them8. emergency H. to do something in order to protect someone or something from being attacked9. deserve I. imperfection or flaw; mistake or offence10. defend J. unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happenedB1.harm A. order (sb.) not to do sth 2.cafe B. disagreement; quarrel3.patience C. slightly angry4.forbid D. a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals5.handle E. thing done wrongly; mistake6.selfish F. hurt or injure sb. or damage sth 7.argument G. thinking first of ones own interests, needs, etc8.error H. ability to accept delay, annoyance or suffering without complaining9. annoyed I. leadership; direction10.guidance J. deal with, manage or controlCmon A. the greatest or least amount, number, speed etc that is allowed2.confuse B. to make someone feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand3.adolesence C. unfriendly4.physical D. the freedom and ability to make your own decisions in life5.limit E. the time of life between child and adult6.distant F. related to someones body rather than their mind or emotions7.desire G. difficult, demanding or stimulating task8.independence H. a strong hope or wish9.challenge I. steadiness10.balance J. happening often and to many people or in many places二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.Somepeoples themselvestoloseweight.2.Heis sostubbornthathestilltriestod histheory,althoughithasbeenprovedwrong.3.He felt that he did notd to be given such a great honour.4.I didnt know how to h these who always make mistakes.5.Whenwewereyoung,weusually m ourparentslove.6.My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are nowi .7.Thanks for your support and g_ in this project.8.But during a_ , my sense of humor is the first thing to go9.He owes his success to hard work and p_ 10.Garfield is a s_, lazy, and incredibly fat cat11.I thought it was very r_ of her not to answer her parents letter.12.Some children find it difficult to talk to a_.13.The show is very popular among t_.14.Im surprised by her bad b_ toward her friends.15.The country was liberated and her people got f_ again.16.He gave no e _for what he was doing that evening.17.Keeping a b_ between work and play is a good way to keep healthy.18.High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which is about four times the speed of n_trains.19.Our teacher f_ us to talk with others in class.20.I was c_ about the road sign, so that I didnt arrive at that place earlier than expected.三、译出下列词组(英译汉)英语汉语英语汉语cant wait to do sth. as if/as though be supposed to do insist on doing sth do with /deal with at present leave sb. in charge turn out go out as for give sb. a chance to defend oneself depend on be hard on stay upnow that forbid sb. from doing sth/forbid sb. to do sth mix upgo through have difficulty (in)doing sth along with 四、从上述表格中选择恰当的词组填空1. At the moment of Carnarvons death, the lights _ in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.2. I _ your taking immediate action to put this right. 3. Afterwards she gave in and let the children _ late to watch TV.4. He _give us advice, but all he came up with were airy-fairy ideas. 5.I know what I want to say but I _ putting it across.6.All living things _ the sun for their growth.7.The country has _ too many wars.8.He _of the shop while the manager was away.9.Upon getting off the plane, the man _ go home and see his lovely daughter.10.Dont _ too _ the young man hes new to the job.提升练习一、单项填空1.Mary is taking the final exam tomorrow. No wonder she _ until 12:00 last night.A. stayed out B. worked on C. stayed up D. worked out2. _ youve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.A. Although B. After C. As soon as D. Now that3.Thousands of people _ to watch yesterdays match against Ireland.A. turned on B. turned in C. turned around D. turned out4.Travis, _ the research team, is working on the research tasks.A. in the charge of B. in charge ofC. take charge of D. take the charge of5.Suspecting the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs official stopped him and _ suitcase, but found nothing at all.A. looked up B. went through C. searched for D. referred to6. You cant imagine what difficulty we hadhome in the snowstorm.A.walked B.walkC.to walk D.walking7.The passenger was tired and walked slowly but he got home _.A. after all B. at allC. above all D. in all8.Who do you _ we send to cover the bank robbery?A. know B. suppose C. think D. suggest9.Do you think Steven will _ at the party tomorrow?As far as I know, he is busy recently. He must come to celebrate your birthday, though.A. pick up B. make upC. turn up D. mix up10.Are you going to have a holiday this year?Id love to. I cant wait to leave this place _.A. off B. out C. behind D. over11.Dont be too hard _Tom. After all, he is only a child.A. to B. on C. for D. with12.In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.A. demanded B. remindedC. allowed D. hoped13. Its not surprising that she isnt a good dancer,_, shed only had one lesson.A. At first B. At leastC. Above all D. After all14.On seeing the wonderful sculpture, everyone _ let out a cry of surprise.A. present B. availableC. left D. sustainable15.Had he anything to say _ his behavior?No, he just left without even saying a word.A. in charge of B. in memory of C. in favor of D. in explanation of 16.My brother _ online games by my parents, and he is sad and angry about this.A. forbids play B. forbids to play C. is forbidden play D. is forbidden to play17.Riding a bicycle is _ in our country. As _ my father went to work by bike.A. common; ordinary B. usual; common C. average; common D. common; usual18.When it comes to this problem of mine, I just cant _ what everyone thinks of it.A. risk learning B. wait to learn C. help to learn D. stand learn19.Earth Day is _ to be a day when every person promises to do something to help take care of our world.A. struggled B. supposed C. supported D. suggested 20.They can hardly imagine that the manager has _ the problem successfully by himself.A. dealt B. handled C. worked D. helped二、完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods _1_ she realized that she was lost.Sitting on a rock and _2_ what to do, she began crying. After a while, she_3_ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. _4_ it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and _5_ stepped in. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out the door and back to the _6_. Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a _7_.The girls parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy _8_ that his mistress(女主人)was in danger. He jumped _9_ a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldnt find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a _10_ scent (气味) as he lowered his head. He _11_ the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking _12_ into the air, the dog _13_ through the woods until he found the _14_ . But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his _15_, he saw his mistress blue shirt in the distance. He _16_ over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was _17_.When she opened her eyes and 18 her dog standing beside her, the girl said, “you 19 me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents burst into tears of 20 . That night Laddy had a heros supper: a huge meal of steak1. A. before B. sinceC. while D. as2. A. wondering B. forgettingC. rememberingD. regretting3. A. preferred B. expected C. tendedD. decided4. A. When B. Until C. If D. Now that5. A. carelessly B. cautiously C. hopelesslyD. unwillingly6. A. treesB. bushesC. woods D. grasses7. A. streamB. rockC. treeD. house8. A. foundB. sensedC. heard D. sighed9. A. atB. through C. inD. onto10. A. terrible B. strangeC. pleasant D. familiar11. A. misunderstandB. discoveredC. followed D. ignored12. A. calmlyB. loudly C. merrily D. gently13. A. searchedB. wandered C. lookedD. travelled14. A. windowB. girl C. house D. hero15. A. satisfactionB. disappointment C. embarrassment D. delight16. A. jumped B. climbed C. walked D. flew17. A. awake B. abandoned C. available D. asleep18. A. spotted B. watched C. observed D. saw19. A. disturbed B. comforted C. rescued D. scared20. A. painB. shock C. sorrowD. relief三、任务型阅读Happiness Advantage EffectIn July 2010 Burts Bees, a personal-care products company, was going through enormous change as it began a global expansion into 19 new countries. In this kind of high-pressure situation, many leaders bother their assistants with frequent meetings or flood their in-boxes with urgent demands. In doing so, managers lift everyones anxiety level, which activates the part of the brain that processes threats and steals resources from the prefrontal cortex ( 大脑皮层) , which is responsible for effective problem solving.Burts Beess then-CEO, John Wolfgang, took a different approach. Each day, hed send out an e-mail praising a team member for work related to global marketing. Hed interrupt his own presentations to remind his managers to talk with their teams about the companys values. He asked me to further a three-hour session with employees on happiness in the course of the expansion effort. As one member of the senior team told me a year later, Wolfgangs emphasis on developing positive leadership kept his managers actively involved and loyal as they successfully transformed the company into a global one.That outcome shouldnt surprise us. Research shows that when people work with a positive mind-set(思维模式), performance on nearly every levelproductivity, creativity, involvementimproves. Yet happiness is perhaps the most misunderstood driver of performance. For one, most people believe that success comes before happiness. Once I get a promotion, 111 be happy, they think. Or, Once I hit my sales target, IH feel great. But because success is a moving targetas soon as you hit your target, you raise it againthe happiness that results from success does not last long.In fact, it works the other way around: People who have a positive mind-set perform better in the face of challenge. I call this the happiness advantageevery business outcome shows improvement when the brain is positive. Ive observed this effect in my role as a researcher and lecturer in 48 countries on the connection between employee happiness and success. And Im not alone: In an analysis of 225 academic studies, researchers found strong evidence of cause-and-effect relationship between life satisfaction and successful business outcomes.Another common misunderstanding is that our genetics, our environment, or a combination of the two determines how happy we are. To be sure, both factors have an impact. But ones general sense of well-being is surprisingly unstable. The habits you form, the way you interact with colleagues, how you think about stressall these can be managed to increase your happiness and your chances of success.四、书面表达每个同学对紧张的学习生活都有不同的减压方式。假设你对本校100名学生的减压方式进行了调查,请你根据调查结果(如下面饼图所示)写一篇150词左右的短文向某学生英语报投稿为读者进行介绍,并结合自己的实际提出你的看法和建议。可根据需要适当发挥。


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