六下Unit 8 Our dreams (第 1 课时) 教案

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六下Unit 8 Our dreams (第 1 课时) 教案主备人: 主备研讨人: 审核人:个案修改人: 个案修改审核人: 审核时间:【教材分析】本部分主要向学生介绍了Miss Li和学生们一起畅谈他们的梦想。孩子们各抒己见,表达了对美好未来的向往。课文有三段话组成,在第一二段对话中,男生和女生们分别介绍了他们的理想,在第三段中,Miss Li说出了自己的心声。【学情分析】1.(共性)学生在五年级上册Unit 5中已经学过很多有关职业的词汇,本节课教师也可以拓展一些常见的职业词汇,给学生充分的时间让他们去进行语言输出,从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力。2.(个性)【教学目标】1.知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和短语dream, future, tooth, take care of, scientist, artist.能听懂、会说和会读单词或短语care about, astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, dancer, pianist, come true. 能初步理解感知句型:What do you want to be in the future? I want to( be)2.能力目标能对本课故事进行角色扮演,会用本课句型进行交流。3.情感目标引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并未实现自己的梦想而努力奋斗。【教学重点】1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词dream, future, tooth, take care of, scientist, artist.2.能听懂、会说和会读单词或短语care about, astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, dancer, pianist, come true. 3.能初步理解感知句型:What do you want to be in the future? I want to( be)【教学难点】能对本课内容进行角色扮演,会用本课句型进行交流。【课前准备】1. 常规预习1) 读一读Story time 部分划出不懂的单词和短语,并结合图片、上下文和预习导学尝试翻译。2)听录音朗读课文3遍。2. 预习导学 1)中英文互译1. askabout问关于 2. want to be 想成为3.in the future 在未来 4. be a dentist 成为一名牙医5.care about 关心 6.fly a spaceship驾驶宇宙飞船7.a football player 一名足球运动员 8.the World Cup 世界杯9.healthy and beautiful 健康又漂亮 10.write stories for children为孩子们写故事11.be a dancer 成为一名舞蹈家 12.your dream come true 你们的梦想成真2)相关内容、语法的讲解 I want to be a dentist.我想成为一名牙医。Want to do sth.= would like to do sth. I want to see your dream come true!我想看见你们的梦想实现!see的用法有A)see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事;B) see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。预习自测:英汉互译1.问关于 2. 想成为 3. 在未来 4. 成为一名牙医 5.关心 6.驾驶宇宙飞船 7. 一名足球运动员 8.世界杯 9.healthy and beautiful 10.为孩子们写故事 11.be a dancer 12.see your dreams come true 家长签字:_ 教师评价:_【课堂活动】Step 1: Warming up1. Free talk:T: Whats your name? S:Im.T: Nice to meet you. S:Nice to meet you ,too .T: What do you like doing? S:I likeT: I like watching football matches. Do you like basketball?S:T:Do you know him?出示Yao Ming的图片,展开讨论: Who is he? What does he do? 2.呈现朗朗、杨利伟、杨丽萍、梅西的图片,教授单词:an astronaut a dancer a pianist a football player3.师自述自己的职业与梦想,学习dream并揭题 Unit 8 Our dreams (设计意图:利用图片,结合学生的实际生活,将职业类的单词进行拓展,并在此基础上直接揭题。)Step2: Presentation1. I know Miss li and her students are having a lesson. Lets go and join them.呈现课文情景PPT。T:What is Miss Li doing?S: Miss Li is asking her students about their dreams.2. Watch and match: What do they want to be in the future? (教学future)Check the answer: wants to be3. Lets talk about their dreams. 4.自读课文,根据表格内容划出相关句子。.新授fly a spaceship to the Moon,play in the World Cup,come true.(设计意图:利用图表,指导学生文本阅读,理清文章主要内容,意在培养学生的阅读理解能力。)Step3: Practise1. 听录音跟读。2. Reading time.a. read in groups b. read in roles c. read after a leader3. Show time(设计意图:语言的学习需要大量的语言输入作为基础,不同的朗读方式可供学生选择的自由,跟着录音模仿更能培养学生良好的语音语调。)Step4: Consolidation1.完成书P80 Think and write 复述课文。T: Do you know their dreams? S: Yes, I do.T: Can you help Miss Li finish the notes about her students dreams?2. Our dreams:3.渗透情感教育目标:职业无贵贱之分No job is noble or humble.以及如何为实现理想努力Step5当堂检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. My friends often (draw) many pictures in the classroom.2. The twins will have (swim) lessons.3. (Dance) makes people (health).4. My favourite football (play) is David Beckham.5. There are many (spaceship) in our country. 6. My mother is a (write),she wants to (write) many interesting stories.日期:_ 教师评价:_Step6: Homework1. 跟读story time,背诵课文2. 完成教学案period1 课课清3. 完成教学案period2 学案部分【板书设计】 【教学后记及典型错题】


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