江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业24(无答案) 人教新目标版

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江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业24(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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江苏省泰兴市西城中学九年级英语全册 作业24(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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作业24班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 家长签字_用所给词的适当形式填空1. Because I didnt sleep well lost night. I felt _ (tired) than usual.2. Keeping pets can make the old people feel _ (lonely).3. An ant has two _ (stomach).4. Our English teacher uses different activities to keep us _ (interest).5. _ (get) enought sleep or youll get tired.6. _ (luck), he broke his left leg yesterday.7. We have _ (end) homework every day, so we need a lot of rest.8. I wont go to sleep until my homework _ (finish).9. Well go to yancheng if it _ (not rain) tomorrow.10. Simon just forgot when _ (meet) his friends.11. Whe _ (meet) his old friend, Tom felt very excited.12. The detective was watching him _ (close), _ (wait) for a reply.13. The boy promised _ (not make) suchmiskes again.14. My dream is _ (travel) to the moon.15. Please keep the windows _ (close) because its cold outside.16. The host sueceeded in _ (hold) the charity show last night.17. There _ (be) two football matches next week, arent there?18. I like this pen very much because it _ (write) well.19. The old should _ (look) after well in our country.20. Zhang Guorong _ (die) for more than three years.21. This cartoon film _ (direct) by Jim Green.22. He enjoys _ (solve) maths problems.23. Do you mind my _ (open) the window? Its too hot.24. China is one of the countries with the _ (long) history.25. Its a year since I _ (say) goodbye to him.26. The teacher came in, _ (hold) a book in his right hand.27. I would rather _ (not tell) you the truth.28. Have they done what they can _ (stop) the environment pollution.29. The police _ (search) for the thief at 12 p.m. last night.30. The rich man _ (murder) lost night lives in America.31. You were _ (luck) than them to get such a well-paid job.32. Dont lose yourself in the dream you should be much _ (realistic).33. Why dont you _ (begin) your meeting with singing an English song.34. Edison devoted much of his time to _ (invent) new things.35. Sam did rather _ (bad) in the sports meeting.36. They are different in _ (appear).37. You have to keep _ (quiet) while you _ (watch) the film.38. Some bad films have bad _ (effect) on people.39. Ehere is Jim?He _ (go0 to the teachers office.40. His _(die) was a great 10ss to the whole world.41. Audrey Hepburns great _(achieve) is to be a humanitarian.42. John _(consider) as the best actor in the world.43. The police have found out who the _(murder) is.44. Tomorrow is my mothers _(four) birthday.45. Our team shouted with _(excite) at the end of the football match.46. The police searched the building for the two _(rob).47. The parents _(offer) a reward of 5,000 yuan for any information already.48. A terrible _ took place last night. A nice girl was _ in her home between 10 p.m and 12 p.m , but the police havent found the _ yet.(murder)49. He was once a _, he has a criminal record for _(thief).50. We were surprised that Tom was proved to be a _. But its said that the _ happened two years ago. He _ the band of millions of dollars.(rob)51. Shortly after his _(arrive) in Changsha. Wen Jiabao held meeting on how to fight the ice and snow.52. The radio says it will be _(rain) tomorrow.53. The radio says there will be _(rain) tomorrow.54. Speech is silver _ is gold.(silence)55. The children _ kites in the playground when it began to rain heavily(fly).56. He is a man of great _(talent).57. _ the news in todays newspaper _ in English or in French?(write )58. _(tell) you the truth . I really dont know the way to his house.59. What _(happen) to him since he came here?60. He devoted what he had to _(build) our country.61. The winners names _(announce) lost month.62. Look , the rain _(stop), Lets go out.63. Something that up-to-date _(inclue) the latest information.64. It _(report) that the person _(live) was the chairperson of the Workers Union.65. We live in a house _(fill) with flowers.66. Listening to music can make you feel _(stress)67. Plastic bags pollute the air the land the water and they wont _(appear) for a long time.68. The film _(begin) already.69. He _no attention to _(listen) to the teachers, did he?70. The more he thought of the coming exam, the _(worry) he grew.71. The cake _(divide) into many pieces.72. The more he thought of the coming exam, the _(worry) he grew.73. He did nothing but _(watch) TV last night.74. _(plan) carefully and it can help you do better?


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