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上海市闸北区2012学年九年级英语第二学期期中练习卷 (考试时间:100分钟,满分:150分)考生注意:本卷有7大题,共99小题。试题均采用连续编号,请务必将所有答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) ABCDEFGB. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (10分)7. A) German.B) Chinese.C) Japanese. D) Asian.8. A) Fish.B) Soup. C) Fried chips. D) Chicken wings.9. A) Radio.B) Weather.C) Holiday.D) Season.10.A) At 9:30.B) At 10:00.C) At 10:30.D) At 11:30.11.A) In a school. B) In a shop. C) At home. D) At a concert. 12.A) Hes having a rest.B) Hes having a test. C) Hes going over his lessons.D) Hes going on a diet.13.A) By joining an English club. B) By listening to the tape.C) By reading English novels.D) By taking lots of notes. 14.A) More sandstorms.B) Less pollution.C) Planting more trees.D) Cutting down fewer trees.15.A) To say “hello”.B) To ask for help.C) To make a phone call.D) To move into his house.16.A) Shell invite the man to dinner.B) Shell have dinner with the man tonight.C) Shell have dinner at Jinjiang Restaurant.D) Shell have dinner with other people.C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7分)17. The interview happened in Carols jewellery(珠宝) shop.18. She became a jeweler(珠宝商) by going to college.19. She taught both adults and teenagers to make jewellery in Bond Street.20. Bond Street is a place full of expensive shops in London.21. Its too bored for Carol to make jewellery in the shop.22. She put the workshop(车间) in the shop because people like to see her making their jewellery.23. She even made a wedding ring for Queen Elizabeth. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词): (7分)24. Since you cant feel the clothes, the quality might be _.25. Some people buy something that isnt as good as the advertisements _. 26. _ percent consumers failed to fight for their rights.27. According to consumer protection laws in China, consumers have _ rights.28. _ the label and read the information carefully before you buy something.29. If theres any problem with your goods, try to get your money back or get an _.30. If you cant reach an agreement, go to your _ consumers association for help.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法). Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)31. Australia is a great country with _ amazing places and lovely animals. A) aB) anC) theD) /32. _ the national day of Ireland, people wear green to celebrate the life of St. Patrick.A) InB) On C) AtD) During33. If you love someone, youll like all that belong to _.A) heB) hisC) himD) himself 34. _ is simple and common for people to expect a dark or a colorful life.A) ItB) ThisC) ThatD) There35. Hello. This is Linda. Dorothy is away from her desk now. Will you leave a _?A) paperB) messageC) noticeD) bill36. Miss Zhang is satisfied with Helen because she has made _ mistakes than before.A) fewB) fewerC) littleD) less37. _ study trip in the U.S. has changed my friend a lot in his life style.A) Three yearB) Three yearsC) Three-yearsD) Three years(反面还有试题)38. Im afraid the food is delicious at this restaurant, but the service seems _. A) goodB) well C) poorD) badly39. Believe your teacher. She has various methods to make you speak English _.A) clearB) clearerC) more clearlyD) most clearly40. _ sad movie! It brought tears to my eyes.A) WhatB) What a C) How D) How a41. Parents _ encourage their children to enter music contests, science fairs and debates.A) shouldB) shouldntC) mustD) mustnt42. Often James Bond 007 was in a difficult and dangerous situation, _ he always managed to escape.A) because B) soC) butD) though43. _ some more cases of H7N9 have been found, more research has been done on it.A) WhenB) SinceC) IfD) Whether44. I will tell you the secret if you promise _ a word of it.A) dont breatheB) not breatheC) to not breatheD) not to breathe45. My cousin said she _ to work in the west of China after she graduated from university.A) will goB) wentC) had goneD) would go46. Lei Feng _ for his warm heart and kind deeds. We should learn from him.A) knowsB) is knownC) was knownD) has known47. He is not the first boss here to _ and say a lot of rude words.A) lose his lifeB) lose his wayC) lose temperD) lose weight48. Do you know _ my mail will be received by the other end?A) how longB) how soonC) how oftenD) how far 49. Miss Liu, I am terribly sorry. I left my physics exercise books at home. _ A) Im sorry to hear that.B) Thats all right.C) Not at all.D) Youre welcome.50. May I open the window? Its a bit hot inside. _A) Im glad to hear that.B) It doesnt matter.C) Yes, I will. Thank you.D) Go ahead, please. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)A. others B. regular C. easily D. connected E. control F. variety G. respect H. get familiar with I. deal with A police officers job responsibilities are varied. Police make sure that people follow the law. They solve crimes, direct and 51 traffic, help in emergencies such as car accidents, collect evidence at the scene of a crime, and even testify(作证) in court.Police also work in a wide 52 of places. Some work in offices or police stations, but _53_ patrol(巡逻) communities on foot, by car, on a motorcycle, or even on a horse! Still other types of police officers ride in boats to protect rivers, lakes, and harbors.Most police wear a uniform. These are the police you can 54 recognize. But other police may not be as easy to spot: Detectives or special agents wear 55 street clothes.Police can be men or women, and they have a very dangerous job. This is because police often 56 people who have broken the law. Many police officers carry weapons, such as a gun or nightstick, to protect them from harm. Sometimes police officers are 57 to car chases or have to go to risky places, such as the scenes of fires and explosions. Police officers always put themselves in harms way to keep us safe, so its important to 58 them. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)59.Good _ serve their country. (citizen)60.Nice, the fifth largest city in _, attracts people from all over the world. (French)61.I entered a chess competition and finished _. (three) 62.People like to change things around to go on with _. (they)63. The little child was _ to see a figure in the dark. (frighten)64.Alice sang to the music with her hand waving _. (gentle)65.The only way to _ is through hard work. (success)66.The most _ car was a Benz which had only three wheels. (usual). Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共14分)67.The students have many exercises to do every day. (改为否定句)The students _ _ many exercises to do every day.68.They tried everything they could to improve the situation. (改为反意疑问句) They tried everything they could to improve the situation, _ _?69.We must train them to think independently. (改为被动语态)They must _ _ to think independently.70. Ben Rogers came along the road, singing happily and carrying an apple. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Ben Rogers come along the road?71. I didnt make a phone call. I sent an e-mail. (保持句意基本不变)I sent an e-mail _ _ making a phone call.72.The music at the cafe sounded so noisy that I couldnt stay any longer. (改为简单句)The music at the cafe sounded _ _ for me to stay any longer.73. Eddie couldnt remember. What happened after the accident? (合并为一句)Eddie couldnt remember _ _ happened after the accident.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写). Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)AChoose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (12分) Visit the ancient kingdom of Nepal(尼泊尔) Why not take a holiday somewhere completely different? Visit Nepal a land of excitement and adventure! From Everest Base Camp high in the Himalayas, to the jungles of the Royal Chitwan National Park, to the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Nepals amazing scenery and fascinating culture make it a great holiday destination. Any trip to Nepal starts in the Kathmandu valley, with a visit to the Nepali capital. The old centre of Kathmandu with its crowded old streets and beautiful architecture is very different from the expensive modern hotels, shops and restaurants on the citys outer areas. The valley is also home to two other cities. Patan is quieter and less crowded than Kathmandu, and is famous for its temples and other old buildings. However, the oldest and probably the most attractive of the three cities is Bhaktapur. Many of its beautiful temples and palaces were built in the seventeenth century, when it was the capital of Nepal. Travel eight hours by bus west of Kathmandu to reach the beautiful lakeside city of Pokhara. This is a perfect place to relax row a boat on the lake, read a novel, or just hang out in one of many great restaurants. If you are feeling more energetic, you can go for a three- or four-day journey around Mount Annapurna. Northeast of Kathmandu, near the border with China, is Mount Everest, the worlds tallest mountain. Everest Base Camp is where teams of climbers prepare to climb the mountain, and it is a popular destination for tourists. However, there have been problems with tourists leaving litter at Base Camp so remember to take your rubbish away with you! In the south of the country, near the border with India, is the Royal Chitwan National Park. Very different from the cool mountains of the Himalayas, Chitwan is a hot and sticky tropical jungle. In the past, this was where rich British and Nepalese hunters shot elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, leopards and deer, but today all these animals are protected. You can take a tour of the park, riding on the back of an elephant. 74. This passage is probably . A) an advertisementB) a newspaper articleC) a reportD) a letter75. The main point of the first paragraph is that Nepal _.A) is very ancientB) is very exciting and interesting C) has mountains and junglesD) has amazing scenery76. Bhaktapur is _.A) one of the three cities in the Kathmandu valleyB) the capital of NepalC) less crowded and more attractive than PatanD) bigger than Kathmandu77. The underlined word it in the fifth paragraph refers to _. A) Mount EverestB) KathmanduC) Everest Base CampD) China78. As a tourist, you can do all the things to relax in Pokhara except_ A) rowing a boat on the lakeB) doing some reading C) hanging out in a certain restaurantD) swimming in the sea79. According to this passage, which sentence is NOT TRUE? A) Kathmandu is famous for its crowded old streets and beautiful architecture.B) Patan is famous for its temples and other old buildings.C) Everest Base Camp is a place for climbers to prepare to climb the mountain. D) The Royal Chitwan National Park is now a place to hunt animals.B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)Book Report Frindle By Andrew Clements The book Frindle is about a troublemaker named Nick who makes up a new word. His teacher, Mrs. Granger, really likes the dictionary. When Nick asks Mrs. Granger where all the words in the dictionary came from, she makes Nick write a report about it! The report makes Nick wonder if he could invent his own word. Nicks classmate Janet drops her pen, and he 80 and calls it a “frindle”. Pretty soon, everyone in class is saying “frindle” instead of pen. A war begins between Mrs. Granger and Nick. Nick likes to challenge the rules, but hes not all bad. He is creative and has lots of 81 . Its too bad that people think something is wrong just because its new and different. Mrs. Granger is too hard on Nick and the way she treats him is unfair. The best part is when the kids in Nicks class protect him by actions. They are _82_ willing to stay after school and be punished for saying “frindle”. When a class sticks together like that its really special. Mrs. Granger wants to stop Nick from spreading his word. But the “frindle” is unstoppable. People across the country are saying it. Nick gets a lot of 83 for inventing this word. He sees that one person can have a big effect. The book has a very 84 ending. Nick is in college, and he is rich from all the money he has made off his word. Mrs. Granger sends him a dictionary that has the word “frindle” and a letter about how she is proud of him. She ends up being the most interesting character in the book! Everyone should read Frindle 85 its such a great book. Kids who are troublemakers would especially like this book. (反面还有试题)80. A) picks it upB) picks it outC) looks it upD) find it out81. A) inventionsB) suggestionsC) ideasD) stories82. A) alsoB) evenC) onlyD) never83. A) advice B) attention C) discussion D) experience 84. A) amusingB) seriousC) surprisingD) terrible85.A) if B) unlessC) untilD) because C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)How Do You Get to School? by Wayview School Newspaper How did you get to school today? A recent survey shows that Wayview students get to school by riding the bus, driving, biking, walking and riding a scooter. Our survey shows that 25% of Wayview students take the bus to school. Fourth grade student Wesley Gibson explained, “The bus is the best way to get to school. I can relax and chat with my friends while the bus driver does all the work. S 86 I even finish my homework on the bus!” Another 25% of Wayview students are d 87 to school by their parents every day. In all, 50% of Wayview students get to school in a vehicle, e 88 the bus or a car. The other 50% of Wayview students ride their bikes, walk, or ride a scooter. Fifth-grader Alexis Wang is one of the 20% of Wayview students who walk to school each day. She said, “Walking to school is better than the bus or car because you get m 89 exercise.” Another 20% of Wayview students ride their bikes. Chris Madsen said he likes riding his bike because “its faster than walking, and you can race with your friends.” The last group of Wayview students get to school by riding scooters. The number of students riding scooters to school has i 90 . Last year, only 5% of the students rode scooters, and this year its 10%. Ella Peterson said, “Riding a scooter is the most f 91 way to get to school. Its as fast as a bike, and scooters are cool.” Headmaster Wang wanted to remind all Wayview students that a 92 riding a bike or scooter to school must wear a helmet. As you can see, Wayview students find all kinds of ways to get to school. In the end it doesnt really matter how you get here, as long as you get here on time!D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (12分)Super Singers Imagine yourself singing in front of an audience, performing in other countries, and having your music put on a CD! All this excitement isnt just for rock stars. Joining a childrens chorus gives kids the chance to do these exciting activities. What does it take to get into a childrens chorus? You dont need years of singing lessons. You just need to have a love for singing and be willing to learn and follow directions. It all starts at the audition(试唱). The choirmaster, or conductor, will have you sing with a group of kids. As the group sings, the conductor listens to how your voice comes together. Youll also probably be asked to sing by yourself. The conductor wants to figure out what type of voice you have. A girl with a high voice is a soprano while a girl with a low voice is an alto. A boy with a high voice is a tenor, while a boy with a low voice is a bass. When the whole chorus sings together, the different types of voices sing different notes to the same song. This is called “singing parts”. Once you pass the audition, you might be assigned to a specific group. Beginning singers are often grouped together in a “Treble Chorus”. More advanced singers might be in a “Concert Chorus”. Different choirs have different names for these groups. No matter which group youre in, youll need to go to rehearsals. Most childrens choirs rehearse once a week.93. What do you need to join a childrens chorus? _.94. What are you required to do at the audition? _.95. What will Jane probably be if she has a low voice? _.96. Beginning singers are often grouped together in a “Concert Chorus”, arent they? _.97. How often do most childrens choirs rehearse? _. 98. What good is being a member of a choir? _. . Writing (作文): (共20分) 99. Sometimes we need someone to share something with. What do you often share with others? Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic Sharing. (以“分享”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。标点符号不占格。) ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)l When do/did you often share with others?l Who do/did you share with?l Why do/did you want to share with him/her?l How do/did you feel?九年级英语学科期中练习卷听力文字和参考答案Part 1 Listening. Listening comprehension(听力理解):A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):1. Jack was surprised to find his wife laughing loudly when reading magazines. (C)2. Whenever you make a phone call, smile when you pick up the phone. (G)3. Computers have made our life easier and more convenient. (D)4. Our class teacher was glad to join us in the discussion. (F)5. Rose became more nervous as the interview continued. (A) 6. Its fun to enjoy beautiful pictures at the art exhibition. (E)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):7. W: Angela is German, but she lives in Asia for most of the time.M: No wonder she can speak Japanese and Chinese so well.Q: Whats Angelas nationality? (A) 8. W: Yummy, Yummy. The fish is so delicious and the soup tastes nice, too.M: I like the chicken wings best.Q: What is the boys favourite dish? (D)9. W: The radio says its going to be fine tomorrow. M: Really? I hope so. It has been raining so many days. I dont like wet days. W: Neither do I. Q: What are they talking about? (B)10.M: Excuse me, is this shop open on Sundays? W: Yes, of course. M: What time does it usually open? W: It usually opens at ten during weekdays but half an hour later on Saturdays and Sundays. Q: When does the shop open at the weekend? (C)11.M: I really like this pair of jeans, but Im


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