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Something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. We hanker after wide-open spaces; we like to explore; we like to make rules but refuse to follow them. But in this age, its hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about the neighbors. 美国精神酷爱探索未开拓的领域(美国人骨子里喜酷爱探索新领域) 。我们追求开阔的空间,我们喜欢探索,我们喜欢制定规则但是自己从来不遵守。然而,在当今的时代,很难找到可以随心所欲扮演自己却不必担忧影响邻居的地方。,There is such a place: cyberspace. Formally a playground for computer fans, cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency: school children, flirtatious singles, Hungarian-Americans accountants. Can they all get along? Or will our fear of kids surfing for dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown? 有这么一个地方:网络(虚拟)空间。从前网络空间是电脑迷的乐园,现在它却包纳一切我们能够想象得到的群体:学校里的学生,打情骂俏的单身汉,美籍匈牙利人,会计师。他们能够融合相处吗?或者,人们会不会对网络空间进行压制,因为他们担忧小孩子躲在房间里通过网络浏览不雅图片?,译文2:有这么一个地方:网络空间。从前网络空间是电脑迷的乐园,现在它却包纳一切我们能够想象得到的人:在学校读书的人,打情骂俏的人,美籍匈牙利人,搞会计的人。这些人能够融合相处吗?,The first order of business is go grasp what cyberspace is. It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate, remember, is an intellectual, legal, artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate (property in the form of land or houses e.g a fall in the value of real estate不可数:房地产。译成“想到现实的房地产世界”). intellectual (Rational rather than emotional.理性的:理性的而不是感性的),首先要做的事情是充分了解什么是网络空间,因为这样可以让你完全将公路和边界等概念抛诸脑后取而代之,你会想到现实的房地产世界。记住,房地产是建造在土地上的理性、合法的人造环境。 抛弃高速公路和边界的概念的思维方式,或许有助于了解。,Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland (公共土地) and shopping mall, between red-light zone and school district, between church and drugstore. 房地产世界中公共土地和购物中心是有区别的,红灯区跟学校也是不同的,教堂跟杂货店也不例外。,In the same way, you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate. Some property is privately owned and rented out; other property is common land; some places are suitable for children, and others best avoided by all citizens. property (A piece of real estate: 地产:不动产:my country property. 我在乡下的地产)此处可译为“物业” 同样,你可以将网络空间想象为巨大的无边界的虚拟房地产世界。在这个世界里有一些物业是私有并且租出的,另外的是公共土地;有些地方适合小孩子,也有某些地方大众最好避免涉足。,Unfortunately, its those places that are now capturing the popular imagination (吸引着大众的想象力), places that offer bomb-making instructions, pornography, advice on how to steal credit cards. They make cyberspace sound like a nasty space. Good citizens jump to a conclusion jump to a conclusion (To form an opinion or a judgment hastily:过早下判断:仓促地得出见解或作出判断:jump to conclusions.匆匆地作出结论) 不幸的是,正是这些不该涉足的地方才最吸引大众的想象力比如提供制造炸弹技术的地方,色情地带,还有提供盗取信用卡手段的地方。这些地方,使网络空间听起来象个丑陋的空间。良好市民急忙作出结论:得好好管理管理。,But before using regulations to counter indecency, it is fundamental to interpret the nature of cyber space. Cyberspace isnt a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children, nor is it a giant television system that can beam offensive messages at unwilling viewers. In this kind of real estate, users have to choose where to visit, what they see and what they do. In other words, cyberspaces are a voluntary destination in reality, many destinations.,但是,使用规范条例对抗不良内容前,很有必要解释一下网络空间的本质。网络空间并不是邪恶的坏蛋拐骗毫无戒心的小孩子的地方,它也不是能够向不情愿的观众强制播送令人厌恶的信息的大型电视系统。在网络空间这种房地产世界,用户可以自由选择目的地,去哪里、干什么都是可以自由选择的。换言之,网络空间是一个自由选择的目的地实际上应该是许多的目的地。,You dont just get “onto the Net”; you have to go to some place in particular. That means that people can choose where to go and what to see. Yes, community standards should be enforced, but those standards should be set by cyberspace communities themselves, not by the courts or politicians in Washington. What makes cyberspace so alluring is precisely the way in which its different from shopping malls, television, highways and other terrestrial jurisdictions,上网不仅仅就是为了“连接到网络”,而是应该前往特定的目的地。这就意味着人们可以选择前往的地方和浏览的内容。社区标准得强制实施,确实是这样的,但是这些社区标准也必须由网络社区本身制定,而不是由华府的政客和法庭代劳。网络空间如此吸引正是因为其与购物商场、电视、公路和其他土地管辖有着显著的区别。,


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