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花木类出口合同范本花木类出口合同范本卖方: 中国公司 Seller: Chinese Company地址: Address:电话Tel:传真Fa*:买方: *国际贸易公司 Buyer: * International Trade Company地址: 荷兰Address: Holland电话Tel:传真Fa*:1.兹确认售予你方以下货品,其成交条款如下:the buyer.f) 货品必须根据其品种、颜色和规格分门别类地包装,最多可以接受2%的差异。到达目的地后,皇家种球交易者协会的官方代表即种球检验的官方机构将从每批货品中采取样品,样品将被封存,然后在皇家种球交易者协会的官方实验花园培植。开花后,皇家种球交易者协会将向买方提供官方报告。如果报告得出在品种、颜色、规格方面差异高于2%的结论,买方有权对差异高于2%部分的全部成本进行索赔,包括到荷兰的运费及一切费用。f)Goods must be segregated and packed according to varieties and colours and sizes. A ma*imum of 2% discrepancy is allo each stock. The samples the acceptance date.14. 与合同或执行合同有关的分岐双方应通过友好协商解决,如最终不能达成协议,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易委员会促裁,根据中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终审裁决,对双方都有约束力。All disputes arising in connection mission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties for settling this dispute.15. 如果卖方未能按合同规定期限装运全部或部分货物,除非有不可抗力因素或经买方同意后对合同进行了修改,买方有权取消在合同规定的装运期限到期后十天内仍未装运的那部分的货物。收到货物后如发现在质量、数量上有任何与合同不符之处,买方应在五个工作日内向卖方提出索赔要求并须附上清晰证据。In case the Seller fails to ship the whole lot or part of the goods within the time stipulated in this Contract, the Buyer shall reserve the right to cancel the part whichhas not been performed within the Contract 10 days following the e*piry of the stipulated time of shipment, unless there e*ists a Force Majeure cause or the Contract terms have been modified with the Buyers consent. In case of any discrepancy on the quality and/or quantity of the goods to be found by the Buyer after receipt of goods, the Buyer may, within 5 working days, lodge a claim with the Seller which should be supported by clear evidence.买方(Buyer)卖方(Seller)日期: Date:


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