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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.教材解读本单元的核心话题是用中国民间故事和西方童话故事。通过对故事的了解和学习, 使学生能够学会讲述故事,在讲述过程中恰当使用连词,符合英语的语言逻辑习惯和表 达;同时能更进一步地尝试演绎剧本。在此过程中学生对本单元语言目标加以稳固,综 合能力得以提升。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 词汇:shoot,remind,hide,excite,fit,smile,marry,cheatshinelead,god, bit,stick,tail,couple,object,etc2. 常用表达:once upon a time ,instead of,turninto,get married,as soon as 3. 语法:学会在表达故事中运用 as soon as,unless,sothat 等连词,能借助 how,what,who,why 等引导的疑问句完成故事的表达。How does the story begin?What happened next?Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains?Who is the Monkey King?4. 能力目标:流利地、正确地用英语讲述故事。二、过程与方法灵活运用教材,从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,调整和取舍教学内容,合 理安排本单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内容。三、情感态度与价值观1通过课堂的合作互动,增进同学间的了解,增进感情。2通过了解古代寓言故事和西方故事,学习故事中所蕴含的哲理。3了解自己的能力,培养情操。4培养学生们对英语的兴趣。教法导航1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学 法等。2. 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。3. 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础,注重实用性。4. 引用激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。学法导航多读善思,小组合作、探究、学习、交流。学习文档 仅供参考课时支配第 1 课时:Section A1a-2d第 2 课时:Section A 3a-4c第 3 课时:Section B1a-1dSelf Check第 4 课时:Section B 2a-3b课时教案第 1 课时 Section A 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 熟练掌握本课单词和短语:shoot,stone,weak,god,remind,a little bit,silly, instead of,What do you think about? a way to do sth.,keep doing sth. ,give up,agree with sb.2. 提高听说能力。二、过程与方法通过生动形象的图画引出本单元话题,调动学生的积极性,然后让学生进行一系列 听说活动,继而提高他们的听说能力。三、情感态度与价值观学会与同学们流畅地合作交流,并能对一些话题阐述自己的观点。教学重点熟练掌握本课单词和短语:shoot,stone,weak,god,remind,a little bit,silly,instead of,What do you think about? a way to do sth.,keep doing sth. give up,agree with sb.提高听说能力,并能对一些话题阐述自己的观点。教学难点对一些话题阐述自己的观点。教法导航通过看图、看视频、听录音、问答、讨论等方法。学法导航通过看、听、说等各种途径,以小组合作的形式,主动探求知识,锻炼自主学习能 力。教学准备图片,多媒体。学习文档 仅供参考教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class.Step 2 Lead in and 1aShow the pictures on the screen and let the students say the name of the four stories in English.同时猜测“shoot”的含义。Then let the students finish the task in 1a.Step 3 Listening 1b1. Focus attention on the sentences in 1b(让学生预测并答复 1b 中的问题)2. Point to the numbered list of activities Say each one again and ask the students to repeat3. Play the tape for the first time.(学生验证自己听前的猜测) .Check the answers.4. Then the teacher shows the following questions:How does the story begin?Why did the old man want to move the mountain?So what happened next?What did he ask his family to do ?Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?5. Play the tape for the second time and ask the students to answer the questions6. Play the tape for the third time and ask the students to read after the tapeStep 4 Listening 2a-2b1. Point to the picture on the screen. Say :Look at the Pictures,guess what the pictures are about. Play the tape for the first time(学生验证自己听前的猜测) .Check the answers.2. The students read the five sentences in 2b to understand the general meaning of the sentencesListen to the recording and circle the words they hear.3. Correct the answers4. 要求学生完整地朗读每个句子,假设学生存在生词障碍老师给予必要的指导。 Step 5 Pair work 2cThen the teacher shows the following questions:What did Yu Gong and his family do after he told them his idea?What happened next? Did people believe Yu Gong could do it?What did Yu Gong say about how he could move the mountains?What happened next?让学生根据问题讲述故事,请几个同学表演对话。Step 6 Role play1.教师以以下语言导入此对话:Yu Gong and his family kept on digging day after day and year after year. Finally,a god was so moved that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.Then ask:What do you think about the story of Yu Gong?学习文档 仅供参考Do you think it is a good way to solve the problem?Does it seem possible to move a mountain ?What could Yu Gong do instead of moving a mountain?学生独立思考,尝试发表自己不同的观点,训练他们的评判性思维。2.让学生默读,细读对话 2d ,要求他们根据所读内容完成以下表格:Wang Mings opinion Claudias opinion Teachers conclusion要求学生用完整的句子描述。3.让学生分角色朗读并表演对话。课堂作业Practice the dialogue in 2d.教学反思本课通过听说训练进一步加强了学生的听说能力,并学习了几个短语和一些重要句 式;并在学习的过程中训练了评判性思维能力。第 2 课时 Section A 3a-4c教学目标一、知识与技能1. Improve the reading ability2. 理解并掌握几个重点单词和短语:be able to do sth.,a new TV program called Monkey,for the first time,the main character,in fact,turn. intoa magic stick,keep doing sth.3. 熟练运用:as soon as ,unless,sothat来讲述故事二、过程与方法应用图片,课件等导入调动学生的积极性和兴趣,并在此基础上设置一系列的问题, 使学生由浅入深、循序渐进地加深对文章的理解,继而到达提高阅读能力和扩展词汇的 目的。三、情感态度与价值观教育学生渗透合作精神并积极学习神话故事所蕴含的哲理。教学重点1. Improve the reading ability.2. 理解并掌握几个重点单词和短语:be able to do sth.,a new TV program called Monkey,for the first time,the main character,in fact,turn. intoa magic stick,keep doing学习文档 仅供参考sth.3. 熟练运用:as soon as,unless,sothat来讲述故事。教学难点熟练运用:as soon as,unless,sothat来讲述故事。教法导航创设情境,让学生自己总结规律,思考,讨论,最后得出结论。创设英语语言氛围, 使学生能较快地融入到英语语言学习的情景中来。学法导航自主学习,独立思考,小组讨论,同桌合作,完成学习任务。教学准备视频,图片,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the class as usual.Step 2 Lead inAsk the students to look at some pictures of the Monkey Kings and show some questions on the screen.Did you know him?Who is the Monkey King?What is he like? What adjectives will you use to describe him?(在和学生交流过程中,呈现新词汇并让学生学习)Step 3 Reading1. The teacher shows the following three questions on the screen and then let the students to match each paragraph with the three questions.2. Then let the students read the passage one paragraph by one paragraph carefully ( 针对 每一段设置如下问题)Paragraph 1:what happened in November 1979?Paragraph 2:Fill in the formWhat he can do What he can not doParagraph 3:Why are children interested in reading about the Monkey King?3. Then check the answers4. Go through the sentences in 3c and try to fill in the blanks.5. 让学生诵读整篇文章,目的是再次训练阅读能力并稳固掌握词汇Step 4 Grammar Focus1. The teacher show some questions on the screen (引导学生回忆“愚公移山”的故事) Do you still remember the story we learned yesterday?How does the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain begin?What happened next?学习文档 仅供参考Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains?(教师可引导学生使用一些过渡性的语言:once upon a time,there was,as soon as, because,sothat,unless 等)2. Let the students go through the sentences in Grammar Focus and pay attention to the use of “as soon as,unless,because”.3. Show some other examples and let them read aloud.Step 5 Practice 4a-4b1. First let the students go through the sentences in 4a 让学生说出描述的是什么故 事3a, Fill in the blanks with proper words and practice reading.(让学生再次体会“as soon as,unless,because,”的用法,明确表达故事的环节)Help the students deal with the difficult words and phrases.2. Let the students read the sentences in 4b and try to get the general meaning of the passage and find the sentences using “as soon as, unless, because.” The students fill in the blanks.After checking the answers,get the students to read them aloud.引导学生注意讲述故事时所使用的时态并明确讲述故事的步骤和环节3. Get the students to think of a story they like best and remind them to use some expressions in 3a.Teacher goes around the classroom and help them if necessary. Then let them share the story in groupsThen ask some students to report their results.课堂作业Practice telling your favorite story.教学反思本节课通过一系列问题的设置使得学生循序渐进地掌握文章并提高了阅读能力,同 时通过一系列的训练加强了学生讲述故事的能力,整节课在紧张高效有趣的氛围中进 行,效果很好。学习文档 仅供参考第 3 课时 Section B 1a-1d and Self Check教学目标1. 熟练读出,书写本节课重点单词。2. 培养学生的听力能力。3. 稳固本单元的重点短语:as soon as,unless,sothat4. 培养学生的讲述故事的能力。二、过程与方法通过生动形象的图片导入新课,这样学生的积极性被调动了起来,然后采取让学生 自主学习、合作探究的方式进行本节课。三、情感态度与价值观教育学生学会与他人合作,为人勿要贪慕虚荣。教学重点1. 培养学生的听力能力。2. 复习稳固本单元的重点短语。3. 培养学生讲述故事的能力。教学难点1. 培养学生的听力能力。2. 培养学生讲述故事的能力。教法导航兴趣活动教学策略,充分调动学生的积极性。学法导航通过组内合作和组间比赛等活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力,促使学生学会 体验实践、参与合作与交流的学习方式。教学准备1. 多媒体课件2. 上网或查阅资料找到尽可能多的与本课有关的图片。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Lead inShow some pictures on the screen and ask:Do you know the title of the story?Who is the character in the story?学习文档 仅供参考What is he wearing?通过师生问答,引出本节课重点词汇:emperor,underwear,silk,gold,cheat, stupidStep 3 1a-1dThen let the students finish the task in 1a.Make the students to watch the pictures carefully and predict what happened first.Play the recording for the students to listen and number the pictures . Check the answers in groups.Go through the stories and then play the recording for the students to listen .The students only listen.Play the recording for the third time and fill in the blanks. Check the answers in groups. (然后提醒学生注意动词的时态)教师引导学生大声朗读故事,并注意重点词汇和短语,然后让学生根据这些短语和 图片组织讲述故事。Step 4 PresentationAsk some groups to report their stories.Step 5 Self CheckLet the students finish the exercises all by themselves and then check the answers in groups.If they have difficulty,the teacher gives them necessary help.Then let them read the story aloud.同时提醒学生注意根据关键词试着复述故事。Ask some groups to report their stories.Step 6 HomeworkTry to remember the words and sentences learned in this class.课堂作业Read the story again and again.教学反思本节课通过听力训练提高了学生的听力,并在此过程中掌握了很多重点单词和短 语,另外学生讲述故事的能力也进一步得到提升。第 4 课时 Section B 2a-3b教学目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握本节课重点词汇和短语:stepmother,wife,husband,whole,shine,bright学习文档 仅供参考2. 提高阅读能力。3. 运用恰当的词汇演绎剧本。二、过程与方法Independent preview and cooperative learning.三、情感态度与价值观培养学生积极合作的精神。教学重点1. 掌握本节课重点词汇和短语:stepmother,wife,husband ,whole,shine,bright 2. 提高阅读能力。3. 运用恰当的词汇演绎剧本。教学难点运用恰当的词汇演绎剧本。教法导航采用竞赛、小组合作等多种活动方式开展教学,注重因材施教。学法导航交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 教学准备多媒体,图片。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Lead inGet the students to list some fairy stories they read and the teacher shows the following stories:The Ugly Ducking ,Thumbelina,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.Then the teacher asks:What do you know about these stories?Do you know Hansel and Gretel? What do you know about it?(学生自由讨论 2 分钟,以此调动他们的学习积极性)Step 3 ReadingLet the students go through the passage quickly 说出文章的体裁,并让学生说出戏剧 的特点。Let the students go through the sentences in 2c and try to finish the task.Check the answers.Get the students to read the plays aloud.Then have them read the play again and answer the questions in 2d.Check the answers.在此过程中学生可能遇到一些新的词汇,老师可帮助解释并强化记忆这些新词汇。 In the moonlight ,along the way,shine bright,lead sb. to,find ones way out,be lost,学习文档 仅供参考an old womansvoice,the house made of bread,cake and candy,from the inside house. Let the students read the play for the third time and find the key words of each scene.Then write the words in the blanks.Divide the students into six groups,each group having four students and then act the play out.Let some groups report their plays.教师评选出最正确表演奖和最正确创意奖。Read the summary of the play and try to fill in the blanks.Check the answers and then let them read the summary aloud.Give the students a few minutes to be prepared for telling it without referring to the book.Then let some students retell the story.Step 4 HomeworkTry to retell another fairy story.课堂作业Sum up what they have learned in this unit.教学反思本节课的重点在于进一步培养学生用流畅的语言讲述故事的能力,因此教师要充分 利用好课本材料充分调动学生的积极性和主动性。学习文档 仅供参考


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