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1 2Writing a proposal for saving a building3Teaching goals1.Read the passage about Ming and Qing Tombs to get enough information,such as location,history,who,characteristic of the place and how to preserve them.2.Learn the language points:to be found anywhere,apart from,along with,in terms of 3.Write a passage about preserving the Ming and Qing Tombs4The Ming Imperial TombsThe Qing Imperial TombsThe preservation and recognition of the tombsThe imperial tombs5Emperor Zhu Di 朱棣朱棣 Emperor Cheng Zu 明成祖朱棣明成祖朱棣Zhu Yuanzhangs fourth son(-)Shisanling6when we talk about a place,what should be included?Discussion 7A famous placelocationhistorywhocharacteristicsCurrent situationhowDongling:in Zunhua,125 km east of BeijingXiling,about 100km to the west of Beijing in YixianMing Dynasty(AD1368-1644)Xiaoling:From 1381 to 1405Q:(AD1616-1911)Over a period of 247 yearsemperors,their wives and family membersLittle damageRain,war,fire and theftThe sacred way Changling Lingen palaceThe governmentThe UNESCOM:50km north-west of BeijingXiaoling:in Nanjing8The sacred waystone statues of twenty-four animalsstone statues of twelve officialsChangling Lingen palacePreservation and recognition of the tombs:1 Serious attention has been given to the _ of the Ming and Qing Tombs.2 All of the tombs have suffered some _.3 The government has strengthened _to protect the historic site.4._ is part and parcel of preserving and repairing historic sites.5.It is our _ to be a good steward of these monuments of the Chinese people.preservation harm International recognitionregulationresponsibility11 The Ming and Qing Imperial Tombs are among the most extraordinary cultural remains to be found anywhere.(L2)句中动词不定式句中动词不定式to be found anywhere作作 ,修饰名词修饰名词cultural remains。The best thing to do now is to have a rest.定语定语12(2013四川)10.The airport _next year will help promote tourism in this area.A.being completed B.to be completed C.completed D.having been completed(2012重庆高考,28)Were having a meeting in half an hour.The decision _ at the meeting will influence the future of our company.A.to be made B.being made C.made D.having been made 13 Apart from Shisanling,the most famous Ming Tomb is Xiaoling,in Nanjing.(L21)apart from (=besidesexcept)除了除了.之外,之外,且不说且不说Apart from the injuries to his face and hands,he broke both legs.()He has no interests,apart from his work.()=besides=except141.Ive finished apart from the last question.除了最后一道题,我全做完了。except152.Apart from English,we study maths and Chinese.besides除了英语以外,我们还学习数学和汉语16 along with their wives and other members of the royal family.(L8)along with 与与.一道一道,连同连同.一起一起 David Beckham along with his wife and children is walking on the street.17 especially in terms of architecture and the way they are placed among the surrounding mountains and valleys.in terms of 就就.而言,在而言,在.方面方面 In term of money,hes quite rich,but not in term of happiness.In terms of finance,Company A has great advantage.18Useful phrases that can be used to describe a place 有有(多久多久)的历史的历史 _(2).be made up of/consist of(3).be located/situated in/near(4)on its east lies(5).serve as(6)有有人口人口(7)面积有面积有.(8)因为因为/作为作为而出名而出名with/has a history of由由组成组成坐落在坐落在东边有东边有当当用用haswith a population ofbe famous well-known forascover an area of19Write a proposal for saving and protecting the Ming and Qing tombs,using the information we learnt in this period to help you.明清皇陵是世界上发现的最令人赞叹的文化遗产之一。大多数的明代皇陵在北京市西北50公里处一处叫十三陵的地方,埋葬在这里的是明代的十三位皇帝和他们的嫔妃和其他皇室成员。清朝共历12位皇帝,9位葬在清东陵和西陵。在建筑风格和根据周围山脉山谷布局选择陵寝地址方面明显受到明陵的影响。尽管近几十年来明清皇陵的保护受到了重视,但是还是受到一定程度的破坏,因此政府加强了法律法规来保护这些历史遗址。国际认可有助于保护和修护他们。1.Do Parts D1 and D2 on page 113 in Workbook 2.Reading C&D(Learning English)Homework


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