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1.1 海堤施工方案Revetment Construction Proposal1.1.1 主要施工内容Main Construction Works海堤施工主要包括西侧海堤,长约285m;东侧海堤,长约129.4m;南侧海堤,长约519m。其断面结构形式均为300KG以内开山石作为堤心料,内侧采取二片石、倒滤层、土工布的护坡形式,外侧采取碎石垫层、护面块石的护坡形式。根据海堤结构形式,结合其底高程的变化,西侧、东侧堤心石施工考虑全部陆上抛填;南侧堤心石施工考虑陆上和水上抛石相结合施工的方法。海堤施工计划14个月完成,平均每月施工强度约18500方。There are three revetments to be constructed, that is, west, east & south revetment, which are around 285m, 129.4m & 519m respectively in length. All of these revetments are constructed with quarry stone core less than 300kg serving as revetment core materials, and the inner slope protection is constructed with Intermediate stone, mixed filter layer and geo-textile, while the outer slope protection is constructed with stone cushion layer and armor stone. In consideration of the revetment structure and bottom elevation ranges, the backfilling of quarry stone core of the west & east revetment is to be performed in the manner of onshore construction, while the backfilling of quarry stone core to the south revetment is to be executed via the combination of onshore construction and offshore construction. The revetment is proposed to be completed in 14 months with monthly construction strength of 18,500m3.1.1.2 施工顺序 Construction Sequence西侧海堤施工东侧海堤施工南侧海堤施工West Revetment East Revetment South Revetment1.1.3 施工流程 Construction Flow基槽开挖堤心石填筑海堤内侧护坡施工护脚施工外侧护坡施工Foundation excavation quarry stone core filling inner slope protectiontoe protection outer slope protection1.1.4 施工方法Construction MethodA 基槽开挖 Foundation Trench Excavation 海堤的基础表层为淤泥质粘土,需要进行基槽开挖。陆上部分采用反铲开挖,自卸车运至抛泥区。水上部分考虑与疏浚工程相结合,采用抓斗式挖泥船进行基槽开挖,1000方泥驳运输至附近业主指定的海域进行卸驳。The foundation surface of revetment to be excavated is silty clay. Onshore excavation is to be carried out with backhoe and the excavated materials are to be transported to the disposal area by dumpers; offshore excavation is to be carried out by grab dredger, 1000m3 hopper barge will be used to transport excavated materials to designated sea disposal area . B 堤心石填筑 Filling Quarry Stone Core堤心石填筑考虑陆上抛石和水上抛石相结合施工的方法。陆上抛石是石料直接运输至抛填地点进行抛填,水上抛石是石料运输至临时码头后装驳,方驳运到施工现场,方驳上反铲进行抛石。东侧、西侧海堤采取陆上推进施工从堤根开始,堤心石填筑直接填筑,海堤施工时每隔50m处设置会车平台。南侧海堤堤心石抛填分两步施工。第一步粗抛,方驳上反铲抛填,考虑长臂反铲上方驳理坡;第二步由陆上推进,自卸车填筑,推土机碾压,反铲或长臂反铲修坡(结合反铲作业半径,海堤底高程为0m以上施工段考虑普通反铲修坡,0m以下施工段考虑长臂反铲修坡,并潜水组配合修坡)。Back-filling of quarry stone core is to be completed via rip-rap onshore & offshore. For the rip-rap onshore, stone materials are dumped after being transported to the site. For the rip-rap offshore, stone materials are shifted to the temporary jetty firstly, then transported to the site by flat barge, and lastly dumped to the site by backhoe on the barge. During the construction of east & west revetment, commence the construction from the revetment toe and from the onshore, back-fill core stone and arrange a vehicle meeting platform every other 50m. The construction of south revetment is to be completed in two steps. In the first step, dump stone roughly by backhoe + flat barge; in the second step, perform construction from onshore, filling with dumper, compacting with bulldozer, trimming the slope with backhoe or long-arm backhoe. Taking into account of the backhoes operation radius, for the construction of trimming slope, use normal backhoe for the revetment with bottom elevation above 0m, and use long arm backhoe for the revetment with bottom elevation under 0m with the help of diver team.Fig 4.9 Dumping Stone with Backhoe + Flat BargeFig 4.10 Picture of Filling Quarry Stone Core C 内侧护坡施工Inner Slope Protection考虑内侧护坡需在厂区回填前完成,因此每段海堤堤心施工完成之后,需要先完成内侧的护坡作业,计划采用水陆相结合的施工工艺,自卸车运输石料至海堤堤顶,反铲进行抛填并理坡,反铲作业范围外的区域,考虑采用50T履带吊上方驳,水上吊抛网兜;Considered that the inside slope protection working must be completed before backfilling of station area, the inside slope protection is required to be completed first after completion of dike core construction of each section of seawall, for which it is planned to adopt onshore and offshore construction technology, i.e., dumpers are used to transport stone material to crest of the seawall and backhoe are used to conduct riprapping and slope making and it is planned to riprapping with the 50t crawler crane + flat barge to lift the steel wire bag in the area beyond the working scope of the backhoe. Crawler Crane Lifting and Dumping of StoneD 土工布铺设Laying of Geotextile 土工布运至现场就位,听从指挥由陆上往水下摊铺,施工尽量选在低潮时进行,水下施工时派潜水员水下配合。土工布要求紧贴混合倒滤层,并留有一定的余量,以平衡土工布收缩和倒滤层基面凹凸不平产生的误差。土工布铺设完毕后,应及时进行其上部袋装碎石压坡施工,以防被水流和波浪冲开,同时避免受太阳紫外线照射,使其老化变脆,强度降低,影响土工布铺设质量。After geo-textile being mobilized to the designated site, lay the geo-textile from onshore to offshore. The placement of geo-textile shall be performed during low tide as much as possible and the underwater laying shall be done with the help of divers. The geo-textiles shall be laid closely to the mixed filter layer with certain space, so as to minimize the deviation caused by the shrinkage of geo-textile and the uneven surface of mixed filter layer. Upon the completion of placing geo-textile, bagged crush stone on the geo-textile shall be laid timely, in case that the geo-textile is washed away by water flow and waves. Meanwhile, the already-laid geo-textile shall be protected from the suns ultraviolet rays, since that the exposure under sunshine may cause the geo-textile aging, brittle and strength reducing, and further affect the geo-textiles quality. E 海堤护脚施工 Toe Protection of Revetment海堤护脚施工待内侧护坡施工完成后开始,反铲装网兜,25T汽车吊吊网兜装车,自卸车运输至海堤堤顶,50T履带吊进行吊抛。After the inner slope protection is completed, commence the construction of revetment toe protection via the manner from onshore. Put stones into steel wire bags by backhoe, lift them with 25T truck crane and transport to site by dumper and then dump them by 50T crawler crane.F 外侧护坡施工 Outer Slope Protection外侧护坡施工考虑在护脚块石完成后开始,采用反铲直接抛填和履带吊吊抛相结合的工艺进行。反铲作业部分,3m3装载机装块石,自卸车运输至施工场地,反铲直接抛填理坡;反铲作业半径以外的区域,反铲装块石入网兜,25T汽车吊装20T自卸车,运输至现场后,由50T履带吊进行吊抛。The outside slope protection will be started after the completion of the toe protection stone, with the technology of combining the direct riprapping with backhoe and crawler crane. For the backhoe working part, the 3m3 loader shall be used to load stone and the dumper shall be used to transport them to site, and the backhoe shall be used for direct riprapping and slope trimming; In the area beyond the working radius of the backhoe, put stones into steel wire bags by backhoe, lift them with 25T truck crane and transport to site by dumper and then dump them by 50T crawler crane.


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