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,我来问,同学们,看看下面这幅图,来猜猜今天的课题?,A telephone call,toothache,tooth,ache,牙疼,earache,ear,ache,耳朵疼,backache,back,ache,背疼,headache,head,ache,头疼,Stomach,空格,Stomach ache,ache,胃疼,fever,发烧,cold,感冒,cold,冷,cough,咳嗽,看了这些单词,你是不是觉得这些单词和 “A telephone call” 没有什么关系呢?,下面就来看一个故事吧,冬已,看故事,it is wednesday. Helen is not at school. She is ill Su yang calls her after lunch.,Helen: Hello. Su yang: Hello,may I speak to Helen? Helen:This is Helen speaking? Su yang:Hi Helen.This is Su yang.Why are you absent today? Helen:Im ill.Im staying in bed. Su yang:whats wrong with you? Helen:Ive got a fever and a bad cough. Su yang:Im sorry to hear that.I hope you get better soon.,absent get better soon staying in bed,缺席,快点好起来,呆在床上,Su yang:How do you feel now? Helen:I still feel ill. Su yang: Are you taking any medicine? Helen: Yes,a lot. Su yang:Classes are over.I can take some fruit for you. Helen:Thank you. Su yang:See you soon,同学们,你们在生活中,有时候都会生病,那你们有留心过各种关于生病的英文么?,关于生病的词,doctor,medicine,nurse,ill,.,Dong yi:Hello. Lucy :Hello.Whos that speaking? Dong yi:This is dong yi speaking. Lucy :Oh.Hello dong yi. Dong yi:Are you free now?Shall we go to the park? Lucy:No,Im not.Im doing my house work. Dong yi:How about this afternoon? Lucy:OK.see you. Dong yi:See you.,Who is Dong yis good friend?,Do they want to go to the cinema?,What does Lucy doing?,打电话的时候, 又是接电话的人 不是你要找的人。,Katty:Hi.May I speak to Jake? Bob:Jake is not at home.Hes ill . Katty:Whats wrong with he. Bob:He is got a bad cough. Katty:Is he taking any medicine? Bob:Yes,he is. Katty:Oh.good by! Bob:By by!,词组,a lot of medicine,“medicine”使药物的意思,他是一个不可数名词,所以在她后面不可以加 “S”。,词组,bad cough,“bad cough”是指重咳嗽。还可以是 “bad cold”,词组,hes got,表示他或者她得了什么的过去式。,翻译:a fever,发烧,一个发烧,peach:whats wrong with you?,Ali:Ive got a fever.,Ive got a bad cough .,Whats wrong with you?,Ive got a fever too.,Any thing else?,OK,.Thank you doctor.,Youve got a cold.,这里有三个人想要来看病,你想先看哪一个呢?,Doctor: Whats the matter? Man:Ive got a headache. Doctor:Open you mouth and say Ah. Man: Ahhh. Doctor: Take some madcine.,Doctor: Whats the matter? Mary:Ive got a cold. Doctor:Open you mouth and say Ah. Mary: Ahhh. Doctor: Have a lot of rest.,Doctor: Whats the matter? Cici :Ive got a stomach ache. Doctor: Any thing else? Cici :NO,thank you. Doctor: Have a lot of rest and take Some medicine.,Whats the matter? Ive got a high fever. Lets see the doctor. No,no.Im feeling better. I just want my mother.,the matter a high fever see the doctor feeling better just want my mother,Thank you,


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