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新概念六年级上册英语看图写单词校外培训专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片,选出与之相符的句子。(_)1.A.I hurt my knee.B.I hurt my elbow.(_)2.A.I have a stomachache.B.I have a toothache.(_)3.A.She is good at ping-pong.B.She is good at Chinese.(_)4.A.Jims birthday is on September 10th. B.Jims birthday is on October 10th.(_)5.A.Lily enjoys playing computer games.B.Lily enjoys singing and listening to music.2. 看图填空。1The elephants nose is_than the monkeys nose.2The giraffe is tall. Its the_in the zoo.3The pandas ears are short. They are_than the rabbits ears4The tiger is big. Its_than the rabbit.5The deer is_than the elephant.3. 根据图片及提示词,每小题各写一句完整的句子。1.(there be, flowers, tree)2.(I, like, make a snowman)3.(shorter, than, my ruler, Amys)4.(Mr Black, work, yesterday)4. 看图片,补全句子。1It was cold yesterday. My grandpa_.2I stayed at home and_all day.3Ann is_Jenny.4Im 1.5 metres. My cousin is_than_.5Lily_her_last night.5. 用完整句回答问题。(1) How did you go to Shanghai? (2)Are there any books in the box?(3)Which city is the capital of China?(4)What are they interested in?(5) What holidays are in June?6. 用短语的形式写一写他们都做了什么吧。(用过去式)123457. 看图补全单词。1w_term_l_n2I have some_.3I have a_.8. 根据图片写单词完成句子。1My brother_yesterday evening.2My sister_her_last weekend.3We_a_last Friday evening.4I_to_last night.9. 根据图片和问句,补全句子。1What did Mike do yesterday?2Johnyesterday, so he didnt go to school.3Maryall day.4Iall day yesterday.5Did helast weekend?Yes, he did.10. 看图片,完成句子。1The cinema is_the hospital.2_at the traffic lights.3My friend likes_.4I am going to buy a_tomorrow.5He is ill. He should_.11. 看图片,写出合理的建议。1She should.2They.3He.4He.5She.12. 看图写单词。1213. 用祈使句写出以下标志的含义。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.14. 根据图片完成下列句子。1. She likes_.2. -What is your hobby?-My hobby is_and_.3. Jim likes_.4. Chen Jie likes_.5. Do you like_to go to school?15. 根据图片用wants to.把下列句子补充完整。1I_to_some noodles.2My little brother_this evening.3My sister_this afternoon.4My sister_tomorrow evening.5My friends_to_together next Sunday.16. 根据提示完成句子。1.A: Why are you laughing?B: Because2.17. 看图片,写句子。1234518. 根据所给图片各题,每空一词。1Whats her hobby?She_the violin.2Where does she work?She_in a_.3How does he go to school?He_to school_.4What does your father do?He_a_.5Where is the_?Its next to my school.11 / 11


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