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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京语言大学22春“英语”综合英语()期末考试题库易错、难点精编【C】(参考答案)一.综合考核(共50题)1.All of us were _ with the news.A.pleasantB.interestedC.gladD.pleased参考答案:D2.In the _ of the King, I arrest you.A.orderB.nodC.nameD.respect参考答案:C3.I will give a report in the conference on _ of our section.A.representB.behalfC.appearanceD.interest参考答案:B4.You must remember to_all your belongings out of this room today.A.take awayB.takeC.fetchD.bring参考答案:B5.Last week the teacher, as well as a number of students, _ to attend the party.A.was askedB.had been askedC.be askedD.were asked参考答案:A6.He worked _ a bus driver for six months.A.aboutB.asC.likeD.alike参考答案:B7.I will give a report in the conference on_of our section.A.representB.interestC.behalfD.appearance参考答案:C8.Tom _ newspapers when his mother came in.A.was readingB.readsC.is readingD.read参考答案:A9.Since he is the general manager of the company, he takes _ of many important things.A.chargeB.placeC.positionD.change参考答案:A10.If you see him, please give him my_wishes.A.honestB.highestC.deepestD.best参考答案:D11.He left his house at my _ during my holidays.A.disposalB.controlC.useD.dispose参考答案:A12.You study hard, and in_you passed the test.A.resultB.consequentC.consequenceD.conclusion参考答案:C13.By the time he retires John_here for 30 years.A.will have been teachingB.has taughtC.has been teachingD.has been taught参考答案:A14.Chinese re and opening-up policy _ the way for its economical development.A.paveB.pavesC.putsD.moves参考答案:B15.The neighbors do not consider him quite _ as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.A.respectfulB.respectableC.respectedD.respective参考答案:B16.I could have done it better, if I _ enough time.A.haveB.hadC.had hadD.have had参考答案:C17.You didnt know enough people. You_join a club and make friends.A.shallB.mustC.mayD.can参考答案:B18.He is _ man whom I have been looking for.A.theB.aC.anD.x参考答案:A19.People should not_with others private things.A.wonderB.talkC.interruptD.interfere参考答案:D20.The old man was very worried about his sons safety, and he walked_in his room.A.to and froB.foot by footC.by and byD.again and again参考答案:A21.The builders have_down the old building.A.tearB.tornC.toreD.destroyed参考答案:B22.For the _ of your health, you should give up smoking.A.benefitB.profitC.resultD.sake参考答案:D23.The doctor suggested that he_to lose his weight.A.tryB.triedC.hasD.had参考答案:A24._the help of their team, we should not have succeeded.A.UnlessB.But forC.As toD.As for参考答案:B25._ your help, I passed the exam successfully.A.Owing forB.ThanksC.Owing toD.Without参考答案:C26.Buildings should be specially designed so they can be easily used by _.A.disabledB.the disabledC.the poorD.poor参考答案:B27.You should take only one at_time.A.xB.theC.oneD.a参考答案:D28.Advertising is now a_business.A.highly developingB.highly developedC.high developingD.high developed参考答案:B29.Some of the older villagers prefer_tobacco rather than to smoke it.A.to chewB.chewingC.chewedD.chew参考答案:A30.He had_exciting experience last night.A.xB.theC.anD.a参考答案:C31.They were _ because the thieves had stolen all their money.A.difficultB.in deep waterC.absurdD.at wits end参考答案:B32.He insisted that we_him the news.A.toldB.tellC.informedD.helped参考答案:B33.They have been on good _ with each other since they met.A.relationsB.friendshipC.termD.terms参考答案:D34.The judge said that he was_by the high standards of the riders performance.A.touchedB.interestedC.impressedD.imposed参考答案:C35.Buildings should be specially designed so they can be easily used by_.A.the poorB.the disabledC.poorD.disabled参考答案:B36.He told me I_go and see him at any time.A.wouldB.shouldC.mightD.can参考答案:C37.The artist felt _ for the pretentious businessman who offered to buy his new painting.A.happyB.disdainC.sorryD.disrespect参考答案:B38.If I knew the fact, I _ you.A.should tellB.would have toldC.would tellD.will tell参考答案:B39.Chinese reform and opening-up policy_the way for its economical development.A.paveB.pavesC.putsD.moves参考答案:B40.His compass proved_to him when he was lost in an unknown country.A.valuableB.preciousC.expensiveD.dear参考答案:A41.At the beginning I suspected him, but his honest words_the doubts out of my mind.A.shutB.shootC.cutD.clear参考答案:D42.Nowadays you can buy many things on_in many big supermarkets.A.creditB.costC.cardD.call参考答案:A43.The excited girl quickly_down.A.wentB.runC.comeD.calmed参考答案:D44._ it not for your help. I wouldnt succeed.A.IfB.WereC.ButD.Unless参考答案:B45.He insisted that we _ him the news.A.toldB.informedC.helpedD.tell参考答案:D46.If I knew the fact,I_you.A.would tellB.would have toldC.will tellD.should tell参考答案:B47.Ive written ten pages _ youve only written eight.A.whereasB.whenC.whileD.as参考答案:C48.She brought me_fruit.A.such aB.someC.many aD.a lot参考答案:B49.You ought to have told me in_.A.aheadB.adverbC.advantageD.advance参考答案:D50.The water isnt warm enough for us _.A.going swimming eitherB.to be going swimmingC.go swimmingD.to go swimming参考答案:D


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