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2个年代的发展对比时间线第 1 页20082009这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明3D箭头发展历程PPT图示第 2 页200820072006 200520042003 200220012000 Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents斑马线间隔的流程第 3 页200920102011201120102009这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明半立体效果的流程第 4 页比较复杂的流程第 5 页Add text in hereAdd text in here tooAdd text in hereAdd text here add text in hereAdd text in here tooAdd text in hereAdd text here add text in hereAdd text in here tooAdd textAdd textAdd textAdd textAdd textAdd textAdd textAdd text长春市中心医院病历复印流程图Step 1第一步第一步Step 2第二步第二步Step 3第三步第三步Step 4第四步第四步Step 5第五步第五步Step 6第六步第六步申 请 人申 请 人带齐相关带齐相关证明材料证明材料到病历调到病历调档室。档室。工 作 人工 作 人员核对申员核对申请人身份请人身份及相关证及相关证件。件。工 作 人工 作 人员根据登员根据登记号或姓记号或姓名查寻病名查寻病人的病案人的病案号,找出号,找出病历。病历。工 作 人工 作 人员根据复员根据复印病历用印病历用途为申请途为申请人复印病人复印病历并加盖历并加盖公章。公章。申 请 人申 请 人凭工作人凭工作人员开具的员开具的票据到三票据到三楼财务科楼财务科交病历复交病历复印费。印费。交 费 完交 费 完成后,申成后,申请人凭收请人凭收款小票到款小票到病案调档病案调档室领取病室领取病历复印件。历复印件。垂直的时间线20092010201120122013这里添加文字这里添加说明这里添加文字这里添加说明这里添加文字这里添加说明这里添加文字这里添加说明这里添加文字这里添加说明第 7 页大箭头流程第 8 页ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Title in here2.Description of the companys sub contentsDescribe a vision of company or strategic contents1.Description of the companys sub contentsThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.带标题的3色流程第 9 页Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Add your textAdd your textAdd your text带有图片的时间线第 10 页FebruaryMarchAprilMayJanuaryThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.June带有图片的时间线2第 11 页这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明多个时间线素材第 12 页1234567891010122008201020112012201320142015200920082009201020082009多个时间线素材第 13 页1234567891110122008201020112012201320142015200920082009201020082009方方正正的流程第 14 页Title in hereTitle in hereTitle in here1.Description of the companys products2.Description of the companys business3.Description of the companys technology4.Description of the companys contents1.Description of the companys products2.Description of the companys business3.Description of the companys technology4.Description of the companys contentsThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.分岔的流程组织第 15 页PlanningEvaluationImplementation StrategyInputOutput工作平台上的流程第 16 页Example textGo ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own textOrderPackShipBill Customer公司发展沿革第 17 页20032004200520072003.10 Add Your Text2003.10 Add Your Text2003.10 Add Your Text2004.10 Add Your Text2004.10 Add Your Text2004.10 Add Your Text2005.10 Add Your Text2005.10 Add Your Text2005.10 Add Your Text2007.10 Add Your Text2007.10 Add Your Text2007.10 Add Your Text管状相连的流程第 18 页TEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXT弧形表示方向的流程第 19 页This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text Example text时间线的流程第 20 页20082010201120122013201420152009这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明绘制的钟表用于PPT流程第 21 页678121234591011文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容简单基本的流程第 22 页Marketing PlanThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Strategy enhancmentThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Result measuringThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.简单流程第 23 页Example textThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.Go ahead an replace it with your own text.This is an example text.箭头透视的流程关系图第 24 页200920102011这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明箭头透视的流程关系图第 25 页3245671添加说明添加说明这里添加说明胶片效果的流程第 26 页Example textThis is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.Example textThis is an example text.阶梯样式的流程第 27 页文字内容文字内容文字内容文字内容文字内容经典的流程第 28 页Text Add texthereText Add texthereText Add texthereText Add texthereText Add texthereHeading goesadd text here tooAdd text in here too add Add text add text in hereText here Add text add text in hereAdd text add text in hereAdd text add text in hereAdd text hereHeading goesAdd text in here too add Add text add text in hereAdd text add text in hereHeading goes add textAdd text in here add text in here tooAdd text in here add text in here tooAdd text in here Heading goesAdd text in here add text in here tooAdd text in here add text in here tooAdd text in here too历史沿革第 29 页2010年单击添加文本 2008年单击添加文本 2009年单击添加文本 2011年2007年单击添加文本 单击添加文本 蓝绿色的流程第 30 页 Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add TextThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.球形连接的发展历程第 31 页 Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add TextText in hereText in hereText in hereText in here Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text球形流程第 32 页Go ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text123Go ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own textGo ahead and replace it with your own text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text色方块的流程第 33 页 Description of the sub contentsTitle in hereTitle in hereTitle in hereTitle in here Description of the sub contents Description of the sub contents Description of the sub contents圈圈箭头流程第 34 页ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TextTextText上下弧线链接第 35 页 Phase 1January Phase 2April Phase 3August Phase 4December少见的向上的流程第 36 页This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own textThis is an example text6.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.5.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.4.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.1.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.2.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.3.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.世界地图背景的时间线第 37 页2009201020112012这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明这里添加说明有关联作用的流程第 38 页 Title in hereDescription of the contentsText in hereDescription of the contentsDescription of the contentsDescription of the contentsDescription of the contents1.Title2.Title3.Title4.Title*Description of the contents*Description of the contents鱼骨图第 39 页This is an example text.This is an example text.This is an example text.This is an example text.This is an example text.This is an example text.This is an example text.Sample TextSample TextSample TextSample TextSample TextSample TextThis is an example text.This is an example text.Go ahead and replace it with your own text.It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.柱形发展历程上升第 40 页单击此处添加文字单击添加文字内容单击添加文字内容单击添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容1、员工2、企业3、文化4、沟通潜规则是1、品质2、战略1、价值2、绩效品牌力:服务力:品牌力/服务力潜规则人/企业文化持续循环企业文化内涵体系企业标志企业文化内涵体系形象层行为层制度层物质层企业文化的核心,反应。企业文化的中间层次,是企业文化的表层,通过市场竞争的最高层次是文化竞争!精神层理念层企业标志我们的定位我们要做什么我们的目标是什么核心价值观使 命愿 景企业文化内涵体系对利益相关者的承诺核心价值观我们的使命我们的愿景企业标志企业文化建设实现使命企业文化建设强大的系统调节工具强大的系统调节工具形象层 精神层 行为层三位一体 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System&Solutions 50%100%SolutionERPCRM/DWKMS/GWEDMSWCMSMailingCommunityB2B FAX97%87%75%52%55%75%65%100%:8007006005004003002001000-100-200-300-400199920002001200220032004200520062007182475730-34-192-305-343-385-289:924:742(:)10,00020,000SolutionERPCRM/DWKMS/GWEDMSWCMSMailingCommunityB2B FAX(:)(21,626)(18,122)(9,807)(7,984)(7,467)(10,266)(14,073)(7,810)20022003200420052006(:)5,0006,8005,5008,0006,5005,500ExtensionFront endBack end B2C/e-Community/Cyber IR Web Business/e-Marketing System(HW)/Network(LAN,WAN)Solutions/Applications9,0005,0004,5007,500Product(:)2003 2004 20051,000500 1,50020%12%6004003005001,00015%e-MarketingE-CRMe-MarketplaceSCMSupplierCustomerSupplierCustomer ,Order Fulfillment 50%15%10%10%15%30%20%30%7%10%5%SCMCMSERMERPKMSHRM SCM(Supply Chain Management)20042003 ERM(Enterprise Resource Management):IT IT 10 20 50 100 100 43%24%22%6%4%100(845)20%34%40%10 (4,159)5 10 100 200 200 ConsultingMarketingContentsFlashDesignCodingCTIUMSMailingServerD/BCreativeInteractionSystemebiz 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Transformation30%60%30%60%CustomerCustomerSupplierSupplierLoyaltySystem Integration eCRM IRM PRM Solution Development q q q q.q()q q/q .q q q q q q q q.45%15%5%35%.KMSEISEDMSSCMCRMGWERPElectronic Decision Making E-mailE-boardSchedule ManagementMISName Card ManagementCareerManagementHumanRelationship ManagementSurveymessengerGWeagleOfficeBusiness Value 100250300l l 120400700Degree of Innovationl AnalyticalCRMCollaborativeCRMOperationalCRMData WarehousingIntegrationCRM q q q CustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerPowerpoint 模板InformationPortaleGSTransactionInformationeGSeGSTransactionPortale-Gov.ServiceIntegrationEUROPEASIAS.AMERICAOCEANIAAFRICALos AngelesARTCOMPT(AMERICA),INC.TEL:1-714-999-8990 FAX:1-754-999-9901N.AMERICAPowerpoint 模板Power Design谢谢观赏!1、员工2、企业3、文化4、沟通潜规则是1、品质2、战略1、价值2、绩效品牌力:服务力:品牌力/服务力潜规则人/企业文化持续循环企业文化内涵体系企业标志企业文化内涵体系形象层行为层制度层物质层企业文化的核心,反应。企业文化的中间层次,是企业文化的表层,通过市场竞争的最高层次是文化竞争!精神层理念层企业标志我们的定位我们要做什么我们的目标是什么核心价值观使 命愿 景企业文化内涵体系对利益相关者的承诺核心价值观我们的使命我们的愿景企业标志企业文化建设实现使命企业文化建设强大的系统调节工具强大的系统调节工具形象层 精神层 行为层三位一体 相互支撑共享愿景企业标志强大的系统调节工具强大的系统调节工具强大的系统调节工具强大的系统调节工具企业文化建设人力资源理念企业使命企业愿景核心价值观企业精神经营理念管理风格价值理念体系企业标志发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款是关键配合nForce4系统发布的一款功能强大的系统调节工具,主要功能包括:1.电压和总线速度监控发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款企业文化建设员工绩效考核职业道德规范员工行为准则团队管理沟通渠道建立顾客满意工程员工满意工程培训体系设计激励机制设计推动企业绩效规范员工行为发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款是关键企业标志配合nForce4系统发布的一款功能强大的系统调节工具,主要功能包括:1.电压和总线速度监控发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款企业文化建设品牌形象企业标志员工服饰文化刊物传媒组合企业环境设施建设企业标志发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款是关键配合nForce4系统发布的一款功能强大的系统调节工具,主要功能包括:1.电压和总线速度监控发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款发掘配合nForce4系统发布的一款市场发展和竞争态势60%企业标志 CEO 8 44.9%2.3%9.4%15.9%15.4%12.3%q :q eBiz Service&Solutions10%15%20%55%2004Web Service&Solution eBiz ConsultingSI Service&Solution Network Integrationv 9469739891,0781,1101,1951997199819992000200120024,0003,0002,0001,000()(/):q 2004 (:)2003 2004 20051,000500 1,50020%12%6004003005001,00015%q IT IT1009080706050403020100240200160120804001431234567891011133154157147157154153171190186IT(:):34.727.720.812.916. _:8007006005004003002001000-100-200-300-400199920002001200220032004200520062007182475730-34-192-305-343-385-289:924:742(:)q Website StrategySite ESite BSite HSite FSite ASite GE-biz TransformationAS ISTO BESite CSite DStrategy and Implementatione-ShoppingInformationeBusinessBusiness Function&Strategy q eOffice Solution Planning q q q q.q()q q/q .q q q q q q q q.45%15%5%35%.KMSEISEDMSSCMCRMSolution&Service-SI Development&SolutionsGWERPHow convenient would it be,if we can view all the numerous information scattered on the internet,such as Intranet,GroupWare,(ERP),(CRM),(SCM)gathered in single screen?Electronic Decision Making E-mailE-boardSchedule ManagementMISName Card ManagementCareerManagementHumanRelationship ManagementSurveymessengerq Solution&Service-eagleOfficeGWeagleOfficeq OrganizationPlanning&PublicSupporting TeamPresident&CEO CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 team Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System team SI Develop team Sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network team Consulting 1 team Consulting 2 team Consulting 3 team eBiz team Solution teamSI MUINFRA MUConsulting MUR&D MUBSP MUHow to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information?How to sell products and process ordersOver the Web?What are new offerings,unique to the Web?How to revolutionise business models andshift value creation?Product/Service InnovationBusiness Model InnovationMarketing InnovationChannel InnovationSource:Arthur D.Littleq eBusiness Perspective(e-Business )Channel EnhancementValue Chain IntegrationConvergenceIndustry Transformation Win-WinWin-Win (:),:PwCq eBusiness 2004 ConsultingeSolution2004Web Building Web integration Publishing DB generationWeb Designq eBusiness TransformationSupplierSupplierSupplierstockholderEmployeesOn-lineOff-lineSCMERPIPSEIP/KMS/GWIRM/RMS/PRMWebSiteCRM/CPPartners -,(Workaholic)2000 G5,3 ,21 -2000 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