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battles谈判 bureaucracies 政府机构 on behalf of 代表 working poor 下岗工人 broke her hip 胯部 clueless 不明白 socia-serviceagency 机构 intimate og conversation 亲密的谈判 frailty 脆弱 frait wills 遗嘱 schedule time 安排时间limitations 局限性apart from occasional lapse due to alcohol or pasion (失误 疏忽,行为失检失足matu couldnt forgive her husbands lapses )(passion 激情热情)presumably宗教的 digital devices 数字设备 prettu 相当 很标志的 black berrys 黑莓 glow 发热发光 wibromassage 按摩 interval秒 eg: wo have slowly shifeted from fwlling sightlky unnatural when connected to feeling very unnatural when disconnected dolescent 青少年vibrate 晃动 摇摆eg:the kept vibrating with an irritating , mospuito-like hum 蚊子provide compensatoru connections 提供补偿性的交际theres a phone booth on the corner 拐角处有一个电话亭digital deviced era 数字设备时代 a greatluy respected person whose ideas are follewed 思想备受追捧的权威人士personal hygiene 个人卫生caregiver 看护人 president-elect 一当选而尚未就职之总统clueless 无线索的doctor-financing 医生资助government-funding 政府出资market-concern 关注市场safety-concern关注安全paperwork and database 普通书面工作和数据库from passive waiting-for-report to active supervision 被动。到主动。offering millions of patientsinformation simultaneously同时deleting the patients identifying information screening the access to patinets identification info 屏蔽患者身份信息的访问权限effectiveness of medical productsimpressefollow-up 系列intolerable 无法容忍的a quantun leap 质的飞跃federal health official 联邦健康组织pull 推拉 拔出 undergo safety testing 经过安全测试tracking drug sfety 最终药品安全star 星星precise detail 更详细地academic research 学术研究者as a commodity物品 商品 which he must sell卖掉 in order to replace old agricultural implements 农具1 主谓 2 sell的目的 3 动宾关系when the work is well done, a (climate 气候) of accident-free operations is established 1 分清主次句2 明确从句是前提3circumstance必须是复数是才有“环境”之意mix 使混合 交际 交往until 直到目前为止admitted 姑且承认 insisted 坚持认为 believed claimed sow 播种 sew缝衣 as seed for sowing daily article 日常用品property 财产 性质特性 intellectual property 知识产权 assignment of property 产权转让 certain 某些plants have medicinal properties 药用性he must sell some of his property loan 贷款 漏-账本才有漏洞approve a loan 批准贷款on loan 暂借的if you want, i could loan you some money surplus sur 超 + plus 加if no surplus is available ,farmers will not be able to buy daily article 日常用品irrigation灌溉 he may also need money to construct irrigation successful safety progress 措施 emphasis 强调 em +phrase 短语 (用短语强调)guard 看守 警卫 守卫 guard against 防止aspects方面 of the program 侧重点in all aspects 所以方面self-sufficient 自给自足likewise同样地 equally 同等地 照样地 that is to say 也就是说furthermore 而且 此外 moreoverthus 因此 according 因此相应地 thanks to in response to wheres 然而 rather than unfortunately 然而 fortunately 幸运地 幸亏 nevertheless 任然 不过举例: for instance,of (these, those ,them ),among (these, those ,them ),to illustrate 阐明 说明 as an illustration解释,more specifically speaking更专业的说namely 即,也就是总结:in bief 归纳 概括 altogether 总之 总的来说 to sum to 总结 概括 to summarize总结概括to conclude 推断出to genetalize 总结 to put it in one word definev.给下定义;阐述;阐释;限定,规定confine限制it is defined clearly 有明确的规定definitea.明确的;一定的;意志坚强的,立场坚定的infinite无限的 无穷的indefinite 不确定的 definitely 明确地 肯定地indefinitely不明确的definitionn.定义,解释;(轮廓影像等的)清晰度;阐明;defyv.(公然)违抗,反抗;蔑视if you defy the law,you may find yourself in prisondefy all things 目空一切degeneratev.衰退,堕落,蜕化 a.堕落的 n.堕落者this is the heaven for those degenerates delegaten.代表 vt.委派为代表;授权;委托delegation 代表团 授权 委托deliberatea.深思熟虑的,故意的 vt.研讨,商讨deliberately 故意地 有意地delicate 纤弱的 精致的 微妙的dedicate奉献 把 用在delicatea.纤弱的;精致的;微妙的;灵敏的deliverv.交付,递送;发表,表达;释放;接生deliveryn.递送;交付;分娩;交货;引渡special、express delivery 速递 啊difficult delivery难产 an immediate delivery 立即交货demandn./v.要求,请求,需要(量) v.查问democracyn.民主,民主制,民主国家democratica.民主的demonstratev.论证,证实;演示,说明demonstration 表示 证明 示范denialn.否认;拒绝;否认某事或某事实的声明deny 否认denotevt.表示,意味着denouncevt.公开指责,公然抨击;谴责densea.浓厚的,密集的,稠密的densityn.密集,密度,浓度dentala.牙齿的;牙科(用)的dentistn.牙医denyv.否认,否定;拒绝departvi.离开,起程 a.过去的,逝世的around、round the clock 昼夜不分的come off 实现 成功 奏效come on 请 来吧 继续come out 出版 出现 显露 结局是come round、around来访 苏醒come through经历 任活 脱险come to总计 达到cometrue实现 达到come up 走进 发生come up to 达到 符合come up with 提出 提供comment on评论commit suicide、acrime 自杀 犯罪in common 共同 共有keep company with 与 交往、结伴in the company of 一起 一块 伴随compare to、with把 比作 对比by comparison 比较起来in comparison with =incontrast to 和 相比compensate for 补偿 赔偿 弥补complain of、about 抱怨 诉苦 控告comly with 遵守 依从conceive of=think of 、imagine、considerconcentrate on、upon集中 专心as far as be concerned就 而言be concerned with 关心in conclusion 最后 总之at the conclusion of 当 结束时on the condition that 在 条件下。假如in 、out of condition健康状况好、不好in good、bad condition处于良好、坏状况confess to=admit a fault、crime、or sth, wrong承认 共认confide in对 讲真心话in confidence秘密地 私下里with confidence 满怀信心have confidence in 对 有信心beconfident of 有信心confine to 把 限制在某个范围conform to=comply with、abide by 符合 遵照 遵守be confronted with=be brought face toface with面对面临congratulate sb on sth 祝贺ellipse椭圆eclipse食emergence浮现emergency紧急情况eminent显赫的prominent卓越的preeminent卓越的depreciate折旧appreciate赏识predict预报addict使沉默contradict同 矛盾indict起诉contribute捐助attribute属性distribute分发educe 得出induce劝诱deduce推论seduce诱使attempt努力contemplate凝视 沉思contemporary同时代的人numb麻木的benumb使失去感觉compress压缩oppress压迫suppress镇压depress压下deficiency缺乏sufficiency充足的devoid全无的avoid避免philosophy哲学家philology语言学psychology心理学家dispute争论disrepute坏名声elicit得出implicit暗示的expire期满的aspire假定 设想perspire出汗 infinite无限的东西affinity密切关系contact接触intact完整无缺的conflict斗争 inflict造成commence开始 着手commerce商业confer授予infer推断abject卑鄙的 可冷的reject拒绝eject逐出deject使沮丧inject注射object物体presume假定 assume假定设想consume消耗 消费in consequence = as a result 因此in consequence of 由于 的缘故in consideration of =as account of、because ofon no consideration=in no case 无论如何take into account、considerationconsist in 主要在于consist with 符合 一致be consistent with =be in agreement with与 一致consult sb on、about ath向 征求意见请教contrary to =in opposition to与 相反at ones convenience 出于某人的方便convince sb。 of=assure sb ofcope with=deal within the corner ofround the corner 拐个弯be in a tight corner 陷入困境correspond to、with符合 一致count on 依靠 指望count up 把 相加cover up 掩饰 掩盖on credit 购买with credit 以优异成绩 有诚信to ones credit 使感到关荣do sbs credit 使感到光荣cross out 删除 取消on cue恰好在这个时候cue信号 提示cut short打断 简短 突然停止to date =so for 、until nowdate back to可追逐的in debt 欠钱be dependent on、upon依靠。依赖deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人某物derive fromdespair of 绝望in despair 绝望deviate from 偏离 出轨die down 渐渐消失die out消失 灭绝


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