语文版中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 11Career Planningppt课件3

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Unit 11 Career Planning Reading2 Job Hunting 邵晓萌Todays proverbTodays proverb眼见为实Match1.with confidence2.ID card3.at present4.be full of 5.prepare for 6.graduate from7.job interview8.be concerned about9.in good manners_身份证身份证_ 为为作准备作准备_ 关心关心_ 求职面试求职面试_ 毕业于毕业于_ 良好的举止良好的举止_充满充满_ 现在;目前现在;目前_满怀信心的满怀信心的258769431Have a try Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2-5Paragraph 6-8Review:Is it easy to find a good job?Whats the first consideration when looking for a job?How to write a resume?Begin withAfter thatFinally“cover letter”How many sections does a resume include?What are they?sixeducationwork experiencehonors and activitiesspecial skillsreference sectioncover letterpersonal informationparagraph 6paragraph 7paragraph 8decide to do sth.决定做某事决定做某事When you have decide to apply for a job当你决定申请一份工作时I decide to go shopping with my mother.我决定和我妈妈去购物。apply for 申请,请求申请,请求 Honesty is the most important condition to apply for the work.申请这份工作最重要的条件是诚实。Words and phrasesparagraph 6begin with=start with 用开头;以开始It usually begins with a short paragraph that summarizes the education you have received简历开关一段通常概述你的学历A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。make a list of 列出清单In a separate section you can make a list of honors and activities在分开的一栏中你可以列出有关你的获奖情况和参加的活动make a list of names,addresses or phone numbers列出名字、地址和电话号码的清单paragraph 7participate in 参加school activities you participated in.你参加过的学校活动agree to do “同意做”reference sectionwho have agreed to supply information about youagree agree 常见短语归纳常见短语归纳agree on/upon agree to sth.agree with“对达成协议”“对取得一致意见”赞同某事“同意某人的意见”证明栏目;介绍栏目同意推荐你的人once是是连词连词,作“一旦就”解,引导时间从句状语Once your resume is completed一旦写好了简历once 还可以作还可以作副词副词,含义是“一次”“曾经、一度”I used to see my grandma once a week.The song was once very popular.以前我一周去看一次我奶奶这首歌曾经一度很流行。cover letter附函unless=if not 除非,如果不 引导条件状语从句because employers wont hire you unless they see you in person.因为除非亲自见过你,否则雇主是不会雇用你的。My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.我的妹妹除非饿了,否则她是从来不哭的。Useful Words and PhrasesUseful Words and Phrasesbe concerned about apply for titlesummary position application1.Now heres a _of todays news.2.She hasnt written to her family since she left.Her family members _her.3.Would you please fill in the _form?4.Now any citizen over 18 is free to _a passport.5.Please find the _of the new power station on the map.6.First,read the following short passages,then give a suitable _to each of them.summaryare concerned aboutapplicationapply forpositiontitle


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