语文版中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 10Environmentppt课件2

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What a dirty world!We are taking action!Take part in the Environmental Protection!Have you seen these kind of scenes?ban on free plastic bags VideosBACKSmoke from the factories and carsSuppose this factory is in your neighbourhood,how do you think it will affect you?Rubbish Waste air Waste water Drought Flood Sand-storm 1)What will happen if we continue to do things like these?2)Can you think of other natural disasters that damage the environment?3)Can you think of other ways in which people damage the environment?Lets see some placesA clean cityA clean cityA fascinating place Look!The water is clean Look!The street is clean Can you see the rainbow?The sky is so blue Look!The sun is coming out So How dowe save our earth?What can we do to protect the environment?Do you know what they are doing?BACKDiscussion What else can we do to protect our environment?1.Reduce2.Reuse 3.Recycle 4.Recover 5.RepairIndividual workCan you explain the five R policies with your own words?Words&expressions 1.He is trying to _(减少)his expense 2.The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the _(聪明的)individual 3.She spent a _(巨大的)amount of money on that coat.4.The factory _(生产)1,000 cars a week.5.Its _(可能)that he will not accept the invitation 6.You have to _(摆脱)the bad habit of smoking 7._(大量)water has been wasted everyday.8.I will go with him,I have no_(选择)9.She has _(恢复)her health。10.He will go _(代替)you 11.A little child does not feel much_(责任感)12.Its hard to _(弥补)lost time 更多资源更多资源 From now on,take action to protect the environment,protect the space we live.QuestionsQuestions 1.How many kinds of environment do you know in our life?2.Can you list out some living things and nonliving things?3.Can living things live alone?4.How can the interactions of the whole environment be changed?5.What will happen when people 5.What will happen when people make wise choices?make wise choices?6.What will happen when people 6.What will happen when people make bad choices?make bad choices?Words and expressions 1.It is highly important to preserve the environment 2.The pill contains vitamins.3.He could not stand the terrible English climate 4.Teachers should interact with students in class 5.Electric lights have replaced candles 6.The audience consisted mostly of women 7.He chose George as his assistant 8.I cant ensure that he will be there on time 9.The roof should be repaired soon.Tom tried to repair his mistake 10.Smoking is harmful to health 11.Harm set,harm get 12.Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes 13.She was horrified by all the pollution on the beach 15.persuade


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