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2019届高三英语考前押题卷二一、阅读理解1.Animal cafs are popular in major cities all over the world, to the delight of travelers looking to get their fix of coffee and cuteness. Featuring cats, dogs and farm animals, these animal cafes offer unforgettable experiences with the worlds cutest baristas (咖啡师).Ms. Bunny Cafe in Tokyo, JapanThis is a rabbit cafe located in Tokyo. Unlike the other cafes, you cannot make your reservation ahead of time, so you may have to wait for a table. This cafe also offers the unique opportunity to take one of the rabbits for a walk around the neighborhood.Cafe Chat LHeureux in Montreal, CanadaFeaturing a dozen cats, this is a great place to play with cats and even do a little shopping for your pet back home. In addition to food and drinks, the cafe also sells various products that your cat may appreciate. This warm caf is sure to please both the humans and their cats. Dog Cafe in Los Angeles, AmericaHere the cafe experience is about more than just scheduling in some face time with friendly dogs; its also about changing the way dogs are adopted. It is part shelter, part animal cafe, offering an experience to visitors to connect with rescue dogs, help socialize them, and maybe even take one home.Meow Parlour in New York, AmericaIn New York,youll find one of the best and cleanest cat caf6s in Chinatown at Meow Parlour. This cafe not only offers plenty of snacks for you and the cats, but it also puts on special events like yoga and bingo at night.1.What can customers do in Ms. Bunny Caf?A.Do some shopping for pets.B.Book a seat in advance.C.Adopt cute rabbits you like.D.Walk a bunny nearby.2.What is typical of Dog Cafe in Los Angeles?A.It also serves as an animal shelter.B.You can bring your own food there.C.It presents special events.D.It has a reputation for being clean.3.Where can you probably see this article?A.In a magazine.B.In a science book.C.In a guide to animal breeding.D.In a cookbook.2. The mayor of Flint offered Miss Michigan Emily Sioma high praise on Tuesday for speaking out at this weekends Miss America conference about the citys water crisis. “I was really excited for her to do that, Mayor Karen Weaver told TMZ. “I think she was very brave because so many times you say who you are and where youre from and just general information. For her to take that opportunity and use her platform and use her voice to speak up about whats going on in Michigan and in Flint, in particular, was just amazing. ” Emily Sioma,24,introduced herself on stage on Sunday by saying,“From the state with 84 percent of the U. S. fresh water but none for its residents to drink. I am Miss Michigan Emily Sioma.” The brief speech was a reference to Flint, a town with lead-filled drinking water. Weaver said Siomas decision to speak about the Flint water crisis demonstrated her impressive character. “I applaud her for being a brave young woman. And it also shows you that shes not a selfish person, Weaver said. “She could have talked only about herself, but she chose to use this opportunity to bring attention to, and keep attention on, whats going on in Flint,whats going on with water quality standards whats going on with this broken infrastructure(基础设施) that we have across the country. Ratings showed that 4. 3 million viewers watched the ABC program. Although Miss New York Nia Imani Franklin ultimately won the competition, many Twitter users quickly got behind Sioma, who did not make the final 15, after her introduction. “Emily Sioma wanted to make an impact,” one Twitter user wrote on Sunday. Regardless of whether you agree with what she said or not she is shining light on a pressing issue that we have in our state and that is still not solved. That, is a Miss America.1.What does the underlined word “water crisis refer to in Paragraph 1?A.Water transportation.B.Water shortage.C.Water reservation.D.Water quality.2.How does the mayor find Emily Sioma?A.Curious and cautious.B.Brave and unselfish.C.Proud and admirable.D.Talkative and outgoing.3.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 5?A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Introduce the ABC program.C.Emphasize Siomas influence.D.Add some background information.4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.The Mayor of FlintB.A Twitter VoiceC.The ABC CompetitionD.A Miss America3. A bra (胸罩) that can be used as a gas mask. Hitting beer bottles over peopled heads. How to turn tequila(龙舌兰) into diamonds? These are just some of the themes for this years Ig Nobel prizesthe most unusual scientific award ceremony in the world. And the winners are. The chemistry prize went to Javier Morales from the National University of Mexico for his research into how to make diamonds from tequila. He used a pressure container to do this. The public health prize was awarded to Elena Bodnar of Illinois, for patenting a bra that can be changed into a pair of gas masks. “It was inspired by the Chernobyl nuclear accident, said Bodnar, who is originally from the Ukraine. The physics prize was awarded to Katherine Whitcome at the University of Cincinnati and colleagues. They looked into the question of why pregnant women dont fall over. The veterinary(兽医的) medicine prize was awarded to Catherine Douglas and Peter Rowlinson of Newcastle Universitys school of agriculture. Their research showed that giving cows names such as Daisy increases their milk production. Its the highlight of my career, ” said Douglas. The work amused the public, but it also addressed a serious problem about the welfare of animals.” The peace prize went to Stephan Bolliger and his colleagues from the University of Bern in Switzerland. They did experiments to discover whether its more painful to hit someone on the head with a full beer bottle or an empty one. “Empty beer bottles are stronger than full ones,” the researchers reported. And the economics prize went to the officials of four Icelandic banks (Kaupthing bank, Landsbanki, Glitnir bank and Central Bank of Iceland) for demonstrating that tiny banks can be rapidly transformed into huge banks, and vice versa. Its nice to think that this amazing research is getting the attention it deserves!1.What prize did Javier Morales win?A.The chemistry prize.B.The physics prize.C.The public health prize.D.The economics prize.2.Why was the public health prize awarded to Elena Bodnar?A.Becauses he got inspiration from the nuclear accident.B.Becauses he knew how to change tequila into diamonds.C.Becauses he patented a bra that can be used as a gas mask.D.Becauses he found out why pregnant women dont fall over.3.According to Paragraph 5, what will happen when cows get names?A.They will produce more milk.B.They will grow more quickly.C.The public will feel amused.D.A serious problem will become amusing.4.How did people feel the veterinary medicine prize?A.Puzzling.B.Amusing.C.Disappointing.D.Confusing.4. Most adults find it hard to recall events from their first few years of life and now scientists have found exactly when these childhood memories fade(消失). A new study has found that most three-year-olds can recall a lot of what happened to them over a year earlier, and these memories persist while they are five and six, but by the time they are over seven, these memories decline(衰退) rapidly. Most children by the age of eight or nine can only recall 35% of their experiences from under the age of three, according to the new findings. The scientists behind the research say this is because at around this age the way we form memories begins to change. They say that before the age of seven children do not have a sense of time and place in their memories. In older children, however, the early events they can recall tend to be more adult-like in the way they are formed. Children also have a far faster rate of forgetting than adults. The findings also help to explain why children can often have clear memories of events but then forget them just a couple of years later. The youngsters first visited the laboratory at the age of three and discussed six unique events from their past, such as family outings, trips to the zoo, and the first day of school. The children then returned for a second session between the ages of five and nine to discuss the same events. The researchers found that between the ages of five and seven, the amount of memories the children could recall remained between 63 -72 percent. However, the amount of information eight-to nine-year-old children could recall dropped to 35 and 36 percent.1.What does the new study tell us?A.Childhood memories decline with years.B.Three-year-old kids are the cleverest.C.Childhood memories can fade easily.D.Some adults cannot recall past events.2.What does the underlined word “persist” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Change.B.Remain.C.Appear.D.Return.3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A.Adults cannot have clear memories of past events.B.Children can think like adults when they get older.C.Children under 7 years old have different ways of forming memories.D.Children often forget things because they have no idea of time or place.4.In the second session, nine-year-old children _.A.refused to discuss the same eventsB.remembered all their family outingsC.could recall 72 percent of their past eventsD.only remembered a small part of their past events二、七选五5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Quick Ways to Fight September Blues September can be an exciting time of year with school starting, fall sports coming back, and the cooling of weather. However, this can also start a difficult season._ If you are struggling with the September blues, here are some tips you can do to help you go through this time of year.Get yourself moving This might not be what you want to hear, but exercising is an excellent way to keep both your body and mind in good shape. If you feel yourself down or anxious, try exercising can help clear your mind and give you a chance to identify what exactly is causing you stress. Do not worry if you do not have time for an hour long workout. _.Spread your social butterfly wings _ You do not need to admit your feelings or bring up your blues, just talk. Invite a friend for coffee, a walk, or dinner. Not sure you want to talk? You could always try a movie. Leaving the house and socializing will help you reset how you feel. If you do not feel comfortable social contact, try sending a text or email.Get flexible Yoga is a great way to help reduce stress and get fit. Yoga practice involves learning how to breathe and thinking about your body as you enter each pose. If you are not sure about your balance or flexibility, considering trying a recovering class that focuses on training and recovery. _, so you can relax as they do the work._. It is a common problem affecting both children and adults. If you feel extremely down or begin to feel helpless and worthless, seek out professional help. A licensed therapist(理疗师)can help you work through your feelings so you can get back to feeling like yourself. The tips above will help you.A.Pressure always forms in SeptemberB.Some studios will offer recovering classesC.When you are feeling low, find a friend or two to talk toD.It is hard dealing with the pressures of a new school yearE.Developing some hobbies is a good way to get rid of stressF.Just get 10-20 minutes of movement in and you will still benefitG.If you have realized that September blues are something you struggle with, do not be ashamed三、完形填空6.I listen with interest how people discuss with each other. Mostly they 1 . They get caught in negative(消极的)stuff,talk about it 2 ,and try to make others agree with them in their misery. And they pay no attention to the most 3 thing.Happiness is a feeling. We should 4 how to create such a feeling. Can you learn how to be 5 on purpose?We are so used to our negative mindset that we dont even 6 it anymore.And so our mind,used to negativity,looks at the world through the eyes of 7 Even if an event occurs as happy and positive, we cannot find the emotion of pure 8 ,because we always think of negative things.This 9 happened to me. It was in my twenties that I first 10 my own negative self-talk. Once, in a bus,looking at the sunny skies,I noticedthe 11 and found myself thinking that rain was coming,and the 12 day should turn grey and miserable soon.Many people around me was 13 the same, and we saw nothing 14 in it. We simply did not know how to be happy.This was the moment when my 15 to positive thinking started. I cannot 16 bad stuff from happening, but I have built tools in my mind to 17 these events.Happiness is a string of short moments, and in each of those moments we have the 18 to choose our own response to them. We can learn to think on purpose. And with purposeful 19 we learn to create wanted emotions, which will help us find 20 in our life, and even happiness.1. A. explainB. complainC. laughD. question2. A. constantlyB. gentlyC. friendlyD. politely3. A. impossibleB. difficultC. importantD. surprising4. A. take downB. wonder atC. make upD, concentrate on5. A. unusualB. luckyC. happyD. interested6. A. understandB. recognizeC. mentionD. remember7. A. selflessnessB. freedomC. confidenceD. misery8. A. pleasureB. sadnessC. painD. regret9. A. certainlyB. fortunatelyC. hardlyD. finally10. A. doubtedB.provedC. noticedD.changed11. A. birdsB. starsC. rainbowsD. clouds12. A. snowyB. beautifulC. terribleD. foggy13. A. expectingB. behavingC. lookingD. explaining14. A. similarB. excitingC. comfortableD. strange15. A. careerB. educationC. visitD. journey16. A. preventB. protectC. spareD. free17. A. look atB. search forC. go throughD. see through18. A. secretB. powerC. needD.reason19. A. managementB. practiceC. discussionD. thinking20. A. balanceB. hurtC. excuseD. cheating四、语法填空7.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Remembering a lot of English words and speaking English fluently dont necessarily mean you can have a good command of English. You need to learn something about its culture as well. Lack of _(culture) understanding can be related to many situations. Think about meeting friends who are foreigners, _ ( go) to a different country to study,doing business with a person of another culture _even learning a new languagethere is so much about the culture of the person or people who you are dealing with. You may find it unsettling, frustrating or _ (deep) puzzling. This book aims to break down some of the confusion when you face and learn about English _ (speaker),and their language, _the first time. Many Chinese English-language students feel frightened due to their lack of understanding of English speakers, for _they may become less confident. The fear of the unknown _ (mean) that they do not embrace English speakers, and do not excel at it. They do not achieve their potential. Breaking down the fear of _unknown by bringing understanding will free students _ (enjoy) their English learning more.五、短文改错8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及二个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 This summer holiday, I went to see Mrs. Lee, she used to be my host mother in the U. K. On arriving at Mrs. Lees,I presented my gifts to her, which she liked very much. We talked about some interesting things that we have experienced together. When I first got to there, I was so shy to speak. Learned about this, Mrs. Lee offered lots of help and advices. Without her, I wouldnt have made them. She is retired now, but still leads active life. Before I left, she impressed upon me the important of knowledge and inspired me to have farther education.六、书面表达9.假设你是学屯会主席李华,为庆祝建国70周年,学生会准备举办一场以“我以祖国为荣”为主题的英语演讲比赛请根据以下要求写一则书面通知,欢迎大家积极参与。演讲内容:祖国的巨变,对祖国的美好祝福报名时间:9月10日前报名方式:studentsunion. qq. com比赛时间:9月30日下午2 :00比赛地点:主楼二楼演讲大厅注意:1.词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。_参考答案 一、阅读理解1.答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.A解析: 1.细节理解题。根据题干中的Ms. Bunny Caf可定位到第一个小标题,根据“This caf also offers the unique opportunity to take one of the rabbits for a walk arroundthe neighhorhood. ” 可知,在这个咖啡馆,宾客可以带着兔子在附近散步,故选D项。2.细节理解题。根据题干中的Dog Caf可定位到第三个小标题下的It is part shelter, part animal caf.,由此可知,这不仅是一家动物主题咖啡馆,而且还是动物收容所。故选A项。3.推理判断题。文章主要介绍了几个动物主题的咖啡馆,因此最有可能在杂志上见到此文章。故选A项。 2.答案:1.D; 2.B; 3.C; 4.D解析:1.词义猜测题。【解题思路】根据第三段第一句中的“From the state with 84 percent of the U. S. fresh water but none for its residents to drink”和第四段第四句中的“she chose to use this opportunity to bring attention to, and keep attention on, whats going on in Flint, whats going on with water quality standards” 可推知,Sioma在会议中提出了美国城市面临的水质问题,由此可知,此处画线词water crisis应指美国城市的水质问题,与D项意思相近。故选D。2.细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第四段第二、三句中的“I applaud her for being a brave young woman. And it also shows you that shes not a selfish person”可知,市长认为Emily Sioma是一个勇敢时且大公无私的人。 故选B。3.推理判断题。【解题思路】通读第五段可知,虽然Sioma没有获得冠军,但是有许多人都支持她。再结合第六段中的 Emily Sioma wanted to make an impact. . she is shining light on a pressing issue”可推知,作者写第五段主要是为了强调Sioma的影响力。故选C。4.标题概括题。【解题思路】通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了Sioma大胆地提出了美国大城市用水质量存在的问题, Flint市市长高度赞扬了她。再根据最后一段最后两句中的“she is shining light on a pressing issue that we have in our state and that is still not solved. That,is a Miss America”可知,D项能概括本文的主旨,适合做本义的标题。故选D。3.答案:1.A; 2.C; 3.A; 4.B解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“ The chemistry prize went to Javier Morales” 可知,Javier Morales 赢得了化学奖。故A项正确。2.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“ The public health prize was awarded to Elena Bodnar of Illinois, for patenting a bra that can be changed into a pair of gas masks. 可知,Elena Bodnar被授予公共卫生奖是因为她发现胸罩能被用做防毒面具并获得了专利。故C项正确。3.细节理解题。根据第五段第二句research showed that giving cows names such as Daisy increases their milk production. ” 可知,给牛起名字会增加牛奶的产量。故A项正确。4.推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“The work amused the public, but it also addressed a serious problem about the welfare of animals. ”可知,人们认为兽医医学奖很有趣。故B项正确。 4.答案:1.A; 2.B; 3.D; 4.D解析: 1.推理判断题。根据前两段内容尤其是第二段中的“by the time they are over seven, these memories decline(衰退) rapidly ”可知,童年的记忆会随着年龄的增长而减退。故A项正确。2.词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的“but by the time they are over seven, these memories decline (哀退) rapidly” 可知,七岁以后关于童年的记忆就会随着年纪的增长而哀退。由此可推知,五六岁时那些记忆还是存在的。所以画线词与B项意思一致。故B项正确。3.推理判断题。根据关键句可知,孩子忘记事情快的原因是他们没有时空感。故D项正确。4.推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句中的“ The children then returned for a second session” 和最后一句“However, the amount of information eight-to nine-year-old children could recall dropped to 35 and 36 percent. ” 可知,八九岁的孩子只能回想起过去很少的一部分事情。故D项正确。 二、七选五5.答案:1. D2. F3. C4. B5. G解析: 本文是一篇说明文。每到九月开学季,面对新学期,人们总会出现一些忧郁、郁闷的感觉。针对这些状况,文章列举了三个重要的解决方法。1.D空格上一句讲然而这也会开始一段艰难的时光。D项“新学年的压力很难应付”承接上文,是对上句的进一步补充和延伸。故选D。2.F空格上一句讲如果你没有时间进行一小时的锻炼也不必担心。F项“仅仅是十到二十分钟的运动对你也仍然有利”是对上一句的衔接,符合上下文的逻辑联系。故选F。3.C空格下一句讲你不需要承认你的感受, 或提起你的忧郁,只要随便说点什么。C项“当你感到情绪低落时,找到一两个朋友去倾诉”符合上下文的逻辑联系,且C选项中的“talk”和空格后的“talk” 是原词复现。故选C。4.B空格上一句讲如果你不能确定自身的平衡能力或灵活性,考虑尝试去上一个专注于训练和恢复


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