仁爱英语七年级上册Unit 4 Topic 2

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Unit 4 Topic 2第一部分 听力 (20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分)A. B. C. D. E.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. All right.B. Thanks.C. You are right.( )7. A. See you, too.B. Goodbye.C. See you.( )8. A. Yes, you may.B. Sorry, he isnt in.C. Yes, Im Jack.( )9. A. Whats up?B. Sure.C. Thats OK.( )10. A. There is no time.B. Sorry, I have no time.C. I have time.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. No, hes free.B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, hes free tomorrow. ( )12. A. At school.B. At home.C. In a hospital.( )13. A. Come home.B. Go shopping.C. Go to his home.( )14. A. Go fishing.B. Go shopping.C. Sing songs.( )15. A. Have a picnic.B. Do homework.C. Go to work.听对话,根据对话内容,完成表格。对话读三遍。(5分) Telephone MessageFrom: _To: _Message: _Lucy第二部分 基础知识运用 (55分).单项选择。(10分)( )1. How about with me?Id like that.A. playB. playingC. to playD. plays( )2. Do you have any time this afternoon?Yes. _A. What are you?B. Whats going?C. Whats up?D. Whats matter?( )3. Why not have a picnic _ this Sunday?A. inB. forC. atD. /( )4. Hello, Mike! _ Wang Wei.Hello, Wang Wei.A. ImB. ThatsC. This isD. Its( )5. Can you go for a picnic with us tomorrow? Im sorry I cant. I do my homework.A. haveB. have toC. hasD. has to( )6. What about having dinner with me?Sorry, _A. Im free.B. I have time.C. I have no time.D. I have some time.( )7. Please ask Jane _. Sure.A. call meB. give me a callC. to call me backD. to call back me( )8. My uncle is free Sundays. He often goes fishing.A. onB. inC. at D. from( )9. _ I see a black and white cat. Its very cute.A. In way to homeB. On way to homeC. In the way homeD. On the way home( )10. Would you like to sing songs with me?Yes, Id love to.A. someB. anyC. muchD. a lot.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。Jane: Hello?Li Ming: Hello! May I speak to Jane, please?Jane: Yes. 11 Whos this?Li Ming: This is Li Ming. Are you free tomorrow morning?Jane: Yes. 12 Li Ming: We want to visit Miss Zhang. 13 Jane: Oh, Id love to.Li Ming: Lets meet at school. 14 Jane: OK! 15 Li Ming: See you.A. This is Jane.B. How are you?C. Would you like to go with us?D. Im sorry I cant. I have to look after my grandparents.E. Please take some food with you.F. See you tomorrow.G. Whats up?11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._.完形填空。(10分)Julia and Lisa have a picnic on Sunday. At 7: 00 oclock, they have 16 . Then they take some picnic food 17 them to a park(公园). In the park, they 18 many flowers(花). Lisa wants to pick(采摘) some. 19 Julia tells her not to do that. At 12: 00, they 20 their lunch. Their picnic food is very 21 . Eggs and hamburgers are their favorite 22 . After(在之后) lunch, they fly 23 in the park. At 4: 00 in the afternoon they 24 . Their mother 25 them,“Do you have a good time?” “Yes.” they say. They are very happy.( )16. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. dinner( )17. A. onB. withC. inD. for( )18. A. seeB. look atC. haveD. to see( )19. A. SoB. ThenC. ButD. And( )20. A. drinkB. haveC. eatsD. cook( )21. A. heavyB. kindC. niceD. well( )22. A. drinkB. vegetablesC. clothesD. food( )23. A. treesB. songsC. kitesD. apples( )24. A. go to the parkB. go to the hillC. go to the shopD. go home( )25. A. speaksB. saysC. tellsD. asks.阅读理解。(30分)(A)In the USA or(或者) Canada, on Sundays many people go out for a picnic. They often ask their good friends to go with them. They take many things(东西) with them, like glasses, kites, knives, some nice food and some nice drinks. Sometimes(有时), they take their dogs with them. They often have their food in a park, on a farm or sometimes at the foot of(在脚下) a hill. They are usually happy there.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )26. People in the USA dont like to go out for a picnic on Sundays.( )27. They often go for a picnic with their good friends.( )28. They dont like to take dogs with them. ( )29. In Canada, only(仅仅) kids have picnics.( )30. People can eat in a park in Canada. (C)Picnic PlanTime: This SundayPlace: West Hill FarmPeople: Students in Class 2, Grade 7Please TakeLinlinglasses, bottlesWang Weicamera(照相机), vegetablesFangfangknife, chicken, kiteLi Daweihamburgers, apples根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )36. The students in Class 2, Grade 7 will _ this Sunday.A. go to schoolB. have a picnicC. do some shoppingD. do their homework( )37. They will go to this Sunday. A. the zoo B. the hospitalC. a restaurant D. West Hill Farm( )38. Fangfang will take _ there.A. a camera, a kite and applesB. bottles and a guitarC. a kite, chicken and a knifeD. hamburgers and apples( )39. will take a camera.A. LinlinB. Wang WeiC. FangfangD. Li Dawei( ) 40. Which one is NOT true ?A. Linlin is in Class 2, Grade 7.B. They may take some photos there.C. They have chicken, hamburgers and apples for picnic.D. Li Dawei will take glasses and bottles.第三部分 写作 (25分).词汇。(10分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分)1. Im not f_ now. I have to work.2. Can you s_ English songs, Lucy?3. I meet Mr. Li on my w_ home this morning.4. Zhao Hua is a student. He often does his h_ on Sundays.5. When do people have dinner?In the e_.B. 根据句意及汉语提示补全句子。(5分)6. How about _ _ (放风筝) with us?7. Hello! May I _ _(和说话) Kangkang?Sorry. Kangkang isnt in now.8. Please ask Ma Lin to _ me _(回电话).9. Id like to _ _(去购物) this Sunday.10. Would you like to cook with us?Id like that, but I _ _ (没有) time.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(5分)11. 请把它告诉李磊。Please _ Li Lei _ it.12. 明天他不得不在家做作业。He _ _ do his homework at home tomorrow.13. 对不起,我父亲不在家。Im sorry my father _ _ now.14. 你想和谁一起去?_ do you want to go _?15. 下午为何不出去野餐啊?Why not _ _ for a picnic this afternoon?.书面表达。(10分)根据下面的提示写一篇对话, 要求60词左右。提示:Kate早上给Susan打电话, 想约她上午去野餐。Susan想去但今天没空, 她想明天去。最后定在明天早晨出发。Kate带相机(camera), 一些鱼肉和苹果, 并告诉Susan带些果汁。_听 力 材 料Unit 4 Topic 2.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。1.(W:)Hello, Jim. This is Wang Yan. Are you free tomorrow? 2. Wed like to go out for a picnic.3.(M:)How about going fishing this Sunday, Bingbing?4.(W:)Would you like to sing with me?5. Do you have time tomorrow? Lets go shopping.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。6. Lets go and fly a kite tomorrow, OK?7. See you tomorrow.8. Hello! May I speak to Jack?9. Im sorry I cant sing any songs with you.10. How about flying a kite with me?.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。11. W: Mr. Wang, are you free this afternoon?M: No, but Im free tomorrow.Q: Is Mr. Wang free this afternoon?12. M: Hello! May I speak to Li Ping, please?W: Sorry, she isnt in now. She is at school.Q: Where is Li Ping?13. M: Could you ask Jim to come to my home tomorrow?W: All right.Q: What does the man want Jim to do?14. M: Would you like to go shopping with me, Linda?W: Yes, Id love to.Q: What would they like to do?15. M: Well go and have a picnic this Sunday. Please take glasses, vegetables, chicken, a knife and a kite.W: OK.Q: What do they want to do this Sunday?.听对话,根据对话内容,完成表格。对话读三遍。Lucy: Hello!Jim: Hello! This is Jim. May I speak to Lily?Lucy: Oh, sorry. She isnt in now. Jim: Could you ask her to fly kites with me tomorrow?Lucy: All right. Ill tell her.Jim: Thank you.Lucy: Youre welcome. Goodbye.Jim: Bye.参考答案及解析Unit 4 Topic 2第一部分 听力.1. D 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B.6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B.11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A.From: Jim To: Lily Message: Fly kites with Jim tomorrow.第二部分 基础知识运用.1. B How about (doing) sth.用来表示建议,故选B。2. C Whats up?表示“怎么了?”“有什么事吗?”,由语境可知选C。3. D Sunday前有this,that等指示代词或next,last等形容词时,不加介词on,故选D。4. C 由上下文语境可知这是打电话的常用语。打电话时“我是”常用This is .,故选C。5. B have to do sth. 表示“不得不/必须做”。因主语是第一人称,故选B。6. C 本题考查拒绝别人的建议或邀请时的常用表达。由Sorry可知不能答应别人的邀请, 其原因是“没时间”,故选C。7. C 本题考查两个词组ask sb. to do sth.和call . back。本句表示“让Jane给我回电话。”,因此空的动词前要加to, 故选C。8. A 在星期几、具体日期等前用介词on,故选A。9. D on the way home表示“在回家途中”,home是副词,前面不用介词,故选D。10. A some和any都表示“一些”,some一般用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句,但some也用于表示请求或建议的疑问句;much修饰不可数名词;a lot修饰动词、形容词或副词,故选A。.11. A 12. G 13. C 14. E 15. F.16. A 由At 7: 00 oclock可知是吃早饭,故选A。17. B with与前面的take构成短语take sth. with sb.,表示“某人随身携带”,故选B。18. A 此处表示“看到了许多花”,强调结果,故用see。而look at仅表示看的动作。此处只能用动词原形,故选A。19. C 由上下文语境可知, 此处表示转折的意思,用But,故选C。20. B 由At 12: 00及lunch可知, 此处用have表示“吃”,故选B。21. C heavy“重的”;kind“友好的”;nice“好的”;well作形容词时,表示“健康的。”因本空前有food一词,结合语境分析、考虑,此处表示食物很可口,用nice,故选C。22. D 由前面的Eggs and hamburgers可知这些是他们最喜爱的食物,故选D。23. C tree“树”;song“歌曲”;kite“风筝”;apple“苹果”。这四个名词中,fly只能与kites搭配,表示 “放风筝”,故选C。24. D 由整篇文章可知, 此处是野餐活动后回家,故选D。25. D “Do you have a good time?”是她们的妈妈问的话,用asks一词能确切地表达题意。ask“问, 请求”;speak“讲语言, 给打电话”; say“说”; tell“讲述, 告诉”,故选D。.(A)26. F 由第一句“In the USA or Canada, on Sundays many people go out for a picnic.”可知美国人和加拿大人星期日喜欢外出野餐,故本题错误。27. T 由第二句“They often ask their good friends to go with them.”可知他们还邀请朋友一起去野餐,故本题正确。28. F 由第四句“Sometimes, they take their dogs with them.”可知他们有时带宠物狗去,故本题错误。29. F 由第一句话中many people可知野餐不仅仅局限于孩子们,故本题错误。30. T 由倒数第二句“They often have their food in a park ”可知他们可以在公园野餐, 故本题正确。(B)31. The West Lake.32. Some hamburgers.33. They visit the West Lake.34. Jims father.35. Zhao Long.(C)36. B 由标题Picnic Plan可知这个周日他们计划去野餐,故选B。37. D 由Place: West Hill Farm可知他们将去西山农场,故选D。38. C 由表格第三栏Fangfang所带的东西可知选C。39. B 由表格第二栏Wang Wei所带的东西可知选B。40. D 由表格最后一栏可知Li Dawei带的是汉堡和苹果,故选D。第三部分 写作.A. 1. free2. sing3. way4. homework5. eveningB. 6. flying kites7. speak to8. call; back9. go shopping10. have no.11. tell; about12.has to13.isnt in14.Who; with15.go out.参考范文: Susan:Hello!Kate: Hello! This is Kate. Susan: Hi, Kate! Whats up?Kate:Would you like to go for a picnic with me this morning?Susan: Yes, Id love to, but Im sorry I have no time today. What about tomorrow morning?Kate:OK! Lets meet tomorrow morning. Ill take a camera, some fish and some apples. Could you please take some juice?Susan:Sure. See you then.Kate:See you.8


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