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最新北京市初中教师教学根本功培训-英语北 京 市 初 中 教 师 教 学 基 本 功 培 训 与 展 示 活 动 展示内容说明北京教科院基教研中心 2022 年 3 月 1 目 录 内容总体说明 思想品德学科 语文学科 数学学科 英语学科 物理学科 化学学科 生物学科 历史学科 地理学科 音乐学科 体育与健康学科 美术学科 信息技术学科 劳动技术学科 综合实践活动 2 北京市初中教师教学根本功培训与展示活动 内容总体说明 根据?北京市教育委员会关于开展初中教师根本功培训和展示活动的通知? 京教基一20228 号中的具体安排,2022 年 7 月将组织市级展示活动,主要 内容包括统一笔试、微格教学展示与辩论、现代教育技术运用三项内容。为帮助 广阔教师更详细了解展示要求,特编写本说明,仅供参考。 2022 年初中教师教学根本功展示活动共分为两个阶段进行: 第一阶段:全员笔试与调研阶段 依据文件要求,全市 1963 年以后含 1963 年出生的初中教师都应参加所 任教学科的教学根本功笔试和调研。统一笔试包括公共局部和学科专业知识与技 能局部,总分值 100 分;调研是与笔试相对应的问卷调查。 第二阶段:信息技术与微格教学展示阶段 依据统一笔试成绩,按照市教委规定的各学科展示人数要求,由区县推荐各 学科参与信息技术与微格教学展示活动的教师。 第一项:统一笔试共 100 分 公共局部 约 10 分 范围:教育法和教师法对教师素质和教育工作的规定、?关于进一步加强和 改进未成年人思想道德建设的假设干意见?对学校教育的要求、?根底教育课程改 革纲要试行?对课程改革目标和内容等规定、?国家中长期教育改革和开展规 划纲要(2022-2022 年)?总体战略与初中阶段教育开展任务的规定;人文素养、 科学素养、艺术素养音乐与美术局部等通识性知识。具体内容参见初中教 师教学根本功培训指南 题型:单项选择题 3 样题: 1.?中华人民共和国义务教育法?规定:国家实行九年义务教育制度。义务教育 是国家统一实施的所有适龄儿童、少年必须接受的教育,是国家必须予以保 障的事业。 A.社会性B.普惠性C.公益性D.根底性2.学校和教师按照确定的教育教学内容和课程设置开展教育教学活动,保证到达 国家规定的根本质量要求。国家鼓励学校和教师采用教育等教育教学方法、提高教育教学质量。 A.体验式B.启发式C.探究式D.合作式3.?中华人民共和国教师法?规定,教师应当履行“关心、保护全体学生,尊重学生人格的义务。在教育教学中,尊重学生的人格,要求教师 因材施教不得歧视学生不得对学生实施体罚不得侵犯学生合法权益A.B.C.D.4.?中华人民共和国未成年人保护法?规定:学校应当根据未成年学生身心开展的特点,对他们进行 社会生活指导生涯规划教育心理健康辅导青春期教育A.B.C.D.5.?关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的假设干意见?明确规定未成年人思想道德建设的主要任务之一是从标准行为习惯做起,培养良好道德品质和文明行为。大力普及“爱国守法、明礼诚信、的根本道德标准团结友善勤俭自强公平正义敬业奉献A.B.C.D.6.根底教育课程改革的具体目标之一是整体设置九年一贯的课程门类和课时比例,并设置综合课程,适应不同地区和学生开展的需求,表达课程结构的 均衡性选择性选择性根底性A.B.C.D.7.国家中长期教育改革和开展规划纲要20222022 年提出了“二十字的 4 工作方针,其中是教育改革开展的核心任务。 A. 育人为本 B. 改革创新 C. 促进公平 D. 提高质量 8.我国教育改革开展的核心是解决好培养什么人、怎样培养人的重大问题,重点 是面向全体学生、促进学生全面开展,着力提高学生效劳国家人民的社会责任 感、勇于探索的创新精神和蔼于解决问题的实践能力。其中坚持全面开展,就 是要坚持的统一。文化知识学习和思想品德修养理论学习与社会实践知识学习和能力培养全面开展与个性开展A.B.C.D.9.以下关于中国古代“六艺的表达,正确的选项是 A“六艺是指西周时期的学校教育内容 B“礼是指礼貌,“乐是指音乐舞蹈 C“射是指射箭,“御是指作战抵御 D“书是指书法艺术,“数是指算法 10.以下关于儒家学说的表达不正确的选项是 A代表人物是春秋战国时期的孔子和孟子 B重视伦理道德教育和自我修身养性 C政治上主张“仁政和“无为而治 D提倡不偏不倚、无过不及的“中庸之道11.以下阐述不属于道家学说观点的是A“不尚贤,使民不争C“从心所欲不逾矩12.以下?论语?章句书写有误的是 A温故而知新,可以为师矣B学而不思那么罔,思而不学那么殆 C君子同而不和,小人和而不同B“夫礼者忠信之薄而乱之首 D“生而不有,为而不恃 D知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者 13.小明同学习惯于自以为是,不把别人放在眼里,以下各句最适合推荐给他做 座右铭的是5 A人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎 B见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也 C学而不思那么罔,思而不学那么殆 D己所不欲,勿施于人 14.以下关于科学主义与人文主义的表述,不正确的选项是 A科学主义确信自然科学技术能解决一切问题 B科学主义只局限在自然科学领域,并未扩展到社会生活中来 C人文主义强调以人为“主体和中心,要求尊重人的本质 D人文主义和科学主义,是两种不同的哲学思潮与世界观 15.以下对中国历史朝代由先到后进行排序正确的选项是战国周春秋 夏 三国 唐 南北朝 晋ABCD16.以下不属于文艺复兴时期代表人物的是A莎士比亚 B柏拉图 C摩尔D但丁17.提起柳永,我们就会很自然地想起他的?雨霖铃?,其中的名句是A人生如梦,一尊还酹江月 B乍暖还寒时候, 最难将息C杨柳岸,晓风残月D人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月18.同样写离别,所散发出来的情调有明显区别的两首诗词是A崔颢的?黄鹤楼?和辛弃疾的?永遇乐?千古江山 B杜甫的?登高?和李清照的?声声慢?寻寻觅觅 C李白的?将进酒?和苏轼的?念奴娇?大江东去 D王勃的?送杜少府之任蜀州?和柳永的?雨霖铃? 19.对人体来说,平安电压是A. 36 伏B. 72 伏C.110 伏D.220 伏20.馒头和米饭等主食中,主要的营养成分是A. 蛋白质B. 糖类C.脂肪D.无机盐21.正常的雨水由于溶有 CO2,是微酸性的,但是大量的排放,会造成酸雨。A. SO2 和 NO2B.SO2 和 NOC.NO2 和 COD.NO 和 CO6 22. 以下说法中正确的选项是 地球围绕太阳转父亲的遗传物质决定孩子的性别电子比原子小抗生素既能杀死细菌也能杀死病毒光速比声速快小苏打和碱面的成分相同A. B. C. D. 23.为心脏输送营养的血管叫做A. 主动脉B. 冠状动脉 C. 上腔静脉 D.门静脉24.国际通用的非处方药英文缩写是什么A. GPPB. OCTC. OTCD. WTO25.科学家想知道一种治疗高血压的新药是否有疗效。在经过前期平安性测试后 采取以下的方法进一步研究,您认为哪一种方法最有说服力? A.给 1000 个高血压病人服用这种药,然后观察有多少人血压有所下降。 B.给 500 个高血压病人服用这种药,另外 500 个高血压病人不服用这种药, 然后观察两组病人中各有多少人的血压有所下降 C.给 500 个高血压病人服用这种药,另外 500 个高血压病人服用无效无害、 外形相同的抚慰剂,然后观察两组病人中各有多少人的血压有所下降 D.不确定 以下列图表示城市住宅饮用水的处理过程,答复以下有关问题。 7 26.有一个良好的饮用水源很重要。在地底下发现的水被称为地下水。为什么地下水比 湖水和河水等地表水有更少的细菌和颗粒污染的原因不包括 A.地下水渗透地面从而被过滤 B.地下水被封闭于地下因此防止了可能的污染 C.地下水中没有细菌的食物,所以细菌无法生存 D.湖水和河水总是运动着 27. 水的清洁处理通常有包括不同技术的几个步骤。清洁过程如图中的 4 个步骤 数字 14。在第二个步骤,水收集在沉积池中,让水更干净的过程是 A.水中细菌死亡 B.水中参加氧 C.砾石和沙子沉入底部 D.有毒物质被分解 28.在清洁过程的第四步要把氯气参加水中的作用是A. 杀死细菌等微生物B. 水获得少量的酸C. 保持清洁和可饮用性D. 增加水的营养价值29. 人们在家中饮用水之前常要煮沸,在西藏煮沸水与在北京的区别是A.西藏海拔高,沸水的温度更高B.西藏氧气稀薄,沸水的温度更高C.北京海拔低,沸水的温度更高D.北京氧气稀薄,沸水的温度较低30.饮用受污染的水可能会引起的健康问题有糖尿病腹泻艾滋病婴儿畸形A.B.C.D.31?中华人民共和国国歌?又叫A?义勇军进行曲? B?中国,中国,鲜红的太阳永不落? C?东方红?D?歌唱祖国?8 322022 年北京奥运会开幕式的主题歌是A?圣火?B?手拉手?C?我和你?D?海洋?33梅兰芳是我国著名的表演艺术家。A评剧B豫剧C越剧D京剧34著名的?第五“命运交响曲?是德国伟大作曲家_创作的。A莫扎特B贝多芬C舒伯特D约翰? 施特劳斯35电影?魂断蓝桥?的主题曲是_。A?友谊地久天长? B?夏天最后一朵玫瑰?C?伦敦德里小调? D?绿袖子?36以下乐器中属于中国民族乐器的是_。A小提琴B长号 C古琴D吉他37我国著名舞蹈家杨丽萍的代表作是_。A?大河之舞? B?骑马舞? C?天鹅湖? D?孔雀舞?38毗邻北京人民大会堂西侧的大型剧院叫做_。A中国国家大剧院B中国北京大剧院C中国人民大剧院D中国国际大剧院39朗朗是享誉世界的青年_。A指挥家B钢琴演奏家C作曲家 D音乐评论家40下面乐谱中的竖线是_。A小节线B终止线C连音线 D反复记号9 41.所谓色彩的三大根本属性是指色相、纯度与A亮度 B硬度 C暗度42.形式美的原理是对称与 、节奏与韵律、调和与平衡 美观 均衡A B C43.被授予“中国人民艺术家的称号的 和书法篆刻家。D明度、多样与统一 比照D是我国 20 世纪著名画家A张大千 B徐悲鸿44.雕塑按照空间形制可分为A石雕 B冰雕45.以下哪部作品不是梵高的代表作A?星月夜?C?播种者?10C齐白石 D范曾、浮雕与透雕。 C圆雕 D方雕B?八骏图?北京市初中教师教学根本功培训与展示活动 英语学科展示内容说明 第一项:统一笔试 100 分 时间:150 分钟 第一局部:公共局部约 10 分 参见总体说明。 第二局部:英语课程知识约 15 分 一、要求与范围 了解和理解?义务教育英语课程标准2022 年版?中的课程性质、根本理 念、课程目标、分级标准、教学建议、评价建议和课程资源开发与利用建议等。 二、题型 填空题、选择题、简答题等。 三、样题 一填空题 义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的 _,促进_,提高_。 二选择题 ?义务教育英语课程标准2022 年版?中提出了“整体设计目标,充分考 虑语言学习的_的课程根本理念。 A. 理论性和实践性B. 持续性和渐进性C. 形成性和终结性D. 规律性和特殊性三简答题 语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成局部,包括听、说、读、写四方面 以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。请简要说明听和说两种技能之间的关系。 第三局部:英语学科专业知识与技能约 45 分 一、要求与范围 41 具备从事初中英语教学所必须的语音、词汇、语法和文化背景的学科根本知 识以及听、说、读、写、译的根本能力。 二、题型 完形填空题、阅读理解与表达题等。 三、样题 一完形填空 阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确 选项。 Im studying in a private school and Im not the best or brightest student. Sometimes my grades get me down. Today I had my history1. But unfortunately I got up late.2to the train,I thought I would get to school more than 10 minutes late.3the train pulled out,I began to do some last-minute review, just4over my textbook. As soon as thetrain arrived, I packed my stuff and ran off.I passed just one other person as I was running for the stairs. It was a lady, with ababy stroller. Her child5only a couple months old. While running down thestairs, I thought to myself, “A few more minutes6hurt, anyway. So I wentback to the top of the stairs and asked the lady if she wanted some7. Shethanked me and8that I must have been in a rush. I9, but I said it was noreal10and I was just a little late for an exam. I helped them to the11ofthe stairs and then ran across the street to my school. I12that my classmateswould have started and13I would probably be in14. But to my surprise,the exam15. I quickly went to get my16. Soon we started the test. Historyisnt my best subject but for17this test seemed quite easy. I felt pretty18while I wrote down my answers.To be honest, I19know if it is just luck or somehow I20for thatsimple act. Im just glad I helped a stranger when I could.1. A. examB. classC. workD. play2. A. RushB. RushingC. RushedD. To rush3. A. TillB. IfC. BecauseD. When42 4. A. checkingB. checkedC. to be checkedD. having checked5. A. must have beenB. should have beenC. must beD. should be6. A. wontB. hadntC. needntD. mustnt7. A. helpB. moneyC. adviceD. information8. A. understoodB. sawC. showedD. heard9. A. had doneB. would beC. didD. was10. A. senseB. excuseC. problemD. possibility11. A. topB. middleC. leftD. bottom12. A. had thoughtB. had hopedC. was thinkingD. was hoping13. A. thisB. thatC. itD. what14. A. needB. timeC. angerD. trouble15. A. had delayedB. would delayC. had been delayedD. would be delayed16. A. bookB. messageC. paperD. chance17. A. a reasonB. no reasonC. some reasonD. reasons18. A. safeB. gratefulC. wellD. good19. A. dontB. needntC. didntD. wouldnt20. A. respectedB. rewardedC. was respectedD. was rewarded二阅读理解与表达 阅读下面两篇短文,按照各小题的要求选择或写出答案。 Passage A How I Turned to Be Optimistic I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning. I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact, I think I cried very 43 little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to seethe strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then. The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really losthaving to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even more complex for me. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad, and saw no end to “the hard times. My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with Immigration officers, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives. From my experiences I have learned one important rule: almost all common troubles eventually go away! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy. 21. How did the author get to know America? AFrom her relatives.BFrom her mother.CFrom books and pictures.DFrom radio programs.22. Upon leaving for America the author felt _.AconfusedBexcitedCworriedDamazed23. For the first two years in New York, the author _.Aoften lost her wayBdid not think about her futureCstudied in three different schoolsDgot on well with her stepfather24. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4? AShe worked as a translator. 44 BShe attended a lot of job interviews. CShe paid telephone bills for her family. DShe helped her family with her English. 25. The author believes that _. Aher future will be free from troubles Bit is difficult to learn to become patient Cthere are more good things than bad things Dgood things will happen if one keeps trying 26. When talking about “Overcoming the difficulty in class, you will tell the story in the passage to your students in Junior Two. Write out what you will say in about 80 words. Passage B What Are You Waiting For? It is the night before the research paper is due, and Emily Regan knows that she will be up all night. She still has to research and write the 10-page paper. Emilys problem is procrastination. She has waited to do her work until the very last second and now she is stressed and has to work through the night to complete her paper. Procrastination is a problem for many students, but it does not have to be. Instead of waiting to start your homework until just before the deadline, you can follow these simple steps. First, do a little bit every day rather than all at once. For instance, in Emilys case, she could have spent 30 minutes a day working on that research paper and divided her work into sections. One week could have been spent doing research, one week writing an outline, one week writing the first draft, and the final week could have been spent revising and finalizing the paper. Schedule that study time into your daily activities. Treat your work like any other commitments you have, like classes, extracurricular activities, or a job. Remember, you are the boss and it is up to you to follow your schedule. Be disciplined and do not make any other plans during the time you have set aside that will prevent you from doing your work. Once you have organized your time in this way, it is important to find a place to work where there are few distractions. For instance, if you are writing a paper, do not 45 go on the Internet to check your email or see who else is online, and do not have a TV in the room. Instead, focus on the work you planned for that time. Afterwards, you can reward yourself for your hard work by doing whatever you wantemailing, socializing with friends, or watching television. You will probably enjoy yourself more because you will not have the work hanging over your head and stressing you out. Although procrastination is a common mistake that many students make, do not put yourself in Emilys shoes and leave work until the last minute. It is easy to make some simple changes in the way you work to prevent it from happening. 27. Whats the central point of the article? 28. How many suggestions does the author give for coping with procrastination? What are they? 29. Do you agree with the author that procrastination is a common mistake? Some argue that its just a common way to deal with one of many tasks. Some others even believe that it leads to high proficiency or excellent outcome. What do you think of procrastination? State your viewpoint and provide reasons to explain why you think so. Write on it in about 150 words. 第四局部:教学设计与案例评析约 30 分 一、要求与范围 要求:具备从事初中英语教学必须的语言表达、教材分析、活动设计、组织 教学、评价检测、资源利用、课堂板书等技能;能进行一课时45 分钟或一 个环节的教学设计;能依据初中英语课堂教学评价的根本内容和标准,对所提供 的教学案例提供修改和再设计的建议。 一、范围:初中英语课程的全部内容;初中各版本教材。 二、题型 撰写和修改教学设计。 三、样题 阅读教学材料,按照教学设计中的具体要求完成不同的设计任务。 教学材料 Reporter: Good morning, Ms Wang. I feel English is one of the most difficult subjects for students. We receive both e-mails and calls from students about English learning. You have taught English for more than twenty years. Would you please answer some students questions? 46 Ms Wang: OK. Reporter: Lets listen to our first caller with his question. Student 1: Hello, Ms Wang. Memorizing English vocabulary is a real headache for me. I read and copy the words more than five times a day, but I still forget them. What else can I do? Ms Wang: Why dont you write the words on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere in your house where you see it often? For example, you can put it either on your bathroom mirror or on your bedroom door. Each time you brush your teeth in the bathroom or walk by your bedroom door, you can go over your list. You should not only memorize words but also try to use them. If you can use them when you speak or write English, you will remember them. Student 2: I like speaking English, but the grammar is very difficult for me. I spend a lot of time memorizing the rules, but when I try to use them, I still make mistakes. What else should I do? Ms Wang: One way to help you learn is to practice writing sentences with that grammar point. Remember, it is neither useful nor helpful to just remember the rules. The most important point is to practice using it a lot. The more you use it, the better you will learn it. Its common to make mistakes. So dont be afraid of making mistakes. Student 3: Good evening, Ms Wang. Im always nervous when I listen to English. What shall I do? Ms Wang: My first advice is: do not feel nervous while you are listening to English. Relax. It is natural that you dont understand everything when you listen to the material for the first time. My second advice is: try to study the key words before you listen, and when you are listening, listen to the key words and guess the meaning if you can. My third advice is: keep practicing. Dont give up. The more you listen, the more youll understand. 教学设计 课题 How can I learn English better? 教材内容 本单元是九年级的第一单元,话题为“语言学习,内容包括描述英语学习方法、英语学习困 难和改进英语学习方法及途径的文段和语篇。本课为本单元第 4 课的第一课时,主要内容为一 段有关英语学习的问题以及相应解决建议的听力对话材料。 教学目标 学生能够: 1通过听力活动,听懂关于学习困难及其解决措施的描述。 2理解词组eitheror, neithernor,not onlybut also的意义和用法并加以运用。 3结合本课所学内容,丰富自己有效开展英语学习的方法。 任务一:修改教学目标。 请对上述教学目标进行适当的修改,使其易操作、可达成。 教学目标 1: 1._ 教学目标 2: 2._ 47 教学目标 3: 3._ 教学重点和难点 略 教学资源 课本、听力录音、演示文稿 教学过程45 分钟 教学环节师生活动设计意图时间l Questions and answersDo you like to learn English?引出话题:英语Lead in2Do you have any difficulties in learning学习困难。English? What are they?l Questions and answersPre-listeningWhat do you usually do to solve theproblem?激活学生对解决语言学习困难的 2已有知识和经验。 任务二:设计听力活动。 设计学生听录音所要完成的三个不同层次 的活动,并写明活动的意图及所需时间。While-listeningPost-listeningl Listening Activity 1:活动 1:4._ l Listening Activity 2:活动 2:7._ l Listening Activity 3:活动 3:10._ l Role play (group work)Read the dialogue in the group of 4 students. l Language focusDiscover and learn l Pattern drills and exercises5._6._8._9._11._12._稳固对文章的理解, 4训练语音、语调。关注并体会语言在语境中的用法。语言内化活动。 6 48 任务三:设计产出活动。 请设计一个在上述教学活动根底上学生能 够运用所学语言做事情的活动,包括:活 动的内容、活动的方式、活动的时间、活 动的指示语和学习结果的评价。 活动内容:13._17._活动方式:14._ 活动指示语:15._ 学习结果评价:16._ Homework略四、评价评价工程评价要点1.符合课标要求和学生实际。教学目标2.科学、清晰、可操作、可检测。 3.突出学生的学习过程,表达教师的指导作用。 4.教学活动紧密围绕教学目标展开。 教学过程 5.教学活动安排合理,有逻辑、有层次、有递进。 6.教学活动能开展学生的语言技能并能引发学生思考。 7.教学指令清晰,语言表述简洁。 第二项:微格教学展示与辩论 100 分 一、展示的范围与形式 范围:初中英语课程的全部内容;初中各版本教材。 形式:教师依据抽签确定的题目进行微格教学与辩论20 分钟,其中微格 教学 15 分钟,答复评委问题 5 分钟。教师按照规定的编写格式提供微格教学设 计展示稿,并使用计算机、数字投影仪、板书和自己准备的教具进行教学。 二、展示稿与展示要求 49 一展示稿要求 课题名称:教材版本:教师姓名:学校:编号:教师年龄:教龄:职称:教学指导思想与理论依据 要求:能够以课程标准的根本理念和目标要求为指导思想,以教育学、心理学、课 程与教学论的相关理论为依据,进行本节课的教学设计。 教学内容分析 要求:能够分析和说明本节课所涉及的教学内容在初中阶段整体教学内容中的地位 与作用以及前后知识的衔接关系。 学生情况分析 要求:能够从学生的学习根底、认知特点、学习兴趣、学习习惯、个体差异等方面 分析说明教学中可能遇到的问题及相应的对策。 教学目标 要求:能够根据?课程标准?的根本要求和学生的实际学习


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