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Lesson one personnel and postQuestion and answers1. Are you a driller? Yes. I am.2. Are you a technician of the crew? No, I am not a technician of this crew.3. Whats this tool-pushers name? His name is Liu Lin.4. Are you engineers? No, we are not.5. What are they? They are our leaders and visitors.6. Is he a mud engineer? Yes, he is. He is a senior mud engineer.7. He is a directional engineer, isnt he? Yes, he is. He is the youngest engineer here.8. What is he? He is a drilling engineer.9. He is a drilling, isnt he? He is an assistant driller. He isnt a driller.10. Who is the driller of the shift? Mr. Li is the driller of the shift. We are all roughnecks of the shift.11. How many people are there in this crew? There are thirty-five people altogether.12. How many roughnecks and motormen are there in the shift? There are five roughnecks and two motormen.13. Is the driller on the drill-floor? He is not on the drill-floor.14. Where are the roughnecks? They are on mud tank.15. Where do you work as a driller? I work as a driller in this crew.16. How many new roughnecks will come here this year? Its about sixty.17. How long has he worked in the crew? He has worked supervisor in the crew nine years.18. When did he begin to work as a Rig manager? He has been our rig manager since 1982.19. What were you doing at that time? When he was a motorman, I was a driller.20. How long have you worked as a tool-pusher? I have worked as a tool-pusher for eight years.21. When did you begin to work as a driller? I have been working as a driller since the end of 1986.22. How long have you worked as a mechanist? I have been a mechanist for ten years.23. What is the drillers job? He is the person in charge of drilling.24. What does the driller do? Hes in charge of drilling operation.25. Where do the floor-men work? They work on the drill-floor.26. Who is the tool-pushers job? Hes in charge of the rig.27. What is the derrick-man responsible for? Who is he responsible to? Derrick-man is responsible for attaching or detaching the elevator, for cleaning, oiling, greasing, inspecting and repairing the pulley blocks, etc. hes responsible to the tool-pusher.28. Who is the tool-pusher to? Hes responsible to the drilling superintendent.29. What is the drilling superintendent responsible for? Hes responsible for all drilling operations.New Words:1. Technician tek5niF(E)n n.技术员, 技师Mary is training to be a technician.玛丽正在接受培训,准备成为一名技术员。2. Crew krun. 全体人员, (工作)队 crow的过去式3. Tool-pusher石油司钻,指挥钻井的工人4. Leader 5li:dE n.领导者, 社论 机导杆i. the leaders in China Daily中国日报社论ii. Our teacher is the leader she will show us where to go.我们的老师是领路人,她会告诉我们怎么走的。iii. Leader lead领导+ -er人5. Mud mQdn.泥, 泥浆, 泥泞6. Directional di5rekFEnEl adj. 方向的7. Senior 5si:njE adj. 年长的, 资格较老的, 地位较高的, 高级的.i. She teaches a senior class.她教一个高年级班。ii. She is senior to everyone else in the company.她在公司里的地位比其他人都高。iii. John Smith Senior老约翰 S- 年长者(附于姓名后,用来区别父子或兄弟)8. Assistant 5sistnt n.助手, 助教adj.辅助的, 助理的He became an assistant cook after he graduated from the technological school.他在技校毕业后当上了副厨师/二厨。9. shift Fiftn.移动, 轮班, 移位, 变化, 办法, 手段 vt. 替换, 转移, 改变, 移转, 推卸, 变速 vi. 转换, 移动, 转变, 推托, 变速A. 变换位置;改变方向; 移动;更易The wind shifted to the north.风转向北吹。Shall I shift the chairs?我把椅子移动一下好吗?B. 自己照顾自己;自谋生活;自行解 决When their father died the children had to shift for themselves.爸爸死后,孩子们只好自谋生活。10. roughneck5rQfnekn.粗鲁的人, 无赖钻工钻机工,打井工rough rQfadj.粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗野的, 粗暴的, 粗略叙述的v.大体描述adv.粗糙地Neck nek n. 脖子, 颈, 颈壮物.get it in the neck受到严厉责骂;受重罚neck and neck并驾齐驱;不分上下risk ones neck冒生命危险;拼命up to ones neck in深陷于;内疚up to my neck in debt我欠人一大笔债a neck of a battle瓶颈11. Altogether 7C:ltE5geTEadv. 完全地, 总而言之a. 完全地;全然Hes not altogether sure what to do.他全然不知该怎么做。The visitors felt not altogether satisfied.客人们并不完全满意。b. 总之;总共Altogether there were 18 people in the bus.在公共汽车上一共有18个人。In the altogether裸体12. drill floor 钻台.13. Supervisor 5sjU:pEvaizEn. 监督人, 管理人, 检查员, 督学, 主管人, 计(网络)超级用户14. Rig rig n. 索具装备, 钻探设备, 钻探平台, 钻塔 v. 装上索具, 配备, 装配.1) 配备索具2) (常与out, up连用)给某人衣服穿3)(与 up连用)临时赶造to rig up a shelter临时搭个棚子15. Mechanist 5mekEnistn.机械论者 古(=mechanician)机械师, 机工; 机修工16. mechanic me5kEnikn.技工, 机修工, 机械士.brake mechanic制动钳工car mechanic车辆钳工chief mechanic总机械师, 主任机械师, 司机长, 工长engine mechanic发动机技术员 发动机机工hand mechanic手保护带master mechanic机械工长, 总机械师motor mechanic机械员, 司机signal mechanic信号技术员, 信号技工wireless mechanic无线电技师17. Charge tFB:dVn.负荷, 电荷, 费用, 主管, 掌管, 充电, 充气, 装料v.装满, 控诉, 责令, 告诫, 指示, 加罪于, 冲锋, 收费18. In charge adv. 主管, 看管, 在.看管下in charge of 负责The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway.主任工程师负责指挥地铁的建造工程。I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。19. operation 7RpE5reiFEnn.运转, 操作, 实施, 作用, 业务, 工作, 手术, 军事行动be in operation在运转中; 在行动中; 在实施中; 在生效中come into operation开始工作运转;生效go into operation开始工作运转;生效in operation在活动运转着; 施行着perform an operation给某人动手术perform an operation on sb. for a disease给某人动手术put into operation实施, 施行bring into operation实施, 施行undergo an operation接受手术20. derrick 5derikn.起重机, (钻井)井口上的铁架塔21. attach E5tAtFvt.缚上, 系上, 贴上v.配属, 隶属于22. Detach di5tAtFvt.分开, 分离, 分遣, 派遣(军队)23. elevator 5eliveitn.电梯, 升降机, 空升降舵24. oiling 5CiliNn.润滑油.25. inspect in5spektvt.检查, 视察 v.检查26. repair ri5pZEn.修理, 修补vt.修理, 修补, 补救, 纠正27. pulley 5pulin.滑车, 滑轮28. block blCkn.木块, 石块, 块, 街区, 印版, 滑轮, 阻滞, (一)批vt.防碍, 阻塞29. etc et cetra(=and so on) 等等, 及其他30. Superintendent 7sju:pErin5tendEntn.主管, 负责人, 指挥者, 管理者参考句子1. Im a drilling supervisor. You are a tool-pusher.2. Im a driller. You are a roughneck.3. Were floor-men. You are a enginemen.4. You are not tool-pusher.5. You are not motormen.6. He works as a driller in the crew.7. The driller does not work in the office. He works on the drill-floor.8. They will all be good driller in the future.9. He will not be a driller. He will be a motorman.10. Now he is working as a tool-pusher in this crew.11. He had worked as a driller in other crew for five years before he came to our crew.12. It is not decided then who would work as a driller.13. Yesterday he told me that Mr. Bill would be a tool-pusher.14. Last year he told me that he would work a driller.15. I have been working as a tool-pusher in this crew since last year.16. He has been working in Tarim Oilfield for two years.17. They said to be mud engineers.18. More new techniques will be mastered to these young engineers.19. The man driving the earthmover is Mr. Zhang.20. The man operating break bar is our driller.21. There are two roughnecks helping the driller get every thing ready for running in hole.22. The driller works harder than that one.23. He is the most able engineer of the Second Drilling Company.24. This is the task that is set for roughneck.25. Mr. A. W. is a tool-pusher whom every roughneck loves.26. He is a driller whom you can believe in.27. I know the drilling tool-pusher whom you are talking about.28. Mr. Sun will be the one with whom you will drill this well.29. The man who operates a break bar is a driller.30. Our hard-working driller is someone you can believe in.31. The drilling tool-pusher whom you want to see has come.32. Such boys as we know are drillers.33. The man who stayed in this room is a drilling superintendent.34. He acted as if he was an old tool-pusher.35. Here comes our superintendent.36. We once took him for as experienced tool-pusher. In reality he was a roughneck.37. I took you for a Chinese.38. I took you a shine to our new tool-pusher the first day.39. It is thirty-five years since Mr. A. W. began to work as a tool-pusher.40. Were sure he will make us a good tool-pusher.41. We have need of a good tool-pusher.42. Mr. Archie and we got to be close friend.43. You will, of course have to get a line on Mr. Archie, but I think he is just the person you need.New words:Oilfield Cilfi:ldn. 油田Field fi:ldn.原野, 旷野, 领域, (一块)田地, 牧场, 域, 战场, 运动场vt.把(谷物等)暴晒于场上, 使上场vi.担任场外队员adj.田间的, 野生的, 野外的, 田赛的扫描场Techniquetek5ni:kn.技术, 技巧, 方法, 表演法, 手法Earthmover5:Wmu:n.重型推土机Operating5CpreitiN运行的 操作的 工作的Operating time运行工作时间Operating costs营业费; 事业费; 经营成本; 生产费用Operating expenses业务开支; 营业费Operating funds流动资金Operating knife手术刀Operating agreement 经营合同Get ready: v.准备好, 使.准备好Ready for (sth.) 准备做(某事)Get ready! Get set! Go!【体】各就各位! 预备! 跑!hold oneself ready to正准备要.make ready作好准备plank down the ready俚付现款Believe in v.信仰Experience n.vt.经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历(从经验中)知道, 发现Experience difficulties setbacks遭到困难挫折experience a sudden sensation of distress忽感一阵悲伤experience nausea pleasure, pain感到恶心愉快, 痛苦be thoroughly poorly experienced in在.方面十分有缺乏经验Our country has experienced great changes in the last thirty years.我国在过去三十年经历了巨大变化。Shine v.照耀, 发光vt.擦亮n.光泽, 光亮Get a leg in 口得到.信任Get on v.生活, 融洽相处, 进展, (使)前进, 赶快, 发迹, 进展Lesson twoGo to work1. What time do you start work every day? We start working at 12:00 every day.2. Where does he work? He works in the drilling crew.3. Youre hired, when can you start working? Tomorrow I can.4. Which one of you gets to the wellsite first every day? He gets to the well-site first day.5. How long do you work every day. We work eight hours every day.6. When do you start working (start to work) in the morning? We start working at 7:307. What time do you do the work? He does this work every afternoon.8. Are you free tomorrow morning? I shall not have time tomorrow morning, but I shall come at two in the afternoon.9. What work will you do tomorrow? Im going to inspect the blowout preventer.10. Will he come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? He will be here tomorrow.11. How long will you stay there? Six days.12. How long will he stay in the wellsite? After cementing, he will come back.13. Are you going to the wellsite now? No, Im going to inspect the car only.14. Will there be many people in the meeting room tomorrow morning? Its about 20 people.15. What time did he come on shift? He came on shift at 9:30 a.m.16. Why should you be so late today? Because I had a flat tire.New words:Site saitn.地点, 场所, 遗址 vt.定.的地点 n.站点A place where a particular type of computer is installed.用于安装有某种特定类型计算机的现场或地方。site-assembly n.现场装配, 就地组装site-plan n.总平面图; 平面布置图Blowout 5blu5autn.(车胎)爆裂, 喷出, 保险丝烧断, 井中喷水或油等Preventer pri5ventn.妨碍物1. 防止者; 防护设备, 预防物者, 药2. 阻止者; 妨碍物3. 【航海】辅助索, 保险索; 【修】(=prolepsis)预辩法(预先提出可能有的反对意见而加以辩驳)blowout preventer防喷器, 防喷装置, 封井器blowout preventer of stuffing box type泥包式防喷器cement si5mentn.水泥, 接合剂 vt.接合, 用水泥涂, 巩固 vi.粘牢Our holiday together cemented our friendship.(喻)我们一起度假加强了我们的友谊。The snow on the ground gradually cemented as the night fell.随着夜幕降临地上的雪逐渐凝结起来。cement of high index高低标号水泥cement of low index高低标号水泥治疗白内障食疗验方六偏验方:枸杞子20克,龙眼肉20枚,水煎煮服食,连续服用有效。能益精养血、滋补明目。枸杞子富含胡萝卜素、维生素及钙、磷、铁等;龙眼肉亦富含维生素B2、维生素C及蛋白质,均有明目功能,对眼睛十分有 益。适应症用于治疗老年性白内障、视力减退等病症。偏验方黑芝麻炒熟研成粉,每次以1汤匙,冲到豆浆或牛奶中服之,并加1汤匙蜂蜜。黑芝麻富含维生素E,能推迟延缓人体细胞衰老、改善眼球内的循环,还含有铁质、蛋白质,能维护和增强造血系统和免疫系统的功能,如再加茯苓粉10克效果更佳,是老年性白内障的理想食疗佳品。偏验方胡萝卜经常适量食用。胡萝卜富含有维生素E、C、A等,能补肝明目。适应症可用于治疗老年性白内障。偏验方猪肝150克,鲜枸杞叶100克。先将猪肝洗净切条,同枸杞叶共同煎煮,饮汤吃肝,每日服2次。猪肝富含铁、蛋白质、维生素A等,能益肝明目,有明显的改善视力功能的作用。偏验方红枣7枚,枸杞子15克,加适量水煎服,每日1剂,连续服用。红枣富含蛋白质、维生素C及铁、磷、钙等,能补血明目,有提高视力的作用。偏验方新鲜西红柿,开水烫洗,去皮后,每天早晚空腹时吃1个,或将鲜鸡蛋与西红柿烧汤,调味食用。西红柿富含谷胱甘肽及维生素C等营养,对防治老年性白内障有很好的作用。 白内障食疗山药红枣粥配方山药60克,大枣30克,粳米100克。 用法将山药切成颗粒,与大枣、粳米共煮成粥,加糖调味,分一、二次吃。 功效补益脾胃,滋养明目。 主治脾虚气弱之老年性白内障。


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