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英语连词既又The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution. 既能实现交流又能被广为接受的手段就是社会革命一些另一些Some people are sitting around while others are doing all the work. 有些人坐着无所事事,而另一些人却在干所有的工作。 一方面另一方面On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other hand I distrust his judgment. 一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。 不是而是What we need is not manifestos of pious intentions, but real action. 我们需要的不是善意但难以实现的宣言,而是实际行动。 一旦就 They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script. 一旦你偏离了剧本的内容,他们就会喊停。 Once the fire has died out, the salvage team will move in. 一旦大火熄灭,救援小组就会马上进入。 首先然后 First she dusted, then she mopped. 她首先擦掉灰尘,然后用拖把擦。终于At long last the wrong has been righted. 冤案终于得到了昭雪。Finally he succeeded in his experiment. 他终于试验成功。尤其是He was disinclined to talk about himself, especially to his students. 他不喜欢谈论他自己,尤其是当着他学生的面。只有才 Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change. 只有采取大规模直接行动,我们才会取得这样的改变。 不但而且Laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct calculation. 实验工作不但需要准确的测量,而且需要准确的计算。不但不反而Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intensely. 我不但不钦佩他的画,反而十分讨厌它们。 Instead of admit his guilt, he prevaricate. 他不但不承认,反而支吾其词。 更不用说His cabin is uninhabitable in summer,let alone in winter. 他的小屋连夏天都不好住,更不用说在冬天住了。Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth. 老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议,更不用说年轻人了。不是就是 He gave me an ultimatum:either Tom had to leave, or me. 他向我发出了最后通牒:不是汤姆离开,就是我离开。既不也不She seemed neither surprised nor worried. 她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。与其不如 It was a jest rather than a reproach. 这与其说是责备,还不如说是句玩笑呢。 Well have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium. 我们与其在礼堂里开会,不如在教室里开会. 宁愿也不 He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles. 他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。 He preferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁愿死也不愿意偷窃。 虽然但是 Although sometimes I feel like bothering, as often as not I dont. 虽然我有时会觉得这是在找麻烦,但是通常并不会这样。 Despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy. 虽然脂肪含量很少,但是味美似乳脂。然而In one respect, however, the men really were strikingly similar. 然而,一方面,那些男人真的非常相似。如果就 Women were reproved if they did not wear hats in court. 女性如果在法庭不戴帽子,就会受到谴责。要是就好了 If only it were that simple! 要是那么简单就好了因为所以 Because he had always had money it meant nothing to him. 因为他一直不缺钱,所以这对他来说不算什么。 既然就 Since shed offered to babysit, I took her up on it. 她既然主动提出帮助照看孩子,我也就同意了。 Now that she has apologized, I am content. 既然她已经道了歉,我也就满意了。反之亦然 Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa. 在英格兰有教书资格的老师在苏格兰得不到认可,反之亦然。 再者 Moreover, health and fire codes are frequently enforced by criminal processes. 再者,卫生和防火法规经常通过刑事程序得到执行 Further, it gives us some armour against our colleagues, the seismic interpreters. 再者,它也给了我们去对付我们的同行地震解释家的武器除了不算We work every day except Sunday. 除了星期日, 我们每天都上班。 除了还有Besides chemistry we like to study physics. 除了化学之外, 我们还喜欢学习物理。 In addition to copper, there are many other metals which are good conductors. 除了铜之外, 还有很多其他金属都是良导体。


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