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仁爱版英语七下 Unit 7 Topic 3日期课时天气一、汉译英。25 分v. (do 的过去式)做,干 adj. 有魔力的pron. 他自己n.功夫v. 倒 n.秋季n. 盥洗室站起,站立;起立 n.录像,视频pron.每人,人人adj. 愤怒的,生气的 v. 吹,刮风adj. 晴朗的二、.单项选择。30 分v. 背诵n. 把戏,诡计过得愉快adv. & n. 昨天v. & n. 洗涤v. (偶然)发生回来电子游戏(have 的过去式) 有;吃 pron. & adj. 每人被风等吹灭adj. 美味的,可口的n. 诗v. 喜欢,欣赏adv. 当然,是的 interj.哎哟立刻,马上 v. 站;立v. 说谎,躺n.真相撒谎adj. 无声的n. 气息,呼吸adj. 有趣的,滑稽的( )1.Why didnt Tom come to school? He _ and hurt his leg.A.fell down B.fell off C.falls down D.fells off( )2.Dont play with fire. Please blow the candle _.A.in B.off C.out D.on( )3.We should _ the truth all the time.A.speak B.say C.speak out D.tell( )4.What happened _ you last Sunday? I hurt myself with the knife. A.for B.of C.to D.on( )5.Tom, do you enjoy _ pop music(流行音乐)?Yes, I do.A.listen to B.listening to C.listening D.listens to( )6. Lily, its your turn _ ballet. Put on your ballet shoes at once.OK. Im coming.A.perform B.dance C.to perform D.to dancing1( )7. _ , Bob? I missed the chair and fell down.A.How are you B.Is there anything wrong with youC.Whats matter with you D.Whats the matter with you( )8.Lily _ a lie yesterday. She wasnt hurt at all.A.told B.tell C.tells D.say( )9.The cake is so big. How did your mother make it? She made it _ . A.with hand B.in hand C.by hands D.by hand( )10.What time _ Lily go to the park yesterday? At about eight oclock.A.does B.do C.did D.was三.情景交际。5 分根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Linda. Glad to see you!B: Glad to see you, too. A: I didnt see you yesterday. 11B: Oh. I went to a birthday party for my friend.A: 12 B: It was Roses.A: Today is March 17th. Oh, I see. Her birthday is March 16th.B: Youre right. A: 13A. Whose birthday party was it?B. How did you celebrate her birthday? C. Thats wonderful.D. When was her birthday?E. Would you like to come?F. Where did you have the party?G. Where did you go?B: We sang, danced and played games at the party.A: Did you have a good time? B: Yes, we did. All of us were very happy. A: 14 B: We had the party in the coffee bar(咖啡馆).A: 15 I will have my birthday party in a coffee bar next time.四.词汇部分。10 分(A)根据句意及汉语提示填空。41.Did you see the (有魔力的) trick performance (表演) last night? Its interesting. 42.If you blow the candles out in one (气息), your wish will come true (实现). 43. (每人) had a good time at Lucys birthday party.44.Jim made a (无声的) wish, and then he blew out the candles.45.Why did you tell a (谎话) to me?(B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。46.Who (blow) out the candles last night? 47.I never heard such a (fun) story.Ann did.48.Jim fell down yesterday, but he didnt hurt(him).49.He can (recite) many Chinese poems.50.We all (have) a good time at Janes birthday party yesterday. 五.句型转换。5 分51.I did my homework at home yesterday.(改为否认句)I my homework at home yesterday.52.Lucy recited a Chinese poem at her birthday party. (改为一般疑问句)Lucy a Chinese poem at her birthday party?53.Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?(改为同义句)Did youat the party?254.I came back home at 9:30 last night. (对画线部分提问)did you come back home last night?55.Lucy and Lily sang English songs and performed ballet at the party.(对画线部分提问)Lucy and Lily at the party?六.完形填空。10 分When you go to a birthday party in England or the U.S.A. you can bring a small 16 . Flowers are always nice or you may 17 a bottle of wine(酒),if you know what the family18 . You should arrive ( 到达) on time 19 five to ten minutes late. Don t 20 there early. If you get there more than ( 多于 ) fifteen minutes 21 , you should call and 22 the host ( 男主人 ) and the hostess(女主人).When you don t know 23 to use the fork ( 叉子), the knife or the spoon ( 汤匙), just watch others and learn from them. You can also ask someone next to you. Y ou must thank the host and hostess 24 the meal, or send a card or a thank-you note the 25 day. It is a polite (有礼貌的) way.( )16.A.card B.present C.doll D.cake( )17.A.bring B.take C.have D.get( )18.A.eat B.eats C.drink D.drinks( )19.A.and B.but C.or D.as( )20.A.gets B.got C.get to D.get( )21.A.late B.early C.later D.after( )22.A.told B.tells C.telling D.tell( )23.A.how B.what C.why D.when( )24.A.of B.at C.for D.about( )25.A.last B.tomorrow C.next D.later七. 阅读理解。30 分(A)Bob is eleven years old. One day, his friend Jenny said to him, “I m going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Bob, can you come?”Bob asked his mother, and his mother said, “Yes, you can go.” On Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him again, “Now, Bob, when you go to the party, you must be polite(礼貌的), and dont ask for food and wait until (直 到) someone gives it to you.”“All right, mom.” Bob answered, and he went to Jennys house by bike.There were many children at the party. They played together for a moment, and then Jenny s mother gave them some food, but she forgot Bob and didn t give him any. He waited politely for a long time, and then he took up his plate and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”( )26.How old is Bob?A.Ten. B.Nine.C.We dont know. D.Eleven.( )27.When was the birthday party held (举行)?A.Saturday. B.Sunday. C.Friday. D.Monday.( )28.How did Bob go to Jennys house?A.On foot. B.By taxi. C.On his bike. D.By boat.( )29.Whose birthday is it?A.Bobs. B.Bobs mothers.C.Jennys mothers. D.Jennys.3( )30.Why didnt Jennys mother give Bob any food?A.Because she didnt know Bob.B.Because she didnt want to give him any food.C.Because she forgot him.D.We dont know.(B)It was Betty s birthday, December 6th. She received( 接收) a letter from her uncle. “Dear Betty,” he wrote in his letter, “Happy birthday! I m sending you some hens( 母鸡). They will arrive( 到达) the day after tomorrow. I hope youll like them. Uncle Tony. December 5th.”Betty was very happy. She likes eating eggs and chicken. “I can keep the hens for their eggs or eat them.” She thought.When the hens arrived, they were in a box. Betty was very pleased (高兴). She took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden, but the box of hens was so heavy that she dropped (掉落) it.The box fell on the ground and broke( 摔坏). The hens all ran out. They ran here and there. Betty spent hours trying to find them.A few days later, her uncle came. He asked, “Did the hens arrive safely( 安全地)?” “Yes, but I dropped the box. It broke open and the hens ran everywhere. It took me the whole( 整个) morning to look for them. ” Betty said.“Did you find them all? ” asked her uncle. “I hope so, ” Betty answered, “but I only caught ( 抓到) eleven of them.”“Thats interesting. I only sent you six.” her uncle said with a smile.( )31.What did Betty receive from her uncle as a birthday present?A.Hens. B.A box. C.A letter. D.A card.( )32.When did Betty receive the hens?A.On December 7th. B.On December 8th.C.On December 5th. D.On December 6th.( )33.Where were the hens when they arrived?A.On the truck. B.On the ground. C.In the garden. D.In a box.( )34.Why did the hens run everywhere?A.Because they were afraid(害怕) of Betty.B.Because they were hungry(饥饿) and looked for food.C.Because the box was broken.D.We dont know.( )35.How many hens did Bettys uncle give her?A.11 B.6 C.5 D.17八.书面表达。10 分第三部分 写作25 分根据中文提示写一篇 5060 个单词的短文。提示:今天你参加了 Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块 大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。 Lucy 许了愿之后,大家一口气把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了 表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。_4_参考答案及解析 Unit 7 Topic 3第二部分 英语知识运用ACDCB CDADC一.1.A fall down 意为“摔倒”,fall off 意为“从上掉下来”,根据句意用过去式 fell,故选 A。 2.C blow out 意为“吹灭”,是固定短语,故选 C。3.D 考查固定词组。tell the truth,意为“讲实话”,故选 D。4.C 考查固定短语 happen to sb. 某人发生了什么事,故选 C。5.B 考查 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。A,D 排除,听什么应用 listen to,故选 B。6.C 考查 Its ones turn to do sth. 句型,轮到某人做某事,故选 C。7.D 考查 Whats wrong with sb./sth.? 及 whats the matter with sb./sth.? 句型。wrong 前无定冠词 the, 而 matter 前一定要加定冠词 the, 根据答语 I missed the chair and fell down. 可知 B 错,故选 D。8.A tell a lie 说谎,本句时态为一般过去时,应用 told,故选 A。9.D 考查固定搭配 by hand (靠)手工,故选 D。10.C 考查特殊疑问句的一般过去时,由 yesterday 可知用 did,故选 C。二.11.G 12.A 13.B 14.F 15.C三.(A)41.magic 42.breath 43.Everyone 44.silent 45.lie(B)46.blew 47.funny 48.himself 49.recite 50.had.51.didnt do 52.Did; recite 53.have a good/wonderful/nice time54.What time 55.What did; perform/do四.16.B17.A18.C19.C考查单词 present 礼物。参加聚会应带礼物。考查 bring。bring 带来,拿来,符合题意;take 拿走,取走;get 去取。由前句中 wine 可知此处应用 drink,而 the family 表家庭成员时是复数,故排除 D 项。 本句意思是按时到或者晚到 510 分钟。20.D Dont 后接动词原形,而且 get 后接副词 there,不能用 get to。21.A表示迟到多长时间应用 late。22.D should 后接动词原形。23.A24.C考查 how to use 怎么使用。由此句中 thank 可知。thank sb. for sth. 为某事而感谢某人。25.C the next day 第二天。 五.(A)26.D27.A28.C29.D30.C(B)31.A32.A33.D34.C35.B由文中第一句 Bob is eleven years old. 可知 Bob 是 11 岁。由 Im going to have a birthday party on Saturday,可知生日聚会在周六举行。由 and he went to Jennys house by bike. 可知 Bob 是骑车去参加生日聚会的。由 Jenny said to him, “I m going to have a birthday party on Saturday.” 可知 Jenny 过生日。 由 but she forgot Bob and didnt give him any. 可知。由叔叔的信中写道:I m sending you some hens. 判断得知。由 They will arrive the day after tomorrow Dec.5th. 可知 5 号的后天应该是 7 号。由第三段第一句判断得知。由 The box fell on the ground and broke. The hens all ran out. They ran here and there. 可知盒子掉在 地上摔破了,小鸡都跑了出来。由 Thats interesting. I only sent you six. 可知叔叔只寄来了 6 只小鸡。第三部分 写作六.参考范文:5It is Lucysbirthday today. I came to her birthday party. We brought her many presents. Lucy liked them very much. There was a big birthday cake with thirteen candles on it at the party. We all sat around it. After Lucy made a silent wish, we blew the candles out in one breath. At the party, I performed kung fu. Ellen danced to disco. Susan sang an English song. We had a wonderful time!6


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