选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity

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选修8Unit 1A land of diversity要 点 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考重点单词1distinct adj.清晰的;明显的;明确的distinction n差别;区分;卓著2means n手段;方法3majority n大多数;大半minority n少数4despite prep.尽管;不管5elect vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人election n选举6percentage n百分比;百分率7boom n(人口、贸易的)繁荣 vi.处于经济迅速发展时期8applicant n申请人apply v申请application n申请9customs n海关;关税;进口税10occur vi.发生;出现11indicate vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示indication n迹象indicator n指示器,指示物12luggage n行李13apparent adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的apparently adv.明显地14slip vi.滑动;滑行;滑跤 n滑动;滑倒15hire vt. & n租用,雇用16nowhere adv.无处;到处都无17punishment n处罚;惩罚punish v惩罚;处罚18justice n正义;公平injustice(反义词)重点短语1live on继续存在;继续生存2by means of. 用办法;借助3make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等4keep up 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)5back to back 背靠背6team up with 与合作或一起工作7mark out 画线;标出界线8take in 包括;吸收9a great/good many 许多;很多10apply for 申请;请示得到重点句型1However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,美洲土著人很可能在15 000年前就在加州生活着。2Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States.二百年后,西班牙人定居在南美洲大多数地区以及现在美国的西北沿海。3That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.这就是今天有超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。4Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, it was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s.虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始到来了,但是更大批量的移民却是在19世纪60年代为了修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。5It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.人们相信过不了多久国籍间相混的程度将如此大以至于不再有明显的种族或文化团体,而仅仅是一个种族和文化的混合体。考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关1means n. 方法;手段by all means 务必;一定;当然可以by any means 无论如何by no means 决不(用于句首时引起部分倒装)by this/these means 用这种/这些办法by means of 依靠方法,借助手段提示:(1)means 表示“方法、方式、手段”,其单复数同形。当 means 做主语且有 every, each 等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;有 some, several, many, few, all 等词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。(2)by this means 强调的是“有条理的办事方法”;in this way 强调的是“用简便的方法”,in 有时候可以省略;with this method 强调的是“用已形成的系统的、理论的方法”。2majority n. 大多数,大半the majority 大多数(其做主语表整体时,谓语用单数;若表成员情况时,谓语用复数。)the majority ofn. U单数谓语the majority ofn. pl.复数谓语be in the majority 占大多数by/with a majority of 以大多数赢得3occur vi. 发生,出现(occurred; occurring)occurrence n. 发生;出现sth. occurs to sb.sth. strikes sb.sth. comes to sb.It occurs to sb. to do sth.It occurs to sb. thatclauseIt strikes sb. thatclause某人想起/想到4indicate vt. 指出;标示;表明;暗示indication n. 指示;象征;预示indicate sth. to sb. 向某人指出/暗示某物indicate that. 示意;表明indication of doing sth. 的迹象5make a life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等;谋生come to life变得活跃起来bring sb./sth. to life使某物更生动;使某人/某物苏醒lay down ones life for sb. /sth.为牺牲生命,献身lead/live a.life过着的生活make/earn a living谋生6keep up保持,维持;使不下降;继续keep up with赶上,不落后keep out (of)不准入内keep off离开,避开keep back阻止;扣留keep on继续7take in 欺骗;留住宿;理解;领悟;吸入;改小(衣服);包括;包含拓展:take away 拿走;使离开;消除(病痛等)take down 记下来;拆掉take for (错)当做;(误)以为take off 起飞,匆匆离去;脱下take on 呈现;雇用take over 接收,接管,取代take to 喜欢;养成的习惯take up 占去,占据;开始;从事8a good/great many 许多,很多a good/great manymanya great number ofn. (pl.)a great many of them (us) (代词)the (these, those)n. (pl.)many a单数可数名词单数谓语动词易 错 点 拨 自我完善误区备考1. means/manner/method/approach/way(1)means表示“方法”“手段”“工具”“财产”,与of搭配。(2)manner表示“方式”“方法”,指个人喜欢采用的方式,与of搭配。(3)method指做某事的具体步骤或程序,也指系统的、抽象概念的原理,与of搭配。(4)way是最通用的词,也是最不正式的词。本义是“通路”,引申作“方式”“方法”讲,含义很广,与of或动词不定式搭配。(5)approach也有“方法,步骤,途径”的意思。它侧重指待人接物或思考问题的方式。与toward或to搭配。2. occur/happen/take place(1)occur用法较正式,指偶然发生的或未按计划发生的事情,可用于具体的或抽象的事物。(2)happen发生;巧遇,含义广泛,指具体客观事物的发生,尤指偶然事件的发生,后可接不定式,也可接介词to,常用在It happens/happened that.结构中。(3)take place发生;举行,主要用来指预先计划好的事情。3. hire/employ(1)hire一般指短期的“雇用”,它侧重指为工资(wage)而工作。(2)employ指“公司,商店”等的长期“雇用”,或指相对固定的工作,它侧重于服务方面。高 效 作 业 自我测评技能备考.单词拼写1The Taiwan S_ separates Taiwan Island from the mainland.2Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The m_ were against it.3Now in China, an increasing p_ of the population have their own cars.4There were 1 200 a_ for the job.Straitmajoritypercentageapplicants 5My father h_ three men to help him with the harvest last summer.6He has twenty _ (牛) on his farm.7He has six pieces of _ (行李)8_(显然),he has lost interest in physics.9Now and then some _ (海鸥) came into sight.10The government announced addition rules on _ (移民)hiredcattleluggageApparentlyseagullsimmigration .单项选择1Do you think we should put an ad in the paper for the lost child?Yes, _.Athats all right Bby all meansCit just depends Dnever mind答案:B解析:由 Yes 可知表示同意,选 by all means “务必;一定;当然可以”。A、D项表示“没关系”;C项“看情况而定”。2What is boys favorite sport?_ of boys like playing football.ANone BThe mostCThe majority DEvery答案:C解析:the majority of boysmost boysmost of the boys “大多数男孩子”。none不符合题意;every 不能接 of短语。3(2007年辽宁)Dont be _by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.Ataken off Btaken outCtaken away Dtaken in答案:D解析:A.起飞,脱掉,(事业)腾飞;B.拿出;C.带走;D.欺骗。由句意可知D项正确。4To travel to the United States, you must first apply _ the American Embassy _ your visa.Afor; to Bto; forCfor; for Dto; to答案:B解析:考查apply短语的用法。apply to sb. for sth.向某人申请某物。句意为:要去美国旅行,你要首先向美国大使馆申请签证。5The agreement indicates that the two companies will _ with each other again.Ateam up Bturn upClook up Dpick up答案:A解析:考查动词短语辨析。A项表示“与合作”,符合句意。B项表示“出现;到达”;C项表示“向上看;查寻”;D项表示“捡起,接收”,均不合题意。6It is very _ that, in many schools, the students are going to spend less time in doing homework than they used to.Apossibly BprobablyClovely Dlikely答案:D解析:句意为:在很多学校学生做作业的时间可能将比原来少。用it is likely that句型,其他三个词不用于这个结构。7She managed to climb out of the car, _ unhurt.Aapparently BoccasionallyCfreely Dpeacefully答案:A解析:考查副词。A.看起来,显然;B.偶尔;C.无拘无束地;D.peacefully和平地。由题意,选A。8(2010黄冈中学)Sunny day, isnt it?Lets hope the sunny weather _ for Saturdays tennis match.Acarries on Bmoves onCkeeps up Dgoes up答案:C解析:考查动词短语的辨析。keep up保持,继续,符合语意“希望好天气保持到星期六的网球比赛”。carry on继承;move on继续进行;go up上升,增长。9(2010临川一中)If you dont _ the advice of your teachers, youll regret it sooner or later.Aregard BenjoyCvalue Dthink答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。如果你不重视老师的建议,迟早会后悔的,用value表示“重视”。其他动词的含义不符合语意。10_ the students in our school go to college in their teens.AA good many BA great many ofCA great deal of DA great deal答案:B解析:a good many students 许多学生。a great deal of 修饰不可数名词。11It suddenly _ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.Ahappened BoccurredCthought Dtook place答案:B解析:句意为“那个侦探突然想到那个百万富翁可能是被自己女儿杀死的”。It occurred to sb. that. “某人想到”。12Many streets in this city have been _ for cultural protection.Astretched out Bmarked outCleft out Dstood out答案:B解析:mark out 标志;记出来。stretch out 伸出; leave out 丢、漏;stand out 脱颖而出,显眼。13The restlessness of animals _ a possible occurrence of an earthquake.Aexpressed BimpressedCindicated Dinterpreted答案:C解析:indicate 预示;暗示。句意为“动物们不休息预示可能发生地震”。14He is supposed _ to the meeting, but he didnt.Ato come Bto have comeCcoming Dhaving come答案:B解析:考查 sb./sth. is supposed to do 结构,且句中表示“本该到而未到”,故用 to have come。15_ sometimes keeps her awake at night _ Tom is getting more and more quiet at home.AThat; which BIt; thatCWhether; what DWhat; that答案:B解析:考查名词性从句。句中 it是形式主语,真正的主语为 that 从句。7


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