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教 案2013 2014 学年第 一 学期课程名称: 大学英语 授课教师: 课程所属系(部): 外语系 课程名称: 大学英语1授课班级:13级非英语专业专科班课程类型: R理论课实践课总学时:64学分:4使用教材:(主编、书名、出版社、出版时间) 翟象俊主编21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(1) 复旦大学出版社 全新版教学方法、手段:讲授、讨论、练习考核方式:考试主要参考书目:1. 21世纪大学实用英语综合练习(1)总主编:翟象俊 余建中 陈永捷 复旦大学出版社出版(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)221世纪大学实用英语教学参考书(1)总主编:翟象俊 余建中 陈永捷 复旦大学出版社出版(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)教学目标依据大学英语教学大纲(高等学校专科用):大学英语课程教学要求(试行);根据大学英语教学大纲(高等学校专科用):大学英语课程教学要求(试行)关于总目标的定位及其实现途径和目标具体描述;结合本校学生实际和教材内容,制定各单元的教学目标。教学方法 教师为主导与学生主动性相结合的教学模式。除了以教师授课为主的方式外,为调动学生掌握和运用语言知识的积极性,提高自我表达能力,还可以在教学中采取其它方式,如:角色游戏(医生与病人、司机与乘客、小偷与警察等)、演唱英文歌曲、说绕口令、诗朗诵(或自编)、小组(自编)表演短剧、小组之间辩论赛、小组讨论与汇报、事物评价、记者采访、问卷调查、手抄报交流及评述、自编/讲故事、看英语片简述、阅读短篇小说段落谈感想或每人接讲/汇报故事情节,创设环境模拟活动(如,麦当劳餐厅、到公园导游、法庭申辩等)、环游世界/中国(地图)导游、智力竞赛、十分钟英语教师角色(配自制幻灯教学)等等。教学安排 根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,学习阶段的侧重点以及大一学生的发展,每单元划分为8课时:阅读(4课时);听力和口语(4课时)。Date: Sep. 25, 2013Period: 2Content:Unit 1 listening and speakingTeaching aims: After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to1. Grasp the basic skills necessary to understand and talk to other people when meeting them for the first time;2. Understand the main ideas of Text A, B and C, and Master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the first two texts;3. Know clearly how to use the present simple and past simple tenses of English;4. Fill in a form with their personal information;5. Understand the main idea of an English paragraph and identify the topic sentence. Teaching focus: 1. To learn how to start a conversation with other people 2. How to talk about yourself. 3. Explain some language points to Ss. 4. Explain some grammar points to Ss.Teaching difficulties: 1. How to improve Ss speaking ability. 2. How to improve Ss listening ability.Teaching procedures:First PeriodStep 1 Preview (5 minutes)The teacher explains the Preview so that the students will have some idea of what this unit is about.This is the first unit of Book One. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to start a conversation with other people and how to talk about yourself. Then, the teacher will give the students a chance to introduce you.Step 2 listening and speaking (40 minutes)1) Introducing Yourself (20 minutes)A. listen to the first half of the short talk in Exercise 1 twice and fill in the missing words; B. listen to the second half of the short talk in Exercise 1 twice and fill in the missing words; C. listen to the whole short talk and do Exercise 2. 2) Getting to Know People (20 minutes)A. go through the new words in the 1st conversation in Exercise 3 and listen to the conversation twice while filling in the missing words; B. answer the questions about the conversation by way of group discussion or the traditional teacher- student interaction; C. go through the second conversation with the same steps; D. do Exercise 4 in pairs or groups. Second Period3) Listening Practice A. Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about. Each one will be given twice. (5 minutes)B Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers. Each one will be given twice. (5 minutes)C. Listen to the following short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. Each one will be given twice.(10 minutes)D. Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. (15 minutes)E Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. (5 minutes)Answers to the listening practice5. C B A B D 6. D A B C D 7. B C D B A 8. find out dreams experiences take care of library different becoming make a living Step 3 summary (5 minutes)1. How to start a conversation and how to talk about yourself: A. Hello! My name is. B. Hi! I am2. Some useful expressions: A. by the way B. come on C. Which department are you in? D. What is your major? E. Where do you come from? F. My major is. G. I am glad to meet you. H. It is a pleasure to meet you. I. How do you do?Step 4 Homework assignment1. Form a dialogue with your classmates. 2. preview the new lesson.课后教学效果自评: Date: Sep. 27, 2013Period: 2Content:Unit 1 Text A and text-related exercisesTeaching aims: 1.Understand the main ideas of Texts A, 2. Master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions Teaching focus: 1. Explain some language points to the Ss. 2. Explain some grammar points to the Ss.Teaching difficulties: 1. How to enlarge Ss vocabulary. 2. How to improve Ss reading ability.Teaching procedures:First PeriodStep1. Starter (5 minutes)For many people, college life is a new experience. They feel excited and at the same time a bit worried. How did you feel when you first got to college? Name three things that you felt excited about and three things you felt a bit worried about.Things I felt excited about when I first got to college: 1.The first time to go to college.2.meet a lot of people I dont know.3.have new classmates and friends.Things I felt a bit worried about when I first got to college: 1.I was afraid of that I was not able to do well in my studies.2.The first time to leave the home.3.I dont know if I can keep up with my classmates?Step 2 Text A CollegeA transition point in my life (5 minutes)1. Background information Universities and colleges are schools that continue a persons education beyond high school. A university or college education helps men and women enjoy richer, more meaningful lives. It prepares many people for professional careers as doctors, engineers, lawyers, or teachers. It also gives a person a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, human relations, and science. In doing so, a university or college education enables individuals to participate with greater understanding in community affairs. Universities differ from colleges in that they are larger, have wider curricula, are involved in research activities, and grant graduate and professional as well as undergraduate degrees. 2. Supplementary names of colleges and departmentsBeijing Union University 北京联合大学 Shanghai College of Electricity and Machinery Technology 上海电机技术高等专科学校 Tianjin Vocational College 天津职业大学 Shanxi Finance & Taxation College 山西财政税务专科学校 Liaoning Radio & TV University 辽宁广播电视大学 Nanchang Water Resources College 南昌水利水电高等专科学校 Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大学 Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry 西北农林科技大学 Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts 成都美术学院 3. Listen to the whole text and answer some questions about the text. (15 minutes)4.deal with some languages points (30 minutes)1) enter: vt. go or come into (a place) 进入 e.g. enter a room/ a house As soon as he entered the room, he saw his father and mother. The train has entered the railway station. 2) do well: be successful, especially in work or business 干得好e.g. Jack is doing very well at work. Tom did well at school when he was young. 3) being off: 离开As this expression is used after the preposition of, the verb be takes the -ing form. The expression be off means leave or be away. e.g. I must be off now (=I must leave). Her son was off on a business trip somewhere (=Her son was away on a business trip somewhere).4.) by oneself: alone 单独,独自 e.g. Come in; were all by ourselves. You cant go home by yourself in the dark. 5.) keep up with: move or progress at the same rate as 跟上 e.g. had to walk fast to keep up with him. Jacks having trouble keeping up with the other students in his class. 6) be up to: be left to (sb.) to decide取决于(某人)的,须由(某人)决定的 e.g. You may do your homework today or tomorrow its up to you. Its up to our group leader to make the final decision. 7.) I had to decide when to go to bed, when : 本课文使用了较多起连接作用的副词和代词。这种副词和代词可以用于动词、介词或一些固定的短语之后。 e.g. They re discussing what to do next. I don t know where to go. 8.) a bit: a little or to a small degree有点;稍微 e.g. I m a bit tired tonight. She looks a bit like my sister. 9.) spend time (in) doing sth.: use time doing a particular thing 花时间做某事 e.g. Mary spends all her free time writing one book after another. I spent an hour reading. 10.) however: ad. nevertheless; yet 然而;可是 e.g. It s raining hard. However, they went out. The book is expensive; however, it s worth buying. Second Period11.) have sth. under control: have sth. managed, dealt with, or kept in order successfully使某事恢复正常; 使某事处于控制之下 e.g. I m glad to see that you have had everything under control. The soldiers had had the fire under control by 9:00 p.m. 12.) as a result: coming or happening as a natural consequence 结果 e.g. He made one big mistake and, as a result, lost his job. He was late as a result of the snow. 13.) look on/upon: regard (sb. or sth.) in the specified way(以特定目光或情绪)看;看待 e.g. We looked on her as our own daughter. I look on him with dislike. 14.) turn out: prove to be 证明是 e.g. Our party last night turned out a success. I was a bit worried about John s idea at first, but it turned out to be a really good one. 15.) in store: about to happen; waiting 即将发生;等待着 e.g. You never know what s in store for you. John has a surprise in store for him when he gets home tonight! 5. do exercises (30 minutes)Give some time to the Ss to do exercises about the text and then check the answersStep 3 summary (5 minutes)Topic sentences of each paragraph1. Afraid of not being able to do well in my studies 2. My life was now up to me3. Life was a bit difficult.4. Had my life under control.5. Look upon myself from a different perspective.Step 4 Homework assignment1. read the text 2. preview the new lesson.课后教学效果自评: Date: Sep 28, 2013Period: 2Content:Unit 1 Grammar review and Practical writingTeaching aims: 1. To learn the Simple Present Tense 2. To learn the Simple Past Tense 3. To learn Registration FormsTeaching focus: 1. To learn the Simple Present Tense 2. To learn the Simple Past Tense 3. To learn Registration FormsTeaching difficulties: 1. How to use the Simple Present Tense 2. How to use the Simple Past Tense3. How to write Registration FormsTeaching procedures:First PeriodStep 1 Verb Tenses (25 minutes)The teacher talks about the Present Simple and Past Simple tenses to brush up the students knowledge of these basic tenses. 1.英语中,不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示。这种不同的动词形式称作时态。动作发生或状态存在的时间有现在、过去、将来和过去将来四种,而发生或存在的方式也有一般、进行、完成和完成进行四种。这样组合起来,英语就有16种时态,其中最常用的是12种,其动词基本形式(以make为例)列表如下: 方 式时 间一 般进 行完 成完 成 进 行现在make makesamis makingarehave madehashave been makinghas过去madewas makingwerehad madehad been making将来shall makewillshall be makingwillshall have madewill过去将来should makewould2.一般现在时用法例句1.表示经常发生的动作或现在的存在的状态I usually get up at six in summer.我夏天通常6点钟起床。They are students of the Department of Computer Science.他们是计算机系的学生。 2.表示客观事实上或普遍真理The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳运转。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。3.表示主语的特征、性格、能力等Some of my classmates speak English very well. 我的几个同学英语说得很好。My brother is good with his hands.我兄弟的手很灵巧。 4.在时间状语从句条件状语从句中表示将来It wont be long before we meet again.我们不久就会再见面的。If you come tomorrow, Ill go swimming with you. 如果你明天来,我就和你一起去游泳。 3. 一般过去时用法例句1.表示过去某一时间的动作或状态When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid that I was not able to do well in my studies.作为一名一年级学生初进大学时,我担心自己学业上搞不好。At first, life was a bit difficult.开始时,生活有点艰难。 2.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作或存在的状态The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳运转。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。3.在主句用过去态的时间状语从句和条件状语从句中表示将来Some of my classmates speak English very well. 我的几个同学英语说得很好。My brother is good with his hands.我兄弟的手很灵巧。 4. Give the Ss some time to do some exercises and then check the answers. (20 minutes)Second PeriodStep 2 Practical writing: Registration Forms 1. The teacher asks the students to look at the Chinese information in Exercise 11 of the section of Practical Writing (20 minutes)2. See if they can fill in the English Registration Form with this information. (5 minutes)3. After this, the teacher explains the different terms and expressions in the registration form. (10 minutes)4. With the help of the teacher, the students should also complete the form in Exercise 12 with their own information. (10 minutes)说明:1. 姓名2. 英语地址的习惯写法是“从小到大”:室/号胡同/弄堂街道/路省/市国家Step 3 Homework assignment1.Fill in the form with your own information2.Preview the new lesson课后教学效果自评: Date: Sep. 30, 2013Period: 2Content:Unit 1 Text B and related-exercises and Basic reading skills.Teaching aims: 1.Understand the main ideas of Texts A, 2.Master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions 3.Understand the main idea of an English paragraph and identify the topic sentenceTeaching focus: 1. Explain some language points to the Ss. 2. Explain some grammar points to the Ss. 3. Explain Topic sentence Teaching difficulties: 1. How to improve the reading skillsTeaching procedures:First PeriodStep 1 Revision (10 minutes)1. Review the verb tenses2. Review the registration formsStep 2 Text B What I hope to gain from a college education1. Listen to the whole text and answer some questions about the text. (15 minutes)2. Deal with some language points (20 minutes)1) gain : vt. get (sth. that one wants), esp. as a result of ones efforts; obtain; win 得到;获得 e.g. Students gain useful knowledge by taking courses in school.His ideas have gained a lot of support. 2) plan: vt. make plans (to do sth.); intend 计划;打算 e.g. Tom said he planned to talk to Mary tonight. They plan to leave Beijing at six in the evening. 3) is to go to college: 动词be用作连系动词,后跟用作表语的不定式短语e.g. The key is to know what to do next. My goal is to be a teacher in the future. 4) other than: apart from; except 除了 e.g. Other than asking a few questions, I would also like to tell you how I feel about the whole thing. I dont know any other American writers other than you. 5) pursue: vt. do sth. or try to achieve sth. over a period of time 追求;从事 e.g. to pursue a goal She wishes to pursue a medical career. 6) make history: do sth. important that will be recorded and remembered 创造历史,做出值得纪念的事情 e.g. Margaret Thatcher made history when she became Britishs first female Prime Minister. Lindbergh made history when he flew across the Atlantic. 7) go beyond: exceed 超过 e.g. Their relationship has gone beyond friendship. Most of the people did not run far. None of them went beyond 20 kilometers. 8) allo: vt. permit (sb./sth.) to do sth. 允许;容许 e.g. My parents wouldnt allow me to go to the party. Smoking is not allowed in the classroom. 9) familiar: a. (with) having a good knowledge of sth.熟悉的;通晓的 e.g. Are you familiar with this type of machine? Im not familiar with this kind of music. 10) maintain: vt. cause (sth.) to continue; keep (sth.) in existence at the same level, etc. 保持;维持e.g. She maintains a friendship with her college friend who lives in another city. It is difficult to maintain ones sense of humor every day. 11) A lot of us would be lost without any learning at all:In English, “be lost” means “not feel confident about what to do or how to behave.” e.g. Its quite usual to feel lost when you first start college. We would be lost without her help. In this sentence, would without forms a subjunctive structure (虚拟结构), meaning if we did not have/take (any learning), we would (假如没有则). e.g. We could do nothing without Johns help. 12) confused: a. unable to think clearly; puzzled; mixed up弄糊涂的;困惑的;混乱的e.g. My father is old now. He gets quite confused sometimes and doesnt even know what day it is. confuse : vt. make (sb.) unable to think clearly; puzzle; put (sth.) into disorder把(某人)弄糊涂;使困惑;使混乱,搞乱e.g. I hope my answer didnt confuse everybody. I always confuse Mary with her sistertheyre so alike. 13) such things as: of the type that you are just going to mention 诸如的事e.g. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Such advice as he gave me was useless. 14) apply : vt. make practical use of (sth.) 应用;运用 e.g. He wants a job in which he can apply his skill with foreign languages. These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice. 15) as well as: in addition to something or someone else 既又;除之外还 e.g. They sell books as well as newspapers. These college students give help and support to poor children in the countryside, as well as teach them free of charge. 16) acquire: vt. gain (sth.) by ones own ability, efforts or behavior (通过自己的能力或努力)获得;学到 17) as a result of: because of 作为的结果;由于 e.g. He was late as a result of the snow. About 2,500 people died as a result of the earthquake. 18) yet: used to add emphasis to words such as another and again 再,还,又 e.g. This is yet another area rich in wild flowers. I have to ask you this question yet again. Hes given us yet more work to do19) neither nor: used when mentioning two things that are not true or possible 不也不 e.g. Neither Marys mother nor her father spoke English.I neither know nor care what has happened to him. 注意:以nor引导的从句中,主语和谓语动词需倒装。 e.g. Neither of my parents can speak English, nor can my brother. 20) by being the first to get a college education: The proposition by is used to show how something is done. e.g. They traveled across Europe by train/car. He learned English by listening to the radio.Second Period3. Give the Ss some time to do some exercises and then check the answers (20 minutes)Step 3 Basic reading skills 1.Reading for the Main Idea: Topic Sentence (15 minutes)英语段落的中心思想常用主题句表达。所谓主题句就是概括说明某一段落中心思想的句子。因此,能迅速识别段落的主题句有助于读者很好地理解段落的中心思想。主题句通常出现在段落的开头。如A篇课文的第三段: At first, life was a bit difficult. I made mistakes in how I used my time. I spent too much time making fr


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