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Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left(第1课时)策略与反思 纠错与归纳【学习目标】 1. 识记并运用P76&77页的单词和短语。2. 通过大量练习掌握过去完成时的用法。 理解并运用句型:( 1 ) By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.( 2 ) He said that he had already had breakfast.3.充分发挥想象力,用过去完成时谈论过去发生的事情,教育学生养成良好的生活习惯,按时起床,上学不迟到。【使用说明与学法指导】1. 预习课本p76& p77,你认为哪个句型重要?_. 2. 预习课本第76 &77页内容,你还有什么问题? _. 【温故知新】 学而时习之 不亦说乎 老师在你身边同学们还能记得现在完成时的用法吗?汉译英: 1. 我看过这个电影。I _ the film. 2我爸爸去过上海两次。My father _. 3.我来这个学校五年了.I _in this school _. 4.他刚刚吃过早饭。He _. 5.- Lily在哪里?- 她去老师办公室了。- _ Lily?- She _.【自主学习】 认真预习,听磁带跟读,熟读并背诵I.汉译英6. 我上学从未迟到。I _ school.7. 当我到学校时,最后一遍铃声正在响起。 When I _ school, the final bell _.8. 你曾经睡过头吗? _ you ever _?9. -你为什么迟到? -公共车坏了。 -Why _ you _? -The bus _.10. 当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始10分钟了。 _ I got to the cinema, the movie _for ten minutes.II. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。11. By the time I _(reach) the station, the train _(leave).12. When I _(get) home, my mother _(go) out.13. He _(oversleep) this morning and went to school late.14. By the end of last month, we _(learn) four English books.15. When I wanted to read my book, I _(find) I _(leave) it at home【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点知识讲解 1. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. 当我起床时,我的哥哥已经在浴室里。 本句主句的时态是过去完成时,其构成为 “ had + 动词的过去分词”.用法:(1)表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前就已经完成或结束,它表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”。句子常用by, before, until, when等词引导的时间状语。 When I got there, the train had already left. 译:_ By the time I got to the cinema, the film had begun. 译:_ (2)表示从过去某一时间开始持续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常与 “for + 时间段”, “since + 时间点” 或“since + 从句” 连用。在肯定句中,谓语动词用延续性动词。 He had been ill for a week when we learned about it. 译:_ (3)当主句的谓语动词为一般过去时(said, asked, told, thought)时, 宾语从句用过去完成时。 He told me he had seen the film the day before. 译:_ 2. leave v. 遗忘;留下。常构成leave sth. somewhere把某物(留)在某地。 I often leave my key in the car. leave v. 离开 Come on, its time for us to leave. leave for 动身去某地 Hes leaving for Beijing. leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下 You cant leave your son by himself. leave 与 forget 两者都可指“遗忘;落下”之意,但具体用法有别。 leave 后常要地点 leave sth. somewhere 而forget后常接名词、不定式、 动名词等,不可接地点。 I left my notebook in the classroom. I forgot my bag. 活学活用 我尝试 我成功 我快乐. 单项选择: ( )16. He is very careless and always _ his school things at home. A. leave B. forget C. leaves D. forgets ( )17. Mr Green is leaving _ New York next week. A. to B. of C. for D. in ( )18. When I got to the station, the train _ for five minutes. A. had left B. had been away C. had away D. had be away ( )19. He said that he _ the army for ten years. A. has joined B. had been in C. has been in D. joined ( )20. The match _ already _ when we _ there. A. has; begun; get B. will; start; get C. had; started; got D. have; get; reach【当堂检测】 技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台一、用所给词的适当形式填空21. By the end of last year, I _(be) to the Great Wall three times.22. By the time I got up, Mom _(go) out for some exercise.23. I _(learn) 1,000 English words by last term.24. By 9 oclock last night, we _(get) 200 pictures from the spaceship.25. He _(oversleep) yesterday morning.二、根据汉语完成句子26. 到那时他们还没吃完三个苹果。 They _ three apples by then.27. 他告诉我前一天他已看过这部电影。 He _ me he _ this film the day before.28. 我到他家时他已经出去了。 By the time I _ his home, he _.29. 对不起,我把书包忘在学校了。 Im sorry, I _.30. 她来我们学校前已在北京教书五年了。 He _ for five years before he _ to our school.


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