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Language in Use,1 Look at the sentence from AR2 and answer the questions,2. Rewrite the sentences using something or odd,3 Rewrite the sentences using as much / many as ,4 Look at the sentence from AR2 and answer the questions,5 Read the explanations. Answer the questions,6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese,7 Translate the paragraphs into English,1 Look at the sentence from the passage Calling your kid Noah or Coke how wet is that? and answer the questions. Lots of my forty-something friends seem to be taking a leaf out of the Blairs book on birth control and squeezing out a last-minute baby. How old are the writers friends? (a) 40. (b) Nearly 40. (c) Just over 40. (d) Between 40 and 50.,Language in Use,2 Rewrite the sentences using -something or -odd . 1 There are about 20 people waiting in the corridor outside. There are twenty-odd people waiting in the corridor outside. 2 The new lecturer is between 50 and 60, I think. The new lecturer is fifty-something, I think.,Language in Use,3 Why dont you invite all your friends who are in their thirties? Why dont you invite all your thirty-something friends? 4 I reckon that there were 200 people in the cinema. There were two hundred-odd people in the cinema. 5 I dont know how old she is, maybe between 70 and 80. I dont know how old she is, maybe seventy-something.,Language in Use,3 Rewrite the sentences using as much / many . as there is / are . 1 In Britain for every curious surname there is an interesting place name. There are as many curious surnames in Britain as there are interesting place names. 2 For each community in the capital there is a major cultural festival. There are as many major cultural festivals in the capital as there are communities.,Language in Use,3 There is a lot of confusion about the new traffic rules, and there is the same amount of dissatisfaction about the changes in the opening hours of shops. There is as much confusion about the new traffic rules as there is dissatisfaction about the changes in the opening hours of shops.,Language in Use,4 For each member of our organization there is a different opinion about what we should do. There are as many different opinions about what we should do as there are members of our organization. 5 Ive got the feeling that the number of problems to resolve on this project is equivalent to the number of stars in the sky. There are as many problems to resolve on this project as there are stars in the sky.,Language in Use,4 Look at the sentence from the passage Calling your kid Noah or Coke how wet is that? and answer the questions. Its not a policy supported by feminists, but it has worked for centuries and they dont want to see it being abused by people who suddenly get it into their heads that their son ought to be called Snowmobile. 1 Who doesnt support the policy? Feminists. 2 How long has the policy worked? Hundreds of years.,Language in Use,3 Who doesnt want to see it abused? Icelandic people. 4 If the policy changed, what might some people want to do? They might want to give their children unusual names. 5 What is Snowmobile an example of? It is an example of a ridiculous name and abuse of the naming system.,Language in Use,5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions. 1 proportion A proportion is usually a quantity of something that is a part or share of the whole. (a) What is the proportion of bicycles to cars in your town? Ten to one. (b) If you try to keep a problem in proportion, what sort of attitude do you have? I will have a rational attitude. (c) If someones reaction to an event is out of all proportion, how reasonable are they? They are totally unreasonable. (d) Is a babys head in proportion with its body? No, it is rather large.,Language in Use,2 substantial This word usually means large in amount or degree. (a) If someone pays you a substantial sum for something, are you satisfied? Yes, because people pay you a large amount of money. (b) In which cities has there been a substantial increase in the population? Growing cities. (c) Wouldnt you like to eat something more substantial than a packet of crisps? No, I am not really hungry.,Language in Use,3 inclined If you are inclined to do something, you feel that you want to do it. (a) How technically inclined are you? Machines are a mystery to me. (b) Is there anything you dont feel inclined to do right now? Yes, I have to sit next weeks test. (c) Are you inclined to agree with the writer of the second passage? No, I think names need to be more imaginative.,Language in Use,4 surge A surge usually means a sudden increase in something such as the price or value of something. (a) If there is a surge in spending at a particular time, what are people doing? Spending a lot. (b) If there is a sudden surge in electricity in your house, what might happen? A sudden increase in power flow caused by something like lightning may damage electrical appliances. (c) If a crowd of people are surging towards you, is it a good idea to stay where you are? No, run, because people are suddenly rushing towards you like a wave on a beach. (d) If a strong feeling surges up inside you, is it easy to control? When a sudden powerful emotion fills you, it is very difficult to control.,Language in Use,5 necessity This word usually means something that you cannot live without, or something that is needed in a situation. (a) Do you think the necessity for good planning and management should be emphasized? Yes, or things will be disorganized. (b) Do you agree that a car is an absolute necessity in big cities? No, there is plenty of public transport to use. (c) Do you think people are changing jobs out of necessity, or because they particularly want to? I think it is mainly because they want a change. (d) Do you agree with the necessity of taking accurate notes in class? Yes, or else I cannot revise later.,Language in Use,6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. 1 In Europe, the Romans started calling people by their given name and family name in Latin from 300 BC, but it wasnt common practice throughout Europe until the 10th or 11th century, when first, the lords and gentry, then middle-class citizens, and finally everyone used surnames. The necessity for surnames arose when the population began to grow. Suddenly there was more than one person with the same name in a village, so surnames were used. Generally, these surnames were not handed down to the next generation, but after the fall of the Roman Empire, Ireland was one of the first countries to adopt hereditary surnames, and Irish surnames are found as early as the10th century.,Language in Use,在欧洲,罗马人从公元前300 年起就用拉丁文的姓和名来称呼别人,但是一直到公元10 或者11 世纪,这种做法才在整个欧洲流行起来,最先是在贵族阶层中间,然后是城市的中产阶级,到最后所有人都开始使用姓氏。因为随着人口的增长,姓氏就显得越来越有必要了。忽然间,在一个村子里出现了两个同名的人,所以人们就开始用姓氏来区分他们。一般来说,这些姓氏不会传给下一代,但在罗马帝国灭亡后,爱尔兰成了最早使用世袭姓氏的欧洲国家之一,而且爱尔兰姓氏早在公元10 世纪就出现了。,Language in Use,2 To make matters more complicated, a survey out last week suggests teenagers are a lot more conservative than we might think. Theyre in favour of the monarchy, long prison sentences and patriotism, so this would lead us to believe theyd be against having silly names such as Rawlplug. But my oldest daughter disagrees. On a really, really drunken night, my wife and I seriously thought about calling her Boadicea, but the following day over the Nurofen we went for Emily. And now shes livid about it, riding around the garden with knives on her bicycle wheels, saying we were dull and unimaginative.,Language in Use,让问题变得更复杂的是上周进行的一个调查,其结果表明现在的青少年比我们想象中的要保守得多。他们支持君主制,赞成长期监禁,充满了爱国主义情愫,这就让我们相信他们肯定会抵制像“罗威套管”这样的傻名字。 但是我的大女儿可不这么认为。记得有一天晚上,我和老婆喝得酩酊大醉,我们郑重其事地想给她取名博阿迪西亚,但是第二天吃了片布洛芬(注:一种止疼药),头脑清醒之后,我们选择了埃米莉这个名字。现在她正大发雷霆,对这个名字非常不满,她给自行车轮绑上刀子,骑着它在花园里转悠,说我们无趣,毫无想象力。,Language in Use,7 Translate the paragraphs into English. 1 先前的一些调查表明,在这个国家的政治选举中种族曾经是最为重要的因素,因为这是一个由多个种族、多个民族组成的国家。随后,大量移民的涌入使得情况更为复杂。候选人不得不把信仰、文化等问题考虑进来。(be comprised of; substantial; complicate) According to some prior surveys, race used to be the most important factor in political elections of this country, as the population is comprised of multi-races and multi-ethnics. However, a substantial number of immigrants complicated the situation. Candidates are obliged to take the issues of faith and cultures into consideration.,Language in Use,2 所有对政治感兴趣的、才华出众的年轻人都梦想着有朝一日成为伟大的政治领袖,对世界有积极的影响,让世界变得更美好。但是可悲的是,他们中的许多人在实现自己的梦想之后,只关心维护自己的权力地位而不是想着服务人民。更糟的是,有的时候他们会滥用他们的权力来满足自己的贪欲,而让国家和人民的利益受损。(aspire; have impact on; maintain) All talented young men who are interested in politics aspire to become great political leaders some day, to have impact on the world in a positive way and make it a better place. But sadly, many of them, after realizing their dreams, will only be concerned with maintaining their power and status instead of serving people. What is worse, sometimes they will abuse power to satisfy their greed at the expense of the country and people.,Language in Use,


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