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Unit 3Wordsboycottprohibitoffencetraditionsubmitunwillinghopeful n.抵制;排斥vt.禁止;阻止n.冒犯;非法活动n.传统;惯例vi.&vt.顺服;顺从adj.不愿意的;勉强的adj.有希望的negotiatechaospunctualcoincidencepedestrianmarchpavementsaluteabusevt.&vi.商议;谈判n.混乱adj.守时的;准时的n.巧合n.步行者vi.行军;前进n.人行道;公路vt.&vi.行礼致敬;敬礼n.滥用;虐待;辱骂vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂prayerbombsupremenationwideconstitutionalfundamentalhappinesslibertyn.祈祷n.炸弹vt.投弹于;轰炸adj.最高的;极度的adj.全国性的;全国的adj.宪法的adj.基础的;基本的n.幸福;快乐n.自由Abraham LincolnLook at the pictures.In pairs who these people were and their contribution to civil rights in the USA.Martin Luther King.JrPaul RobesonNelson MandelaDo you know them?Harriet TubmanJohn BrownGundyLook at his photo and work out the problems of the blacks in many parts of America before 1955.What happened?This shows a black man being mistreated by a policeman duringa demonstration to draw attention to the lack of civil rights for black people in America in the 1950s.Photo1 Photo 2 This shows a black housing area after some white gangs have tried to stop black people from drawing attention to their civil rights in the 1950s.Photo 3This shows that there are two sets of parallel facilities operated in the southern states during the 1950s.White people had their own waiting rooms,drinking fountains,seats and toilet during this period.The Blacks had other less comfortable facilities.The police upheld the rights of the whites at the expense of those of the black people in the 1950s.How would you feel if you had these restrictions in your life?What would you do?Group discussionTHE START OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENTThe passage on page 22 is taken from the diary of Maryann Jones,a black woman who lived in Montgomery,Mississippi.1 What was the cause of the boycott?What happened?What was the date when this incident happened?The immediate cause of the boycottwas Rosa Parks,a black woman,Read the questions first.Skim the reading passage quickly and then answer them.being turned off the bus because she would not give up her seat for a white man.She was arrested because she challenged the racial discrimination on buses.Then King and the other black leaders in Montgomery called on all the blacks to start a bus boycott movement.The black community and the black churches supported Rosa Parks.2 Which people supported Rosa Parks?3 How long did the boycott last?Whatdid the blacks do to show their determination?The boycott lasted about a year.All that time the blacks walked to work or used taxis.The whites tried to end the boycott by playing tricks(announcing it was all over),and bombing the houses of the leaders of the movement.4 What did the whites do to end the boycott?5 Why do you think white people wanted to sit separately from blacks?I think white people wanted to sit away from blacks because they thought the blacks were inferior.It made it clear to the people of the city that the black community was not going to put up with unfair treatment any more.6 In what ways do you think theboycott influenced the city?7 When was the boycott over?How did the blacks win the battle?The boycott was over when the Supreme Court said that it was illegal to sections reserved for black and white people on the buses.The blacks won thebattle through their continuous struggle,in which they showed their determination,perseverance and unity.Martin Luther KingBorn in 1929Graduated in 1955Worked in a churchOrganized his first action in 1955Formed an organization for black leaders to work together in 1957Give speech“I Have a Dream”in 1963Received the Nobel Peace Price in 1964Murdered in 1968Rosa Parkswhites-only sectionrefuse to stand up for a white manIn 1955 King led the movement in Alabama,asking the blacks not to take the city buses.a boycott of a bus companyarrested by the policerefused to give up her seatarrestedboycotton foot or in taxisThe Whites were angryThe blacks were solidbombed the housesSupremeCourtCourse of the movementIn 1963 King led the Great March,asking for the equal civil rights.In 1963King made a speech to thousands of blacks in Washing-ton.A big civil rights marchthrough the centre of Birmingham.Dr Martin Luther King A Historical Perspective1.Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus.2 Put the events on page 24 in the correct order.2.Rosa Parks was arrested.3.Martin Luther King Jr.called on the blacks to boycott the city buses and trolleybuses.5.The Whites were angry because their business suffered.4.They went to work on foot or in taxis instead.6.The blacks were solid in their support of the boycott.7.The whites bombed the houses of theblack leaders.8.The Supreme Court eventually agree with boycott.9.Blacks were finally able to sit wherethey liked on city buses.Now use your own words to write a shortsummary of the passage.This is the story of one young Black girls reaction to the start of the CivilRights Movement.She explains how Rosa Parks was arrested because she would not give up her seat for a while man and how this made the blackcommunity so angry that they a boycottof all city buses.The boycott lasted for about a year and the whites tried many ways to stop it but in the end the Supreme Court agreed with the black community.Separate seats on the buses were in the future to be illegal.1.boycott vt联合抵制to refuse to buy sth.,use sth.,or take part in sth.as a way of protesting.如:We boycott all products tested on animals.我们抵制用动物做产品实验。n.抵制an act of boycotting sth.,or the period of time when it is boycotted.Phrases from other entries:boycott of/on/against 抵制called for a boycott 号召抵制organize a boycott 组织抵制如:The group is urging a nationwide boycott of toys manufactured withchild labor.这个组织呼吁联合抵制雇佣童工生产的玩具。He called for aboycott of the elections.他呼吁联合抵制选举活动。2.prohibit 禁止,阻止to say that an action is illegal or not allowed.如:Smoking is strictly prohibitedinside the factory.厂内严禁吸烟。prohibit sb.from doing sth.禁止,阻止别人作某事如:They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.他们被禁止透露候选人信息。如:The possession of stolen property is a criminal offence.占有偷盗赃物是一种犯罪行为。Punishment for a first offence is a fine.初犯的惩罚是罚款。3.offense=offence n.(动词形式:offend)an illegal action or a crime.His solicitor said he committedthe offence because he was heavily in debt.他的律师宣称他负债太多已构成犯罪。他的律师宣称他负债太多已构成犯罪。The bill makes it anoffence to carry a knife.法令视携带刀具为犯规行为。4.submit 服从;顺从submi tted/submi ttingto give a plan,piece of writing etc to someone in authority for them to consider or approve.submitanapplication/claim/proposal etc.如:All applications must be submittedby Monday.所有的申请周一前必须提交。to suggest or say sth.submit+(that)从句如:I submit that the jury has been influenced by the publicity in this case.我承认陪审团在这个案件中已经受公众影响。5.punctualarriving,happening,or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged同义:on timepunctual ly-副词punctual ity-名词be punctual for sth如:She s always very punctual forappointments.她总是很准时赴约。the punctual payment of invoices.发票的准时支付。6.salute v.to move your right hand to your head,especially in order to show respect to an officer in the army,navy etc 敬礼敬礼salutat ion-名词名词如:The two soldiers salutedLieutenant Cecil.那两个士兵向塞西尔中尉致敬。The men jumped to their feet andsaluted.他们跳起来敬礼。to praise someone for the things they have achieved,especially publicly.salute sb as sth.如:James Joyce was saluted asthe greatest writer of the 20th century.詹姆斯乔伊斯被赞颂为20世纪最伟大作家。in salute 如:he officer raised his hand in salute.salute to 如:His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa.8.fundamental(adj.)relating to the most basic and important parts of sth.基础的,根本的如:We have to tackle the fundamental cause of the problem.我们必须抓住这个问题最基本的原因。fundamentals(名词)the fundamentals(of sth.)基本知识,基本原理the most important ideas,rules etc that something is based on an introduction to the fundamentals of design and print production.9.constitutional宪法的;构成的officially allowed or limited by the system of rules of a country or organization.constitutionally-副词constitut ion-名词constitute-动词反义词:反义词:unconstitutional违反宪法的违反宪法的a constitutional right to privacy a constitutional monarchy(=a country ruled by a king or queen whose power is limited by a constitution)10.supreme 最高的最高的having the highest position of power,importance,or influence如:the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe where he reigns supreme(=is the most important thing)It required a supreme effort to stay awake.11.liberty 自由,随意the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority.如:individual/personal liberty个人自由religious/political/economic liberty宗教,政治,经济自由take the liberty of doing sth.如如:I took the liberty ofcanceling your reservation.我随意取消预约。be at liberty to do something 如如:I amnot at liberty todiscuss these matters.我没空讨论这些事情。1 By law he could not sit with Rosa and by tradition blacks were expected to move.依法,他不能和罗仕坐在一起,依传统,黑人得起身离去。Difficult sentencesanalysis句中by law和by tradition 是表示“方法”的介词短语。由by引导的介词短语还有:by accident,by all means方法,by comparison,by far,by means of,by mistake,by no means,by reason of,by the way,by virtue of:由于,by way ofSsubject 主语P predicate 谓语O object 宾语Att attribute 定语Adv adverbial 状语Com complement 补语Pre predicative 表语C clause 从句Short forms 缩略语缩略语2 Theyre hopeful that they can negotiate a fairer situation if all the blacks support them.S O CVPre句中that引导的是形容词的宾语从句。他们希望他们可以协商获得一个更好的形势,如果所有黑人都支持他们。3 Ive never seen her as angry as that,so I kept quiet.我从未见过她生气生的如此厉害,因此我保持安静。保持安静。句中as angry as that作宾语补语,quiet作半系动词的表语。半系动词后可用名词、不定式、分词和形容词等作表语,这类词有:表感观的系动词:look,sound,taste,smell,feel(这些词用形容词作表语),seem,appear表变化的系动词:become,get,turn,grow,make,come,go,fall,run表依旧的系动词:表依旧的系动词:remain,keep,stay,continue,stand,rest,lie,hold可带名词作表语的系动词:be,become,make,look,sound,fall,prove,remain,turn(该词后接的单数名词 前多不用冠词。


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