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英语教学大纲课程名称:涉外护理英语总学时;372 学时开课单位:英语教研室适用专业:涉外护理专业三年制大专推荐教材:新编实用英语综合教程第一册、第二册。主编:孔庆炎、刘鸿章 高等教育出版社 “走遍美国”口语教材 北京高教音像出版社“涉外护理英语听说教程”高等教育出版社“实用医学英语口语” 高等教育出版社一教学目的与要求涉外护理英语课程的教学目的是使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力。从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。本课程的教学不仅要求涉外护理学生95%通过全国应用能力考试B级,而且要求4%的学生通过大学英语四级。 本课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。通过本课程的学习,学生应该达到下列要求:1 词汇:认知4000个英语单词以及由这些词构成的常用词组,(包括入学时要求掌握的1000个词)对其中2000个左右的单词能正确拼写,英汉互译。2 语法:掌握基本的英语语法规则, 在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学语法知识。3 听力:能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120词)的英语对话,理解基本正确。4 口语:能用英语流利地进行课堂交际,并能在日常和涉外业务活动中能流利地进行交流。5 阅读:能阅读中等难度的一般题材的英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过总词数4%的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟70词。能读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。6 写作:能运用所学词汇和语法写出简单的短文; 能用应用填写表格,套写便函、简历等,词句基本正确,无重大语法错误,格式基本恰当,表达清楚。7 翻译(英译汉)能借助词典将中等遍下难度的一般题材的文字材料译成汉语。理解正确,译文达意。二教学内容、学习基本要求与学时分配Book I第一单元 Unit 1 Greeting and Introducing People 问候和介绍 (6 school hours )第一、 二部分 对话;Meeting people for the first time 初次见面;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达问候和介绍以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Way American Greet 美国人问候的方式 (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语问候和介绍的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写名片和问候信第二单元 Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret 感谢和表达歉意 (6 school hours )第一分:对话: Thank you For the Beautiful Flowers 感谢送来的花 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达谢意和歉意第三部分:阅读课文;The Different Attitude toward Gift-giving 对送礼物的不同的态度(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语送礼物和表达谢意的句型和语句第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写感谢信和歉意信第三单元 Unit 3 Directions and Signs 问路和路牌 (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;Talking About how to go to work 讨论去上班的路线(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人问路、认路以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;I Hate Flying 我讨厌坐飞机 (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述坐飞机的感受和经历的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述路线方向和路牌第四单元 Unit 4 Timetable and Schedule 时间表 (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;Talking About a Flight Timetable 谈论飞机时刻表和工作时刻表;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语说出时间表的安排以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Punctuality and keeping Promise 守时和履行诺言 (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述严守时间和履行诺言重要性的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出和叙述工作时间表第五单元 Unit 5 Talking About The Weather 谈论天气预报 (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;Talking About The Weather In New York (谈论纽约天气情况)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语谈论和打听天气情况以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Is it going to be a fine day? (明天天气会好吗?)(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语预报各地的天气的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述天气情况第六单元 Study (学习) (6 school hours ) 第一、二部分 Taking Course to Get a diploma (选修课程取得文凭)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达如何学习取得文凭证书及听懂其内容;第三部分:Passage I 阅读课文;I have a little nervous about English (我学英语有点紧张) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达学英语的经历和感受的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写证书及把中文文凭翻译英语第七单元 Sports and Hobby 体育运动及爱好 (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;Do you like to Watch Basketball Match ? (你喜欢看篮球赛吗?)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达观看体育比赛的感想和以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Trianthlons Great Attraction (铁人三项的无穷魅力) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写各种比赛的通知及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元 Cookery, Food, and Culture (饮食和文化) (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;How to make ice cream? (怎样制作冰淇淋) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达烹调技术和方法以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Eating in Canada (吃在加拿大) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达饮食文化的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写菜谱以及把英语菜名译成中文第九单元 Celebrating Holidays and making friends (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;How to write a Notice for Posting(2学时)学习要求: Learn to say something about a notice and poster in English第三部分:阅读课文;Thanksgiving Day and Christmas (2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write notices第十单元 Showing Concern and Giving advice (6 school hours )第一、 二部分 对话;Doctor is Talking to A patient(2学时)学习要求:Learn some new expression about medical care;第三部分:阅读课文;A Guide to health for Tourists(2学时)学习要求: How to keep fit for the tourists when they travel around the world;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write the instructions for taking medicine Book II第一单元 Unit 1 Invitation (6 school hours )二部分 对话;Inviting Friend to a Party;Declining an Invitation(2学时)学习要求: learn how to express inviting people to the party in English;第三部分:阅读课文;Are you Really Being Invited ?(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语邀请的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写邀请信第二单元 Unit 2 Emails (6 school hours )第一分:对话: Email information on Internet(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语上网与他人聊天第三部分:阅读课文;Online Growth Continued(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语表达网络发展状况第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电子邮件第三单元 Unit 3 Communication by Phone(6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;Telephone Message(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语打电话;第三部分:阅读课文;For Conversation Press # 1 (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述人们用手机进行交流和联络的趋势第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电话留言第四单元 Unit 4 Making Reservations (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话;Hotel Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语预定房间第三部分:阅读课文;Climer Londge(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达广告句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语填写房间预定申请表第五单元 Unit 5 At a Restaurant (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话; Menu(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语在饭店点菜第三部分:阅读课文;Toledo: A Problem of Menus(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语到餐馆用餐的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述菜单第六单元 Shopping (6 school hours ) 第一、二部分 Shopping Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语到商店购物;第三部分:Passage I Tangsancai An Ideal Tourist Souvenir(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达唐三彩的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会看懂用英语表达的产品说明书第七单元 Entertainments and Tourist attractions (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话; Entertainment Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语与他人谈论观看戏剧的感想和以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Liuciano PavarottiBringing Opera to the World(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出各种娱乐广告及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元 Farewell (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话; A Farewell Leter(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语与朋友告别以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Most Unforgettable Character Ive Met(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达一个难忘的人语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语告别信第九单元 Applying For a Job (6 school hours )第一、二部分 对话; Job Interview(2学时)学习要求: Learn to say something about a notice and poster in English第三部分:阅读课文;Applying For a new Boss(2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write notices第十单元 Manager and CEOS (6 school hours )第二、 二部分 对话;Conference Schedules(2学时)学习要求:Learn how to make a schedule about conference第三部分:阅读课文;One Minute Manager(2学时)学习要求: learn what is the one minute manager like? 第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write agendasBook III第一单元 Unit 1 Launching A New Product (6 school hours )二部分 对话;Introduction(2学时)学习要求: learn how to introduce the product to the people 第三部分:阅读课文;My Study Tour in China(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语邀请的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写邀请信第二单元 Unit 2 Promoting Activities (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Tips for Going to Chinas Tradeshows(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语表达网络发展状况第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电子邮件第三单元 Unit 3 A company Prospectus (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;The Art Of Price War(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述人们用手机进行交流和联络的趋势第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电话留言第四单元 Unit 4 Purchase And payment (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Who is using My Credit Card Today ( 2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达广告句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语填写房间预定申请表第五单元 Unit 5 Training and Learning (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Cultural Stereotypes and MIsunderstanding(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语到餐馆用餐的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述菜单第六单元 Partnership and cooperation (4 school hours ) 第三部分:Passage I Tangsancai An Ideal Tourist Souvenir(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达唐三彩的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会看懂用英语表达的产品说明书第七单元 Brands And Advertisement (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Elsie the Cow(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作 (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出各种娱乐广告及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元 Sharing the loss ( school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Sharing Economic Losses Through Insurance(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达一个难忘的人语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语告别信第九单元 Busy Agenda And Schedule (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Applying For a new Boss(2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write noticesStuart Parkins Teaching Plan for Classes 11 and 12(外教英语口语教学大纲)教学目的和要求以及教学方法Since the beginning of the Autumn term, the main goal has been to enhance the students confidence in:l listening to material that they have not prepared for by readingl speakingTo this end, the direct method has been, and will continue to be, the main teaching method used. I.e. The students listen to such things as a joke or a short essay and try to answer questions, given to them before listening, about the material. We then go over the new words and structures with extensive repetition. Finally, the students discuss and practice telling each other the story. Each class often ends with a competition to see who can best retell the material.To add variety and fun, other activities include such things as skits, learning a song, watching a movie and playing games such as Twenty Questions and Simon Says. To the same end, useful idioms are introduced as appropriate.At the start of each class, a student volunteers to record the new material and gives it to the teacher at the end of the class.The students are also urged to practice speaking and use the new material outside of class for at least a few minutes every day, but in general it is only the better students that do this on a regular basis. After about eleven weeks of classes, it was apparent that some students still lack confidence in speaking and remain largely deaf to spoken material that they have not read shortly beforehand, even common words and expressions that they have read (but seldom spoken) many times. This is primarily due to a great lack of speaking and listening practice during their junior and middle school years, when the emphasis was on reading, grammar and writing and the general use of the grammar-translation teaching method. On the other hand, the better students gained confidence in both speaking and listening: the rewiring of their brains language centres has been more successful than in the case of the weaker students.Because of this, the approach was changed somewhat in early December. The speaking exercises in New Practical English 1, 2 and 3 are now the core of the material that will be practiced, with additional material introduced to satisfy the needs of those students with the strongest listening and speaking skills.The objective of every lesson is, of course, to enhance speaking and listening skills, emphasizing the acquisition and remembering of new vocabulary and structures through lots of speaking and repetition. In particular, the ability to independently generate spoken English will be fostered, namely, the ability to use the vocabulary and grammar that they have learned in a versatile way, rather than being limited to the context of these materials in their lessons. 教学内容和课时的分配 (每课lesson两个学时)Lesson #(两个学时)Topic1General introductions and chatting2 Talking about language teaching methods and explaining the principles of the direct method3Parrot and the Magician joke. Tongue twister.4Retelling parrot joke and using new vocabulary in structured and unstructured conversation.5Parrot and the Bookie joke.6Retelling parrot joke and using new vocabulary in structured and unstructured conversation.7Simple Simon and Twenty Questions (played occasionally in subsequent lessons).8Song: Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion). Discuss the poetic use of common words9Autopsy and Thirty Years Younger jokes. Discussion of humour.10Watch movie (School of Rock)11Skit: Would, Should, Could 1Text: New Practical English 1 (新编实用英语 Book I) Unit(单元)121Greeting and Introducing Oneself and Other People132Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret14,153Asking for and Giving Directions164Timetables and Schedules17, 185Talking About the Weather and Global Warming196Study and Language Learning.20 - 227Sports and Hobbies. Benefits of Exercise23 - 25 8Cookery, Food and Culture. 26 - 289Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends29 - 3110Showing Concern, Asking For and Giving AdviceNew Practical English 2(新编实用英语 Book II)321Invitations33 - 342Emails and Computers353Communication by Phone364Making Reservations375At a Restaurant. 38Plans for the holidays. Saying au revoirSummer Vacation39Chat about the holidays40, 416Shopping42 447Entertainment and Tourist Attractions458 Farewells46 - 489Applying for a Job49, 5010Managers and CEOs. Principles of ManagementNew Practical English 3(新编实用英语 Book III)511Launching a New (medical) Product522Promotion Activities533A Company Prospectus54, 554Purchase and Payment. Credit Cards and Banking56, 575Training and Learning58, 596Partnership and Cooperation60, 617Brands and Advertisements. Pros and cons of advertising628Sharing the Loss639Busy Agenda and Schedule64, 6510Development Planning. Environment and developmentAt this point, the students will have covered a wide range of situations and corresponding vocabulary and language styles. From now on there will be a greater emphasis on more complex language tasks and English that will be of particular use to nurses in dealing with patients and other healthcare professionals.Where appropriate, some (sometimes tedious to learn) medical language will be presented in the form of five to ten minute skits written by the students (with the teachers help). The new material will be explained before each skit or the audience will be asked to guess meanings after each skit.Every few weeks, from one to four students will prepare a five to ten minute presentation on a topic related to nursing and public health. Students and the teacher will jointly select the topics. New vocabulary will be explained before each presentation. Each presentation will be discussed afterwards. This will provide opportunities to exercise a wide variety of language skills, including asking questions, paraphrasing, explaining concepts in different ways and expressing agreement and disagreement (politely and impolitely). In addition to presentations, we will hold an occasional debate in standard debating competition format.医学护理英语66Discussion. Principles of making a good presentation.67, 68Describing and Explaining Graphs (some health/disease statistics) 69Presentation72Plans for the Spring Festival. Traveling in China. FarewellsSpring Festival73Chat about the holidays74, 75Describing pictures76Skit: Im Here! Whats Wrong With Me? (Registering at a hospital and a check-up)77Discuss, practice new material in Im Here! Whats Wrong With Me? 78Debate students to decide the motion (with help from the teacher)79Skit: Hypochondriac 180Discuss, practice new material in Hypochondriac 181Presentation82Skit: Hypochondriac 283Discuss, practice new material in Hypochondriac 284Skit: Giving Blood85Discuss, practice new material in Giving Blood86Skit: This Wont Hurt! (giving injections)87Discuss, practice new material in This Wont Hurt!88Debate students to decide the motion (with help from the teacher)89Skit: Let Me See Your Tongue (getting a physical)90Discuss, practice new material in Let Me See Your Tongue91Presentation92Skit: I Told Him So! (Mrs. Know-it-all)93Discuss, practice new material in I Told Him So!94Discussion: Internship: New Life, New Challenges95The Last Class: free discussion三、其他教学环节 (无)四、教学方法和教学手段1利用多媒体(语音室、电脑光盘等)进行音频、视频听力教学。2充分利用外教上英语口语课,每星期2-4节英语口语课。3因材施教,精讲多练,尤其突出口头和书面表达能力的训练和培养。4从学生的实际水平出发,对不同水平的学生尽量具有不同的教学侧重点。5既提倡学生的自主学习,又充分发挥教师的引导作用。6关注学生的学习动态,作好平时成绩记录。五、必要说明1涉外护理教育是技术、管理、服务等领域的高等应用性专门人才。英语课程不仅应打好语言基础。更重要注重培养实际使用语言的技能,特别是使用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动的能力。2打好语言基础是英语教学的重要目标,但打好基础要遵循“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,强调打好语言基础和培养语言应用能力并重; 强调语言基本技能的训练和培养实际从事涉外交际活动的语言应用能力并重。3重视语言学习的规律,正确处理听、说、读、写、译之间的关系,确保各项语言能力的协调发展。目前要特别注意加强听说技能的培养。4在完成规定的教学任务后,应结合专业学习,开设专业英语课程,这既可保证学生在校期间英语学习的连续性,又可使他们所学的英语得到实际的应用。5正确处理测试和教学的关系。语言测试应着重考核学生实际运用语言的能力,防止应试教育。与此同时,科学的测试又能为教学改革和语言学习提供积极的反馈,是提高教学质量的必要保证。 审核时间:2007年12月


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