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小学新概念英语语法总结-不定式动词不定式的构成 不定式的基本形式为“to+动词原形”,有时可以不用to。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,这里的to是不定式符号,本身没有词义,动词不定式的否定形式是not+(to)+动词原形。(一) 动词不定式的句法功能 (1)作主语 To see is to believe. 眼见为实。动词不定式作主语时,常常用it作形式主语,放在句子的开头,把动词不定式放在谓语后面,但翻译时不必把it译出来。It is good to do some sports. 做运动是有益的。在动词不定式用作主语的句子中常出现一个for引起的短语,用来说明不定式的逻辑主语。例: It was difficult for human beings to fly. 人类飞行曾经是很困难的。 It is not easy for a foreigner to learn to speak Chinese. 外国人学说中国话不容易。而在某些描述人品行的形容词如kind,good,nice,clever,careless,stupid等作表语时,不定式前常加上一个of引起的短语,说明不定式指的是谁的情况。例: Its kind of you to say so. (=You are kind to say so.) 你这样说太好了。 Its careless of you to give me the wrong number. 你很粗心,给了我错的电话号码。 It was stupid of him to buy such a thing. 他很笨,买这样的东西。to不定式还可以用于结构“it + take + (sb) + 时间段 + to不定式”,解释为“(某人)花时间做某事。例如:It usually takes me half an hour to ride to my office. 我通常花半小时驾车到我办公室。 It will take three days for the parcel to reach Beijing. 这个包裹将要花三天寄到北京。 (2)作表语 Your job is to study. (3)作宾语 I like to watch TV. 常见词: want想要,begin开始,start开始,wish希望,like喜欢,decide决定,learn学习,refuse拒绝,hope希望。 (4)作宾语补足语 I want you to tell me the story. 注:ask (tell) sbto do sth 请求(告诉)某人做某事常见词:ask 请求 ,tell 叫,want 想要,invite 邀请,order 命令。例题:Aunt Li often asks her son_too much meat. Its bad for his health,A. dont eat B not to eat C. not eat D to not eat注意:一些动词不定式须省略to。这些动词有:一感(feel)、二听(hear,listen to)、三让(let,make,have)、四看(look at,see,watch,notice) see sb. do sth. 是强调动作已经发生了; see sb. doing sth. 是强调动作正在进行如:I often hear/see him sing我经常听见/看见他唱歌。I hear/see him singing.我听见/看见他正在唱歌。Mother made me do my homework the whole night妈妈让我整晚做作业。 help后面的不定式可带to,也可不带to。如:I help my brother(to)study English我帮助我弟学英语。 (5)作定语 He has a lot of homework to do today. 他今天有很多作业要做。 They have no house to live in.我们无房可住。注意:不定式修饰something,anything,nothing时,放在它们的后面,如果something,anything,nothing 有形容词来修饰,词序是something,nothing+形容词+不定式。如: Have you got anything to say? 你有话要说吗? I had something cold to drink我喝冷饮了。注意:动词不定式作定语.,需放在被修饰的名词和代词后。 (6)作状语: 不定式在不及物动词和某些形容词后作状语。如: 表目的:He went to America to learn English他去美国学英语了。 表原因:Im sorry to hear that听到这件事我非常难过。表结果:My little sister is too young to go to school.我的妹妹太小,不能上学。(二)动词不定式的否定形式是not+(to)+动词原形。I asked her not to watch TV that night.我叫她那天晚上不要看电视。He decided not to go home.他决定不回家。(三)疑问词+不定式:不定式可以和疑问代词who,what,which及疑问副词when,how,where连用构成不定式短语,在句中担当主语、宾语、表语等成分。如:The question is when to start问题是什么时候开始。 What to do is an important problem该做什么是很重要的问题。 I cant decide who/whom to invite我决定不了请谁。(四)want,wish,hope+不定式want (wish) to do sth和want (wish) sbto do sth两个句型意思不同,前者是主语希望做某事,后者是主语希望宾语做某事。如: The children wanted to ask many questions孩子们想问许多问题。I want you all to think of a sentence with the word “repair”。我想要你们所有人都想出个带有单词“repair”的句子。 hope只有hope to do sth句型,而没有hope sbto do sth句型,而wish可以加人。如:I hope to see you soon(正) 我希望不久会见到你。 I hope you to see me soon(误)(五选作)有些动词或词组后接动名词或不定式均可,但意义稍有差别。1 remember doing sth记得过去做过某事 remember to do sth记着要去做某事 如:I remember seeing this film before我记得以前看过这部电影。 I remember to see the film this evening我记着今天晚上要去看电影。2 forget doing sth忘记曾做过某事 forget to do sth忘记要去做某事 如:I forgot turning off the light when I left the room 我忘了当我离开房间时是不是把灯关掉了。 I forgot to turn off the lights when l left the loom 当我离开房间时,我忘记关灯了。3 stop doing sth停止正做的事情 stop to do sth停止(正做的事情)去做另一件事 She stopped reading the story她停止读那个故事了。 She stopped to read the story她停下来去读故事。4go on doing sth继续做某事。 go on to do sth继续去做另一件事After resting, we will go on doing that 休息后,我们将继续做那件事。 After playing football,We will go on to play basketball 我们踢完足球后将继续去打篮球。5. try doing sth尝试着做 try to do sth设法去做,努力去做 如:They will try doing it in a new way他们将用一种新的办法试做此事。 We are trying to learn English well我们正努力地去学好英语。6. regret doing sth对做过的事后悔 regret to do sth对未做的事表示后悔 如:I regret telling you the bad news我后悔把这个坏消息告诉了你。 I regret to say Im not able to help you finish it我很抱歉我不能帮你做此事。 7. prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing sth to doing sth喜欢做某事而不喜欢做另一件事。如:I prefer to learn English rather than play the piano on Sundays=I prefer learning English to playing the piano 在周日我宁愿学习英语,也不愿去弹钢琴。 注意:有些动词后只接doing形式,不能接不定式形式。如:I also enjoy playing chess我也喜欢象棋。 此类动词还有:finish,practise,enjoy,mind,dislike,be worth,be busy,have trouble / difficulty / problems in,spend,feel like,have fun等。1. -I remember_ you somewhere -YesWe met in Hangzhou last year Ato meet Bmeeting Cme Dmeets2. Im sorry I forget_ your English textbook Ato bring Bbringing Cto take Dtaking3. Even on holidays, he preferred _ to _. Aworking,do nothing Bworking,doing nothing Cto work,do nothing Dto work,doing nothing4. We have worked for three hours. Now lets stop _ a rest. Ahad Bhave Cto have Dhaving


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