Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.SectionB 3a-self check教案

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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.SectionB 3a-self check教案_第1页
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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.SectionB 3a-self check教案_第3页
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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to . RevisionLearning aims:1. Memorize and use the keys expressions skillfully sing along with , dance to, write their own songs, play different kinds of music 2. Use attributive clause skillfully to express their likes : I like music that/which has great lyrics. I like musicians who/that have sweet voice.3. Understand and share emotional experience that the music and movies bringKey points and difficulties 正确使用定语从句中关系代词(who/that/which );定语从句的谓语动词与先行词保持一致 评价任务:Assessment 1自主复习、背诵本节重点短语。完成目标1Assessment 2同桌合作,以对话形式和猜测游戏了解对方对音乐及音乐家的喜好。完成目标2Assessment 3小组调查并做报告,说出小组成员对音乐、书籍、电影、演员等的喜好及原因。完成目标2Assessment 4通过写作练习运用定语从句介绍个人的兴趣爱好。完成目标2Assessment 5完成练习题。(检测学生能否辨认定语从句,能否区分that, which, who 的运用)。完成目标2Step1 Review1.比更喜欢2.有优美歌词3.跟着唱4.跟着跳5.演奏不同种类的音乐6.一个澳大利亚歌手7.电子音乐8.写他们自己的歌9.悦耳的音乐10.坚持Step2 PairworkPlay two songs, ask the students to describe them with attributive clause.Eg. The music is soft/moved/excited/loud .The music has great lyrics.The music makes me relaxed.The music is about a story.I can dance to the music .I can sing along with the music .Ask and answer about the music they like.A: What kind of music do you like/prefer?B: I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?A: I like music that has great lyrics.Step3 PairworkAsk the students to tell their partner who he like and why.Practice like this:I like Justin Bieber, because I like musicians/the musician who/that write/writes their own lyrics.Step4 Guessing gameTalk about a student in our class. Other students guess who he /she is. Do you want to have a try?Step5 Exercise用that, which 或 who填空及用词的适当形式填空。. Lin Hui likes books are short.2. I like friends play sports 3. Mike prefers clothes are comfortable.4. I like people who_ (be) interesting.5. She doesnt like movies which _ (have) sad endings.6. Rose loves food that _ (be) unusual.7.The girl who _( play) the piano well is her daughter小结:当先行词是物且在定语从句中做主语或宾语时,关系代词用_. 当先行词是人且在定语从句中做主语或宾语时,关系代词用_. 定语从句的的谓语动词要和 _ 保持一致.Step6 GroupworkTalk about your hobbies, such as your favorite food, books, movies, teachers, actors and so on. Your group choose one to make a survey and then give a report like this: Tina likes music that has great lyrics, because it makes him relaxed. Tome likes music that is loud, becauseYou can use as much attributive clause clause as you canName What kind of books do you like?Tina Tina likes the books that are written by Hanhan.Peter Step7 Writing假如你是一位到我们学校的新生,为了让学生了解你,请根据表格中的信息做自我介绍,向大家谈谈你的爱好及原因。尽量用上定语从句。NameLucyCountryUSAFavoritesMusicPopular musicsing along withMovieKung Fu Panda have funny endsBookHarry PotterinterestingActorJackie Chan act wellTeacherEnglish teacherbe friendly


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