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Unit 4 检测题. 单项选择( ) 1. When you are late for class, your teacher often says, “_.” A. Dont run in the hallways. B. You are not right.C. Dont arrive late for class again D. You are right.( ) 2. - Do you have to wear your sports shoes at school? - _. A. Yes, I have B. No, I havent C. Yes, I dont D. No, I dont ( ) 3. Linda often helps me _ English.A. study B. to study C. studying D. studies ( ) 4. There was no bus, so they _ walk home. A. have to B. has to C. had to D. can have to( ) 5. _ eat in class. A. Please B. Please not C. Not D. Dont( ) 6. We can eat in the cafeteria. But we _ eat in the classroom.A. dont B. didnt C. cant D. arent( )7. When Jim goes _ the classroom the teacher is having class. A. to B. in C. out D. into( ) 8. - _ I take some photos in the hall? - No, you _.A. Can, neednt B. Must, mustnt C. Could, wont D. May, mustnt( ) 9. Dont forget _ me this evening. A. to call B. call C. calls D. calling( ) 10. Dont talk _ in the library. A. loud B. loudly C. low D. lowly( ) 11. I have _ rules in my home. We have _ homework to do today. A. too many, too much B. too much , many too C. too many, much too D. much too, many too( ) 12. -Can your brother swim? - _.A. Yes, he cant B. Yes, please C. No, he cant D. Yes, he does( ) 13. Hes never _ class. A. arrive B. late for C. arrive late D. late( ) 14. Dont arrive late for class, _? A. do you B. arent you C. will you D. dont you( ) 15. “ No _ !” says the sign. A. smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. to smoke. 完形填空Many students like 16 very much. But 17 Monday to Friday,they must go to school. So on Saturday and Sunday they 18 at home and watch TV from morning to night. They dont know its bad for their eyes. Usually children like to eat fish, meat and chicken, dont like vegetables 19 fruit. They dont know 20 more vegetables and fruit is 21 than eating meat. At school the children only do a few minutes of sport or 22 do any sport. The teachers must know it isnt good for 23 health. We always think of ways to keep 24 We must eat 25 vegetables and fruit,do enough (足够的) sport every day. And we should watch TV and read in right ways.( ) 16. A. watch TV B. watch the TV C. watching TV D. watching the TV( ) 17. A. on B. an C. from D. to( ) 18. A. stay B. live C. sit D. leave( ) 19. A. and B. with C. or D. but( ) 20. A. buying B. eating C. getting D. keeping( ) 21. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse( ) 22. A. often B. sometimes C. usually D. never( ) 23. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs( ) 24. A. health B. healthy C. busy D. free( ) 25. A. more B. much C. a lot D. many. 阅读理解(A)Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other. Sometimes they were not. But some of their classmates said they were like brothers. One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant (饭馆) to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked, “What can I do for you?”“Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom.When the waiter put the two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry.” You are impolite (没礼貌). Why didnt you take the smaller one?” Tom said.“But I was right,” said Mike with a smile. “If I let you take first,which one will you choose?”“Of course Ill take the smaller one,” said Tom. “Yes” Mike said, “If you take the smaller one, the bigger one will be mine. Dont you think so?” “Oh,” Tom couldnt answer.( ) 26. Tom and Mike were _.A. not always kind to each other B. not students in the same classC. brothers D. not classmates( ) 27. One day they went out _.A. to have lunch B. to take a walkC. to buy apples D. to sit in a restaurant( ) 28. The waiter brought them _ before the meal.A. two eggs B. two oranges C. two apples D. some milk( ) 29. Mike took the _ apple.A. better B. bigger C. smaller D. worse( ) 30. Who ate the bigger apple finally? _.A. Mike B. Tom C. Both Tom and Mike D. Nobody(B)We are all leaning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe(可能)he cant speak English.If you want to know how to swim, you must(必须) get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.So, you see. You can learn English only by using it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes. Then one day, you may find your English very good.( ) 31. You know a lot about English but maybe you _.A. can speak B. can study it C. cant study it D. cant use it( ) 32. If you want to learn to swim you should _.A .get into the river B. read books about swimming C. learn from other people first D. play football well first ( ) 33. If you want to be a football player, you should _.A. buy a good football B. practice football C. watch others play football D. put your football away( ) 34. The story of learning swimming and playing football tells us _.A. we learn English by using it B. swimming needs water C. playing football is easy D. learning English is difficult( ) 35. If you want to study English well, you must often _.A. speak English B. write in Eng ish C. listen to English D. A, B and C参考答案1-5 CDBCD 6-10CDDAB 11-15ACBCB 16-20 CCACB 21-25BDCBA26-30ABCBA 31-35DABAD


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