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英文歌曲植树节 篇一:Lesson 1 Planting TreesLesson One Planting Trees教学目标:1. 能听、会说本课词汇,做到发音正确,语气自然2.经过本课的学习,能较熟练的利用通常未来时态问询某人计划做什么及其回复方法。3. 经过自然拼读法的学习,掌握字母组合“ch”和“tch”的发音规律,并能较灵活的将其利用于单词拼读中。4. 能了解歌曲大意和熟练演唱,有一定的情绪体验,并能在老师的引导下仿编歌曲。5. 能借助图画了解小说,巩固本课所学内容。6. 经过植树活动,从小树立学生保护大自然、保护环境的意识。教学重难点:1. 新学短语的正确发音和应用。2. 能较熟练的应用“be going to?”句型。3.能用自然拼读法拼读含有字母组合“ch” “tch”的单词,做到举一反三。4.能叫自然的演出对话和演唱歌曲。教学过程:The First PeriodTeaching contents:1 work in pairs.2) listen and practice:play table tennis,play basketball,play football,play volleyballStep 11.师生常规问候。2.引导学生谈论寒假生活及新学期的计划。3.复习相关动词词组,为本课句型教学做好准备。Step 2Work in pairs1.出示单词,集中复习Work in pairs中出现的已学过的动词及动词词组。2.创设情景,让学生感知新句型“What are you/they going to do?”“Im/Were/Theyre going to?”.3.让学生进行双人活动,将教材中提供的单词和词套入句型中练习,然后检测。4.在以上练习的基础上,教学用“We/They are going to?”作答。Step 3Listen and practise:1. 出示图画,复习已学过的单词volleyball,football, basketball等。2. 依据所学单词和歌曲引导学生组成新的词组play volleyball等。3. 学生听录音,跟读。Step 4Read and say .1. 创设情景,让学生感知plant trees .2. 教学相关植树节的宣传用语。3. 总结并教育学生保护环境、保护地球。Step 51. 总结本课所学内容。2. 部署作业。2. 和学生道别。The Second PeriodStep 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学单词。duty report .review the phrases .Step 2Listen and practise.1. 利用自然拼读法。pig-big-digrole-mole-hole2. 用所学单词组成新词组。Water ,flower water flowers3. 创设情景,将新词组引入句型中练习。What are they doing ? They are going to ?4. 经过游戏巩固所学内容。Step 3Listen and number1. 学生看图将词组读遍。2. 老师纠正发音并领读一遍。3. 听录音排序。4. 老师合适讲解”What is she/he doingto do?” “She/he is going to ?”的使用方法,并合适练习。Step 4Listen and sing : The Spring1. 让学生依据插图熟悉单词shine(shining),move moving ,flower flowing 和sun,breeze,river 。2. 请学生听歌曲,回复问题,然后讲解歌词大意 。What season is the song about ?What is shining ?What are moving and flowing ?Step 51. 小结本课。2. 部署作业,道别。The Third PeriodStep 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学内容。Step 2Lets talk .1. 创设情景,教学对话第一部分。出示表示四季的卡片,spring ,summer ,autumn 和 winter 。出示两只燕子和学生植树的卡片设计活动,帮助学生了解大意。学生听录音并跟读。Step 3Look ,listen and say .1. 分辨单词China , cherry ,peach .2. 出示单词对应的图片,讲解词义。3. 用游戏“找陌生人”进行巩固练习。Step 41. 引导学生总结本课所学内容。2. 部署家庭作业:复习词汇、对话和小诗,预习小说。3. 道别。The Fourth PeriodStep 11. 师生常规问候。2. 复习上节课所学内容。Step 2Read and match .1.复习look ,listen and say .2.让学生找出有字母“ch”的单词并自己试着读。3.老师纠正发音并让学生跟读。Step 3Lets talk .1.创设情景,教学对话第二部分。让学生分组讨论种树的步骤。放录音,公布答案。学生跟读。2. 将对话的两部分连起来操演。Step 41. 小结本课。2. 部署作业。3. 和学生道别。篇二:Unit One Planting TreesUnit One Planting Trees教案英语组 肖文卉教学目标:1. 能听懂,会说本课单词,做到发音正确,语气自然,了解词义。2. 经过本课的学习,能比较熟练地利用通常未来时态问询某人计划做什么及其回复方法。3. 经过植树活动,从小树立学生树立保护大自然,保护环境的意识。教学导向:关键词汇:play table tennis, play basketball, play football, play volleyball, water flowers, dig a hole, plant trees关键句型:1. What are you going to do ?We are going to?2. What are they going to do ? They are going to ?Step 1Warming up1. 师生常规问候。2. 值日生作duty report。3. 引导学生谈论寒假生活及新学期的计划。4. 复习相关动词词组,为本课句型教学做好准备。Step 2Work in pairs经过复习前几册教材中学过的动词及动词短语,引出新句型“be going to?”及其回复方法。1. 出示图片,集中复习work in pairs 中出现的已学过的动词及动词词组do my homework ,fly a kite, play badminton, watch TV, sing,dance, swim, have breakfast, draw, read books, do housework,play cards等。XXXX XX XX2.创设情境,让学生感知新句型“What are you / they going to do ? Im / Were / Theyre going to?”.3.让学生进行双人活动,将教材中提供的单词和词组套入句型中练习,然后检测。4.在以上练习的基础上,教学用“We / They are going to?”作答,方法同前,让学生从感知到实践,再到应用。Step 3Listen and practice.1. 复习该部分动词词组中已学过的单词volleyball, football,basketball, table tennis 和歌曲This Is the Way。2. 依据所学单词和歌曲引导学生组成新的词组play volleyball/football/ basketball/ table tennis。3. 用游戏“Whats missing ?”和抢答等方法巩固新学的词组,并检验学生的学习情况。4. 将所学词组套入句型“What are you going to do ?”和“Im / We are/They are going to ?”中进行问答练习。Step 4Read and say.1. 创设情景以导入将要教学的内容,引导学生初步感知plant trees。2. 将中国和澳大利亚植树节的日期写在黑板上,引导学生了解(:.xIaocAofanwEn.coM 小草 范文 网:)相关植树节的知识。3. 教学相关植树节的宣传用语。A tree today,a forest tomorrow.We have only one earth.Protect our earth, protect our home.4. 总结并教育学生保护环境,保护地球。Step 51. 总结本课所学内容。2. 部署作业:回家学种一棵树或一盆花来绿化,美化我们的家园,并总结植树的步骤,方便下节课在课堂上交流。课后反思:这是第一单元的第一课时,任务关键是导入本单元的基础词汇和基础句型,内容较多,因此针对不一样的内容设计了不一样的任务活动。经过课堂的试验,证实了这些任务的可行性,并达成了意想不到的效果。本节课的不足之处,因为本节课的内容较简单,因此在各个任务步骤的难度梯度不是很显著。这么没有为能力较强的同学提供战线的机会,而且本单元包括的单词较多,学生不能完全的熟练掌握。因此在以后的教学中还应不停的探索,寻求更大的突破。篇三:牛津小学英语5b+unit+35B Unit 3 Hobbies一、教学内容B Look, read and learn C Ask and answer F Do a surveyH Sing a song二、教学目标1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词组go shopping, make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes, take photos.2、经过学习,学生能用句型Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like / No, I dont.向她人介绍自己的爱好兴趣并问询她人的爱好兴趣。3、能初步了解主语为第三人称单数时,动词的改变形式He/ She likes 4、能唱本课英文歌曲。三、教学关键1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词组go shopping, make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes, take photos.2、在情景中,能用句型Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like / No, I dont.向她人介绍自己的爱好兴趣并问询她人的爱好兴趣。四、教学难点1、能熟练利用本课所学的词组和句型。2、能初步了解主语为第三人称单数时,动词的改变形式He/ She likes五、课前准备1、多媒体课件。2、B部分词组的单词卡片。3、学生预习BC部分。六、教学过程Step 1. Greeting & Warming up1 、Free talkT: What day is it today?What lessons do you have this morning?Do you like English? 2、经过游戏活动复习巩固学过的动词和动词词组。T: Do you like playing games? Now, lets play a game. Follow me, please. S: OK.T: Stand up. (边说边做动作) Sing, singing. Dance, dancing. Swim, swimming. Skate, skating. Ski, skiing. Run, running. Sleep, sleeping. Playing the guitar. Playing the violin. Playing basketball. Listening to music. Watching TV. .stop!3、经过师生之间的谈话,提问让学生感知第三人称单数时动词的改变形式。 T: I like reading English magazines. S1, what do you like?Do you like playing football? How about you, S2?S: I like T: What does S1/S2 like?S3/T: 引导学生用 He/She likes 回复。经过3-4提问,让学生初步感知第三人称单数时动词的改变形式,板书He/ She likesStep 2. Presentation1、由上面的自由交谈,引出Chant,巩固句型。T:Lets say a chant.Swimming, swimming, I like swimming.Running, running, you like running.Singing, singing, he likes singing.Dancing, dancing, she likes dancing.Cooking, cooking, Jane likes cooking.Reading, reading, my father likes reading.Clap the hands and say the chant together.2、立即巩固He/she likesT: Look, guess. What do I like? (看书动作)S:You like reading.T: Good. Can you do some actions? Lets have a guessing game.S: (做多种动作)T:What does he/she/ like? /Whats his/her hobby?S: He/She likes T: Good. / Well done.3、教学hobby, hobbiesT: You know I like reading. So reading is my hobby. (课件出示hobby) Learn: hobby(出示单词给学生改) familyfamiliesstudy- studies引出 hobby hobbies.T: Today well learn Unit 3 Hobbies.跟读Unit 3 Hobbies4、教学句型Do you have any hobbies?T: I have many hobbies. I like cooking and reading. Do you have anyhobbies?S: Yes, I do. I like Learn: Do you have any hobbies?Work in pairs-actA: Do you have any hobbies?B: Yes, I do. I like 5 、T: Miss has many hobbies. Can you guess whats my hobby? You can say:” Miss , do you like .?”S: Do you like ?T: Yes, youre right./Bingo!/Im sorry I dont like .6、教学词组go shopping , take photos, collect stamps , grow flowersa. T: Oh, I have many hobbies. I like cooking, reading,and going shopping. (点击幻灯片)Do you like going shopping?/ Does your mother like going shopping? (Learn: go shopping)T: Look, what does that woman like?S: She likes going shopping.T: Do you like going shopping?S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.T: This boy/girl likes going shopping.T: Do you like going shopping?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.b. T: Lets go shopping together. / What do you like? You have a beautiful bag. I like it very much. Whats in it? This is a thing that can make noise:” kacha ”(模拟摄影机的声音)Do you know whats this? Yes, its a camera. Lets have a look.渗透cameraT: There are many photos in it, too. What does he like? He likes taking photos.(Learn: take photos)T: Do you like taking photos? Does your father like taking photos/ S: C. T: My father likes taking photos, too. And I have many photos. How many photos do I have? Lets count. 1-2-3-a lot of photos. I like collecting photos.Learn: collectT: My mother doesnt like collecting photos. He likes collecting stamps. Learn: stampcollect stampsT: We can collect photos, collect stamps, anything else?e.g.: collect CDsS: Collect clothes/cards/pictures/magazines/books/bagsT: Good!d. T: (点击幻灯片) Look,is she collecting flowers?S: No.T: Shes growing flowers.Learn: grow grow flowersT: Do you like growing flowers?S: Yes. / No.T: Mar. 12th is coming. What festival is it?S:植树节T: Good. Its Arbor Day/Tree-planting Day.(渗透)7、Sing the song HobbiesT: I dont like growing flowers. But I like singing. Do you like singing? Lets sing a song Hobbies(点击幻灯,出现歌曲歌词)合唱歌曲两遍8、Play a game (点击幻灯片)T: Look, thats an English girl. Whats her hobby? Do you know?S: 抢答)She likes going shopping/taking photos/growing flowers and trees/9、T:Do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I do. I like T: Anything else?S: I like How about your friend?S: He likes T: Oh, I see. Me,too. I like , too.Work in pairs-actStep3. Consolidation:1、Do a survey:T: Today, lets do a survey. Ask your classmates or your good friends whats his/her hobby?a. Read the phrase.渗透collect coinsb. Make a model:A: Hello, I like going shopping. Do you have any hobbies?B: Yes, I do. I like T: I have some hobbies. I like.My friend _ is a girl. She is tall. She is12.She likes c. Do a survey.d.做汇报。A: Do you have any hobbies? What do you like? Whos your friend? What does he/she like? / Whats his/her hobby?B: He/she likes 有能力者能够说一段话七、作业设计1、誊录B部分词组2、依据C部分她图片编写对话3、描述自己爱好兴趣和好友或父母的爱好兴趣。八、板书设计:Unit 3 Hobbies(B, C, F&H) hobby-hobbies DateA: Do you have any hobbies? go shoppingB: Yes, I do. I like take photosA: How about your father/friend/? collect stampsB: He/ She likes grow flowersmake model shipsmake clothes


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