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六年级英语下Unit 1 How Tall Are You集体备课教材分析: 本单元主要学习了一些简单形容词的比较级例如:taller., shorter, younger, older, stronger, bigger, heavier, longer等。这些形容词已经基本接触过,在这里进一步的学习两个事物如何进行比较,以及形容词比较级的表示法,特别记住一些比较特殊的表示法。本单元的中心话题是询问身边的人或事物的年龄、身高、重量及长度并做比较。内容涉及自然博物馆中不同种类动物的比较,动物园里猴子的比较以及不同种类鲸的比较、钓鱼时鱼的大小、长短的比较,学生之间在身高、体重、年龄等方面的比较等等。Good to know部分重点介绍了一些常用的重量和长度单位,如:mm, cm, m, km, ft, kg, g, t / tn及其完整形式。Story time部分以招聘足球队守门员的形式生动展示了比较级和最高级的用处。这是一个取材广泛而又有真实交流的单元,建议大家在组织语言教学时注意设计生活化与功能化并重的语言任务。教学目标:1.能力目标(1)学会用形容词的比较级来谈论自己、朋友及他人或事物,如:“Im taller than you, but you are stronger than me.”等。(2)学会用英文的长度和重量单位来描述人、物或动物的身高、长度和体重等。如:“Im 160 cm tall. Im 51 kg. A sperm whale is 35 ton.”等。并能借助长度及重量单位进行精确比较,如:“Youre 4 cm taller than me. Im one year older than you.”等。(3)学会用本单元的目标语言分析比较调查的结果并做汇报。2.知识目标(1)能够听、说、读、写A、B部分Lets learn中的四会单词和Lets talk部分的四会句型。(2)听、说、认读A、B部分Lets read、Lets talk中的三会单词和句型。(3)能够理解并能根据指令操作Lets play、Group work等部分的内容。(4)能够了解音标/ ei /, / ai /, / oi/, / p /, / b/, / t /, / d/的音和形,并能正确读出例词和完成Read and match部分的连线活动。(5)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)情感态度:引导学生关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活的其他生命。(2)学习策略:训练学生角色扮演的能力;鼓励他们在调查、比较和分析的过程中反思该如何扬长避短,让自己做得更好。(3)了解常见的长度和重量单位。教学重难点:1.本单元的重点是让学生在交际中灵活运用形容词比较级。2.难点是A、B部分的四会词句的掌握及其活用。3.在教学中,要注意多创设情境,帮助学生内化,并达到学以致用。课时安排:第一课时: Lets start A Lets learn Lets play第二课时:Lets chant A Lets try Lets talk Group work 第三课时:A lets read Pair work C Pronunciation第四课时:B Lets learn Lets play C Story time第五课时:B Lets try Lets talk Pair work C Lets sing Good to know 第六课时:B Lets read Match and say C Lets check六年级英语下册Unit1 第一课时教学设计教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:taller stronger older younger shorter。2.能够运用句型“Im cm tall. He/Shes cm tall.”描述自己和他人的身高。3.能用句型“Youre taller than your brother. Im older than you.”进行年龄和身高的比较。4.能听懂教师的指令,按不同的年龄、身高排队,并用所学语言进行表述。教学重难点:1、能够听、说、认读A Lets learn部分五个形容词的比较级形式,并能用含有比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。2、能够听、说、读、写四会单词,并能根据一定情境使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。3、长度单词cm的完整形式centimeter的发音。教具准备:1、录音机,三年级下册六单元Lets do部分的录音磁带和本课录音带。2、本课时的单词卡片。3、测量身高和体重的工具。教学过程:Preparation(1) Chant:教师播放三年级下册六单元A部分Lets do的录音“Tall, tall, tall, make yourself tall”师生一起吟唱并做出相应的动作。(2) Free talk:T:Good morning/afternoon! Boys and girls.Ss: Good morning! Miss/ MrT: How are you?Ss: Im fine. Thank you! And you?T: Im fine, too. Who is your teacher?Ss: Mr/ MissT: Whats he/she like?Ss: He/ She is and 引导学生描述自己的老师,复习学过的形容词。并适时板书这些形容词:tall, short, strong, thin, young, old.Presentation(1)出示一张刘翔的图片,问:Who is he? Whats he like? 引导学生回答:He is Liu Xiang. He is tall.T: Yes, Liu Xiang is tall. (出示姚明的图片。)Look at Yao Ming. Whats he like? Ss: He is tall, too.T: Yes, he is tall. He is taller than Liu Xiang.(在tall后面用红笔加上er. 领读、拼读单词并说句子。) Make a chant: taller , taller, taller, Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.T:Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang is shorter than Yao Ming. (在short后面用红笔加上er. 领读、拼读单词并说句子。)Make a chant: shorter, shorter, shorter, Liu Xiang is shorter than Yao Ming.教师出示测量身高的米尺并说:“I am 158 cm tall. How tall are you?”引导学生测量自己的身高并用句子回答:“I am cm tall.”板书:cm=centimeter 领读、拼读单词并告诉学生它的复数形式: centimeters. 如:I am 158 cm tall. 读作:I am one hundred and fifty-eight centimeters tall. Ask and answer one by one.A: How tall are you?B: I am cm tall. And you?A: I am cm. I am taller/ shorter than you.(2)在一组学生问答练习结束时,教师接着说:“You are taller than me. But I am stronger than you.”在原来的板书strong后面用红色笔加上er.领读并拼读单词。Make a chant: stronger, stronger, stronger, I am stronger than you.老师说Look! I am stronger than you. You are thinner than me. 在原来的板书thin后面用红色笔加上ner.领读并拼读单词。告诉学生像thin这样的单词,在变为比较级时,要双写最后一个字母再加er.T: 教师出示测量体重的健康称,测量自己的体重说并:I am 52kg heavy. How heavy are you?”引导学生用“I am kg heavy.”回答问题。板书:kg=kilogram 领读,拼读单词并练习说句子。让学生理解在实际句子中应该使用复数形式。如:I am 52 kg heavy.应读作:“I am fifty-two kilograms heavy.”Ask and answer one by one.A: How heavy are you?B: I am kg heavy. And you?A: I am cm. I am stronger/ thinner than you.(3)教师指一学生问:How old are you?S1: I am 12/ years old. T: I am 35 years old. I am older than you. You are younger than me.在黑板上原来的板书old, young 后面加上er. 领读,拼读单词并练习说句子。Make a chant: older, older, older. I am older than you.Younger, younger, younger, you are younger than your brother.Ask and answer one by one.A: How old are you?B: I am years old. And you?A: I am years old. I am older/younger than you. (4) Listen to the tape. Listen to the tape and repeat.(5) Read after teacher/ little teachers/ in groups.Practice(1) Read the new words in groups.(2) Spell the words.(3) Make the sentences with the new words.(4) Listen and do: Line up from older to younger. Line up from taller to shorter.Line up from thinner to stronger.(要求在站队的过程中只能用英语交流,看哪个小组站的最快,用中文提示的小组将被淘汰。)Production(1) Make a new chant like this by yourself.(2)在小组内调查同伴的身高、体重、年龄,并以获得的数据做一个对话。如:A: How tall are you?B: I am 152 cm tall. What about you?A: I am 153 cm tall. I am taller than you.B: Yes, I am shorter than you. How heavy are you?A: I am 48 kg. And you?B: I am 50 kg. You are thinner than me.A: Yes, I am stronger than you. How old are you?B: I am 12 years old. How about you?A: I am 11 years old. I am one year younger than you.B: Yes, I am one year older than you.Progress(1) 看板书,总结形容词比较级的变化规则。根据规则做练习,写出下列形容词的比较级形式:small- long- big- coolhigh- kind- tall- young-(2) 做基础训练中本部分的相关练习。Homework(1) 回家测量自己和父母的身高、体重。利用获得的数据做一个对话,和父母练习。(2) 尝试用“I am than.”来描述自己。板书设计talltaller How tall are you?shortshorter I am strongstronger How heavy are you?thinthinner I am oldolder How old are you?youngyounger I am cm=centimeterkg=kilogramI am taller/than you.


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