牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 A green world课时作业有答案

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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 A green world课时作业有答案_第1页
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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 A green world课时作业有答案_第3页
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八下Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit学案一、 预习课文,翻译下列短语1. be good for us _2. like digging _3. reduce air pollution by riding bicycle _4. save water by taking shorter showers _5. save energy by turning off the lights _6. protect the environment by recycling waste _7. used to drive me to school _8. take the underground _9. cause serious air pollution _二、 学会使用新的单词。1. Its a _(明智的) choice to wear the white tie. It matches your shirt well.2. To _(减少) air pollution, wed better ride more often instead of driving.3. You cant be _(认真的)! Youre actually going to lend him money again?4. Remember to _(关掉) the tap when you are not using it.5. We _(植树) lots of trees around the school last month. Now they grow well.6. I _(挖) a hole in the garden with a tool several days ago.7. People are trying their best to _(减少) the pollution.8. You are _(明智的) enough to take a map and a mobile phone with you.三、 根据Welcome B部分的内容编写新的对话。四、 用短语的正确形式完成句子。 by, be good for, turn off, used to, sing, raise, donate, sports meeting, less, be1. Helen _ take a bus to school, but now she walks there.2. We can _ the lights in time to save electricity.3. Reading more books _ us, and we can learn more about the world.4. Our monitor often gives us the messages _ sending them on QQ.5. Our class will hold a _ next week.6. They have _ many things for poor children.7. We must talk _ and do more.8. I have _500 yuan to Project Hope.9. He often practises _ in the morning.10. They should give out leaflets to ask everyone _ a polite person.五、 翻译下面的句子。1. 每年越来越多的树被种植。More and more trees _ every year.2. 我们可以通过骑自行车来降低环境污染。We should remember to _ when we leave the living room.3. 我们可以通过洗短时间的淋浴来节约用水。_4. 我们可以通过离开房间就关灯来节约能源。_5. 人们选择公共交通工具或骑自行车是很明智的。_八下Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit检测反馈一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. My little dog is d_ a big hole in the garden.2. -Whats wrong with that boy? -Nothing s_, just a cold.3My Taiwan friends plant some_(面包树果实)trees in their gardens.4The costs were_(减少)by 20% last year and it was a great success.5The teacher says we can_(回收利用)waste to protect our environment.6The heavy rain will_(引起)many big problems.7Its_(明智的)of you to check your bag after you get on the train.二、 根据首字母提示补全短文。 The environment is becoming worse and worse. There are many kinds of pollution that I worry 1 a_. The most serious two are 2 w_ pollution and air pollution, because people cant live 3h_ with dirty water and polluted air. Animals cant live in the world, 4e_. More and more people are becoming 5 i_ because of dirty water and air. I dont think factories should 6d_ dirty water into rivers directly or produce so much waste gas. Wed better go on toot or by bike 7i_ of by car. Finally, everyone must pay 8a _ to rubbish pollution. if everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world 9f_ of rubbish. How terrible it will be! We should take action to 10 m_ our world cleaner and more beautiful.三、 完成句子。1. 人们选择公共交通工具或骑自行车是明智的。Its _.2. 每天喝牛奶对孩子们来说是好的。Its _ _ the _ _ _ milk every day.3. 明年我们将设立更多的组织。More organizations _ _ _ _ by us next year.4. 学生们正忙着做家庭作业。The students _ _ _ their homework.5. 我们能通过不行来减少空气污染。We can _ air pollution _ _.6. 去年我们回收利用了许多旧书。Many old books _ _ by us last year.八下Unit8 Reading1学案一、 课前预习短语:1. a country with high mountains _2. try to keep it that way _3. be separated into different groups _4. separateinto _5. be sent to factories for recycling 被送到工厂回收6. limit air and water pollution 限制空气和水污染句子:1. Clothes and shoes can be recycled 衣服和鞋子可以被回收2. We are not allowed to cut down trees 我们不被允许砍树 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事3. Otherwise, we will be punished 否则的话,我们将被惩罚4. We will be fined by the police 我们将被警察罚款二、预习课文,判断正误。1. In Switzerland, dropping litter in a public place is allowed.( )2. June 5 is World Environment Day.( )3. If you cut down trees in Switzerland. You will be punished.( )4. There are few laws to limit air and water pollution.( )5. Switzerland is a country with small hills.( )三、朗读课文,回答问题。1. Is Switzerland a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes?_2. Did the writer learn about an organization for recycling clothes?_3. Did the writer and his family send their old jeans and T-shirts to this organization?_4. Did the government have many laws to protect the environment?_5. Can people cut down trees in Switzerland?_6. When is the World Environment Day?_四、根据首字母提示完成下列单词。1. There are some d_ between the two girls.2. Our country is a great country with rich r_(资源).3. If you copy others homework, you will be p_.4. We must l_ the use of water.5. Students arent a_ to use mobile phone. Its bad for their study.五、句型转换1. The theatre was built seven years ago. _ _ the theatre built?2. He will hand in his homework tomorrow. His homework _ _ _ in tomorrow.3. Nature reserve can provide food and shelter for wildlife. Nature reserve can provide _ _ food and shelter.4. Switzerland is a country. It has many high mountains.(同义句) Switzerland is _ _ _many high mountains.六、 背诵句子1. 在瑞士,像玻璃、塑料和纸这些东西被分成不同种类然后循环利用。_2. 例如,我们不允许砍树。_3. 如果我们在公共场合扔垃圾,将会被警察罚款。_八下Unit8 Reading1检测反馈一、 根据汉语提示完成下列单词。1. People are not _(允许) to smoke here.2. A lot of things are made out of _(塑料) in our daily life.3. Its not a good idea to educate children by _(惩罚) them.4. -Can you _(分开) these old newspapers into different groups? - OK. No problem.5. Students should learn to spend their pocket money _(明智地).二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Nancys new T-shirt _ (make) of cotton.2. A lot paper toys will _(sell) in charity shops.3. Our country has made many laws _(protect) the safety of the young.4. When a total of 10 questions _(answer) correctly, well get a present.5. Sorry, youre not allowed _(talk) aloud.三、 选择合适的短语,并用正确的形式填空。 like, separate.into, sent.to, depend on, different, run out, lucky, cut down1. Old people _ their children to live a happier life.2. The _ between the twins are not clear.3. Tom _ a message _ his son to tell him the good news last night.4. Can you _ the students _ two groups?5. The gas in the car will _ soon after a long journey.6. Things _ cans, glass are separated into different bins to recycle.7. _, my sister didnt pass her exam for the high school.8. In order to protect the environment, we shouldnt _ trees.四、 翻译句子。1. 你还有其他的东西吗?Do you have _ _?2. 各种各样的鞋子在这个店里被销售。_ _ _ shoes _ _ in this shop.3. 我们不可以那样做,否则我们会受到惩罚的。We cant do that, _ we _ _ _.4. 我父母不允许我晚上出去。 My parents dont _ me _ _ _ at night.5. 你所做的一切都会影响你的儿子。Whatever you do can _ _ _ to your son.八下Unit8 Reading 2学案一、 翻译短语1. 一个有高山和湖泊的国家 2. 尽力做某事3. 分成 4. 被回收5. 整个国家 6. 在慈善商店里7. 被送到工厂 8. 有许多法律保护环境9. 例如 10. 允许某人做某事二、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. There are lots of _(大山) in our country.2. Its not good to use too much _(塑料) bags in the shopping centre.3. We need a better _(环境) to live in, or all of us will get ill.4. Nature is our greatest _(财富), we should protect it well.5. _(幸运), he didnt hurt himself badly. He could go on with his work.6. Glass, plastic and paper are s_ into different groups.7. The government has laws to protect the e _.8. An o_ was set up to collect old clothes from around the world.9. Where to go d_ on the weather.10. Dont d_ litter here and there.三、 根据课文内容及首字母提示完成单词。 The writer loves Switzerland. The country 1 h_ high mountains and clean blue lakes in Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are 2 s_ into different groups and then recycled. The 3 g_ has many laws to 4 p_ the environment. For example, people are not allowed to 5 c_ 6 d_ trees. Otherwise, they will be punished. If they drop litter in a 7 p_ place, they will be fined by the police. There are also laws to limit air and water 8 p_. People depend on the rich resources of nature to live, so it is important for them to protect it 9 w_. Luckily, people are starting to use energy from the sun, wind and water. These new types of 10 _ cost very little and will never run out. What have you done for the environment? 11 R_ that everyone can do something to make a 12 d_!四、 选词填空write down, by mistake, do with, set up, punish1. The old man asked me _my telephone number.2. Im sorry, I took your book _.3. What will you _ your old clothes?4. If you dont finish your homework, you _ by your teacher.5. We have _ an organization to help the poor.五、 完成句子。1. 如果你开车太快,你会被警察罚款。If you _ too fast, you _ _ _ by the _.2. 穿什么取决于他们喜欢与不喜欢。What they wear _ _ their likes and dislikes.3. 我们依靠它丰富的能源来生存,所以我们把它保护好太重要了。_4. 我们开始使用来自太阳、风和水的能源。_5. 这些新型能源花钱很少并且永远用不完。_6. 它们产生很少的污染。_八下Unit8 Reading 2检测反馈一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. We know who we can_ (信赖) on in our lives and we usually turn to them when we need help. 2. Its true that people having a_ (富有的) dad sometimes can do things easily but working hard is more important. . 3. Oil is a kind of finite (不可再生) _ (资源) and we will run out of it some day. 4. Do you know how many cars are_ (生产) in this factory every year? 5. Choose_ (明智地) how you spend time and with whom you spend it. 6. It is wasteful to throw away glass and paper, so every class collects them for _(回收利用) 7. -I dont think there is any _ between the two pictures. -Oh, there is one if you watch carefully. 8. -I believe the solar (太阳的) _ will be widely used in the near future. -I agree. That will reduce much pollution.二、 选词填空 do with, drop litter, wise, depend on, make a difference, run out, choose.to, put.into, try to, set up1. We should use our free time _, and we cant always play computer games.2. You should _ litter _ the dustbin.3. He is the sort of person you can _.4. Do you know when the WWF was _?5. We shouldnt _ in public places.6. This new type of energy will never_.7. Everyone can do something to _ to protect the environment.8. Wed like _ Tom _ be the host of the show.9. What will you _ your used textbooks?10. My aunt is _ save the dying dog in the hospital.三、 翻译句子。1. 世界环境日在每年的6月5日。_ is on 5 June every year.2. 我们接受了来自世界各地的捐赠。We received donations _.3. 能否去游泳取决于天气。Whether we can go swimming or not _.4. 我们都知道自然是最好的财富。We all know nature is _.5. 她的话听起来像是真理。Her words _ the truth.八下Unit8 Grammar学案一、 预习教材,回答问题1. What is one of the biggest problems in the world today?_2. Why do we act to improve the environment?_3. Should we clean up the rubbish in the lake?_二、单词:display_, pollute_, harm_, living_词组:1. an environment show_ 2. ways about how to protect the environment _ 3. have a chance to think about the world _ 4. act to improve the environment _句子:1. Who will be invited to the show? _ 2. What will be displayed at the show? _ 3. The show is going to be held this Friday evening. _4. Many of them are polluted. _5. The air is filled with pollution. _6. As well as people, animals are harmed by pollution. _7. More living things will be killed. _三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(注意时态和语态)1. A talk on the Olympic Game _(give) in the school hall next week.2. Many trees _(plant) in China every year, but they are still not enough.3. The Great Wall _(build) thousands of years ago.4. I think computers _(use) in everyday life before long.5. One year _(divide) into four seasons.6. The concert _(take place) next Friday.四、 根据句意及中文提示完成单词。1. There are many ways about how to _(保护) the environment.2. Some old clothes and shoes were _(扔) into the rubbish can just now.3. The water in our city has been seriously _(污染).4. Now a lot of things are _(伤害) by pollution.5. Many people were _(杀死) when the earthquake happened in the city last year.五、 总结:被动语态在一般将来时中的形式为_/_+_六、 句型转换1. They will build another bridge over the river next year.(改为被动语态)Another bridge _ _ _ over the river next year.2. The workers cant finish the take in half an hour. (改为被动语态)The task _ _ _ _ by the workers in half an hour.3. The pop singer had an accident during yesterdays show.(同义句)An accident _ _ the pop singer during yesterdays show.4. The farmers saw the tiger run into the forest.(同义句)The tiger _ _ _ run into the forest.5. My friend gave me a beautiful watch yesterday.(同义句)A beautiful watch _ _ _ me yesterday.七、 完成句子。1. 在苏州空气污染要比中国其他城市少。There is _ in Suzhou than in other cities of China.2. -How can I speak English _(与你一样好),Rose? -Practice makes perfect.3. 我们将有机会来思考我们周围的世界。_4. 在一些城市里,满大街是塑料袋。In some cities, plastic bags _ all over the streets.5. 本周五我们学校大厅将举行一场关于环境的义演。There is going to _ at our school hall this Friday.八下Unit8 Grammar检测反馈一、 根据句意或中文提示完成单词。1. Whatll be _(展示) at the show.2. Pollution _(伤害) animals as well.3. Now many lakes and rivers are _(污染).4. More and more _(活着) things are killed by pollution.5. Its an unusual experience, few people have _(机会) to do it.二、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Just now a lot of information _(receive) online.2. The room is _(fill) with the good smell of the flowers.3. The 2014 Youth Olympic Games _(hold) in Nanjing from August 16th to 28th.4. Have you heard that some people _(send) to Mars in a few years?5. A lot of _(live) things in the sea are killed by water pollution every day.三、 将下列句子改为被动语态。1. He isnt going to see his sister tomorrow. His sister isnt going to _ _ tomorrow.2. When are they going to buy a new house? When _ a new house going to _ _ by them?3. Will you open the window? Its too hot. Will the window _ _? Its too hot.4. Shall we teach English classes next week? _ English classes _ _ next week by us?5. How many books will they give us? How many books will _ _ to us?四、 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 大量的活动将会在我们学校举行。 A lot of activities are going to _ _ in our school.2. 很多钱被捐给了慈善组织。 Lots of money _ _ to the charities.3. 谁将会邀请到你的生日聚会?Who _ _ _ _ _ to your birthday party?4. 有关保护环境的话题将会被讨论。Topics about _ _ _ will _ _.5. 学校的礼堂里挤满了人。The school hall _ _ _ people.八下Unit8 Integrated Skills学案一、根据提示写出下列句子或短语。词组:1. turn off the tap when brushing teeth _ 2. take showers for less than 10 minutes _ 3. use both sides of the paper _ 4. recycle empty bottles_ 5. do a lot to help protect the environment _ 6. try our best to protect the environment _ 7. help keep soil in place _句子:1. Few students take their own bags to the supermarket. _ 2. There are still many more things they can do. _3. Our town will look nicer with more trees around. _4. Trees reduce dust _5. Air pollution is harmful to our health. _二、根据首字母提示完成下列单词。1. The school p_ hot water for students in winter.2. Trees can r_ dust and keep the air clean.3. Watching TV too much is h_ to our health.4. We should collect empty bottles so that they can be r_.5. It took him l_ than half an hour to finish the work.6. The students are doing a _(调查) on their hobbies.7. Smoking i


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