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内容项目Unit 1 This Is My Day单词四会单词(7个):1.什么时候 2.夜晚;晚上 3.在点钟 4.通常;一般 5.中午 6.经常 7.有时候三会单词(2个):1.work 2.tell 二会单词(5个):1.about 2.policeman 3.rain 4.either 5.next短语四会短语(10个):1.晨练 2.吃早餐3.吃晚餐 4.进行体育活动 5.上英语课 6.爬山 7.购物;买东西 8.弹钢琴 9.看望(外)祖父母 10.去远足句型四会句型(9个):1.你什么时候吃晚餐? 2.我晚上七点吃晚餐。3.你什么时候起床? 4.我通常中午十二点起床。5.你周末做什么? 6.通常我看电视和购物。 7.有时候我看望我的祖父母。8.我经常踢足球。9.有时候我去远足。语音字母组合ai, ay, gr, gl的发音规律并读出例词1.wait 2.rain 3.paint, 4.train 5.say 6.play 7.today 8.May 9.great 10.green 11.grow 12.grass 13.glad 14.glue 15.glass 16.glove 语法名词所有格s.如:Amys timetable, parentsday一般现在时的用法。作文作文My Day其他Rules to follow every day. 1.Clean your hands before meals. 2.Play sports every day.3.Brush your teeth before you go to bed. 4.Go to bed early. Unit 1 This Is My Day A Part1知识点:1.翻译短语:1.1晨练/做早操 1.2上英语课 1.3进行体育活动 1.4吃早饭 1.5吃晚饭2.2.1上体育课/上音乐课/上科学课/上美术课 2.2 吃午饭2.3早上好!/上午好! 3.English和exercise的相关知识。4.在“点钟”的前面用哪个介词?5.句型When do you do morning exercises?是什么意思?怎样回答?检测题:一英汉互译1.1 晨练 1.2 have music class 1.3 进行体育活动 1.4 eat lunch 1.5吃早饭 1.6 have science class 1.7 吃晚饭 1.8 have P.E. class 1.9上英语课 1.10 have art class 1.11 Good morning! 二选词填空2.1 I have (a, an) English book.2.2 I usually play sports (at, on) 5:00.三英译汉When do you play sports? I usually play sports at 3:30. Unit1 This Is My Day A Part 2知识点:1.When do you get up?这类句子有几种回答方法?举例说明。2.What about you?的同义句是什么?3.翻译句子:3.1Which is Mikes timetable? 3.2Tell us about your day!4.翻译短语:4.1 起来 4.2 去上学 4.3 上床睡觉检测题:一.连词成句。 1.1 do / when / you / breakfast / eat / ? 1.2 get / I / usually / up / 6:30 / at / . 1.3 us / tell / about / day / your / . 二.选词填空。up , at , to ,Amys , us2.1 I usually eat breakfast _ 7:00.2.2 I get _ at 6:30.2.3 When do you go _ school?2.4 Which is _ timetable?2.5 Tell _ about your day.Unit1 This is My Day A Part 3知识点:1. 翻译单词和句子:1.1夜晚、晚上 1.2 起床 1.3 在 点钟 1.4中午 1.5 通常;一般1.5 你什么时候吃晚饭? 1.6 我晚上七点吃晚饭。1.7 你什么时候起床? 1.8 我通常中午12点起床。2.“excuse” 的意思是什么?Excuse me. 在对话中的意思是什么?3.在一般疑问句中“Can I ask you some questions?”为什么用“some”?4.What do you do? 中文是什么?同义句是什么?5.翻译短语:5.1 在上午&在早上/在下午/在夜晚 5.2 在中午12点 5.3 at about 3:00 in the afternoon.6. Thank you for +动词的什么形式?表示什么意思?举例检测题:一.汉英互译。1.1晚上 1.2 起床 1.3 大约在下午4点50分 1.4 在中午12点 1.5 你几点吃晚饭? 1.6 in the morning 1.7 Can I ask you some questions? 1.9 policeman 1.10 excuse 二.连词成句。2.1 eat / I / dinner / 7:00 / at / the / in / evening / . 2.2 do / you / when / up / get / ? 2.3 usually / I / get / up / 12:00 / at / noon / . 2.4 play / I / sport / 3:00 / at / about / the / in / afternoon / . 2.5 you / for / thank / telling / me / your / about / day / . 三.找合适的答语。( )3.1 When do you go to work? A. I usually play sport at 3:00.( )3.2 Do you often go shopping? B. Usually I get up at 6:20.( )3.3 What do you do on Saturdays? C. Yes, I do.( )3.4 When do you play football? D. I often go hiking.( )3.5 I get up at 6:00. What about you ? E.I go to work at 7:00.四.选择填空。4.1.I like _ ,but Mike like listening to music.A. play sports B. sport C. sports4.2 When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner _ 7:00 p.m.A. in B. on C. at4.3 _ ? Im a farmer.A. What do you do B. Whats you name C. What your father?4.4 I often play_ piano on Sunday.A. the B. a C./4.5.It 6:00 p.m. Let eat_.A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast.五.根据课文回答问题。5.1 When does the policeman eat dinner?5.2 When does the policeman get up?Unit 1 This Is My Day B Part1知识点:1.翻译短语:1.1爬山 1.2购物;买东西 1.3 去远足 1.4弹钢琴 1.5看望(外)祖父母 2.翻译短语:2.1go fishing 2.2go boating 2.3go swimming 2.4every weekend 3.乐器前面必须加什么单词,而球类前面则不能加什么单词?4.How about you?是什么意思?同义句是什么?5.句型What do you do on the weekend?是什么意思?怎么回答?在周末用哪个介词?检测题:一.英汉互译。1.1爬山 1.2去远足 1.3弹钢琴 1.4看望(外)祖父母 1.5去购物 1.6go fishing 1.7go boating 1.8every weekend 1.9go swimming 二.改错。2.1 I usually play the ping-pong on Saturdays.2.2 What do you do at the weekend?2.3 I often play piano on Sundays.三.按要求完成下列各题。3.1 How about you?(同义句) 3.2 What do you do on the weekend? I often go shopping.(英译汉) Unit 1 This Is My Day B Part2知识点:1.翻译:1.1.together 1.2.next 2.名词所有格“某人的”怎么表示?3.区分usually, often, sometimes4.句子Lets go hiking together next Sunday.是什么意思? Let引导的句子后面接动词的什么形式?检测题:一.选择。( )1.1 together A.一起 B.去 C.相见 ( )1.2 next A.上一个 B.下一个 C.相邻二.根据表格,用usually, often, sometimes填空。Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.I have math class.I have English class.I have P.E. class.2.1 I have math class.2.2 I have P.E. class.2.3 I have English class.三.选词填空:3.1 Lets (do, does)homework.3.2 (Amys, Amy is) father is my teacher.四.连词成句,并翻译汉语意思。go , together, Sunday, Lets, hiking, next Unit 1 This Is My Day B Part3知识点:1.翻译单词。1.1周末 1.2经常 1.3有时候 1.4 rain 1.5 either2.翻译句子。2.1周末你去干什么?2.2我通常看电视、购物。有时去看望(外)祖父母。2.3我经常踢足球。有时去远足。2.4 I cant play football in the rain.2.5 But not this weekend.3.含有情态动词can的句子如何变否定句?4.区别too和either.5.fun的形容词形式。come的对应词。 6.The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow.是什么意思?句中出现的is going to是什么时态?检测题:一.英汉互译.1.1经常 1.2周末 1.3有时候 1.4either 1.5rain 1.6周末你去干什么? 1.7我经常踢足球。有时候去远足。 1.8我通常看电视和购物。有时去看望(外)祖父母。 1.9The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow. 1.10 I cant play football in the rain. 二.词型转换.2.1come(对应词) 2.fun(形容词) 三.选词填空.3.1 I dont have music class at eight oclock , _ (too, either).3.2 I am going to (climb, climbing) mountains. 四.句型转换.I can play the piano.(变否定句) 五.选择适当的句子补全对话.Alice: 1 Andy: I usually clean my room and go shopping. 2 Alice: I often play sports. 3 Andy: Great! Lets go hiking this weekend!Alice: 4 Andy: Why?Alice: Its going to rain tomorrow. I cant play sports in the rain. 5 Andy: Then lets read books together.Alice: OK!A. I cant go hiking, either. B. Sometimes I go hiking.C. What do you do on the weekend? D. But not this weekend.E. How about you?Unit 1 This Is My Day C知识点:1.字母组合ai, ay, gr, gl在单词中发什么音?2.翻译句子:2.1Clean your hands before meals.2.2Play sports every day.2.3Brush your teeth before you go to bed.2.4Go to bed early.2.5Whos the busiest one in your family?3.翻译单词或短语。3.1go with 3.2 everywhere 3.3bark 3.4late 3.5search for 3.6hurry to 3.7wait for 3.8always 3.9depend on 4.什么情况下用“单三”?动词单三是怎样构成的?5.介词后跟人称代词的什么形式? 知识点检测:一.判断下列各组单词画线发音是否相同,相同的在括号中划号,不同的划。1.1wait rain ( ) 1.2say train ( ) 1.3great grass ( ) 1.4green glove ( )二.选择。( )2.1 I am waiting for _.A. her B. he C. she( )2.2 He usually at 3:00. A. play football B. plays the football C. plays football( )2.3 Whos the busiest one _ your family? A. on B. in C. at三.翻译下列句子。3.1Clean your hands before meals. 3.2Play sports every day. 3.3 Go to bed early. 3.4 Brush your teeth before you go to bed. 内容项目Unit 2 My Favourite Season单词四会单词(12个):1.春天 2.夏天 3.秋天 4.冬天 5.季节 6.哪一个 7.最;极 8.游泳 9.滑冰;滑冰鞋 10.为什么 11.因为 12.睡觉二会单词(7个):1.play with 2.snow 3.leaf(复数leaves) 4.up5.north 6.Halloween 7.Thanksgiving Day短语四会短语(3个):1.放风筝 2.堆雪人 3.种树句型四会句型(7个):1. 你最喜欢哪个季节?2. 我最喜欢冬天。3. 夏天很好,但秋天是我最喜欢的季节。4. 你为什么喜欢夏天?5. 因为我可以在湖里游泳。6. 你为什么喜欢冬天?7. 因为我可以睡很久。 语音字母组合ear, air,sp,sk的发音规律并读出例词:air,hair,chair,stair,bear,wear,swear,pear,speak,speed,spell,splash,ski,skate,sky,skirt. 语法一般现在时单数第三人称作文作文 My Favourite Season 其他1. When its fall in China, its spring in Australia.2. In Beijing, winter is December to February the next year.3. What season is it in March in Beijing?Its spring. What season is it in Sydney?Its fall.Unit 2 My Favourite Season A part1知识点:1.翻译单词.1.1春天 1.2 夏天 1.3秋天 1.4冬天 1.5 季节2.翻译单词.2.1autumn 2.2Spring Festival3.句型Whats your favourite +名词?表示什么意思?Whats your favourite season ?是什么意思?怎样回答?4.表示”在季节”时在季节前面用哪个介词?5.句型Whats the weather like in spring?是什么意思?怎样回答?6.句型Whats the weather like ?的同义句是什么?检测题:一.填空.(每空一词)1.1There are four _ in a year. They are _,_,_and _.1.2“Spring Festival” means _. 二.连词成句.2.1 your/what/season/favourite/is/? 2.2 is/spring/the/weather/what/like/in/? 三.Whats the weather like today?(同义句) Unit 2 My Favourite Season A Part2知识点:1.翻译:1.1always 1.2play with 1.3snow 1.4windy and warm1.5sunny and hot 1.6windy and cool 1.7windy and cold2.形容词sunny, windy, (cloudy, snowy, rainy)的名词形式?3.hot,warm的反义词.4.句型Which season do you like best?是什么意思?怎么回答?同义句是什么?5.按频率从高到低排列usually, often, sometimes, always.6.“too”表示“也”和“太”,在句子中的位置与用法上有什么不同?too的同音词是什么?检测题:一.连线。1.1 Whats your favourite season? A.I like fall best.1.2 Which season do you like best? B.Fall is my favourite season1.3 spring C.sunny and hot1.4 summer D.windy and warm1.5 winter E.windy and cool1.6 fall F.windy and cold二.词型转换。2.1 sunny(名词) _ 2.2 hot(反义词)_ 2.3 warm(反义词)_ 2.4 wind(形容词)_ 2.5 snow(形容词)_ 2.6 too(同音词) 三.翻译。3.1You are too young. 3.2You are young, too. 四.按要求完成下列各题。4.1 Which season do you like best?(同义句) 4.2 I like summer.(否定句) 4.31can, play, snow, with, I (连词成句) Unit2 My Favourite Season A Part 3知识点:1.翻译句子: 1.1你最喜欢哪个季节? 1.2我最喜欢冬天。1.3夏天是美好的,但秋天是我最喜欢的季节。2.翻译单词:2.1 leaf(leaves) 2.2 up north 2.3 Halloween 2.4 Thanksgiving Day 2.5 哪一个 2.6最;极3.了解Halloween和Thanksgiving Day.4.I like to swim in the sea.汉语意思?like to 后接动词的什么形式?5.The leaves are colourful.汉语意思? colourful的名词、动词形式是什么?6.Winter is too cold for me.汉语意思?句式“Its too+形容词+for+某人”的意思是什么?举个例子。检测题:一.汉英互译。1.1 north 1.2 leaf 1.3 up 1.4 Halloween 1.5 Thanksgiving Day 1.6我最喜欢夏天。 1.7夏天是美好的,但秋天是我最喜欢的季节。 二词型转换。2.1leaf(复数) 2.2colourful(名词) 2.3tooth(复数) 2.4for(同音词) 三选词填空。 in up in for in to3.1 They go _ north. 3.2 _Canda I like fall best.3.3 We play _ the snow. 3.4 Summer is too hot _ me.3.5 We like _swim _ the sea.四按要求完成下列题。4.1 I like spring best. (对划线部分提问) 4.2 are / the / colourful / leaves / . (连词成句) 五.阅读理解。Season There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, fall and winter. Spring is green, because trees and grass begin to grow. Summer is red, because the sun keeps burning(燃烧)in the sky and people feel very hot. Fall is yellow, because the crops mature and the leaves turn yellow. Winter is white, because it snows and snow is white.阅读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确.( )1.There are four seasons in a year in China.( )2.Summer is yellow, because the sun keeps burning in the sky.( )3.People feel very cold in China in summer.( )4.Fall is red, because the crops mature.( )5.Winter is white, because the snow is white.Unit2 My Favourite Season B Part 1知识点:1.翻译:1.1游泳 1.2放风筝 1.3滑冰 1.4堆雪人 1.5 种树 1.6 have a picnic2.情态动词can后接动词什么形式?并举例。3.句型What would you like to do?是什么意思?怎么回答?检测题:一.译一译:1.1游泳 1.2放风筝 1.3滑冰 1.4堆雪人 1.5 种树 1.6 have a picnic 二.选出每组中不属于同一类的一项。( )2.1 A.spring B.fall C.season D.winter( )2.2 A.hot B.cool C.warm D.water( )2.3 A.sun B.read C.skate D.swim( )2.4 A.when B.what C.why D.white三.选择填空:3.1 In spring, I fly a kite with my friends. A. have B. am C. can3.2 I would like fly kites. A. / B. too C. to四.连词成句,并翻译。4.1 to / what / you / like / would / do 4.2 like / would / I / have / to / picnic / a 4.3 you / make / snowman / can / a Unit2 My Favourite Season B Part2知识点:1.Why do you like spring?是什么意思?怎么回答?2.What do you usually do in winter?是什么意思?3.作文My Favourite Season 检测题:一.选择。1.1-_ do you usually _ in winter? -I usually go skating. A. Where, go B. what, do C. What, do 1.2-_ do you like summer? -Because I can swim in the sea. A. What B. Where C. Why二.连词成句。 2.1 is / what / favourite / season / your_ 2.2 do / summer / like / you 三.补全对话.A: What is your favourite season?B: _1 A: 2 B: Because I can plant trees and fly kites. 3 A: My favourite season is summer.B: Why do you like it?A. Because I like eating ice-cream and going swimming.B. How about you?C. Why do you like it?D. I like spring.A: 4 Unit2 My Favourite Season B Part3知识点:1.翻译。1.1你为什么喜欢夏天? 1.2因为我可以在湖里游泳。 1.3你为什么喜欢冬天? 1.4因为我能睡很久。1.5 为什么 1.6因为 1.7睡觉 1.8 wake up1.9 What is Zips favourite season? 1.10Which season does Zoom like best?1.11 When is the best time to go to Beijing?1.12 Whats the weather like in fall in Beijing?1.13 What can I do there?1.14 You can go to the Great Wall.2.什么是单三?什么情况下用“单三”?动词单三是怎样构成的?举例说明。3.地点前用什么介词?季节前用什么介词?检测题:一.翻译。1.1睡觉 1.2wake up 1.3为什么 1.4因为 1.5你为什么喜欢冬天? 1.6因为我能睡很久。 1.7你为什么喜欢夏天? 1.8因为我可以在湖里游泳。 1.9 When is the best time to go to Beijing? 1.10 Which season does Zoom like best? 1.11 What is Zips favourite season? 二.选词填空。2.1 Amy (say, says)she likes winter best.2.2 Spring (come,comes).They fly kites.2.3 My brother (have, has)a good time.2.4 Whats the weather like (in , on)winter.2.5 (In, On)Beijing, you can go to the Great wall.三.判断下列人称是()否()是单三。3.1 he ( ) 3.2 they ( ) 3.3 Xiao Li ( ) 3.4 we ( ) 3.5 fall ( ) 3.6 My father ( ) 3.7student ( ) 3.8 weather report ( ) 3.9 chairs ( ) 3.10 sun ( )四.连词成句,并翻译汉语意思。4.1there what can I do 4.2whats like the weather in China summer in 4.3can go you to Great Wall the 五.阅读理解.The Weather in HainanHainan is in the south of China. The weather in Hainan is warm all the year round.The weather in spring is warm, but sometimes it has a little rain. The windis very cool, and there is beautiful sunshine every day. The weather is very hot in summer. It often has heavy rain. In fall, it is often windy. It is not very cold in winter. There is no snow and ice in winter.阅读短文,判断下列句子是()否()正确.( )1.Hainan is in the north of China.( )2.The weather in Hainan is cold all the year round.( )3.The weather in spring is cool.( )4.It often has heavy rain in summer.( )5.It is very cold in winter in Hainan.Unit2 My Favourite Season (C)知识点:1.字母组合:air . ear . sp . sk 的发音分别是什么?并举出例词。2.wear中文是什么?它 的同音词是什么?与“put on”有什么区别?并举例句。3.“fromto”中文是什么?并举例。4.翻译句子:4.1.When its fall in China, its spring in Australia.4.2.In Sydney , its spring from September to November.4.3What season is it in March in Beijing?5.“same”中文是什么?前面必须有什么词?反义词是哪个?6.Do you have enough warm clothes?中文是什么?其中“clothes”有单数形式吗?检测题:一. 按字母组合发音归类。hair, air, pear, bear, wear, chair, stair, pair, dear, here , near, splash, speak, skate, sky, skirt, spell, speed./e/_ /I/_ /sk/_ /sp/_二.判断下列说法是()否()正确。2.1When its winter in China,its winter in Sydney. ( )2.2When its fall in Beijing,its spring in Sydney. ( )2.2Sydney and Australia are the same season. ( )2.3In Australia,spring is from June(六月) to August(八月). ( )三.选词填空。 what where when why which who3.1 _ do you like winter? Because I can play in the snow.3.2 _ is your favourite season? Fall.3.3 _ are you going? Im going to Beijing.3.4 _ do you get up? I get up at 6:00.3.5 _ season do you like best? I like spring best.3.6 _ is your art teather? Mr.Li. 内容项目Unit 3 My Birthday(单元知识点)单词四会单词(16个)月份的缩写形式:一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月,十一月, 十二月, 生日, 叔叔, 她的, 日期三会单词(18个):January . February . March . April . August . September . October . November . December . first .second . third . fourth . fifth . eighth . ninth . twelfth . twentieth二会单词(7个):1.chart 2.cousin 3.send 4.e-card 5.able 6.everyone 7.then句型四会句型(6个):1. 你的生日在什么时候?2. 在五月。3. 我的生日在六月。4. 比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。5. 她的生日在六月吗?是的。6. 今天是几月几日?六月九日。语音字母组合ear . eer . ch . sh的发音规律及例词:ear . hear . dear . near . deer . cheer . beer . cheap . chair . chip . check . shoulder . sheep . ship . shop 语法一般现在时现在进行时:I am sending Grandma an e-card.作文作文 My Birthday其他Chinese Zodiac :. Rat . Ox . Tiger . Rabbit . Dragon . Snake . Horse . sheep . Monkey . Rooster . Dog . Pig Unit 3 My Birthday (A Part1)知识点:1.翻译单词: 1.1 January 1.2 February 1.3 March 1.4 April 1.5 May 1.6June 1.7 July1.8 August 1.9 September 1.10 October 1.11 November 1.12 December 1.13 chart 2.用缩写形式译单词:2.1一月2.2二


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