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高三英语作业12I、语法填空 In sixth grade my social studies teacher showed us slides of his trip to Egypt. I always considered it 16 (attract), but I had never even dreamed that someday I would take my own photos of the Pyramids.And then one day I 17 (start) to study French as a foreign language. Its a language that pushed me into the world 18 I learned that I could manage fine regardless of any language barriers. 19 my French still wasnt great in university, it was obviously good enough that this girl named Lisa made the 20 (decide) that I should be her study partner. While French itself didnt really change my life, 21 (meet) Lisa did. She came from a family that traveled, and she convinced me that I should see France 22 see the world.And so on January 26, 1993, 23 stood together in the immigration line waiting for those fateful passport stamps. Little didI know that wed be standing in 24 same line in another dozen of countries that year and that later Id still be standing in more than 100 countries all 25 the globe.II、阅读 CMy son Advait taught me a beautiful lesson today. He called out to me saying. “Papa, sit”. That usually means leaving everything and sitting down to play with him. As he will not stop calling out till I give in. He was playing with beads (珠子), an exercise to help build the motor skills. Anyway, so after he finished playing with the beads he began to put them in their box. He did that very slowly and carefully as if they were made of chocolate. And with over a hundred beads to go, I was getting tired “Why could he not pick up 10 in one go and put them in?” said my anxious mind. Damn! My morning was going to go for a toss today. And then it hit me like a brick. This boy was enjoying the whole process. For him the fun was in the game, in the preparation for the game and in the process of properly collecting and picking up. It was not just about his turnor the fun part. Every bit was as fun as the other. “What a great view to have.” I thought to myself. To live each moment as it is the perfect moment. To do each task as if it were the most awesome task to do. Nothing else matters. I thought of myself as a kid when we would go out to play cricket(扳球). If I was not playing, I was unhappy as I desperately waited for my toss to do so. Only the process of doing something I associated with happiness made me cheerful. The rest of the time I was waiting for my turn in the future or thinking of a great hit from the past. This is also how I have so often lived my life, waiting for something in the future or looking back on what it was like in the past. Now, Advait was showing me that life was about thoroughly living every moment with complete love and peace. I realized that the truest and happiest moments of my life have been the ones where I fully participated without thoughts of the past or the future.36.Wecaninferthatthewriter .A.likedplayingbeadswhenhewasachild B.likeddoingexercisetohelpbuildhisskillsC.wasntquitewillingtoplaywithhisson D.didntallowhissontoeatmuchchocolate37.Theunderlinedphrase“goforatoss”probablymeans“ ”.A.beruinedB.beforgotten C. becomecheerfulD.becomerelaxing38.Whenthewriterwasakid, he_.A.hatedthinkingofthepastB.failedtoenjoyeverymomentC.wascrazyaboutdoingsports D.oftenassociatedcricketwithhappiness39.Whatwouldthewriterprobablydonext?A.Gotoplayacricketgame. B.Gobacktodohisownwork.C.Enjoywatchinghissonfinishhiswork. D.Helphissonputawaythebeadsquickly.40.Whatisthebesttitleforthepassage? A.HowtoEnjoyaGame B.MyChildhoodMemories C.ValueTimewithYourChild D.ParticipateFullyintheMomentDYou may have heard of the “10,000 hour rule”, popularized in Malcolm Gladwells book Outliers, which suggests that many people who have reached the top of their fields got there, in large part, due to practicing for 10,000 hours. The theory is most often credited to a 1993study by K. Anders Ericsson (which has been mentioned more than 4,000 times, according to Google Scholar). But a new review of that study and other research in the field came to a different conclusion: Practice is not as vital as previously thought. In the new paper, published in Intelligence, the authors write that “we have evidence that deliberate practice, while important, is not as important as Ericsson has argued it is - evidencethat it does not largely account for individual differences in performances.” The authors of the new paper re-analyze scores of studies on outstanding chess players and musicians. They point out that there is significant variation in how long it took for people to get to the level of a chess master. One player in a 2007 study, for example, “took 26 years ofserious involvement in chess to reach a master level, while another player took less than 2years to reach this level”they write. They conclude that practice can only explain one-third of the success in chess and music, and probably other fields as well. The evidence is “quite clear that some people do reach an outstanding level ofperformance without plentiful practice, while other people fail to do so although they doplentiful practice,” they write. They suggest that other factors together explain the lions shareof success (at least in these two most-studied areas), such as intelligence, staffing age, personality and other factors.Despite their new analysis, the authors write that the debate is likely to continue “formany years to come,” which makes me think: Perhaps the “10,000 hour rule” should bedefined(定义) as “the amount of time scholars spend arguing over what factors explainsuccess.41. What does the “10,000 hour rule” suggest? A. Your success is largely determined by your practice. B. Scholars need to practice less than people in other fields. C. You cant succeed with less than l0,000 hour practice. D. 10,000 hours practice surely leads to the top of a field.42. The new paper in Intelligence finds that . A. more evidence is needed for the research B. one should not practice deliberately C. Ericsson does not think practice is important D. practice isnt so important as people thought43. How did the new study get its conclusion? A. By studying dozens of chess players. B. By studying other peoples research. C. Through 26 years of serious study. D. Through large amount of practice.44. What does the writer of this passage think of the “1,000 hour rule”? A. He is strongly for the rule. B. He doubts the truth of the rule. C He considers it the key to success. D. He prefers the rule to be proved wrong. 45. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To persuade people to work harder B. To argue for the 10,000 hour rule. C. To introduce a new study on the 10,000 hour rule. D. To introduce different scholars great discoveries.第二节信息匹配 首先,请阅读以下网站的徽标图片及简介信息:A.Whether you want a washing machine with a quick washing cycle or are more concerned with low energy consumption, Argos has the washing machine to suit you. Youre bound to find your ideal washing machine with us.B.Foylesis delighted to work with a world-wide network of sellers via our website. 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Our mission is to increase visitor spend to all parts of Britain and improve Britains ranking in the eyes of international visitors.F.JustAnswer is the largest website where people get answers from thousands of experts Since the opening of JustAnswer, millions of people from more than 145 countries have received fast and affordable answers in more than 100 categories.请阅读以下人员信息,然后匹配人员与相关网站。46. Kathleen works as an entertainment journalist. She interviews pop stars or movie stars for her readers. However, she wishes to find a website where she can adopt some news in her reports without any interview.47. Billy rents an apartment and shares it with a friend so that they can share the cost too. They wish to find machines for washing their clothes. They need to find a place where they can buy energy-saving machines.48. Eric loves wrist watches, and actually hes collected more than 20 of them from different countries. Unfortunately, hes badly in need of money, so hes decided to sell some of them. Hes looking for a place for selling.49. Fiona is pregnant. She and her husband Jack are first time parents-to-be. They have a lot of questions on everything ranging from health to finance. They wish there were online experts available to answer their questions.50 Roy was studying history of Greece in university and needs to refer to some books which provide detailed information about an ancient king. However, he cant get those books. Hes wondering where to buy them.III、读写任务(共1小题,满分2S分) Its all over the news: kids are spending a lot of time on homework, and research showsthat 29% of teenagers report spending 2 hours or more on homework every day in the U.S.Many kids just take the easy way out and refuse to do the homework given at school.Why do teenagers have so much homework? One of the answers is that teachers often havechildren covering material at home by themselves that they do not discuss during schooltime at all. Of course, the teachers reasoning for this is that there arent enough hours in the dayand they want to cover more areas on a certain subject. Some experts on education say there is no evidence to suggest that homework is helpfulto student achievement. On the contrary, too much of it can cause students to quit. Otherexperts, however, say that homework is necessary and helpful. They insist that homework isdesigned so students can practice the concepts taught in class, build good study habits, andreflect on their own learning.【写作内容】1.以约30词概括上文的主要内容:2.以约l 20 词就“高三学生的学习”谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1)你的课后作业是否过多? (2)高三学生是否需要做大量课后作业?( 3)你如何安排课外的学习时间?_高三英语作业12 I、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分)16.attractive17.started 18.where 19.Though/Although/While 20.decision21.meeting22.and23.we 24.the25.around/round/overII、阅读41.A 42.D 43.B 44.B 45.C46.C47.A 48.D 49.F50.B读写任务(共1小题,每小题25分)参考范文1:It is reported that many teenagers are having too much homework to do. While teachers havegood reasons why much homework should remain, experts on education hold different opinionson the necessity of homework.As a senior 3 student, I dont think I have too much homework. Instead, I can still find timeto do some extra reading every day.In my opinion, large amount of homework for students of senior 3 is certainly necessarysince we can apply what weve learned in class and have a better understanding of the knowledgeafter doing our homework. Whats more, more homework means more chances to discover ourshortcomings and adjust our learning habits.My homework usually takes up part of my out-of-class time, and I spend the rest of the timelearning on my own since it is my belief that independent learning is a good supplement to teachers teaching.All in all, we should use our out-of-class time properly and efficiently.参考范文2 It is reported that many teenagers are having too much homework to do. While teachers have good reasons why much homework should remain, experts on education hold different opinions on the necessity of homework. As a senior 3 student, I have to say that Im having so much homework that I dont have enough time for my own study plan.In my opinion, a certain amount of homework is good to us senior 3 students, but too much of it will surely add to much learning pressure. If we get much homework for each of the six subjects every day, we will be lost in homework without any reflection on our learning. My homework takes up most of my out-of-class time, and I spend the rest of the time learning on my own since I believe independent learning is a good supplement to teachers teaching. All in all, we need more out-of-class time of our own and we should use it properly and efficiently.、5


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