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2021/8/221Exclamations感叹句感叹句Grammar2021/8/222Exclamations1.What 引导的感叹句:结构 What+adj.+n.+subject+v.!What+形容词+名词+主语+动词!2021/8/223Exclamations-结构解析结构解析Eg 1.What an interesting story it is!What 形容词 名词 主语 动词 多么有趣的故事啊!Eg 2.What beautiful flowers they are!What 形容词 名词 主语 动词 多么漂亮的花啊!2021/8/224Exclamations-速记方法速记方法What+形容词+名词+主语+动词 What 形形 名名 主主 动动2021/8/225Exclamations2.How引导的感叹句:结构How+adj./adv.+subject+v.!How+形容词/副词+主语+动词!2021/8/226Exclamations-结构解析结构解析Eg 1.How lucky we are!How 形容词 主语 动词 我们多幸运啊!Eg 2.How quickly the time passed!How 副词 主语 动词 时间过得真快啊!2021/8/227Exclamations-速记方法速记方法How+形容词形容词/副词副词+主语主语+动词动词 How 形形 主主 动动 2021/8/228Exclamations-结构比较lHow cold it is!lHow 形容词 主语 动词 lWhat a wonderful time we had!lWhat 形容词 名词 主语 动词 2021/8/229n What a lovely day!n What a lovely day it is!n What beautiful flowers!n What beautiful flowers they are!n What important news!n What important news it is!n How fast!n How fast it goes!n How beautiful!n How beautiful the flowers are!2021/8/2210Exclamations-例题讲解例题讲解 1._ great film it is!2._ exciting they are!3._ pretty girl she is!4._ kind you are!5._ bad weather it is!注意:What+(a/an)+adj.+n.+subject+v.(What 形 名 主 动)How+adj./adv.+subject+v.(How 形 主 动)参考答案:1.What a2.How3.What a4.How5.What2021/8/22113.so/such 引导的感叹句结构1)so+形容词 Eg.He is so kind!2)such+名词 Eg.He is such a kind person!Exclamations2021/8/2212NorthWestSouthEastnortheastsoutheastsouthwestnorthewest2021/8/2213Phonetics动词过去式词尾为-ed的发音规则:1.1.动词词尾为动词词尾为t,dt,d时,发时,发/id/id/。如:want-wanted need-needed2.2.动词词尾为清辅音时,发动词词尾为清辅音时,发/t/t/。如:help-helped laugh-laughed3.3.动词词尾为浊辅音或元音时,发动词词尾为浊辅音或元音时,发/d/d/。如:call-called stay-stayed cry-cried2021/8/22142021/8/2215 仔细观察后你就会发现,在感叹句的在感叹句的主语前若还有名词存在时,主语前若还有名词存在时,用用What来引导;来引导;在感叹句的主语前若无名词时,在感叹句的主语前若无名词时,则用则用How来引导来引导。但在“How+形容词+a/an+名词单数+主谓!”中不可用What,因为此句中强调了形容词。How naughty a boy your brother is!2021/8/2216Exclamations 例题讲解1._ great film it is!解析:这个感叹句的形容词后出现了非主语的名词,故这个感叹句应该由What来引导.注意这个感叹句的名词是单数,所以要加a.答案:What a.2._ exciting they are!解析:看出这个感叹句的结构是“形 主 动”,所以是How引导的.答案:How.2021/8/2217Exclamations 例题讲解3._ a pretty girl she is!解析:形容词后出现了非主语的名词,故这个感叹句应该由What来引导.答案:What.4._ kind you are!解析:这个感叹句的结构是“形 主 动”,所以是由How引导的.答案:How.5._ bad weather it is!解析:同例题3.答案:What.2021/8/2218Exclamations 例题小结判断一个感叹句是由What还是How引导,可以看形容词后出现的名词是不是主语,若不是,则可判定这个感叹句是由What引导的.如果名词是单数,记得在What后加a/an.同样可以根据句子的结构来判定:1.What+形容词+名词+主语+动词.(What 形 名 主 动)2.How+形容词+主语+动词.(How 形 主 动)2021/8/2219Exclamations 例题小结2021/8/2220习题精选用What或How填空:1.a big tree it is!2.big the tree is!3.beautiful pictures!4.beautiful the pictures are!5.high the building is!6.big eyes she has!7.lovely the ice-cream is!8.lovely ice-cream!答案:1.What 2.How 3.What 4.How 5.How 6.What 7.How 8.What 2021/8/2221陈述句变为感叹句的方法陈述句变为感叹句的方法一分 二加 三换位 四去掉一分:在谓语动词后面划一双竖线,使句子分为两部分。如:He is a very honest boy.他是一个诚实的孩子。Li Lei works very hard.李雷学习很刻苦。2021/8/2222He is(what)a very honest boy.Li Lei works(how)very hard.第二步:“二加”即如果第二部分的中心词是名词,就加上what;如果是形容词或副词,就加上how.如:2021/8/2223第三步:“三换位”即把第一部分与第二部分互换位置,句号换位感叹号如:What a very honest boy he is!How very hard Li Lei works!2021/8/2224以上两个句子就应该变为以下形式:What an honest boy he is!How hard Li Lei works!第四步:“四去掉”即原陈述句中含有very,too等程度副词时,在变成感叹句时要去掉。2021/8/2225Exclamations 感叹句.把下列各句改成感叹句(注意分析句子的结构).1.They are very beautiful flowers._ _ _they are!_ _ _ flowers are!2.The woman is very kind(善良的)._ _ the woman is!_ _ kind woman!3.They had a good idea._ _ _ idea they had!What beautiful flowers How beautiful theHow kindWhat aWhat a good2021/8/2226Exclamations 感叹句4.Its an interesting maths problem._ _ _ maths problem it is!5.You told us a good idea._ _ good idea you told us!6.Time flies very fast._ _ time _!7.It is a very beautiful picture._ _ _ _it is!8.Were having a fine day._ _ _ _were having!What an interestingWhat aHow fast flies What a beautiful picture What a fine day2021/8/2227二、感叹句训练。(一)用“what”或“how”将相应的句子改为感叹句。1、Wu Peng jumps high!_ high Wu Peng jumps!2、Its an interesting film._ an interesting film it is!3、The sun is bright._ bright the sun is!4、The book is very interesting._ interesting the book is!HowWhatHowHow2021/8/22285、He writes English well._ well he writes English!6、Its a tall tree._a tall tree it is!7、He is a fat man._a fat man he is!HowWhatWhat2021/8/2229(二)、(二)、将下列句子改为感叹句,注意将下列句子改为感叹句,注意what,how的使用及词序:的使用及词序:l.The classroom is clean.2.The elephant is very heavy.3.She is a happy girl.How clean the classroom it is!How heavy the elephant it is!What a happy girl she is!2021/8/2230 4、Its a nice coat.5、The beds are dirty(脏脏).6、The teachers are very busy.What a nice coat it is!How dirty the beds are!How busy the teachers are!2021/8/22317、I t s a heavy box.8、The children are very happy.9、The flowers are very beautiful.What a heavy box it is!How happy the children are!What beautiful flowers are!2021/8/2232(三)、将下列句子变成感叹句:(三)、将下列句子变成感叹句:1.It is quite a nice present._ _ nice present!2.We have fine weather today._ _ weather we have today!3.Its sunny today._ _ sunny day it is today!WhataWhatfineWhat a2021/8/2233 4.The children are working hard._ _ the children are working!5.She played basketball wonderfully._ _ she played basketball!HowhardHow wonderfully 2021/8/2234Exclamations 感叹句.单项选择.1._ clever the young man is!()A.Who B.When C.What D.How 2._ fresh air it is in this village!()A.How B.What C.When D.Which 3._ the workers are working now!()A.How hard B.How hardly C.What hard D.What a hardDBA2021/8/2235Exclamations 感叹句1._ clever the young man is!()A.Who B.When C.What D.How解析:在这个感叹句中,clever是形容词,young man 是主语,is是be动词,可分析得这个句子的结构是“形 主 动”,所以是以How引导的。答案:D2021/8/2236Exclamations 感叹句2._ fresh air it is in this village!()A.How B.What C.When D.Which解析:可以看句子结构“形 名 主 动”,知道以What引导;也可以看fresh后面的air,air不是主语,所以是以What引导的.答案:B2021/8/2237Exclamations 感叹句3._ the workers are working now!()A.How hard B.How hardly C.What hard D.What a hard解析:workers是主语,working是行为动词,所以这个感叹句部分的结构是“主 动”;再看选项,排除有hardly的B选项,因为hardly的意思是几乎没有;再排除C、D选项,因为What引导的感叹句结构是“What 形 名 主 动”,跟题目不符,故选A.(A选项满足How引导的“How 形 主 动”)答案:A2021/8/2238Exclamations 感叹句4._ wonderful news report Jack wrote!All of us were proud of him.()A.What a B.What C.How D.How a5._ sweet songs they are!()A.How B.What a C.How a D.What6._ bad weather for us!_ boring we stay at home!()A.How What B.What How C.What a How D.How a WhatADB2021/8/2239Exclamations 感叹句4._ wonderful news report Jack wrote!All of us were proud of him.()A.What a B.What C.How D.How a解析:在形容词wonderful后有两个非主语名词所组成的news report,译为新闻报道.所以是What引导的感叹句,注意在wonderful前面加a.故选A.答案:A2021/8/2240Exclamations 感叹句5._ sweet songs they are!()A.How B.What a C.How a D.What解析:在形容词sweet后面有一个非主语动词songs,是以What引导的感叹句,故选D.答案:D.2021/8/2241Exclamations 感叹句6._ bad weather for us!_ boring we stay at home!()A.How What B.What How C.What a How D.How a What解析:在第一个感叹句中的形容词bad后面有非主语名词weather,故应该是What引导的,排除A和D,weather是不可数名词,所以不需要在What后面加a,排除C,故选B.答案:B.2021/8/2242(四)单项选择。(四)单项选择。1._ a nice watch it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.How a 2._ bright the lights they are!A.What B.What a C.How D.how a 3._ interesting the film is!A.What B.What an C.How 4._ sunny day!Lets go out for a walk.A.How a B.How C.What a D.WhatBCCc2021/8/2243 5._ hard work it is!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an 6._ day it is!Its rainy again.A.How bad B.What a bad C.How fine D.What a fine 7.beautiful flowers they are!A、How B、What C、How a D、What a 8.terrible weather it is!A、What B、What a C、How D、How aBBBA2021/8/2244 9、(、()the mooncakes are!A、How delicious B、How a delicious C、What delicious D、What a delicious 10、(、()-thick ice!Would you like to go skating?A、What B、How C、What a D、How aAA2021/8/2245 11._ great day July 1,1997 will be!A.How a B.What a C.How D.What 12._ expensive trousers!A.What B.What a C.How D.What an 13._ useful work they have done!A.What B.How C.What a D.What anBAA2021/8/224614._ nice picture you gave me!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an15._ careless he is!A.What B.How C.So much D.How muchNoImageCB2021/8/224716._ girl she is!A.What bright a B.How a bright C.How bright a D.What bright 17._ weather we have today!A.A fine B.What a fine C.How a fine D.What fineCD2021/8/2248二 英文中感叹句的表达形式How+形容词+冠词+名词+陈述语序How+形容词/副词+陈述语序What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+陈述语序What+名词+陈述语序_


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