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2012-12-29重默:8A U6- 1.当天开始下雨时那个最勇敢的战士在睡觉。2.直到半小时后才听到下雨。 3.如果地板湿透了,那个齐肩直发的邻居会把水拖干. 4.校网球队在决赛中比赛输了。5.数百人死于这次地震,数千人严重受伤,2百万人被困在黑暗中。6. 我看到有些人在努力工作把道路扫干净。7. 昨晚有几辆长途汽车撞到桥上了。8.一场洪水把村子冲走了。9.闪电点燃了一所房子。 10. 他最佩服的那个消防员从树上掉下来摔伤了腿。 11. 两百农民死于一场大风暴。三人死于一场轿车事故。*12.当地震发生时我正在听关于观鸟的报告。 -拖地*我正试图找出路就在这时我突然听见我上面的嘈杂声。*他刚要上床睡觉这时电话铃响了。13. 刚开始我感到身体有点轻微的摇晃。 14.我在网上搜索信息当我听到一声雷鸣般的巨响时。 15. 自然保护区的人都惊恐地看着对方。有几个旅行者因为害怕而尖叫。17. 然后就传来了真正的地震的声音,就像炸弹在地下爆炸一样。18. 地面开始摇动,来自世界各地的游客四散跑开。 19. 我不知道要去哪和怎么做。我甚至疑惑我在哪。 22. 我尽全力往外面街上跑。23. 当玻璃碎片和砖块往下掉时,旅行者们失去控制地到处跑着。 墙开始倒塌。24. 第一个到达的义工给当地的有需要的人分发食品和干净的饮用水。 25地震的噪音和震动结束了。26. 我镇定下来自言自语:我真的在地震中活下来了吗?27. 两者中较不幸的那个游客简直不能相信地震结束了。28. 我四周漆黑一片。我一点也看不见,不知道周围是否有人。 30. 那个最不诚实的登山者被困在黑暗的地方。他一阵恐惧。 32. 那个外国总统告诉自己要镇定下来因为(既然)他还活着。 33. 那个紧张的记者大声呼救。她以为有人能听到她,但却没人救她。 35.那个又渴又饿的幸存者心里暗想他一定要活着。 36. 但我一定不能把它们全吃光。 1袋巧克力,2包糖果和3箱点心37. 他没有东西吃当他被困在砖块和石头下时。38. 我设法寻找自己的出路,这时我突然听到上方有声音。 39. 那声音停了,接着我听到来自兴奋的人们的呼喊声。 40. 他们赶忙移走砖块和石头。4 41. 最后我见到了明亮的日光。我安全了。 答案:8A U6- 1.当天开始下雨时那个最勇敢的战士在睡觉。The bravest soldier was sleeping when it started to rain.2.直到半小时后才听到下雨。 The social scientist didnt hear the rain until half an hour.= Not until ., did the social scientist hear the rain. (not until位于句首,主句主谓要倒装)3.如果地板湿透了,那个齐肩直发的邻居会把水拖干. If the floor is all wet, the neighbour with straight shoulderlength hair will mop the water up.4.校网球队在决赛中比赛输了。The school tennis team lost the game in the final. -U2U35.数百人死于这次地震,数千人严重受伤,2百万人被困在黑暗中。Hundreds of people died in the earthquake, thousands of people were hurt seriously(terribly / badly)and two million people were trapped in the dark place. = The earthquake killed thousands of people.6. 我看到有些人在努力工作把道路扫干净。I saw some people were working hard to clean the road.7. 昨晚有几辆长途汽车撞到桥上了。A few coaches crashed into a bridge last night. (-crash his car into the wall 把车撞到了.)8.一场洪水把村子冲走了。A flood washed the village away. (wash them / it away代词放中间;名词放中后) 9.闪电点燃了一所房子。 Lightning started a big fire in a house. 10. 他最佩服的那个消防员从树上掉下来摔伤了腿。 The fireman he admired most fell (down) from a tree and hurt his legs. (= fell off a tree )11. 两百农民死于一场大风暴。 死于一场轿车事故-A car accidentA big storm killed two hundred farmers. =Two hundred farmers died(lost their lives) in a big storm.*12.当地震发生时我正在听关于观鸟的报告。 -拖地-mopping the floorI was listening to a report (talk) on birdwatching when the earthquake started. (-was/were doing when did.长动作进行,这时短动作发生)-when I was listening to , the earthquake happened. (=took place)(-when / whilewas / were doing., did. 当长动作进行时,短动作发生.)*我正试图找出路就在这时我突然听见我上面的嘈杂声。I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.(when 的位置不可换:主语正要,就在这时某事发生:*他刚要上床睡觉这时电话铃响了。He was just going to bed when the telephone rang.)13. 刚开始我感到身体有点轻微的摇晃。 I felt a slight shaking through my body at first.14.我在网上搜索信息当我听到一声雷鸣般的巨响时。 I was searching the internet when I heard a loud noise like thunder.15. 自然保护区的人都惊恐地看着对方。有几个旅行者因为害怕而尖叫。People in the nature reserve looked at each other in fear. A few tourists screamed because they were frightened (afraid).17. 然后就传来了真正的地震的声音,就像炸弹在地下爆炸一样。Then the real noise of the earthquake came, like bombs under the ground. 18. 地面开始摇动,来自世界各地的游客四散跑开。 The earth began to shake. The visitors from around the world ran in all directions.(= in every .)19. 我不知道要去哪和怎么做。我甚至疑惑我在哪。 I didnt know where to go and what to do. I even wondered where I was.22. 我尽全力往外面街上跑。I tried my best to run out to the street. -ran out of the hall.23. 当玻璃碎片和砖块往下掉时,旅行者们失去控制地到处跑着。 When pieces of glass and bricks were falling down, the tourists were running wildly. 墙开始倒塌。The wall began to come down. 24. 第一个到达的义工给当地的有需要的人分发食品和干净的饮用水。 The social worker to arrive gave out food and clean drinking water to the local people in need. ( in trouble / in danger )25地震的噪音和震动结束了。The noise and shaking of the earthquake ended.26. 我镇定下来自言自语:我真的在地震中活下来了吗?I calmed down and said to myself: “Did I really survive the earthquake?”27. 两者中较不幸的那个游客简直不能相信地震结束了。 The unluckier tourist of the two simply couldnt believe the earthquake was over.28. 我四周漆黑一片。我一点也看不见,不知道周围是否有人。 It was dark around me. I couldnt see anything at all. (= could see nothing)I didnt know whether (if) anyone was around me.30. 那个最不诚实的登山者被困在黑暗的地方。他一阵恐惧。 The most dishonest climber was trapped in a (the) dark place. (= in the darkness ) A moment of fear went through his mind.32. 那个外国总统告诉自己要镇定下来因为(既然)他还活着。 The foreign president told himself to calm down since he was still alive.33. 那个紧张的记者大声呼救。她以为有人能听到她,但却没人救她。 The nervous reporter shouted for help. She thought someone could hear her but nobody saved her.35.那个又渴又饿的幸存者心里暗想他一定要活着。 The thirsty and hungry survivor thought to himself that he must stay alive. 36. 但我一定不能把它们全吃光。 1袋巧克力,2包糖果和3箱点心But I mustnt eat them all. -a packet of chocolate, two bags of sweets and three boxes of snacks37. 他没有东西吃当他被困在砖块和石头下时。He had nothing to eat when he was trapped under the bricks and stones.38. 我设法寻找自己的出路,这时我突然听到上方有声音。 I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 39. 那声音停了,接着我听到来自兴奋的人们的呼喊声。 The noise stopped and then I heard shouts from the excited people. 40. 他们赶忙移走砖块和石头。4 They hurried to move the bricks and stones away. 41. 最后我见到了明亮的日光。我安全了。 I saw the bright daylight at last. I was safe.


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