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Unit 10,完成句子+作文,37课检测案答案,1. have finished doing 2. was in charge of 3. have put up 4. has received from 5. have organized ;activities; collect 6.touncles surprise; driving license 7.where did; take place,38课检测案答案,1.learn to makethemselves 2.Dont forget to feed out 3. has already cleaned; hasnt thrown the rubbish . 4. have already washed; havent brushed yet,2. 我已经把垃圾拿出去了,但我还没有打扫厨房。 I have already taken out the trash, but I havent cleaned the kitchen yet. 3. 我们两个都完成了家务活。 Both of us have finished the chores . 4. 我的好朋友Mary已经帮我喂养小狗了。 My close friend, Mary, has already fed the dog for me.,39课检测案答案,What havelearned from experience planted ;have planted How much did spend on Have done; to protect environment Take turns cleaning the classroom, school have already finished reading; havent watched .,40课检测案答案,1. 观察你周围的建筑物和生活中的日用品,介绍一下近年来中国的巨大变化。 要求:1. 语句通顺,合乎逻辑。 2. 词数80词。 3. 提示词:take place, be built, better than, the morethe more, makestrong.,Great Changes in China,Great changes have taken place in China. Many new buildings have been built in cities, towns and villages. The more cars we have, the more crowded the roads are. So the roads become wider and wider. Many overpasses have been built in big cities. Chinese peoples life is much better than ever before. We have TV sets, washing machines, fridges, computers and so on. Well study harder and make our country stronger and more beautiful.,近几年来,北京市的环保志愿者们为了保护环境,美化城市,已经组织进行了许多环保活动,使得北京发生了很大变化,城市越来越美丽。假如你也是北京市的一名环保志愿者,请为来访的外宾介绍一下你们所做的环保活动。首尾句已给出,但不计入总词数。 要求:1. 语句通顺,合乎逻辑。 2. 词数不少于60词。 3. 提示词:organize, protect, pick up the trash, plant trees, car pools, change a lot, beautiful.,Hello, everyone! Now, let me introduce the changes in the environment of Beijing. In the past few years, our volunteers have already organized many programs to improve the environment of Beijing. For example, we have picked up the trash. We have planted many trees around the city. Recently, we have also organized car pools to reduce air pollution. Beijing has changed a lot at the same time. The city is becoming more and more beautiful, and the sky here is bluer and bluer. So, more and more people like to visit Beijing. Thats all. Thank you!,Unit 11,I have never seen such a big zoo. 你曾经忘记过你的作业吗?不,从来没有。 Have you ever forgotten your homework? No, never. 他既在英国也在美国居住过。 He has lived both in England and in America. 他和我都喜欢音乐。 Both he and I like music. 这本书我已经借了多长时间? How long have I kept the book? 这个老人去世3年了。 The old man has been dead for 3 years. 比赛已经开始5分钟了。 The match has been on for 5 minutes. 她已经在这所学校工作了20年。 She has been worked at the school for 20 years. 我不如他强壮。 I am not so strong as he. 你的房间比我的大一点。,Unit 11,Your room is a little bigger than mine. 我们国家变得越来越漂亮,越来越富有 。 Our country is becoming more and more beautiful, richer and richer. 李老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师 Mr Li is one of the most popular teachers in our school. 陆地上跑得最快的动物是猎豹。 The fastest land animal is the cheetah. 长颈鹿比马高很多。 The giraffe is much higher than a horse. 皮特还没有叠被子。Peter hasnt made his bed yet. 他上学从不迟到。He has never been late for school. 汤姆是我们班最强壮的男生。Tom is the strongest student in our class. 皮特没有杰克个子高。Peter is not as tall as Jack. 要拍到野生动物的照片是不容易的。Its not easy to take photos of the wild animals. 我从来没见过这么大的苹果。I have never seen such a big apple.,Unit 作文,Unit11书面表达 假设格林(Green) 先生是你班的一位外籍教师,在他回国前夕,学校将为他举行欢送会。请用英文写一篇欢送辞,内容要点如下: 1. 格林先生是澳大利亚人,三年前来到我校教英语; 2. 他与我们相处融洽,但对我们要求严格; 3. 这些年来, 我们深表感激; 4. 下星期他将离校回国,祝他一路顺风。 注意: 1. 第3 要点的内容须用3、4句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥; 2. 欢送辞须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 3. 词数80个左右,欢送辞开头已给出,不计入总词数。 4. 参考词汇:感激的 grateful 旅程 journey,Ladies and Gentlemen:, First of all, allow me to thank you for giving me a chance to speak here.,Ladies and Gentlemen:, First of all, allow me to thank you for giving me a chance to speak here. Mr Green is from Australia. He came to teach English in our school three years ago. He is easy to get along with, but hes strict with us. All these years hes worked hard. Hes tried his best to make his class lively and interesting. Hes helped us a lot in our Englishi studies. Weve improved our spoken English with his help. All of us feel grateful to him. Next week Mr Green will leave for Australia. Lets wish him a pleasant journey. (82 words),Unit 12,1Tianjin has an area of 500,000 square kilometers. 2Whats the population of China? 3Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 4The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,5史密斯一家刚从内蒙古回来。 6 Lucy做志愿者医生已三年多了。 7 这项实验他们已失败了好多次,可他们不想放弃。,The Smiths have just returned from Inner Mongolia.,Lucy has been a volunteer doctor for over three years.,They have already failed the experiment many times, but they dont feel like giving up.,8. 三年前他从北京大学毕业,然后志愿到西部工作。 9. 孩子们读过很多像这样的故事书。,He graduated from Beijing University three years ago. Then he volunteered to work in the West.,The children have read many story books like this.,10. 你认识那个穿红色裙子的女孩吗?_ 11. -你曾去过中国的西部吗?- 是的,我两年前去过丝绸之路。 _,Do you know the girl in the red dress?,- Have you ever been to Western China? - Yes. I went to the Silk Road two years ago.,翻译句子 12. 别给其他人看我的照片。 _ 13我的数学书落家了,你的书能借给我吗? _,Dont show others my pictures.,I forgot my math book at home. Could you lend me yours?,Have you understood everything today?检测案,翻译句子 14. 同学们都在盼望暑假。 _ 15昨天邓老师亲自看着我们写物理作业。 ,Classmates are looking forward to the summer vacation.,Ms. Deng herself watched us doing our physics homework yesterday.,Have you understood everything today?检测案,16. Beijing has changed a lot for the past twenty years. 17. I havent seen you for a year. Where have you been? 18. To her surprise, I have known her father for ten years. 19. My elder brother borrowed 3 books from the library yesterday.,20. Over three thirds of the students passed the exams. 21. Jim has gone to America and we havent seen him for a long time . 22. Yunnan Province is in the southwest of China. 23. Kelly has been to Hong Kong twice. 24. Smith has been in Hong Kong for two years.,


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