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中学英语课堂中的情感教学A Probe into the Method of Emotion Teaching in Middle School English Class ContentsAbstract.1Key Words.1I.Introduction.1II.Exploration on Emotion Teaching22.1 The Relationship between Emotion and Cognitive.2 2.2 Effect of Emotion on Language Learning.3 2.3 Current Conditions on Emotion Teaching.5III.Analysis on Problems.53.1 Traditional Teaching Modes and Their Disadvantages.53.2 Students Attitude toward English.63.3 The Status of Emotion Teaching and Scholars Attitude.6 IV.Necessity.6V.Definition and Significance75.1 Definitions of Emotion and Emotion Teaching.75.2 Significance.7VI. Approaches to Carrying out Emotion Teaching .86.1 Creating a Good Classroom Atmosphere.86.2 The Involvement of the Teachers Emotion.9 6.3 The Involvement of the Students Emotion.11 6.4 Teaching Artistry.11 6.5 Group-work Building.13 6.6 Error Correcting.15VII.Prospect.15VIII.Conclusion.16References.17A Probe into the Method of Emotion Teaching inMiddle School English Class摘 要: 这篇文章论述了情感与英语学习的关系,实施情感教学的重要性和必要性以及各种方法。由于情感教学给学生提供了安全感和信任感,由此会减少学生的担心和焦虑。另外,它还可以发展师生之间的良好关系。情感教学还具有动机性。语言学科的教师应该给予学生良好的影响, 而且还应该培养学生的浓厚兴趣以增强他们的学习动机, 同时还应该为学生设置追求的目标并给予反馈以提高他们的信心和动力。情感教学不仅要求课堂活动者:教师和学生的情感介入,而且还要求教师拥有一定的教学艺术,比如:优美的课堂语言,丰富的脸部表情,与学生的眼神交流等。关键词:情感教学; 动机; 氛围; 教学艺术; Abstract: This article develops the relation between the emotions and English learning. It points out that affective teaching can make learners feel less anxious because it can provide learners with the sense of security and trust. Besides, it can establish good relationship between the teacher and learners. Emotion teaching can also be motivating. The teacher of language should have a good influence on students and develop students keen interest in study in order to strengthen their intrinsic motivation, and set up some new goals for students to pursue and give the feedback to reinforce their inner drive and confidence. Emotion teaching not only demands the involvement of the teacher and students affect, but also demands that the teacher should have certain teaching artistry, for example, beautiful classroom language, various facial expression, eye contact with students and so on.Key words: emotion teaching; motivation; atmosphere; teaching artistry; I. IntroductionIn the past few decades, the research emphasis of second language acquisition has shifted from teaching to learning, and the research on learner factors has received more attention. These factors include cognitive factors, affective factors, etc. The application of emotion and emotion teaching in class has drawn peoples attention for ages. Many psychologist and linguists have made research on it. American psychologist Rogers points out that psychological factors, which promote learning, consist of three aspects: first, the promoter shows his real personality without any affectation and defense. Second, the promoter respects the students affect and idea, concerns about their all aspects, and accept their sense of value and emotion as an individual. Third, the promoter is able to understand the students reaction in heart and the learning process. From these three points we can see the psychological factors are mainly about emotion communication. Rogers also thinks that students understanding process and affective process involve in each other. Whoever can develop the students internal motivation fully if he pays attention to emotion teaching and the internal motivation will stimulate students succeed at last. The linguists reorganization for the important function of emotion in language learning is a little later.Since 1970s, many scholars began to research and explore the effect and function of affective factors in language study, such as interest, attitude, motivation and so on. Many scholars and teachers have written some articles about affective factors and affective teaching. Some lay special emphasis on the negative emotions effect and how to overcome affect barrier. Some pay more attention to the positive affects function and other tells us how to carry out affective teaching to improve the classroom atmosphere. And this essay introduces the emotion teaching to readers more comprehensively.II. Exploration on emotion teachingA prominent foreign language-teaching expert said: Emotion, at least is of the same importance as that of the skills of learning in foreign language teaching. Even is of more importance. The cohesion of the teacher will be of great help for students learning, especially for the poor students to be better students. (Wang Hongda, 2002:47).2.1 The relationship between emotion and cognitive It has been claimed by a lot of researchers and experts that emotion and cognition are two sides of learning, which cant be separated from each other in foreign language learning, in fact as well as in other learning. Roberts (1982) believes that the affective aspects of learning are as important as the cognitive aspects, and therefore the learner should be treated in some sense as a whole person. While J.Arnold and H.D.Brown (1990) also said: “The two sides of learning cognition and affect are not opposite. Paying attention to both cognition and affect can make learning process stand on solider ground. Both of them are not the ultimate decisive factor, but cant be separated from each other, eighter.Three domains have been recognized in pedagogy as playing a part in learning: cognitive, psycho-motor, and affective. In language learning, the word “competence” refers to the reservoir of knowledge and information that the learner possesses. Competence, therefore, is related to the cognitive skills of knowing, albeit unconsciously, the rules and information which underlie communication.Performance denotes the actual use of those skills. Because performance is affected by use, repetition, and habit, it is closely allied to the psycho-motor domain. To illustrate, a student may be able to accurately chart the pronominal system, but in actual speech substitutes he for she or vice versa. In this case, we may say that competence exceeds performance, which is typically true in language learning. The affective domain embraces all those psychological and sociological factors such as anxiety, shyness, and status, which influence learning, and hence pervades the entire learning process. The relationship between the three domains of learning is depicted in the following diagram: After many years research and teaching practice, Karsdero concluded the “the left hand teaching” and “the right hand teaching”. The emphasis of the left hand teaching is affect domain, such as emotion, interest, motivation, attitude, imagination and so on, while the right hand teaching pays more to cognition domain, including feeling, sense, attention, memory, thinking and other elements. In his opinion, both ration and affect involve in the learning process. 2.2 Effect of emotion on language learningOnce someone used a formula to show the function of affect in the teaching process: the expression of information is equal to 7% words and 38% sound and 55%facial expression. This formula tells us that the encouraging function of affect in teaching cant be underestimated. All activities in the teaching process are the activities whose participants are students who are full of affect. Students use emotion as the media to learn knowledge, develop ability and mould temperament. With the development of science and technology, with the increasingly stressed functions of affect in language learning, some researchers have referred to emotion teaching. As early as 1950s, a group of American educators and psychologists advanced education aim division theory. They divided education aim into three domains: cognitive domain, affective domain and psychomotor domain. And later gradually published three books, one of which is “Education Aim Division: Affective Learning Domain”. Education Aim Division Theory symbols that emotion education forms its normal status in education theory is agreed and accepted in education circle. An American humanism psychologist thinks that students understanding process and affective process involve in each other. Some researchers have even shown the advantages with regard to the affective value in English class exactly. They listed the advantages as the followings: Reducing anxiety, increasing motivation, facilitating the development of positive attitudes toward learning and language learning, promoting self-esteem, as well as supporting different learning styles and encouraging perserance in the difficult and confusing process of learning another language. Teachers have long recognized the need for students to have a positive attitude in regard to learning. Krashen (1982) explains that for optimal learning to occur the affective filter must be weak. A weak affective filter means that a positive attitude towards learning is present. If the affective filter is strong the learner will not seek language input, and in turn, not be open for language acquisition. The practical application of the Affective Filter Hypothesis is that teachers must provide a positive atmosphere conducive to language learning.An increasing number of materials have emerged over the years to enhance affect in second language classrooms. Oxford (1990, p. 163) delineated three types of affective strategies that can be used to regulate learner attitudes, motivation, and emotions. These include strategies for anxiety reduction (using progressive relaxation and deep breathing exercises, music, and laughter), for self-encouragement (making positive statements, taking risks wisely, and administering self-rewards), and for monitoring emotions (listening to the body, completing a checklist, writing a language learning diary, and discussing feelings with peers).2.3 Current conditions on emotion teaching But in fact, influences of affective factors on language learning are neglected to a great extent. Daniel Goleman (1995) states that especially since the eighteenth century, we have concentrated on understanding the rational, cognitive functions of our mind, while misusing or denying what ever falls with the realm of the emotions or the non-rational. Half century ago, pedagogy, which was written by Carloff, clarified the five parts of teaching and learning: reviewing the content in last class; leading into the new class; explaining the new knowledge; doing exercise; and setting homework. These five closed parts form the closed teaching mode in tradition. P.Freire, a famous Brazilian educator in the world considers the traditional education as the “bank-depositing” education in his book “oppressed students education”. He pointed out that this kind of education is a depositing behavior. Students are just like the opened account in the bank, while teacher is the depositor. Teachers instructing is just like depositing money, while students listen, absorb, remember and retell passively, seeing like a machine, which stores the money.III. Analysis on problems3.1 Traditional teaching modes and their disadvantagesFor a long time, because of the examination-oriented education system and other teaching guiding ideologys effect, there has been a situation in which cognition is paid more attention to while affect is ignored and which is deep-rooted during the teaching process in the education practice. Students are tired of learning and emotions and confidence are reducing gradually. This is neither good for the students all-round development nor the acquiring and mastering knowledge. In traditional English class teachers are costumed to put himself on the central place. So the main characteristic of the traditional classroom can be summarized as teacher-centered. In such a kind of classroom, the teacher is active, but the students are passive. The teacher does most of the work lecturing, explaining and dominating the class from the very beginning to the end. On the contrary, the students do not know what they should do. They just bring their ears to class and wait there to be dilled with knowledge. In such a kind of classroom, there are no volunteers, no questions, no answers and no communications among the students. It is too quiet. Students just sit there like robots, who are listening, making notes and fixing their eyes on the book or blackboard. So the atmosphere of these classes is stifling and boring. Some students feel sleepy, some absent-minded. They are wandering far away from class.3.2 Students attitude toward English.English is a foreign language for the students in China. There are few authentic situations for them to use English. In their opinion, there are no interesting experiments in English as in chemistry and physics. Its also not as enchanting as history and geography. We cant find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind in English as in music and art. Only in English are the large amount of words, boring phrases and grammar knowledge. When the students learn English, what they are doing every day is to remember word and phrases, sentence structure and language points. This makes the English class dull and the students feel bored.3.3 The status of Emotion teaching and scholars attitude People have misunderstanding for affective teaching all along. They believe that learning is a so laborious work that it must need hard work and determination while emotion teaching whose characteristic is relaxed and pleasant cant reach the aim of teaching. Furthermore, they hold that affective teaching is just fit for primary children who are likely to reveal their emotions. On the contrary, its not suited to the middle school students because they are mature and conservative. The object of English teaching is language, which is the carrier of national culture and has strong nation emotion. Also, language is an important communicational tool. Any communication involves communicators affect when they communicate with each other. And any individual is full of deep emotion; there is no exception for middle school students. Doing affective teaching in class can not only shorten the distance between the students and teacher, but also give students endless power to study.IV. NecessityExamination-oriented education system and teacher-centered classroom mode occupy an important place in our education. Students are merely the receiver of knowledge but not learner and the communication between students and teacher is just relied on the teaching and listening, questioning and answering. English is a little hard for our students as a second language. Furthermore, the boring classroom-teaching makes English a block stone in their study. In English class, we often notice such a fact that at the very beginning, a great number of people actively involved in learning a foreign language, but as time goes on, their enthusiasm is diminishing and the number of the learners is decreasing. This kind of phenomenon is a common case. In their opinion, English does not only waste their time, but also affect their total marks and the chance to enter good school. So they have no interest in learning English even hate English and give it up.Cognition and affect are two aspects of learning. However, our deduction pays more attention to cognition while ignores affect all the time and there are more or less misunderstandings for affective teaching. Even though some scholars make research and exploration on this topic, people still have a limited understanding about it. In fact, their reorganization to the function of emotion teaching is not clear and full, so they maybe inevitably ignore affective teaching. V. Definition and significance5.1 Definitions of emotion and emotion teachingLearning process is an emotional process. It is affected by different emotional factors. The teacher and his students engage in various emotional activities in it varied fruit s of emotion are yielded. Then what is emotion? Its implication is wide-ranging and rather implicit. It often serves as a general definition of a series of psychological phenomena, such as feeling, inner experience, need, desire, value pursuit, and so on. Here, we may comprehend it from a broad sense: all the experience of attitude falls in the range of emotion, including experience of mood. Its core meaning is to serve as a psychological process, which reflects relation to objective beings and mans own need, different from the reflection of cognition of objective beings. And so called affective teaching refers to the teaching in which the teacher makes the most of the affects positive function to perfect the teaching goal and enhance the teaching effect in the process when he recognize the cognitive factors fully.5.2 Significance 5.2.1 Importance of emotion in classVaried emotional factors work in the course of teaching and play an important role in effectiveness of the students and the teachers classroom activities. The emotion factors in the teaching environment that affect the teaching mainly are the teachers characteristics of personality (most obviously, viewpoints of the value, will features, emotional evolution and teaching approaches, etc.). An enthusiatistic and considerate teacher can offer satisfaction to the students extra needs. All this helps strengthen the students study motivation. On the other hand, the teachers attitude towards the student is major influence on the students learning. For instance, it is beneficial to the student that the teacher trusts and cares for him, places ardent expectations and sets strict demands on him. As regards emotional cramming, the physically and mentally pouring into his teaching and being filled with affection will help arouse the learning enthusiasm of the students. The air of the classroom is an essential condition that the teaching activity will go on smoothly and be a critical factor that the effect of teaching depends on. For this reason, the teacher in class must place emphasis on emotional interaction between the students and himself. Both the teacher and students do well in their work with frequent interaction of emotion. Therefore, they experience various affections of success, contentment, pleasure, confidence, etc, so that the teaching objective is effectively achieved. 5.2.2 Function of emotion teaching Then how about the function of emotion teaching? Its good for the satisfactory of needs. First, establish self-esteem; second, gain the feeling of security; third, fill the students sense of being accepted. Traditional teaching method sets pursuing knowledge as its target which causes a boring and passive situation in which only teacher give students answers have the latter to receive the answers. Such classroom atmosphere cant give students security in psychology. However, emotion teaching creates a warm, harmonious, friendly and encouraging atmosphere in which students feel secure. In emotion teaching method, students may find their own place and receive concern, acceptance and affect recognization from the teacher and their peers when they communicate with them.VI. Approaches to carrying out emotion teaching 6.1 Creating a good classroom atmosphere 6.1.1 The importance of the classroom atmosphereWe know that


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