三维设计高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 16 scientists work课件 新人教版必修1

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三维设计高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 16 scientists work课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
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三维设计高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 16 scientists work课件 新人教版必修1_第2页
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三维设计高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 16 scientists work课件 新人教版必修1_第3页
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1Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle,it is not without its problem.2As can be seen in the pictures,there are three ways of communication,of which I like communication by computer most.3When it comes to me,I dont consider it is proper to carry mobile phones to class.4Faced with this,we can find a proper time to have a hearttoheart talk with them,trying to remove the misunderstanding.5Its a mainly dry country with only a few coastal areas that have adequate rainfall to support a large population.1尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,它仍然存在一些问题。尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,它仍然存在一些问题。2从图片中可以看到三种交际方式,其中我最喜欢用电脑从图片中可以看到三种交际方式,其中我最喜欢用电脑交流。交流。23至于我,我觉得我们上课的时候不应该带手机。至于我,我觉得我们上课的时候不应该带手机。4面对这样的问题,我们得找个合适的时间与他们倾心交面对这样的问题,我们得找个合适的时间与他们倾心交流,努力排除误解。流,努力排除误解。5这是一个以干旱气候为主的国家,只有少部分沿海地区这是一个以干旱气候为主的国家,只有少部分沿海地区有充足雨量,可以维持庞大人口的生存。有充足雨量,可以维持庞大人口的生存。34 vt.实施;管理;指挥;引导实施;管理;指挥;引导 n.行为;操行行为;操行2 n.应用;实施;用途应用;实施;用途1 n实验;试验实验;试验experimentapplicationunnecessary3 adj.不必要的;多余的不必要的;多余的conduct.高频单词必记高频单词必记 一、考纲词汇识记一、考纲词汇识记45 vt.使充电;要使充电;要(价价);控告;攻击;控告;攻击6 vt.证明;证实证明;证实7 vt.&n.控制;支配;管理控制;支配;管理8 n有利条件;优点有利条件;优点 (反义词反义词)n不利;不利条件不利;不利条件9 n发动机发动机 n工程师工程师 n 工程学工程学10 adj.成功的;胜利的成功的;胜利的 n成功;成功成功;成功 的人的人(事事)vi.成功成功chargeprovecontroladvantageenginesuccessfuldisadvantageengineersuccessengineeringsucceed511 adj.电的;导电的;电动的电的;导电的;电动的 adj.电电气方面的气方面的 n电;电流电;电流electricelectrical12 n感觉;感官感觉;感官 adj.体贴的;敏感的;体贴的;敏感的;神经过敏的神经过敏的sensesensitiveelectricity13 n&vt.怀疑;疑惑怀疑;疑惑 adj.怀疑的怀疑的doubtdoubtful6二、高频词汇活用二、高频词汇活用(一一)一言辨异一言辨异14He _ his speech with some amusing remarks.In _,I think there is hope for the future.We will have a further discussion before we draw a _.(conclude)答案:答案:concluded;conclusion;conclusion7(二二)用用comfort及其派生词的适当形式填空及其派生词的适当形式填空15(1)Its a _ to know there is always someone to keep an eye on the kids.(2)I was so _ and warm in bed that I didnt want to get up.(3)He insists that workers should save 18%of their income to live _ in retirement.答案:答案:(1)comfort(2)comfortable(3)comfortably81 若干,一些若干,一些a number of2 很多的,大量的很多的,大量的3 挑出,辨别出挑出,辨别出4 在在(身上身上)做试验做试验5 利用利用6 把把系在系在上上a great deal ofpick outtest onmake use offasten.to.重点短语必背重点短语必背97 保护保护免受免受protect.from.8 浪费浪费9 违背违背a waste ofgo against10 在在的控制下的控制下under the control of10.经典句型必会经典句型必会1Having realised that I could use a kite to attract lightning,I decided to do an experiment.我意识到可以用风筝引来闪电,于是决定做个实验。我意识到可以用风筝引来闪电,于是决定做个实验。解读:解读:having done是现在分词的完成式,在句中作时间状是现在分词的完成式,在句中作时间状语语仿写:做完作业,这些男孩子就冲到操场上踢足球去了。仿写:做完作业,这些男孩子就冲到操场上踢足球去了。_,these boys rushed to the playground to play football.答案:答案:Having finished their homework112Tie the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross,and you will have a nice strong kite.把手绢的几个角与成十字形的两个木条的顶端系在一起,把手绢的几个角与成十字形的两个木条的顶端系在一起,这样,一个既好看又结实的风筝就做成了。这样,一个既好看又结实的风筝就做成了。解读:解读:本句型结构为:祈使句本句型结构为:祈使句and陈述句陈述句仿写:只要你努力,最终会成功。仿写:只要你努力,最终会成功。Work hard _.答案:答案:and you will succeed in time123Scientists say that if a medicine works with animals,there is a very high chance that it also works with people.科学家认为如果一种药对动物有效的话,那这种药很可科学家认为如果一种药对动物有效的话,那这种药很可能对人也有效。能对人也有效。解读:解读:There is a chance that.有可能有可能仿写:明天下雨的可能性不大。仿写:明天下雨的可能性不大。_it will rain tomorrow.答案:答案:There is no chance that134There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of.毫无疑问,毫无疑问,100年前的动物试验是很残酷的,年前的动物试验是很残酷的,但如今进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。但如今进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。解读:解读:there is no doubt that.毫无疑问毫无疑问仿写:毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。仿写:毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。_ they will agree with you on this matter.答案:答案:There is no doubt that141advantage n有利条件;优点有利条件;优点 教材教材P23P23原句原句Work in pairs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following scientific discoveries and applications.分小组活动,讨论一下下列科技发现和应用的优点和分小组活动,讨论一下下列科技发现和应用的优点和缺点。缺点。15(1)have/gain/win an advantage over sb.胜过胜过/优于某人优于某人 take advantage of 利用;占利用;占的便宜的便宜 put sb.to advantage/disadvantage 使某人处于优势使某人处于优势/劣势劣势 have an advantage in 有有的优势的优势(2)to ones advantageto the advantage of sb.对某人有利对某人有利 be of advantage to sb.对某人有利对某人有利16Shes got the job because she has the advantage over others of knowing many languages.因为她有别人所没有的懂多种语言的长处,所以获得了这项因为她有别人所没有的懂多种语言的长处,所以获得了这项工作。工作。Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy.(2012辽宁高考阅读辽宁高考阅读C)一些社会科学家建议,西方应该利用中国古代智慧来弥补西一些社会科学家建议,西方应该利用中国古代智慧来弥补西方人哲学的缺点。方人哲学的缺点。It will be to study abroad.留学对你将会有好处。留学对你将会有好处。to your advantage172charge vt.使充电;要使充电;要(价价);控告;攻击;控告;攻击n.主管;看主管;看 管;费用;指控管;费用;指控教材教材P24P24原句原句The string was getting charged!风筝线带电了!风筝线带电了!18(1)charge sb.with sth.控告某人犯某罪控告某人犯某罪 charge sb.moneyfor(doing)sth.因为因为(做做)某事而向某人要钱某事而向某人要钱(2)free of charge免费免费 in the charge of 在在的掌管下的掌管下 in charge of 主管,掌管主管,掌管 take charge of 主管,负责主管,负责19The company charged him with using the companys money for his own purposes.公司指控他私用公司的钱。公司指控他私用公司的钱。You could attend a class teaching you how to“learn from the masters”or get more creative with paint free of charge.(2012湖南高考阅读湖南高考阅读B)你可以参加一个班,教你如何你可以参加一个班,教你如何“向大师学习向大师学习”或如何在绘画或如何在绘画方面更有创造力,这一切都是免费的。方面更有创造力,这一切都是免费的。20The company is Tom when the boss is away.老板不在的时候由汤姆负责公司业务。老板不在的时候由汤姆负责公司业务。In our teachers absence,our monitor our class.老师不在时,班长负责我们班。老师不在时,班长负责我们班。in the charge oftook charge of213prove vt.证明;证实证明;证实 vi.结果为;证明为结果为;证明为教材教材P24P24原句原句This experiment proves that lightning and electricity are the same.这个实验证明闪电和电是这个实验证明闪电和电是相同的。相同的。prove(to be)adj./n.证明是证明是proven./pron.(to be)adj./n.证明证明是是provethat/where/when从句从句 证明证明Its proved that.结果结果(证明证明)是是22Despite their successes,many dams also cause significant environmental changes that prove harmful.(2012湖南高考湖南高考Section A)尽管他们是成功的,但许多大坝也造成重大的,对环境有害尽管他们是成功的,但许多大坝也造成重大的,对环境有害的变化。的变化。They say Im too old,but Im going to _ 他们说我太老了,但是我要证明他们都错了。他们说我太老了,但是我要证明他们都错了。prove them allwrong.23I dont have to prove anything to anyone I just do what I want.我没有必要向任何人证明自己的实力我没有必要向任何人证明自己的实力我只是做我想做我只是做我想做的。的。They will we are telling the truth.他们愿意证明我们讲的是事实。他们愿意证明我们讲的是事实。prove that244control vt.&n控制;支配;管理控制;支配;管理 教材教材P24P24原句原句 Add a tail to the frame and tie a long string to the cross so you can control the kite.给风筝加上条尾巴,并在十字架上系一条长线,这样给风筝加上条尾巴,并在十字架上系一条长线,这样就能控制风筝了。就能控制风筝了。The office workers tried to put out the fire but it was impossible to control it.办公室的工作人员试图灭火,但他们控制不了火势。办公室的工作人员试图灭火,但他们控制不了火势。25(1)control oneself控制自己控制自己 control ones voice/feelings 控制声音控制声音/感情感情(2)beyond control 无法掌握,无法控制无法掌握,无法控制 in the control of 被被控制控制in control of 管理管理lose control of无法控制,对无法控制,对失去控制失去控制out of control 不受管制,失去控制不受管制,失去控制under control 被控制住被控制住26On hearing the bad news,the heartbroken mother couldnt and cried out.一听到这个一听到这个坏消息,悲痛欲绝的妈妈难以自制,失声痛哭。坏消息,悲痛欲绝的妈妈难以自制,失声痛哭。The police think she was driving too fast,and just the car.警方认为她车速太快,从而失去了对汽车的控制。警方认为她车速太快,从而失去了对汽车的控制。The company must keep costs under control.该公司必须控制成本。该公司必须控制成本。control her feelingslost control of275sense n感官;感觉;道理;领悟力感官;感觉;道理;领悟力 vt.感觉到感觉到教材教材P26P26原句原句Blind animals may survive by their sharp sense of smell.失明的动物依靠其灵敏的嗅觉生存。失明的动物依靠其灵敏的嗅觉生存。28(1)a sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch 视觉视觉/听觉听觉/嗅觉嗅觉/味觉味觉/触觉触觉 a sense of humor/duty/direction 幽默感幽默感/责任感责任感/方向感方向感 common sense 常识常识 in a sense 从某种意义上来说;在某一方面从某种意义上来说;在某一方面(2)lose ones sense昏过去;发疯;失去理性昏过去;发疯;失去理性 make sense 有意义;合理;讲得通有意义;合理;讲得通 make sense of 了解了解的意义;理解,懂得的意义;理解,懂得 There is no/some sense in doing.做做是没有是没有/有些意义的有些意义的29Generally speaking,the driver has a good sense of direction.一般说来,司机有很好的方向感。一般说来,司机有很好的方向感。It makes sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control.在失控前致力解决这个问题,这么做是明智的。在失控前致力解决这个问题,这么做是明智的。Can you what I said?你能明白我说的话吗?你能明白我说的话吗?in worrying about it now.现在担心那事也没有意义。现在担心那事也没有意义。make sense ofThere is no sense30.单词拼写单词拼写1You should take _(优点优点)of this chance to learn English.答案:答案:advantage2How can you _(要价要价)me so high?The average price is$20.答案:答案:charge313The _(结论结论)he drew from the visit is that people here are most friendly.4The widespread _(应用应用)of solar energy reduces pollution.5It is _(不必要的不必要的)to spend so much on clothes.答案:答案:unnecessary答案:答案:application答案:答案:conclusion326She was so angry that she _(撕撕)his letter into pieces.答案:答案:tore7According to the experts opinions,they gave up the _(实验实验)immediately.答案:答案:experiment8The salesman was so _(成功的成功的)that in the end he left the firm and set up his own business.答案:答案:successful33.单项填空单项填空1(2013临川模拟临川模拟)His composition was so confusing that I could hardly make any of it.AmeaningBmessageCsense Dinformation解析:考查固定搭配。句意:他的作文如此令人困惑以解析:考查固定搭配。句意:他的作文如此令人困惑以至于我几乎看不懂。至于我几乎看不懂。make sense of“了解了解的意义,懂的意义,懂得得”。答案:答案:C342(2013威海模拟威海模拟)Could you please introduce me to the person this project?Ain place of Bin possession ofCin terms of Din charge of解析:句意:请介绍我认识这个项目的负责人好吗?解析:句意:请介绍我认识这个项目的负责人好吗?in charge of“负责负责”,符合句意。,符合句意。in place of“代替代替”;in possession of“拥有拥有”;in terms of“就就而言而言”。答案:答案:D353(2013湖南十二校联考湖南十二校联考)We had thought the examination would be difficult,but it_easy.Aturned BresultedCappeared Dproved解析:句意:我们原以为这次考试会很难,但是结果很解析:句意:我们原以为这次考试会很难,但是结果很容易。句中容易。句中it指的是指的是examination,而,而prove相当于相当于turn out,表示表示“结果是,证明是结果是,证明是”,符合句意。,符合句意。答案:答案:D364This is your last chance.You may as well _ full advantage of it.AmakeBgetCtake Dhave解析:解析:take full advantage of与与make full use of同义,同义,意为意为“充分利用充分利用”。答案:答案:C375The people began to break the windows,but the police soon had the situation_.Aout of control Bunder controlCbeyond control Dlose control解析:句意:人们开始砸玻璃,但警察很快将局面控制解析:句意:人们开始砸玻璃,但警察很快将局面控制住了。根据上下文及关键信息词住了。根据上下文及关键信息词but.soon可以判断:局可以判断:局面得到了控制,面得到了控制,under control“被控制住被控制住”,符合句意。,符合句意。其他三项均表示其他三项均表示“失控失控”。答案:答案:B381a number of若干,一些,许多若干,一些,许多教材教材P24P24原句原句In the eighteenth century,Benjamin Franklin conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.在十八世纪,本杰明在十八世纪,本杰明富兰富兰克林做了一系列实验以证明电是什么。克林做了一系列实验以证明电是什么。A number of problems have arisen.已经出现了一些问题。已经出现了一些问题。39关于关于“许多许多”“若干若干”的短语:的短语:a large/great/good number ofa great/good manya good fewquite a few可数名词复数可数名词复数many amore than one单数可数名词单数谓语动词单数可数名词单数谓语动词a great/good deal ofa great/large amount ofquite a little不可数名词不可数名词a lot/lots ofa great/large quantity oflarge quantities ofplenty of可数名词复数可数名词复数或不可数名词或不可数名词40提醒提醒(1)a number ofpl.n.作主语,谓语动词用复数,作主语,谓语动词用复数,“许许多多;大量;大量”。the number ofpl.n.作主语,谓语动词用单数,作主语,谓语动词用单数,“的数的数目目”。如果说。如果说“数量多少数量多少”,要用,要用large,small或或high,low,不用不用many,few。(2)large quantities ofpl.n./Un.作主语,谓语动词用复数。作主语,谓语动词用复数。We have had an enormous amount of help from people.我们得到了人们的大力帮助。我们得到了人们的大力帮助。They spent money on this project.他们在这个项目上花了大量的钱。他们在这个项目上花了大量的钱。a great deal of41(2010陕西高考陕西高考)It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.Aare being built Bwere being builtCwas being built Dis being built解析:此题考查语态和主谓一致。句意:据报道,目前灾区解析:此题考查语态和主谓一致。句意:据报道,目前灾区人们正在建设大量新房屋。人们正在建设大量新房屋。“many a名词名词”作主语,谓语作主语,谓语用单数,根据用单数,根据at present可知,时态为现在时。可知,时态为现在时。答案:答案:D422make use of利用利用教材教材P23P23原句原句We should make more use of this new technology.我们应当更多地使用这项新技术。我们应当更多地使用这项新技术。Can you tell me what use can be made of the chair?你能告诉我这把椅子有什么用途吗?你能告诉我这把椅子有什么用途吗?43make good use of好好利用好好利用make full use of 充分利用充分利用make the best/most of 最有效利用最有效利用make little use of 不充分利用不充分利用You cannot choose what you are given,but you can choose how you .(2012湖北高考短文写作湖北高考短文写作)你不能选择你是给定的,但是你可以选择如何去利用它。你不能选择你是给定的,但是你可以选择如何去利用它。Make the best of your limited time.最有效地利用你有限的时间。最有效地利用你有限的时间。make use of it44.完成句子完成句子1As far as Im concerned,its _(浪费浪费时间时间)talking to him.答案:答案:a waste of time2It is required that every new drug _(该在该在动物上实验动物上实验)答案:答案:should be tested on animals3I can easily _(辨别出辨别出)my own car because it is bright red.答案:答案:pick out454We should _(充分利用充分利用)the chance to improve our spoken English.答案:答案:make good use of5If you go on like this,you will _ like him one day.答案:答案:protecting;from6The old and dangerous houses were _(拆除拆除)and lots of high buildings stood up.答案:答案:torn down46.单项填空单项填空1(2013陕西五校一模陕西五校一模)Without proper lessons,you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive up Bcatch upCkeep up Dpick up解析:考查动词短语。解析:考查动词短语。pick up bad habits为习惯用法,为习惯用法,表示表示“染上坏习惯染上坏习惯”。答案:答案:D472(2013长春调研长春调研)A number of students _ playing on the ground but I dont know what the exact number _.Aare;is Bare;areCis;is Dis;are解析:句意:很多学生正在操场上玩,但是我不知道具解析:句意:很多学生正在操场上玩,但是我不知道具体人数是多少。体人数是多少。“a number of复数名词复数名词”作主语时,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,故第一个空用谓语动词用复数形式,故第一个空用are;the exact number 作主语,谓语动词用单数,故第二个空用作主语,谓语动词用单数,故第二个空用is。答案:答案:A483 How could you_ my sister so easily in the crowd?Because she stood out in her red dress.Apick up Bpick outCtake up Dtake out解析:句意:解析:句意:“你怎么这么容易地在人群中辨认出我妹你怎么这么容易地在人群中辨认出我妹妹的?妹的?”“”“因为她穿着红裙子很显眼。因为她穿着红裙子很显眼。”pick up“拾起;拾起;捡起捡起”;pick out“挑选出;辨认出挑选出;辨认出”;take up“占;举占;举起起”;take out“拿出;取出拿出;取出”。答案:答案:B49There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of.毫无疑问,毫无疑问,100年前的动物试验是很残酷的,但如今年前的动物试验是很残酷的,但如今进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。进行实验的动物得到了很好的照顾。There is no doubt that.毫无疑问毫无疑问。在本句型中,。在本句型中,that从句是同位语从句,表示从句是同位语从句,表示doubt的内容。的内容。5051I have no doubt that he will succeed.我相信他会成功。我相信他会成功。There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match.他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。he can finish the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务。我相信他能按时完成任务。He doubts if she will keep her word.他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。他不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言。I dont doubt that521(2013南昌调研南昌调研)_ the two designs,and you will find what problem there is with yours.AComparing BComparedCTo compare DCompare解析:考查解析:考查“祈使句祈使句and.”结构。句意:把这两种结构。句意:把这两种设计比较一下,你就会发现你的设计有什么问题。设计比较一下,你就会发现你的设计有什么问题。答案:答案:D532(2012青岛二模青岛二模)There is still some doubt_the autumn sports meet will be held in our school,but there is no doubt_ it will be held soon after our National Day holiday.Athat;that Bwhether;whetherCthat;whether Dwhether;that解析:前半句的解析:前半句的some表明人们对此有怀疑,后面的从句表明人们对此有怀疑,后面的从句用用whether引导引导(whether从句为同位语从句从句为同位语从句),there is no doubt后用后用that引导一个同位语从句。引导一个同位语从句。答案:答案:D54


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