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Module 1 Amazing thingsUnit 2 Numbers,第1课时 Vocabulary,建议用时:20分钟实际用时:分钟评价: 一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. The kings f_ game was chess. 2. The king c_ him to the game yesterday. 3. A young man asked a w_ old man for help. 4. If you work hard, you can get d_ money.,avourite,hallenged,ise,ouble,第1课时 Vocabulary,5. He won the first p_ in the game. 6. The story happened in_ (印度)a long time ago. 7. He has a large_ (数额)of work to do every day. 8. The king _(承诺)to give the old man any prize if he won the game.,rize,India,amount,promised,第1课时 Vocabulary,9. So the king ordered his man to _(收集)a bag of rice. 10. _(最后)the old man won the game.,Finally,collect,第1课时 Vocabulary,二、词汇测试 i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。 ( )1. The wise man in this village is very helpful. Yes. He often gives other villagers good advice. A. happy B. intelligent C. ordinary,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )2. Did the little boy finally realize his problem? Yes. And he said he would do better next time. A. know B. hear C. write ( )3. Do you know the amount of rice in this room? No. But we can find a way to find it out. A. price B. quantity C. place,A,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )4. If you give this robot instructions, it will do things as you want. Great. I cant wait to have a try. A. skills B. advice C. orders ( )5. My father promised to go to the movies with me, but he didnt come. Dont feel bad! Maybe another time. A. agreed B. forgot C. tried,C,A,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )6. If you want to finish the work in two days, you must double the workers. Yes. I agree with you. A. make work quickly B. make become twice C. make feel happy,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )7. You didnt answer the question correctly. Whats wrong? Sorry, let me check it again. A. rightly B. finally C. actually ( )8. A long time ago, there was not enough food. Yes. So people often felt hungry and some of them might die. A. So far B. Long long ago C. In a wayii.,A,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( )9. If someone gets a(n)_ , he or she wins something for doing very well. A. prize B. article C. break,A,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )10. To_ is to see if something is true or wrong. A. include B. copy C. check ( )11. Would you like to go camping with me? Sorry. I will play sports with my brother _. A. instead B. however C. else,C,A,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )12. Could you remember these _in five minutes? Let me see. There are ten groups of add numbers. Im afraid I cant. A. miles B. numbers C. grams,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )13. What did the farmer want from the king? He wanted some_ so that he could buy more cows. A. paper B. rocks C. gold,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )14.What do you want to do this afternoon? I want to _ Jim to a chess game. I am sure I can win it. A. challenge B. help C. lead ( )15. Im sorry that I shouted at you this morning. _, but please dont get angry so often. A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind,A,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The teacher is _ (instruction) the students to learn the new words. 2. He was born in a beautiful _ (India) countryside. 3. I think my father is a man full of _ (wise). 4. My mother promised _ (buy) a present for me.,instructing,Indian,wisdom,to buy,第1课时 Vocabulary,5. He went to the library instead of _ (play) computer games. 6. We need to get ready for the_ (challenge) work ahead. 7. He is the second _ (challenge) in the race.,playing,challenging,challenger,第1课时 Vocabulary,8. You should _ (correctly) your answer now. 9. The officer ordered the soldier _ (check) it again. 10. _ (Final), he won the game.,correct,to check,Finally,第1课时 Vocabulary,四、完形填空 Many people are superstitious(迷信的) about numbers. They think that there are lucky numbers and _1_ numbers. The number 13 is often considered(被认为) unlucky. In _2_ parts of the world, buildings dont have the _3_ floor. People go from the twelfth to the fourteenth _4_. Some door numbers are like,第1课时 Vocabulary,that _5_. In Japan, the number 4 is considered unlucky because in Japan the word “four” is pronounced the same as the word “death”. The Japanese _6_ give gifts of four knives, four napkins or four of anything. _7_ are lucky numbers? 7 is a lucky number in many places, and _8_ is considered a lucky number both in Japan and China. In China,第1课时 Vocabulary,businesses often open 8 August 8, and many couples get married at 8:08 on August 8. Some people _9_ lucky numbers very deeply. They would like to get a telephone number with “8” or “6” in it though it _10_ them much more money. They think that the lucky numbers can really bring them good luck, and, at least no evidence(证据)says they can not.,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )1. A. true B. unlucky C. good ( )2. A. every B. any C. some ( )3. A. thirteenth B. thirteen C. thirty ( )4. A. office B. number C. floor ( )5. A. as well B. and so on C. for example,B,C,A,C,A,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )6. A. never B. always C. sometimes ( )7. A. What B. Why C. When ( )8. A. in B. on C. at ( )9. A. plan B. discuss C. believe ( )10. A. costs B. spends C. pays,A,A,B,C,A,第2课时Reading,建议用时:20分钟实际用时:分钟评价: 一、 根据教材P19的课文内容,补全下面短文,每空一词 A long time ago, a king in India 1_ a wise old man to a 2_ game. The king 3_ to give the old man any 4_ if he won. The old man asked for one 5_ of rice for the first square of,challenged,chess,promised,prize,grain,第2课时Reading,the 6_, two for the second, four for the third and then 7_ the amount for each of the 8_ of the squares. Finally, the old man won. The king tried to do as the old man asked, but he quickly 9_ that even with all the rice in the country, he would not have enough rice to put on all the 10_!,chessboard,doubled,rest,realized,squares,第2课时Reading,二、根据教材P19的课文内容,回答下列问题 1. When and where did the story happen? _ 2. What was the kings favourite game? _ 3. What did the king promise the old man? _,It happened in India a long time ago.,His favourite game was chess.,He promised the old man that he could have any prize if he won the game.,第2课时Reading,4. What did the king realize at last? _ 5. What can we learn from this story? _,The king realized that even with all the rice in the country, he would still not have enough rice to put on all the squar,We can learn about the power of numbers from this story.,第2课时Reading,三、阅读理解 This story is about a young man. He worked hard at his lessons. He was too busy. He didnt have time to rest, so he was ill. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he couldnt. He thought, “I must go to see the doctor.” He said to the doctor, “I cant go to sleep at night.” “Try counting numbers. When you reach,第2课时Reading,one thousand, youll be asleep.” The next day the man came back to the doctors office. “Well,” said the doctor, “how are you today?” “Yes,” he said. “I tried counting one, two, three up to (直到)one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drank some tea. Then I went on counting up to one thousand. But I still couldnt fall asleep.”,第2课时Reading,( )1. According to the passage, the young man couldnt go to sleep because _ . A. he didnt finish his lessons B. he was worried about his homework C. he worked too hard and was ill D. there was a lot of housework to do,C,第2课时Reading,( )2. The doctor asked the young man _ . A. to count numbers before he went to bed B. to put all numbers from 1 to 1,000 together C. to go to bed earlier D. to count numbers while he was lying in bed,D,第2课时Reading,( )3. The young man _ . A. counted from 569 to 1,000 B. counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep C. counted from 1 to 1,000 and fell asleep D. counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea,D,第2课时Reading,( )4. The young man _ in fact. A. didnt try to sleep B. couldnt count numbers C. didnt understand the doctors words D. wasnt ill at all,C,第3课时Grammar,建议用时:15分钟实际用时:分钟评价: 一、选择填空 ( )1. August is _ month of a year. A. eight B. eighth C. the eighth ( )2. Which class are you in? I am in _. A. Class One B. Class First C. One Class,C,A,第3课时Grammar,( )3. There are _ students in our school. A. three hundred and twenty two B. three hundred and twenty-two C. three hundred twenty-two ( )4. About _ them are against the plan. A. sixty per cent B. sixty per cent of C. sixty per cents,B,B,第3课时Grammar,( )5. Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. A. Forty; second B. Forty; two C. Fortieth; second ( )6. My grandma is _, but she can still take care of herself. A. on her ninetieth B. on her nineties C. in her nineties,A,C,第3课时Grammar,( )7. He goes to the supermarket _ a day. A. one B. once C. first ( )8. It is_ half eight. We need to get there a quarter _ nine. So hurry! A. past; of B. past; to C. to; past ( )9. Ten _ by ten is one hundred. A. multiply B. multiplies C. multiplied,B,B,C,第3课时Grammar,( )10. This is her _ birthday. A. five B. the five C. fifth ( )11. Twenty divided _ two equals ten. A. by B. from C. and ( )12. There are _ days in a week and Friday is _ day of the week. A. seven; sixth B. seven; the sixth C. seventh; six,C,A,B,第3课时Grammar,( )13. The clothes cost me _ dollars. A. two hundreds B. two hundred of C. two hundred ( )14. I have tried twice, but I will try _ time. A. the third B. three C. a third ( )15. We will plant _ trees next year. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. five hundreds,C,C,A,第3课时Grammar,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. There are_ (twelve) months in a year. 2. September is the _ (nine) month of the year. 3. We are in the _ (twenty-one) century now. 4. Her mother bought a gift for her _ (twenty) birthday.,twelve,ninth,twenty-first,twentieth,第3课时Grammar,5. You need to take the medicine_ (two) a day. 6. National Day is on the _ (one) of October. 7. Ten plus eight is _ (eighteen).,twice,first,eighteen,第3课时Grammar,8. Two _ (multiply) by twenty equals forty. 9. Ten _(divide) by two is five. 10. _ (add) three and two, and you can get five.,multiplied,divided,Add,第3课时Grammar,三、语法填空 One day Mozart saw an old blind street performer playing the violin in the street corner 1. _ a hat in front of him. He 2. _(find) out the old man was playing one of his compositions. The old man played for some time 3. _ nobody put any money in his hat. Mozart asked the old man, “Do you,with,found,but,第3课时Grammar,soften play compositions by Mozart?”“Yes,” answered the old man, “Now, 4._ (nobody) knows Mozart and likes his music.”“Do you make a 5._ (live) by playing the violin?” The old man said he did. And then Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began playing. He played very well. All the passersby,somebody,living,第3课时Grammar,stopped 6._ (listen) to the wonderful music and soon the old man felt very 7. _(surprise) that the man could play so 8._ (beautiful). He asked Mozart, “Who are 9. _, sir?”“Your colleague(同行), a poor 10._ (music) like you.” Then Mozart gave the violin to the old man and went away.,to listen,surprised,beautifully,you,musician,第4课时Listening and speaking,建议用时:15分钟实际用时:分钟评价: 一、情景问答 1.你隔壁班的同学Tony向你们介绍了他的班级的情况,你想了解更多的信息,请根据以下提示向他提两个问题。 (1)你想知道Tony的班级里有多少位同学,你问: _ (2)你想知道Tony在第几组第几排,你问: _,How many students are there in your class?,Which group and row do you sit in?,第4课时Listening and speaking,2. Jack的电脑坏了,他在电话里向你求助,你想了解更多的信息,请根据以下提示向他提两个问题。 (1) 你想了解Jack的电脑怎么了,你问: _ (2)你想知道Jack是否能清晰地看到电脑屏幕上的图片,你问: _,Whats wrong with your computer?,Can you see the picture on screen clearly?,第4课时Listening and speaking,3. 你的朋友告诉你TF boys很受欢迎,你想了解更多的信息,请根据以下提示向他提两个问题。 (1)你想知道谁最喜欢TF boys,你问: _ (2) 你想知道人们为什么喜欢TF boys,你问:_,Who likes TF boys the most?,Why do people like them?,第4课时Listening and speaking,二、思维导图复述 Mr Bean was a worker. He worked in a big factory. He liked eating junk food very much. For example, cola and French fries. Whats worse, he took little exercise. As a result, he became fatter and fatter and couldnt go upstairs easily. So he went to see the doctor. The doctor asked Mr Bean to stop eating junk food and do more exercise to lose,第4课时Listening and speaking,weight. From then on, Mr Bean paid much attention to his health. He didnt eat junk food any more. Besides, he did exercise every day. Now, Mr Bean is quite thin and healthy. 根据上述短文内容完成下面的思维导图,再根据思维导图,复述该篇短文的内容。,Junk food,Fatter and fatter and hard to go upstairs,To give up eating junk food and do more exercise,Paid much attention to his health,Thin and healthy,第4课时Listening and speaking,第4课时Listening and speaking,短文复述: _,Mr Bean liked eating junk food very much, and he took little exercise. As a result, he became fatter and fatter and couldnt go upstairs easily. The doctor advised Mr Bean to stop eating junk food and do more exercise to lose weight. From then on, Mr Bean paid much attention to his health. Mr Bean is quite thin and healthy now.,第5课时Writing,建议用时:15分钟实际用时:分钟评价: 一、翻译下列句子 1. 8除以4等于2。 _ 2. 那就是你想说的全部吗? _ 3. 这张沙发足够大,可容三个人坐。 _,Eight divided by four equals / is two.,Is that all you want to say?,The sofa is big enough for 3 people to sit on.,第5课时Writing,4. 留些食物给我们其余的人。 _ 5. 我承诺不告诉其他任何人。 _ 6. 在我家花园里有很多花,例如百合花、玫瑰花,等等。 _,Leave some food for the rest of us.,I promise not to tell anyone else.,There are many flowers in my garden, such as lilies, roses and so on.,第5课时Writing,7. 刚刚我帮助一位老人把一袋米搬上了5楼。 _ 8. 昨天,在我迷路的时候,我向警察求助了。 _ 9. 从那时起,我们就成为了好朋友。 _ 10. 这次我们应该听从他的意见。_,I helped an old man carry a bag of rice to the fifth floor just now.,When I got lost yesterday, I asked a policeman for help.,From then on, we have been good friends.,We should follow his advice this time.,第5课时Writing,二、书面表达 假设你们班(总数50人)进行了一项有关“做家务”的调查,请根据下面表格中的调查数据,以“Doing housework”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍有关情况并发表自己的看法。短文的标题和开头已给出,不计入总字数。,第5课时Writing,第5课时Writing,Doing housework Last week, our class made a survey on doing housework among ourselves. _ _,According to the survey, 40 per cent of our classmates often do some washing such as washing clothes, dishes and vegetables. There are 35 per cent students cleaning the house. They sweep the floors and clean the window. 12 per cent students do some shopping for their families. And about 8,第5课时Writing,_ _ _,per cent of them do the cooking. However, therere 5 per cent students hardly doing any housework. I think as a member of the family, its our responsibility to do housework. We should learn to do some simple housework. Also, its helpful for us to learn some living skills from it.,谢 谢,


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